Nothing is to blame

Chapter 967 See Yuanyuan Shengzhu Chapter Soul

Chapter 967
Such a situation, at a glance, makes people feel chills.

Because that palm appeared alone, held the Xuandao fruit, and left leisurely, it was really unimaginable.

Because even if this palm is an illusion created by some kind of secret method, it is an invisible thing, so it should be ignored; the fruit of the Xuan Dao is always a tangible entity.

There was a glint in the eyes of the five social leaders.

Then he chanted words in his mouth, and actually pushed the method of knowing and seeing in the five directions to the highest peak.For a moment, it seemed that even the fine dust on the island and the mixed energy appeared one after another, making it more glaring.

Then, it can be seen that the part behind the palm, the arm, the body, the head... Gradually complete.

It turned out that it was not a lonely palm; it was a living person!
It's just that its existence is too secretive. Even if the five social leaders form an array to investigate the supreme method, they can only capture a part of the body without really doing their best!

The silhouette of the person appears.

His face was blue, his long dry hair was draped around his body, his face was long and narrow, and his pupils were all blue.Dressed in tatters, he looked like a beggar who had been wandering for a long time.

Only the high bridge of the nose and a little vermilion on the forehead are the most distinctive features of this person.

The five social owners all showed expressions of disbelief.

In particular, Bibuzuka, the owner of Yanyang Shrine, almost dilated his pupils and muttered: "Impossible!"

Ten feet away, the expressions of the ten people who were watching the casting of the spell changed drastically!
It's also a bit of a surprise to blame.

In the past six months, either through Shen Yun's personal transmission, or through Xuan Lingying and Tong Jia's retelling, Gui Wugui also knows a lot about the secret stories and heroic figures in the history of the five major shrines.

After the secret of the ten-gen genshu was discovered, the three generations of owners of the Caoye Shrine had no choice but to share the world with the other four shrines.It's just that the Caoye Shrine occupies half of the country, and obtains [-] of the [-] Profound Dao Fruits, which can be called the peak of its prosperity under the new order.It wasn't until the birth of the fifth-generation head of Beisha Shrine that they joined forces to meet the enemy and overwhelmed the fourth-generation head of the Grass Leaves Shrine. Only then did the five forces return to chaos.

However, it is worth mentioning that although the five generations of owners of Beisha Shrine are equally astonishingly talented and have reached the pinnacle of their own world, their talents are not inferior to those of the three generations of owners of Caoye Shrine.However, the alliance of the four is bound to promise certain benefits to the other three allies, greatly expanding the amount of distribution.

After the final success, there are two hundred years of covenant binding, and it is difficult to go back.

Therefore, the fifth generation owners of the Grass Leaf Shrine did not take over the hegemony of the Grass Leaf Shrine and became the "grand master" for a while.

In the more than [-]-year history of Mana Honshu, a certain shrine has monopolized [-] generations, and there have been a total of four generations that have achieved the limit-limited hegemony similar to the three generations of grass-leaf shrine owners.The four people who founded the pattern, together with the three generations of owners of the Kusaoba Shrine, are collectively known as the "Five Masters".

It happens that there are five major shrines, one for each.

And the one with the longest history was created by the [-]th generation owner of Yanyang Shrine, who monopolized the [-] fruits for [-] years.This is of course because the five generations of Yanyang Shrine's successive owners were all profound in mystic arts and skillful, and they were able to carry on the past; and the twenty-seventh generation of owners are uniquely talented, and their pioneering achievements are also factors that cannot be ignored.

This twenty-seventh-generation society owner was also the one who devoted the most to unraveling the secret of the Ten Yuan Profound Tree among the previous heroes of Mana Island, but he died of hatred in the end.

The five major shrines, the town guards and above are people who know the origins of the past and the present.

If they were to gather together and select a former Gu Yingjie who everyone liked the most, the twenty-seventh generation owner of Yanyang Shrine, he would definitely rank among the top three.

Now, as shown in the picture scroll, the person who looks like a beggar and has very obvious features and steals the fruit of Xuan Dao is none other than He Tiebo, one of the ancient and modern "Five Prosperous Lords" and the twenty-seventh generation owner of Yanyang Shrine!
However, in this world, he should have died eight thousand years ago.

