Chapter 951
In the secret room of Xiaojie, Gui Wugui sat cross-legged.

Two feet away in front of him, a bright pearl was shining brightly, floating in the sky.

Gui Wugui's heart is frank, this is the truth.

At the beginning, due to the destruction of the lotus of the Three Tribulations, the fate of the ink beads was thought to replace it.The so-called one drink and one peck is pre-determined.The use of this thing is bound to do its utmost to help on the smooth path of returning to no blame.

The first two rounds of use involved the secrets of the Three Lives, Yin and Yang, the Cave of Heaven, and the origin of the Four Classics of the Demon Gate, all of which are very important opportunities.

After hearing about the whereabouts of the Niyu Xuanshi from the Patriarch of the Peacock and the Lord of Yin and Yang, Gui Wujiu once had a faint thought in his mind——

Whether there are still some flaws in the journey of shamanism, in the end, this thing is needed to fill in the gaps.

But none of this happened.

Now the lack of Gui Wuyu Yuding's mistakes has been completely made up, and the Taoism has reached the extreme state where there is no way to increase it. The forces and assistance behind it are also pervasive, and the mainstream Taoism is all included.But Gui Wugui doesn't believe that Jingzhu's last chance is "saved" like this, and even becomes his "backup background".

This is not in line with the principle of cause and effect.

Today, everything is clear.

Gui Wugui meditated silently in his heart.

The brilliance of mirror pearls is becoming more and more prosperous.

Until it fills the inside and outside of more than ten feet, it is omnipresent.

This luster is very wonderful.

Within a range of more than ten feet, the surrounding water, springs, mountains and rocks are all reflected to the bone.It is thousands of times stronger than the brilliance of the sun and the moon. The original color of the mountain rock is dark and dark, but under the strong light at this time, it seems to have become transparent and clear.

But more than ten feet away, these brilliance do not seem to exist, and there is still only the sound of spring water, and it is cold and lonely.

Gui Wugui was slightly surprised.

The first two rounds of using the "Mirror Beads" were extremely refreshing.Ask for the supreme classic of the magic way, ask for the secrets of breaking through the purple air barrier, and with a thought, the desired thing will naturally take shape and reflect into the body.

But this time, there seemed to be some twists and turns, making me wait for a long time.

After more than a hundred breaths.

The brilliance of the mirror pearl is so full that it almost completely obliterates the difference in the outline of everything inside and outside the ten feet.Then, in this "whiteness", a silhouette of a human figure suddenly appeared.

Su Yi and bare feet, like a passer-by, slowly walked by Gui Wu Jiu's side.

At this moment, Gui Wujiu's mind was full, as if he had entered a retreat, his mind surged to the extreme state, and he was deducing Kongyun Nianjian or other great god channeling skills.

But in fact, Gui Wujiu's mind was empty, even he himself didn't know where this sudden surge of divine intent was being used.

As soon as the auspicious light dissipated, the tide of Gui Wugui's mind suddenly retreated.

At the same time, an extra text appeared in my mind.

In the text, the crape myrtle world is surrounded by the center, which is called the "fundamental world".

The means to escape back to the fundamental world is already available.

After reading it carefully, Gui Wugui secretly praised it in his heart.

Among the profound causes and effects, at this time, Da Ming.

There are two difficulties in returning to the outside world.

One of them, the orientation and shape of the "fundamental world", was originally an extremely wonderful existence.

According to the metaphor of the Yin-Yang Daoist, this "image" seems to be the empty space in the middle of the "circle" of the Ziwei Great World.This statement cannot be wrong.But at the same time, this "boundary" is on the periphery of Ziwei's great world, above the insignificant void.Roughly described, it is similar to the "outer ring" of "Jade Jue" in the Ziwei Great World.

This is not like connecting the two places of A and B like the same way of yin and yang caves and heavens; the inexplicable place of the "fundamental world" spans the radius of the entire Ziwei Great World and connects the two spaces of the "inner ring" and "outer ring".

Rather, the inner ring is the outer ring, and the outer ring is the inner ring.

It is extremely difficult for people who are not Taoist to comprehend.

So this difficulty is highlighted.Go fashion does not feel.But when you come, it is not equivalent to going to a certain place in the Ziwei Great World, but more similar to returning from outside the Ziwei Great World and in the turbulent space.This process requires resistance at the level of Dao Realm.

The wonderful thing is that people in the Ziwei Great World, even if they have seen deeply and can roughly see the outline of the Ziwei Great World, it is difficult to see through the huge difference between escaping and returning.

Just like the Lord of Yin and Yang.His avatar is actually only equivalent to one-thousandth of his own magic power; it is naturally nonsensical to want to return.

