Nothing is to blame

Chapter 955 Outline of the Regulations of the 5 Clubs in Honshu

Chapter 955 Outline of Regulations of the Five Clubs in Honshu
Gui Wugui could clearly feel that the heart lake of the blue-clothed boy's consciousness receded quickly like a tide.

Then own divine will occupy this body, perfect and flawless.

There is a way of seizing homes in the immortal way.

However, after performing "Duoshe", there are often sequelae such as splitting headaches, disintegration of consciousness, and even memory loss and confusion in severe cases.However, there is no such side effect at all at this moment, it seems that there is no entity in itself, and the fit with the body in front of him is an extremely perfect fit.

All memories also surfaced naturally, just like my own real experience, without any dissonance.

The self at this time is named Mo You.

The one who was about the same age as me and who had just changed the chicken legs was named Pinghujing.

As for the two elders beside him, the mighty and majestic one is named Xiaohun.The name is a bit weird; but according to the characters of this world, corresponding to Gui Wu Jiu's mind, it is indeed the word "Xiao Hun".

The one with white hair, loose on the outside and tight on the inside, is named Liudong.

This "world" is much smaller than what Gui Wugui imagined.

The entire "Muna Benzhou", surrounded by mountains and rivers, is ruled by five major forces, known as the "Five Great Shrines".

Four of them belonged to the "Northern Sand Shrine". As the name suggests, the orientation is in the north, and the area is mainly sand and gravel.Not counting the common people, but only counting the population of the "community clan" with the blood of profound strength, it unexpectedly does not exceed half a million, and the places where they gather are very concentrated.The area under its jurisdiction is no more than a thousand miles away from the northern desert to the borders of the other major shrines in the east and south.

Beisha Shrine, Chaowu Shrine in the southwest, Star Iron Shrine in the middle, Yanyang Shrine in the east, and Grass Leaf Shrine in the south form the five major shrines.

In addition to the five major shrines, there are dozens of smaller shrines living in the cracks between the five major shrines.

In Moyou's memory, the furthest from the Beisha Shrine is the secret place "Thousand Archipelago" under the jurisdiction of the Grass Leaf Shrine in the south.

The straight-line distance between the two is about [-] miles.

It stands to reason that such a "small" world is not even as good as the giant dynasty of the mortal kingdom in the Ziwei Great World.In the perception of impunity, it should be taken for granted that this is only a small part of the world he knows.

However, the eye-catching "Xuanli" cultivation system here made Gui Wujiu have an idea. This so-called "Muna Benzhou" is the essence of the Ziwei Great World, where the essence gathers and manifests the truth. up.

Beisha Shrine, its profound strength is exerted to the fullest, all in one of the "soil".

At this moment, Gui Wujiu can clearly feel that he is extremely closely connected with the "fine sand" contained in the four-section gourd on his back; it seems that this is a part of his body, just like the hump of a camel.

Those with the bloodline of profound strength in Beisha Shrine will be able to "control the earth" once awakened.

The so-called "controlling the soil" is to use the soil contained in the gourd on the back to change its shape, shape, hardness and softness, and use it in offensive and defensive battles.

The growth of skills and the level jump are different from the method of internal training in the fairy gate, and it is completely on the soil hidden in the gourd.

The source of the earth is the same for all.

From the day when the blood is awakened, you can get soil from the secret place "Yunling Valley" of the Sand Shrine, and ask for a gourd in the main hall of the shrine.

Then, they all concentrated on practicing in the "Shansha Hall" specially trained for reserve disciples, and practiced for six years.Of course, six years is not a fixed number. Depending on the qualifications of the entrants, it may be as short as one to six years.Until you master the twelve basic "soil shape methods" and refine the "primary soil" in the gourd behind your back into "coarse sand", you will be "out of the hall".

After at least three months of preparatory training, he will be able to serve the shrine and become a lowest-level "bronze town guard".

If the profound strength is cultivated purely, the shape of the soil in the gourd on the back will change with the refining, and it will be able to leap by itself.

If the thing in the gourd is upgraded from "coarse sand" to "fine sand", the combat power of "Earth Master" will be increased by more than ten times under the same scale.

Once the assessment is confirmed, the corresponding level will also be raised from "Bronze Guard" to "Silver Guard".

Going up a level, "fine sand" is upgraded to "fine sand", and the combat power has skyrocketed again, and the level can also be upgraded from "silver guard" to "gold guard".

Becoming the Golden Guardian is almost the backbone of the shrine.

Above the Golden Guardian, there are still two classes.

