Chapter 948
It didn't take long for news to spread among the important core direct descendants.

Gui Wugui intends to make great progress, looking for a further opportunity to get closer to the Dao Realm.

It seems that there is no increase, but we still have to find another way.

When the news spread, everyone was filled with emotion.

It seems that day by day, the more you chase after it, the farther you get away from it.

But half a year passed in the blink of an eye, Gui Wujiu was sitting in the small world of the Banshi Sect, and there seemed to be no movement...

Blue stone flowing spring, the situation is wonderful.

Sitting cross-legged without blame.

A small "obstruction" lingers in my heart.

The so-called "finding opportunities" is naturally not a blind man touching an elephant, bumping into the sky alone in this Ziwei big world, chasing whatever he wants.

It stands to reason that since he has the idea of ​​"searching" and clearly knows what he is looking for, then by holding on to it, practicing it, and having fun with it, he will naturally be able to get clues - when to set off and where to go.

This is the actual effect brought by Gui Wujiu's extraordinary sense of Taoism and Jianxin's enlightenment.

But that's not the case.

After Gui Wujiu confessed his heart to Qin Menglin, Wei Qingqi, Xun Shen and others, he took care of his heart alone for more than ten days, but he didn't have a clear "goal" in his heart.

It seems that the road ahead is vast and unpredictable.

If he hadn't gone through the hurdle of Jiuhezong's enlightenment, maybe Gui Wugui would have to linger at this step for a long time.But after gaining experience, Gui Wugui already knew what to do next.

Don't stick to one thought or one thing, open your mind and examine all thoughts.

From an overall and indirect point of view, look for that trace of "unharmonious".

Half a year later, Gui Wujiu slowly opened his eyes.

He jumped up and came to a bronze hall on the other side of the small world.

After about a few breaths, Qin Menglin's clear shadow flickered and escaped from it.

The last ten years have been the critical season for Qin Menglin's younger brother, Qin Mengxiao, to retreat and practice in depth, and to combine Yin and Yang Taoism.Once successful, it will be a matter of course to achieve the near-dao state through the Yin-Yang Taoism in the future.

Qin Menglin didn't hesitate to point out the maze himself.

Whether it is the Nine Sects of Heroes, or the Hidden Sect Toshiyan, or the direct descendant of the Yaozu.Those who can achieve shortcuts are not small numbers.

But most of them always have their own position.

Even if in the future through the new law established by Gui Wugui, the two parties will form a cause and effect.But how deep this cause and effect is, it is really hard to say.

Such as Dugu Xinling, Qin Mengxiao, and even Gui Wugui's new mount Kong Ling, who can achieve the realm of shortcuts in the future, will play a vital role in supporting the core strength of one's own side.

Qin Menglin's eyes turned clear, and said: "Finally found the clue, are you going out?"

Before Gui Wugui could speak, the color in Qin Menglin's own eyes darkened suddenly, and he changed his words: "No. It's not that you want to go out. You want to find me to verify something."

Changying Xingzhong has cultivated for thousands of years, and Qin Menglin's deduction has also progressed to a deep and unfathomable realm.

Gui Wugui laughed and said, "Exactly."

"Since you have already got one, it's better to turn three. A good wife might as well make a guess. I'll ask you to verify it. What will happen?"

There seemed to be a brilliance on Qin Menglin's face, and after a few breaths, he said slowly: "The relationship between you and me has already reached the point of being seamless and omniscient. If you hold on to your thoughts and stay with me For a long time, I must have a feeling. So, it's not me."

"What you are looking for is my master."

No blame smiled and nodded.


An hour later.

Among the four secret places of Yin-Yang Dao, Gui Wujiu's only "cold secret place" that has not been visited in person, is now finally seen.

At first glance, this place is full of vitality and lush vegetation.But if you look carefully, there are actually very few broad-leaved green grasses. Although spiritual plants are widely covered, they are densely covered from far and near. They are either tree trunks full of fine buds, or thick and strong cacti, and the surface is covered with a layer of bright light. luster.

In the central open space, there stands a copper hall with a deep and unknown taste.

It is the palace where the master of Yin and Yang sits.

This hall is not limited to one place, but changes at any time, flowing between the cave of Yin and Yang, the secret world, and the four major secret places.At this moment, it is appropriate to be in the "cold secret place".

In the copper palace.

The yin and yang Taoist sits opposite Gui Wugui.In the weather, the previous majestic refusal was no longer seen, but it seemed a little approachable.

In front of the two of them, each had a large bowl of tea.There are two green leaves in the porcelain bowl, other than that there are several large and small foreign objects, like olives and almonds, but they are slightly smaller.When it is soaked, this bowl of hot tea will have two layers of red and green on the bottom.

