Chapter 940
Daoist Xian Dao stared intently and couldn't help being surprised.

It turned out that what appeared beside him was a middle-aged man with a faintly blue face, wearing a set of gray robes that were too loose for the season.

Qi ups and downs, different from ordinary people.

This person called him "Fellow Daoist", and he was able to appear quietly without him being aware of it.At first glance, it seems that it should be the cultivation base of the Dao realm, or even the peak existence in the Dao realm, similar to the yin and yang Taoist master.

But looking carefully, I feel that when the Qi Qi "rises", it has reached an extremely high height; but when it "falls", it is only slightly stronger than the near-dao realm.

Repeatedly wait and see, more and more surprised.

Daoist Xiandao said indifferently: "I don't know which family's position you represent, this unexpected guest, and what kind of high opinion you want to hold?"

The gray-robed middle-aged man smiled and said, "Daoist, please take a look."

After speaking, reach out a little.A light spot slightly larger than a grain of rice appeared on the fingertips immediately.

Daoist Xiandao stretched out his hand to catch it.

This is more than the usual "photographing stone" and other methods, and the heart-to-heart is inherited, as if one after another picture has been personally experienced.

Daozun Xiandao immersed himself in it.

In the middle of the picture, the vegetation is abundant, lush and prosperous.No matter the size or color, they seem to be slightly different from the current world.

One of the teenagers was walking alone in the dense forest with an iron ruler and a bag on his back.

After chopping up a mottled and rotten ancient tree, a square ancient stele suddenly emerged from the black mud, more than three feet in length and width, with more than ten thousand small characters engraved in it.

The young man stood in front of the stele, watching for a long time, and suddenly smiled knowingly.

As time goes by, the young man's morality is getting higher and higher.In the Zongmen position, the core position was quickly established.And seven or eight ancient steles similar to the inscriptions in front appeared one after another.There are more or less scriptures, but they are all in one style.

Thousands of years later, the young man achieved the Sky Profound Realm and became the chief in charge of a sect.

However, he felt faintly that his path was different from that of ordinary people, and it seemed that he should not just continue to practice silently and in accordance with the rules.

So he left the sect and traveled around again.

He came to an unknown place, on top of a solitary peak in the clouds, there was a section of mountain wall excavated by manpower, called "Wen Tian Jue Peak".It is rumored that there once was a Taoist cultivator with extraordinary aptitude, who originally had a smooth path and a short path without hindrance, and had already become the seed of revival that a Taoist sect placed high hopes on;

This person was on this cliff, asking the sky and singing, and finally sat down here.

Because of this allusion, many cultivators after the Nascent Soul Realm, when they were on the verge of dying but could not break through, sang and danced here, expressing their feelings and burning their last brilliance.

On the mountain wall, there are countless engravings left behind at the end of life.

The young man caught a glimpse of the scene in front of him and suddenly realized something.Combined with what I saw in the ancient monuments before, I set up a great ambition to succeed...

Waiting and watching again, Xiandao Daoist was silent.

There is no doubt that the protagonist in the story is himself.

The long story hundreds of thousands of years ago should have been lost in the long river of history.

He is at the peak state of being a Taoist priest, and he has the means to cut off the past and seal the mortal history.It is unbelievable that no outsider has reappeared now.

What caught his attention the most was not here.

There is another difference between this experience just now and his real experience.

The shape of the ancient inscriptions and inscriptions seen by the Daoist Xiandao back then has already been imprinted in his mind perfectly.

But at this moment, the stele itself and the text on the stele are exactly the same as they were back then; but there is only one thing worth noting:

In the scene just now, each stone tablet has a faint shadow under its handwriting, forming four clear words:
"The Great Demon Venerable said."

Back then, although I guessed that what was mentioned in the inscription was the number of magic paths, but I definitely didn't see the four words "Said by the Great Demon Lord".

Daoist Xiandao said coldly: "Where are you going?"

The gray-robed man smiled slightly, flicked his fingers, and picked out a spot the size of a grain of rice.

But this one doesn't need Daoist Xian Dao to pick it up and look at it, it will naturally gather and disperse, turning into streams of light and squinting pictures.

Thousand-year evaluation of the heavens and dynasties of the major worlds.

The gods, gods, and gods who come here have different levels of evaluation, and their joys, sorrows, and joys are also completely different.