When passing through the turbulent flow of space, the clone was naturally shredded.

In order to escape successfully, at least one equal part of the magic power is needed.

Gui Wugui's current cultivation is naturally very different; his basic strength is not enough, and he needs the protection of a magic weapon for a hundred years.

Treasures at the level of the Dao Realm can be protected without hindrance.

Gui Wugui naturally does not have treasures of this level.

The next best thing to do is if there is a treasure at the peak level of the Hunyuan True Treasure, it can also be done.Today's small blacksmiths are at this level; all the treasures of the Nine Sects are also at this level.

However, the replacement of such a level of treasure is somewhat reluctant; even if it is successfully passed, the treasure will inevitably be annihilated and damaged.

Gui Wugui had an appointment with the little blacksmith to become enlightened, so naturally he would not do so.

Fortunately, there is still a solution for the rest.

That is to transform the legacy of existence in the Dao realm into a treasure of body protection.Then it can be substituted.Especially the relics of the demon ancestors of the monster clan, because of their strong origin, they are better than the remains of human beings.

This thing is ready-made.

I don't know why this is the last use of the mirror beads, but the content presented in it is very detailed.There are even two formulas for refining the lost treasure.

It's nothing to blame, but I feel a little regretful in my heart.

It turned out that if the complete remnant of the Ascending Demon Ancestor was directed towards the real Dao Treasure, it would be enough to be used as the main material.

But in such a sacrificial refining process, even if there is one master of the Dao realm as the master, and eighty-one people close to the Dao realm as assistants, the time it takes can range from three thousand years to eight hundred years.Only in this way can we refine the treasure of the Dao Realm with full fineness.

But now Gui Wugui doesn't need to refine spiritually self-sufficient treasures, but just needs a "body" or "armor" for body protection, which can be discarded after use.The refining process has also become extremely simple, it only takes eighty-one days.

It is equivalent to saying that as the price of going deep into the secret realm, a piece of spiritual material with great potential was wasted.

This "threshold" seems daunting, but compared with the second threshold, it is nothing.

Because if it is only at this level, as the Yin-Yang Daoist imagined, the power of the Demon Lord with far-reaching wisdom and insight will naturally grab the fruit from the lower realm.

Another difficulty is--

If one has the mana power to know all realms of wisdom and deduce the heavens, one will naturally be able to ascertain the cause and effect of one realm, and deduce any difficulties clearly.

But if you want to escape into the world of Ziwei, you need not exceed the limit of mana that this world can bear.

But the karmic change of the robbery force in the Ziwei Great World is incomparably brilliant, and it cannot be deduced unless there is a higher level that is far beyond the level.The ending can only be to fall into the void forever.

This itself is also a contradiction.

Or Yun, is it possible to drop a clone whose magic power does not exceed the level of the Ziwei Great World when it comes into the world? True root fruit.

This method is also not feasible.

Because the "fundamental ground" is the foundation of the world of Ziwei, the spiritual heart, and there is no room for things that turn against the guest.If the magic power in it exceeds the limit, before it has time to calculate, the whole world of Ziwei will be completely collapsed and annihilated, waiting to be responsible for the great cause and effect of destroying a world.

Just now the use of the mirror bead, the power of calculation in it has reached the limit of the limit, so the scene presented is different from the previous two times.

If there is no special "fate method", even the mirror bead calculation today will fail.

But by coincidence, there is exactly a "fate law".

To this day, Gui Wugui is the first person to know this secret.

The Dragon Clan's Triple Nine Palaces Boundary Breaking Method.

All the sages of the dragon clan, the existence of the Dao realm, and even the soaring power like Long Yun.Everyone understands that the practice of breaking the boundaries of the Nine Palaces seems to be very beneficial to the luck of the family.

The location of the "Dragon Realm" they know is to expand along the periphery of the Ziwei Great World, step out in one step, and enter the void.

All the phases of the stars, the calculation of the distance of the space channel, and the art of anchoring the direction.Nothing proves this.

But no one knows—

Because of the wonderful characteristics of "the inner ring is the outer ring" and "the outer ring is the inner ring" of the jade in the Ziwei Great World, in fact, the real position of the Dragon Realm is already in the middle of the "Jade" near the inner wall, and it is completely empty. The very center of the city is "fundamentally", living next to each other.

Just at the moment when the Dragon Clan felt as if the connection with the Ziwei Great World had disappeared, this mysterious transformation was completed quietly.

Therefore, there is an extra "cause" in the calculation of the mirror beads.

Using the dragon world as the coordinates, the method of return can be found smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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