Chapter 964
Gui Wugui opened the ancient scroll in front of him and read it carefully.

This is the most detailed material to record the things in front of us.Since ancient times and modern times, there have been thirteen meteorites falling from the sky due to wandering disorder. Except for one case at Asagiri Shrine, where the news was completely blocked, all other cases are recorded in great detail.

In particular, the five cases in the history of Beisha Shrine, how the ancestors of the shrine, and how the shrine cast spells and deliberated, are all recorded in detail.

Of the thirteen cases in total, Beisha Shrine alone accounted for five, which is actually a very high proportion.

Including this new case, it is [-]/[-].

There were five cases in the past, but there are only four meteorites taken out of the storage in front of us, which is not without reason.

Because in the history of Beisha Shrine, there was once a formation mage who had reached the peak of his skills, and gradually refined a stone into the formation.This is also the only case in which this meteorite was used.

In addition, the most striking case occurred at the Star Iron Shrine, more than [-] years ago.

At that time, a young genius from the Xingtie Shrine actually "pierced" a meteorite, and then some inexplicable visions appeared.

According to a member of the Xingtie Shrine who arrived later, the miraculous scene seemed to be similar to the scene produced when the Xuan Dao fruit was planted in the spiritual land.

In fact, nine out of ten of the extra attention on this meteorite are related to this sentence.

It is because of the major shrines that they treasure and value this object.

Everyone can guess that the most quintessential thing in this meteorite is the half-discovered human figure that once appeared in it; but it is a pity that the meteorite itself is an unimaginable material.If the power of blessing exceeds a certain limit, you can feel it, and it will inevitably be destroyed and annihilated; but ordinary methods are not enough to cut it open.

It can only be sensed with profound strength, and waiting is like scratching the surface.

After grading papers, Gui Wugui suddenly thought of something.

The so-called wandering disorder is obviously a case like that done by the master of Yin and Yang.

But the Lord of Yin and Yang has extraordinary attainments in observing and discerning the true nature of the Ziwei Great World.Even the Ascension Demon Ancestor has to bow down.Even he has only noticed this most subtle step in recent years.

And such a precedent, there are as many as thirteen.

It is of course impossible for [-] people to try this in just ten thousand years.

Obviously, the timeline of Mana Continent is not consistent with that in Ziwei Great World.

And those who have the ability to do this, such as the Great Demon Venerable, whose body is transformed into the real world, will naturally not be desperate for fish.

In this way, those who tried in the past are probably at least people who have reached the same level as the master of Yin and Yang in the last era...

About an hour later.

At this time, the virtual image of the Lord of Yin and Yang within the meteorite has long since dissipated.Only the two basic forces that are vaguely present can still be clearly sensed.

The same is true for the other several ancient "meteorites". Although the age sequence is ephemeral, the mysterious power in them is lingering and has not been exhausted.

Of course, this is from the perspective of imputation.

People in this world, even those who are as outstanding as Shu Shenyun, can hardly detect the vision in this "old meteorite".

After watching for a long time, Gui Wujiu suddenly showed a strange expression on his face.

Although cumbersome.

But not "difficult".

Even, it is much easier than imagined.

The material of the "meteorite" itself clearly came from the same source as the body of "Return to Nothing".

Let's take an example.

If Gui Wujiu's "body" when he first came to this world was a living sapling; then the "fresh" meteorite in front of him is a tree root after being exposed to the sun.Although the appearance has changed drastically, its original origin can still be discerned.

If soaked in water for several days, it can still restore a little vitality.

Gui Wugui suddenly realized.

This is actually the limitation of the world rules.

Before he came to Mana Island and possessed Moyou, the "self" in his own perception was an extremely pure entity; but in the eyes of Liudong, Pinghuyin, Moyou and others, it was like a ghost, unrecognizable. Visible, not audible.

At this time, the ghost body tried to escape and failed, and after being refined by the tribulation of the void, it manifested itself and became a "meteorite".

This is the existence of the five major shrines and Taoism "beyond perception"; but it is in the category that he can empathize with without blame.

Taking his own body as a specimen, he sensed the path of profound force's control and influence on his "virtual body", and Gui Wugui soon found some ways.


Twelve hours later.

Because he knew it well, Gui Wugui did not "forget about eating and sleeping", and his actions still followed the rhythm.

In the twelve hours, eating and sleeping are still the same, and the time spent in "refining" this thing is only half.

At this time, on the "meteorite", he has used various ingenious methods to drill a thin thread like a bug.

Only one last obstacle is needed to reach the place disturbed by the strange force.

Gui Wugui took a deep breath.

Use profound energy to pierce it in one fell swoop!
The two qi mechanisms hidden in it were induced almost instantly, and they were running like electricity, and they were already attached to Gui Wujiu's body.

Gui Wugui only felt slightly dizzy.