Some people who have passed the low-rank assessment and are approaching the end of their lifespan will inevitably be full of worries, drunk and dreaming of death; or they will be moody and violent.

But just when this generation was extremely desperate, someone suddenly came to teach the Dharma.

The stories and experiences in it are exactly the same as those of Rong Kun, the leader of the Songyan Kingdom more than a year ago, and he was used as an example.

Among them, the images of the characters change repeatedly, how Rong Kun is depressed, and how he is taken advantage of by others.In order to obtain all the scriptures, how to actively teach the "true method" and confuse the Shinto practitioners under his command... In about half a year, half of the gods and uncles under his rule who are equivalent to the state of transforming gods have switched to the new method.

This news can be described as a bolt from the blue.

But Daoist Xiandao's expression remained flat, and he didn't seem too surprised.

Without him, the weight of this matter matched the omen that was hidden in his heart.

Hundreds of thousands of years of hard work have been poached by someone.

What really made him feel the pressure was the other party's confident attitude.

Undoubtedly, the expansion speed of such cases in the lower realm is almost rapid, and the poison is endless.Even if the other party makes a fortune silently and waits for three to five years, I am afraid that a large part of the foundation of the divine way will be corroded.

Today this person showed it face to face, naturally not for showing off.

This is because the opponent is convinced that the general trend is irreversible.

The Taoism of the holy teachings needs to be enlightened by the Divine Will Tianchi; while the Taoism mastered by the opponent can break through the situation with just a single skill.Comparing the two sides, it is almost impossible to stop.Even if the general trend of the divine way has been established, at most it can only be identified at the level of Jietian and Dynasty.

Further down, it is impossible to achieve effective control.

The gray-robed man said quietly: "If there is a debt, there must be a repayment. It is pre-determined. It is of course the right thing for fellow Taoists to borrow my magic way, and now it is clear. Acting in the way of the devil, you will not forget the fish when you catch the fish, and abandon the raft when crossing the river. The two methods disagree and attack each other, which is not the original intention of the Great Demon Venerable."

"So, here's a way to 'close' the best of both worlds."

As soon as the words fell, the gray-robed man took out a jade slip and scattered it lightly.

Daoist Xiandao took a look.

Among the jade slips is a volume of exercises.

On the basis of today's Shinto formulas, nine out of ten are inherited from the old ones; however, it seems that the new ideas are very subtle.At first glance, it seems to be a pure Shinto method; but from another angle, it is similar to the purest magical secret code.

The gray-robed man said leisurely: "It is said that someone in the divine way will break through the Dao realm? It is really gratifying. You can pass it on to fellow Taoists. Because there is another breakthrough in the divine way, the deduction of the formula has gone further, and finally reached the perfect and flawless ultimate. realm."

"In this way, the ultimate purpose of the divine way is that the immortals and demons will join forces and achieve the same goal by different routes. This is the true face of the Taoist will after lifting the last veil. Shinto monks can learn from the methods of the immortal gate, and they can also turn their heads to worship Sacrifice to the Demon Lord and turn him into followers of the Demon Lord. It is up to him to choose what path he will take."

"Thousands of years, ten thousand years later, the Holy Cult should add the word 'devil' and change its name to the Holy Demon Cult. There is no discrimination in teaching, and the door of convenience is wide open."

"Of course, these are things for later, and there is no rush."

"Open a hole first, that's all."

Daoist Xiandao's eyes fluttered, as if looking into the distance.

The gray-robed man looked calm, as if he was quietly waiting for the decision of Taoist Xiandao.

Suddenly, Daoist Xiandao stretched out his hand to lead him.

A stream of three-color clear air descended suddenly, splitting the gray-robed man in front of him to pieces.

The gray-robed man's face was blank and astonished, but the next moment, he disappeared completely.

Daoist Xiandao said to himself: "Someone is borrowing; you are stealing; they cannot be compared."

He traced back to the source of his mind and asked himself the method of the divine way, although he was inspired by the few stone tablets of the Demon Sect.But among them, the essence of Daoism is gradually pouring in, which is the real mainstream.

Show the way, show the way.

Shinto, which will grow into an independent avenue, is by no means a complete inheritance of the magic way.

One's own way cannot be obliterated.

However, the opponent's up-and-coming card was played, and there was really no proper countermeasure for a while.

ps: draft.Read it again at night to check for typos and sentences.

(End of this chapter)

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