Chapter 957
After confirming the message, Gui Wujiu waited for the group to make a decisive decision and return immediately.

Squads that divide their forces and fight independently have a unique method of warning called "Measurement Array".Within a certain area, there are more opponents than the team, and it is difficult to escape the screening of the "measurement array".

Therefore, the form of battle is often to use sharp knives to deal with sharp knives, and use the same number of troops with higher quality to pull out the "nails" unexpectedly.

Asagiri Shrine also acted in the same way, but it was only a failure.

At this point, since the Liudong team has accurately ascertained the enemy's intentions, it is not appropriate to stay for a long time. Perhaps the Chaowu Shrine's soldiers will be overwhelming in an instant.

The method for the four of them to return is precisely Xiaohun's "sand method", which is like a floating round cake.

In terms of instantaneous speed, in fact, this so-called "flying" method is not as good as running at the maximum speed; but it is most suitable for long-term strength.

on the road.

After flying away for about a quarter of an hour.

Leaning his whole body, the "sandcake" he was standing on was no more than a foot away.Then he cast his gaze and solemnly said: "Congratulations, Mo You."

"Although you are only twelve years old, you have been known for your quick thinking since you were a child. With your intelligence and wisdom, even if you want to come up with many diving undercurrents, you can't hide it from you."

Gui Wugui smiled slightly, and only gave a slight "hmm".

The background of Moyou is also one of the nine major families in Beisha Shrine.But his family has been sparsely populated in the past few hundred years, and it has been a single lineage for [-] consecutive generations.In Moyou's generation, due to the premature death of other parents, many clans have unique secret methods, which were taught by their grandmothers when they were young.

Moyou was seven years old and three months old, counting the completion of Shatang, and Beisha Shrine has been ranked seventh since its registration.

At the age of eight and a half, he was promoted to Baiyin Zhenwei, and his breakthrough speed ranked eleventh in history.

Even now, three and a half years have not broken the border, a little delay.

Became the Golden Guard at the age of twelve, already out of the top [-] in history, but still not beyond the top [-].

It stands to reason that he should still be a rare genius in ancient and modern times.

But reading the biographies of ancient and modern celebrities, we can conclude a rule.All those who break through the silver guards are completed within two years, then this person's breakthrough to the gold guards will also be completed within two years.

Mo You was the first accident.

So on Mo You's body, the shadow of "the genius fades away and the crowd disappears" gradually grows stronger like a ghost.

After all, in the history of Mana Island, it is not uncommon for the small ones to be too big to be good.

This time the team selection is an example.

Although Pinghuyin was considered a genius, his aptitude to become a guard of Baiyin at the age of thirteen could only be said to be a "temporary talent", which was far from Mo You.If Mo You still bears the aura of Beisha Shrine's top ten breaking speed in history, then he will never join the Liudong team.

It is the right way to be personally instructed by a certain social leader or even the social leader.

Fortunately, today they completed the [-]-day breakthrough of the golden guard, which is a peerless genius limit, which made Liu Dong and others sincerely happy.

Liu Dong said: "What a coincidence. This year's promotion ceremony is just the seventh day after we returned to the shrine. If you miss this year, you will have to ascend for a year in vain. Congratulations, the opportunity to show off has come .”

Ping Huyin stretched his neck, and said sourly: "Is it "The Map of Time"? Indeed, it is a chance to show off."

Each of the five major shrines has a tradition.Record the most meaningful fragments in the history of this shrine.It is roughly equivalent to the "photographic map" in the Ziwei Great World.

It's just that the method of recording this picture is much more complicated than that of taking pictures. In the tense and complicated fighting environment, unless the two sides line up to invite a fight, it is not easy to record.

As the "Time-Showing Picture" of the shrine's glorious history, the non-wartime picture volume occupies a larger part.

Among them, the biggest problem is the performance and the ceremony.

Especially in the promotion ceremony every year, if someone who looks particularly young participates, it must be recorded—everyone knows what it means.

Gui Wugui frowned.

There are indeed some evils--

Just now, when Liudong, Xiaohun, and Pinghuyin talked with him, he was a little absent-minded.

What lingers in my mind is first the local conditions and customs of Beisha Shrine, then the acceptance of meritorious service and promotion ceremony; and then, as usual, after completing a dangerous task, I have to take a period of time to rest and recuperate my body and mind...Of course, before that, Find a few companions who are rare and have a good relationship with you, and have a drink to celebrate.

After three months, if the shrine does not issue new instructions, then I have to step up my training and strive to break through again...

In other words, Gui Wugui seems to be "deeply immersed" and has completely entered the role of "Moyou". It seems that he has even forgotten the fact that he can raise the rank of the earth in the gourd at any time with a move of his own mind.