Even the yin and yang Taoist master has to admit that after meeting Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin's Taoism trajectory has taken another leap forward, which is better than cultivating deeply in the secret place of the yin and yang way alone.

It seems that dual cultivation is taking the momentum and stirring up the whole world, this step is the right one.

The yin and yang Taoist asked about his purpose.

Gui Wujiu thought that there was no need to hide anything, and said calmly: "Now my cultivation has reached the extreme before the near-dao realm, but there are still more than two hundred years before the opportunity to break through the realm. When the boat arrives at the bridge, or witness it from the sidelines. One thought. In the remaining two hundred years, there is a possibility of further improvement. It’s just that it doesn’t fall on Taoism, it doesn’t fall on supernatural powers, but falls on the subtle realm that has never been seen before.”

The Yin-Yang Daoist smiled slightly, and said: "You are so mysterious in the Dao, you are very powerful in the nine sects of the Dao Realm, and all of you have extraordinary knowledge. Why don't you ask them, and ask me instead?"

Gui Wugui said calmly: "I have searched for the purity of my mind, but if there is no harmony, it should be with the Taoist master."

Yin Yang Taoist said calmly: "Talk about it."

Gui Wugui said: "I once had a field hunting meeting of the Peacock Clan, and met the ancestor of the upper realm of the Peacock Clan. This matter, before meeting the Taoist Lord."

"However, after the Yin-Yang Cave Heaven battle, I met the Dao Master. At that time, a thought arose in my heart—it seems that the Yin-Yang Dao Master's weather is different and his magic power is better than the Ascension Demon Ancestor."

"Until a few years ago, several demon ancestors came to the world separately. In their campaign to conquer the southeast, they revealed the order of time and space and various methods of multiplying power. Through the lectures by the great masters of the Taoist realm in the door, the achievements of the soaring demon ancestors The realm can be regarded as having a rough grasp."

"To put it bluntly, it seems that the Taoist master's meritorious deeds have not reached the same level as Feisheng Yaozu."

The expression of the Lord of Yin and Yang remained unchanged.

Don't underestimate the four great demon ancestors attacking the Nine Sects together and returning in defeat in the end.Among other things, the various methods of pre-condensing and bringing back to the lower realm were not blocked by the four resident celestial beings, but still borrowed from the legacy of the nine former sages.

Not to mention that the red charm saint ancestor took a step down to the lower realm, so it is better to strike first.In one fell swoop, it strengthened the luck foundation of the allies of the Yinzong Monster Clan, making it impossible for those who are one step late.

Although the Yin-Yang Dao Master's Taoism is unfathomable, it seems that he has not reached the point where he can easily refine such a mysterious method, and one step is easier to generalize.

After more than ten breaths, the Yin-Yang Taoist said slowly: "The time and the boundary are limited. Whether it is the profound method of responding to the boundary, or the means of combining forces, it is indeed beyond the reach of someone."

Gui Wujiu's attitude suddenly became solemn: "But the thought in Gui Wujiu's heart at that time has not disintegrated until now. This is the dissonance."

If the facts are verified, although the Yin-Yang Dao Master is brilliant, he is still slightly inferior to the Ascension Demon Ancestor.

The idea of ​​blaming the past is just a "delusion" caused by insufficient meritorious deeds and too shallow a level.

Then when the time comes, the "truth" is established, the Dao heart flows, and the wrong thoughts of the past will naturally be eliminated.

But the truth is, it doesn't.

This shows one thing -

In the Yin-Yang Taoist, it seems that there is a deep unknown secret.

Taoist Yin Yang picked up the tea bowl, took a sip, then got up, and said leisurely: "Unexpectedly, before the shortcut, someone could sense this step... Are you really sure that this matter is the same as you and Jiuzong two hundred years later? That opponent, the competition between Xuanyuan Huai, is it very related?"

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

Taoist Yin Yang looked up at the sky, and after about a quarter of an hour, he suddenly asked, "Do you know what the shape of Ziwei Great World is?"

This question can be described as very tricky and weird.

If it were a direct descendant with high merit, I am afraid that he would be dumbfounded at this time.

But imputation has touched some margins.

Seeing that Gui Wujiu stretched out his hand a little, drawing out a shape that looked like a square or a circle.

Back then, the Patriarch Peacock demonstrated the separation of Xinghan and Han for Gui Wugui. Although he did not describe the outline of the big world in detail, he only said "in general", but it was almost the same.

The yin and yang Taoist smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Gui Wugui murmured, "Isn't it this shape?"

Taoist Yin Yang touched his sleeve and took out a piece of jade.

Gui Wugui took a closer look, the shape of this jade jue seemed similar to the one he painted.

The Yin-Yang Taoist shook his head slightly, and immediately a little light overflowed from his fingertips, and drilled a small hole the size of a grain of rice on the jade.

(End of this chapter)

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