One step up, the gourd in the back has been upgraded to "true soil", and the changes are almost unpredictable.The corresponding rank is known as "Town Guard Leader".

Today, in the entire Counting Sand God Realm, there are no more than thirty or forty people at the first level of "Town Guard Leader".

At the highest level, the gourd on the back contains the "Yuan Soil", which is known as the essence of all soils. Once used, it will almost bear the great supernatural power to destroy mountains and rocks, and collapse a country.

Such realms can no longer be called "Wei", but "shezheng".

The "community owner", who is known as the leader of a society, must have the level of "community leadership", which is a prerequisite.

If the era is prosperous and more than one "shezheng" comes out as the times require, then all the "guardians" in the shrine will vote in a referendum to choose the most convincing person as the leader.

At this moment.

Xiao Hun and Liu Dong are the first-level cultivation bases of serious "Zhenwei Leaders".

However, the "Mo You" incarnated by Gui Wujiu and the thick-browed boy Ping Huyin are both of the rank of Baiyin Zhenwei.

Now the [-]th "Continental War" broke out in Mana Island in history, and the five major shrines fought together.

With Liu Dong as the captain, Xiao Hun as the team deputy, and Gui Wujiu and Heping Huyin as the members of the "Dead Leaf" team, they were ordered to guard the outpost on the western border of Beisha Shrine.Be prepared for a possible raid on Asagiri Shrine.

In the current situation, Beisha Shrine and Caoye Shrine have formed an alliance, Yanyang Shrine and Xingtie Shrine have formed an alliance, and the two sides are fighting fiercely on the four main battlefields in the east and south.

As for the Asagiri Shrine, it was originally a wait-and-see attitude.

But one month ago, the owner of Beisha Shrine personally summoned Liudong and Xiaohun, saying that Asagiri Shrine seemed to be ready to move.

Form a "dead leaf" team to find out the truth.

Under normal circumstances, a person at the first level of the "Town Guard Leader" is already regarded as a pillar of the shrine, and it is rare for two people to act in the same team.

It is normal for a "guard leader" to lead five to seven or even ten or more gold guards.

The reason for such a special arrangement is because "Mo You", the incarnation of Pinghu Yin and Gui Wugui, are both extraordinary people, and they can be called the power of the younger generations in Beisha Shrine.

In layman's terms, it is equivalent to the descendants and geniuses of Ziwei Great World's orthodoxy.

To guide and guide these direct disciples, actual combat is used instead of drills. In order to be safe, two plus two are usually used to ensure that one can protect the other in critical moments.

Awakening of profound strength, usually around the age of six, enters the "Sand Counting Hall" to study.

A clear standard is that it takes six years to refine into "coarse sand" and officially "come out" whether it is done step by step.

Any custom made earlier than six years is called a genius.

After becoming a "Bronze Town Guard", it is different from the slow pace in the immortal way, which takes dozens or hundreds of years to break through. In this world, even the highest level of "shezheng" with the highest cultivation, the lifespan is only two hundred years old. Yu Sui.When breaking through the situation, it is even more important to be straight forward, the sooner the better.

If you break through the first realm within six years, you will be a selected genius; if you break through for more than twelve years, then even breaking through is just a fluke, and you will probably miss the next realm.

The seemingly carefree young Pinghu Yin entered the Suansha Hall at the age of six, and became a bronze guard three years later.

Another four years later, before his thirteenth birthday—about forty-five days before—he broke through again and became a Baiyin town guard.

As for Mo You, it was even better.

Also entered the Shaansha Hall at the age of six, and successfully graduated after one year and three months. The speed ranked seventh since Tiansha Shrine's registration.

Fourteen months later, at the age of eight and a half, he became a Baiyin town guard.

But after this point, Mo You, who bears the huge expectation of "breaking a realm in two years", seems to be a little quiet.Until today, three and a half years have passed.He has reached the age of twelve, but he has not broken through again.Even if he breaks through the golden town guard at this time, he will not be in the top [-] among the registrations of this shrine.

For no reason, Gui Wujiu had another very definite thought in his mind:

As long as he wants to, with the movement of his mind, he seems to be able to upgrade the soil in the gourd behind his back from "fine sand" to "fine sand" at any time...

Even going forward, step by step to the end...

Just when Gui Wujiu was thinking about it, Liu Dong, who seemed to be acting sloppy, suddenly yelled!
With a wave of his sleeves, he is quick.

Then in the gourd behind him, the pure black soil, like the sludge at the bottom of a pond, spewed out at the most violent speed, turning into a wall more than ten feet high, resisting it from a hundred feet away!

Then, there was a roar that shook the eardrums.

(End of this chapter)

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