Obviously I had just experienced a "strong stimulus" and discovered the truth of the upside-down world, but as soon as I was inattentive, this sobriety faded away again.

It seems to be just a dream.

I was very lucid when I was dreaming; but if I didn't record it specially, otherwise, once I forgot it, it would disappear.

Gui Wugui is also a person who has experienced countless trials in Ziwei's big world, and has already reached the level of lifting weights like light; but at this moment, facing this weird "easily forgettable", there is really a bit of heavy pressure.


The architectural style of Beisha Shrine is quite peculiar.

It is a semi-open cave dwelling built in a giant valley.

Among them, the main hall of the shrine, which is the core of a major force, occupies a huge peak. Inside the dark wall, there are a total of [-] gates on all sides, and [-] small rooms are hidden.The main hall is in the middle, the side hall is on the side, and the inner hall for the life and study of the owner of the society is behind, which is quite like a palace view in a secular dynasty.

Today is seven days after returning to the shrine.

The annual promotion ceremony.

The place where the ceremony is held is Xinyuetai, the largest hall in the main hall of the shrine.

This hall is a square, plus a semicircle splicing together.In the semicircular part, there are twelve huge stone pillars with a thickness of more than ten feet and a height of more than ten feet, which are the facade of the main hall, which is extremely magnificent.

The front door is completely open, and the scene in the palace can be seen at a glance.

The ground in the hall is achieved by a special "sand refining method", which is as smooth as jade, far better than bluestone.

Starting from the gate of the main hall, there are two majestic warriors standing in a row every three feet, wearing masks and holding long daggers.

The outside room seemed to be an open space in a school field. There were about [-] spectators, full of enthusiasm and bustling.

In the corner of the main hall, the two held a bamboo pole with a hollow center, shaking it from side to side for a while, then aimed their left eyes at the bamboo hole, carefully measuring something.

This is the method of "Time-Scale Map".

Beside Gui Wugui, a young man with long hair and shawl, dressed in a white toga, seemed to be sizing him up intentionally or unintentionally.The expression in his eyes was similar to that of Pinghuyin a few days ago.

Among the reasons, Gui Wugui knows a thing or two.

This person's name is "Falcon", and he is twenty-eight years old this year. He is the only person who has been promoted to "Zhenwei Leader" in this promotion ceremony, so he should have all the glory.

But after he came out, the twelve-year-old Jin Zhenwei probably wanted to steal his limelight.


From the dome of the hall, a majestic loud sound came.




Behind the main hall, there were clear footsteps.

A woman came forward alone, without a single attendant behind her, but her majestic demeanor immediately shocked the entire hall, and even thousands of spectators outside the hall.

Gui Wugui looked up.

This woman is beautiful in appearance, her facial features and stature are inconsistent, but she is quite different from the female cultivators in the fairy gate that she has seen before.

The blue wrap dress, which looks like a vest, is very streamlined, and the length reaches half of the thigh.The limbs are as smooth as jade, but not as brittle as jade.He has blond hair and a shawl, and he wears a pair of flat clogs on his bare feet, so there is a lot of noise when he walks.

This person's figure is by no means as graceful and slender as the female cultivators in the fairy world.Whether it is shoulders, arms, waist, or thighs, if they are two points thicker, it will be a bit of a hunchback; but it is just right to stop at the front of the eye.

Two of the five major shrine owners are women.

Special verve.

Thirty-five years old.

The contemporary owner of Beisha Shrine.

Every year, the promotion ceremony is hosted by the shrine owner himself.

At the side and rear of the main hall, a person stepped forward immediately, holding a wooden plate in his hand.

According to the normal procedure, after the owner said a few words at this time, he personally issued the "class badge" to the promoted person.

But this time, Shu Shen Yun didn't seem to play cards according to common sense.

The pupils of her wonderful eyes seem to be slightly yellowed from a distance, but they are black and bright when viewed up close, and they are firmly locked on Gui Wujiu at this moment.

I saw that she passed the "Falcon" standing on the top, and came straight to Gui Wujiu, and said indifferently: "Mo You?"

Although the voice is soft, it has a unique majesty and thickness.

Gui Wugui said: "Exactly."

Shu Shenyun scrutinized Gui Wujiu carefully and said, "From today onwards, you are my direct disciple."

Gui Wugui raised his head and looked intently.

Suddenly startled, as if absent-minded, and also as if it was an unconcealable shock and surprise...

With the determination of no blame, what storm has not been seen?
What surprised him was naturally not the words "received as a disciple".

At this time, he was only a few feet away from Shu Shen Yun's face.

Observing at such a close distance, I suddenly realized that the owner of Beisha Shrine actually looked like a person...

A person who has been silent and hidden for nearly two or three hundred years, and only resurfaced in his mind until he understood the profound entrance in the past few years.

(End of this chapter)

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