Take this week at the end of the week, but there is no theory of reincarnation.Once dead, it completely belongs to the past.

The only possibility is to "resurrect the soul with a dead body", which is similar to seizing a house.

After all, He Tiebo's indestructible body back then was a priceless treasure.

The faces of the five club owners were solemn, but the presentation in the mirror image was not over; therefore, the process of casting spells could not be interrupted.

But everyone is guessing whether a certain clever method of resurrecting the soul needs to be strengthened by the fruit of the profound way.

Moving around to change the scene, you can see He Tiebo holding the Xuandao fruit and escaping for a long time.


Finally, when he came to a desolate and desolate place, "He Tiebo" opened a picture scroll.

Then he took out four things that looked like compass from his pocket, and put them on the four corners of the scroll.

On the scroll, an image of a totem immediately appeared.

Its complexity and precision are almost no less than the patterns formed by the technique of "five directions of knowledge and perception".

Then, He Tiebo put the Xuandao fruit on the picture scroll with great importance.

A rather wonderful detail.

Although He Tiebo's movements are light and smooth, he is worthy of the first-level cultivation of Shezheng, and he is not like a zombie at all; but when he turns around occasionally, it is not difficult to find that his eyes are cloudy and lifeless. It's a bit muddled.

After a series of complex casting.A dazzling white light suddenly emanated from the calm picture scroll of the four compass, and then sank into a "bowl" shape.

The Xuan Dao fruit is embedded in it, rapidly refining, turning from solid to juice, and then turning into traces of clear and mellow energy, following a specific rhythm, rushing into the deep space!

The five social owners were all stunned.

They sensed it correctly, the power unleashed by Xuan Dao Fruit was indeed thrown into the deep space without reservation, and did not give back to He Tiebo in the slightest.

The five of them had already determined that "He Tiebo" had transformed into a corpse, and the purpose of stealing the Xuandao fruit was to strengthen themselves.At this time, seeing the absurdity of what he saw, he couldn't help being very confused.

But this scene fell into the eyes of Gui Wugui, but he became more and more sure of his guess!
That possibility ranges from [-]% to [-]% sure to almost graspable.

Gui Wugui's thoughts turned rapidly.

After counting interest, three conclusions were drawn.

Two are good, one is bad.

first conclusion.

The method that Xuanyuan Huai used was far inferior to the flexibility and ease that he had personally entered the country. He completely understood cause and effect, and knew clearly what he wanted, how to act, and what kind of result he would achieve.

Gui Wugui suspects that his method is actually in a state of "knowing it but not knowing why". After mobilizing a certain background of his own, Chenyang Jianshan himself does not know exactly what happened.

For example, at this moment, He Tiebo's strange behavior is equivalent to another independent story in One Flower One World.

Second conclusion.

It doesn't matter if you call what you see in front of you the method of throwing in the void, or the method of totem sacrifice, and you will never believe it without blame. The efficiency of this method is equivalent to directly obtaining the fruit of the profound way.In other words, as long as the same amount of Xuandao fruit is obtained, He Tiebo uses this strange method to "project", but he directly absorbs it.So in the end, your own benefits are bound to be more.

These two conclusions are beneficial to oneself.

The unfavorable conclusion is that the "He Tiebo" in front of him is really powerful.As the prestigious "Five Prosperity Lords", Gui Wujiu can infer it intuitively.Among the first-level masters of Shishishe, except for Shu Shenyun and Miao Zhizhen, there must be a huge gap between the rest of them one-on-one.

Moreover, in the story Xuan Lingying told Gui Wugui, the twenty-seventh generation owner of Yanyang Shrine is best at concealment and forbidden formation.

However, none of the current five co-owners is specialized in this.

Therefore, no one can guarantee that this is He Tiebo's last crime, and how many Xuandao fruits he will finally grab is enough to be satisfied.

If the five major shrines can't make up their minds to deal with this person, then waiting for nothing to blame is a gamble where they don't know how much the opponent's chips are, and the ending is obviously not optimistic.

The evolution of the picture is completed, and the moment the Xuan Dao fruit completely dissipates, the cause and effect are lost.

He Tiebo's body and the scene quickly transformed into a mass of white mist.

The owners of the four major shrines including Shu Shenyun all set their sights on Bibuzuka.

Comparable to Buzuka's complexion, it's ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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