This is a kind of intense stimulation that has never been seen before!

positive stimulus.

Comfortable throughout.

The state of mind of no blame has already been cultivated to the state of being immobile.When I was running around in Ziwei's big world, I felt that the general trend has been achieved and the general trend is in my favor only in a few moments of success or failure.

but now……

It's not just a "big trend"!

Gui Wugui almost felt that his body was lifted up by the wind, detached from the ground, and reached beyond the starry sky.It seems to be independent of the continent and the sky, overlooking a world.

The "continent" here is not Mana Island, but the whole world of Ziwei!
The rise and fall of this world, its formation, residence, destruction and emptiness are all under its own control.

Immediately, the straitjacket restraint after the cultivation was full was completely broken, and he allowed himself to soar upwards!
Such a pleasure, I am very willing to raise my arms and let go of all the barriers, no less than all the great joy and intoxication I have experienced in this life.

However, the good times did not last long.

As one qi machine disappeared, another qi machine possessed him.A strong and extremely depressive emotion rushed over immediately.

It was dark and lifeless.

Although Gui Wugui has never experienced it, it is roughly equivalent to the "shackles" experienced by the loser in the second battle of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang, which is ten times stronger; No matter how strong the feeling of "gaining one's feet" is a thousand times, ten thousand times stronger, it is such a scene!

Although it has not been destroyed, it is destined to be bleak.

Gui Wugui's heart is clear.

This is clearly the two kinds of karma in Ziwei Great World, one positive and one negative, one rising and the other falling.

The body of the Lord of Yin and Yang wants to escape, but there is no way to go to heaven or earth.In the end, it was immersed in the void for a long time, filled with the source of karma in this continent, and then turned into a meteorite and fell back again.

The wonderful feeling of ice and fire just now seems to be extremely strong, but in fact it is only a moment.

At this moment, there was a "boom"!

Gui Wujiu's face was darkened, his eyes turned to a body that was extremely oppressive, trembling in front of him.

At the same time, a big hand tightly pressed the top of his head, and with his profound strength washed away, he combed Gui Wu Jiu's body.

Shen Yun's urgent voice came out of his ears: "Are you all right?"

Gui Wujiu breathed a long sigh of relief, and said, "Just now I felt some phantoms... It seems that I feel a little uncomfortable, and you, Master, appeared in time."

Shu Shenyun seemed to relax, and cheered up: "Unexpectedly, you have reproduced the ancient 'unknown example'... Let's not talk about how you did it, just let the teacher personally verify that this is the power of the fruit of the Xuandao, This is a great achievement. Well, you, Moyou, are indeed my lucky stars."

"It's just that you acted too recklessly. If I came one step later, maybe you would have died on the spot."

After finishing speaking, it seemed that the melancholy was not exhausted, he rolled his long arms, and hugged Gui Wugui tightly in his arms.

Gui Wujiu was surprised and said, "Xuan Dao Fruit? Master, are you sure?"

Shu Shenyun slapped Gui Wujiu's head lightly with his backhand, and said, "Otherwise, why is it so urgent to be a teacher?"

"I personally planted Xuandao fruit in Yunling Valley twice. How can I not tell the difference?"

"If it is as long and thick as the profound way fruit, once possessed by the mighty power that lasts for ten years, you will definitely be unlucky this time. Fortunately, the strange power hidden in this stone has not yet become a climate."

Gui Wugui was startled, and immediately thought of it.

According to the legend, the power of the Mystical Dao Fruit is extremely wonderful. When the Mysterious Tree Mysterious Fruit was first discovered, no one tried to absorb its power by eating it.But these people all ended up miserable... Only by burying the Profound Dao Fruit in the spiritual land and turning it into a nourishing form is the only way to exert its effect.

It turns out that the power in the Profound Dao Fruit is the positive and negative robbery power itself...

Thinking of this, Gui Wujiu's heart suddenly relaxed, and he felt a smooth road looming in front of him.

After coming to this world, I finally found a specific direction to act.

Originally, Gui Wujiu felt a little worried in his heart. When he came to this Continent of Mana, would he help Shu Shenyun fulfill his grand wish of unifying the whole world? Only then would he complete his "task" and completely adjust the power of robbery in Ziwei Great World Change, "luck is in my hands" in one fell swoop.

If this is the case, it will be too long, and I am afraid that it will not be completed in thirty or fifty years.

If you missed the five hundred years of Daoism when you left the border, it would be a joke.

But now, it seems that obtaining the Profound Dao Fruit and absorbing part of the power of the Lord's "Ascension" will achieve the goal of this trip.This goal is relatively pragmatic.

Of course, there are still many problems.

For example, whether the Xuan Dao fruit can be carried out of the world smoothly; whether it is used in this world or in the Ziwei Great World; after using one, can it take effect for a long time, etc...

(End of this chapter)

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