Nothing is to blame

Chapter 976 Unexpected 1 Son 2 Uses

Chapter 976

This fierce battle lasted for two hours.

The supernatural powers of Wanzhaoming's original water system, in terms of size and subtlety, are roughly similar to those of the previous He Tie Bo; interest.

Whether it is He Tie Bo or Shu Shen Yun, although they originate from Beisha and Yanyang Shrine, once the real earth and real fire come out, they are all indistinct and confused, as if they are blended with the five elements, and their true colors cannot be discerned.

Wanzhaoming is not the case.

Behind him, there stands a circular water curtain about the size of Zhang Xu, like a secluded pool, turned upside down, fitting behind him like a crown wheel, quite similar to the sky in the Ziwei Great World when Tianxuan Shangzhen fights with clouds above his head, grabbing energy points The image of Xinjiang.

The key is its image.

Even a three-year-old child can clearly recognize that this is the purest form of "water".

This method is not a new method after Wan Zhuoming's unprovoked resurrection. Back then, he swept the world, relying on this method. It has been recorded in the records.

The ingenuity of this technique really makes the water movement formula graceful and stretchable, coming and going seamlessly, almost half the effect of the "mirror beads" of special charm.The unique strengths of waiting for Ruoshu's charm have been weakened a lot.

Coupled with Wan Zhuming's unique spiritual gain and "Five Prosperity Ancestor"'s unique luck bonus, the strength gap between the two sides can be said to be negligible.

Gui Wugui stood far above the goshawk. Although it seemed to be at a safe distance, there was still a hazy and clear light shield around him.

This is naturally the method of special charm.

Because water works in one way, when it comes to the subtleties, it is not comparable to materialized spells like water arrows, water bombs, water polo, and water guns in low realms.Its shape has no customization, like boiling like steaming, ever-changing, killing people invisible.Therefore, we cannot use the most prudent means to take precautions.

Fortunately, so far, Wan Zhuoming doesn't seem to have the idea of ​​blaming the sneak attack.

After watching intently for a while, Gui Wujiu suddenly smiled.

He had already seen the outcome of this battle.

Don't look at the special charm and unique strengths cut off in half, and Wanzhaoming also has the benefit of complete intelligence.It seems that Wan Zhuuming's combat strength is already above the special charm.However, Gui Wugui has already identified that the luck blessing of the so-called "Five Prosperous Ancestors" is true and false.

The so-called real side can only be achieved by truly completing the feat of controlling half of the mountains and rivers.Naturally, the special charm at this time cannot be robbed of beauty; but the "virtual" side is a kind of spirit and confidence.At this time, Shen Yun can develop momentum by defeating one of the five ancestors head-on.

In other words, Wan Zhuoming's unique "Water Wheel Qingyun Method" certainly eliminated half of Shu Shenyun's advantages in mirror beads; but Shu Shen Yun also accumulated half of the advantages of "nourishing qi" through fighting against cranes and irons .

After canceling each other out, Shen Yun is still slightly better than a line.

Sure enough, in the next moment.

Wan Zhuming used the secret technique of water movement for defense - "Thousand Flow Mirror", the flaw hidden in the gap of [-] changes in an instant, was caught by the special charm.Use the "Dust Cone" in the "Eight Techniques of True Earth" to penetrate and hit with one blow.

Although the entrance is like a pinhole, it suddenly passes through the chest and back.

Just one blow can decide the outcome, life or death!

Unusual Charm, Gui Wugui and "Huh" at the same time.

Then Gui Wugui rushed the goshawk and flew towards it.

Gui Wujiu looked up at the void, and then glanced at the object that Shu Shenyun was gently holding in his palm, as if he couldn't believe it.

The depth and accuracy of Gui Wugui Daoyuan's induction is already shocking.After experiencing the enlightenment of Jiuhezong and the retreat of Changyingxing, he has reached the pinnacle.In the same realm, it can be called unprecedented.

Although it is limited to the level of cultivation, it cannot be said that he has a good knowledge of the past and the present, and can predict everything.

However, there is always a clear boundary for what is within one's own power and beyond one's power.Which things are known to be successful, which things are just vague inductions, not conclusive, and there are still variables, each with distinct levels and vividly.

As it is now, things that had been expected to happen for a long time did not happen in the end, and they went on a different track completely, which is probably unprecedented.

In this competition, Shu Shen Yun had indeed won.

But the expected situation without blame is like this——

If Wanzhaoming won this battle, wait for the great existence behind this person to score a point.Although it is still unclear who will win the deer in the end, and the mystery of how the Ten Yuan Xuanshu penetrated the world has not yet been solved, but the special charm, or the woman in white who gave Gui Wugui the opportunity, seems to have withdrawn from an important competition.

But if the special charm wins, it seems that Wan Zhuoming will repeat the mistakes of He Tiebo and turn into a thunderbolt to transmit special information to the outside world.


With a special charm, she carefully stroked the dark black three-pointed vine leaf in her palm.

The moment Wan Zhuming was knocked down.

His body did not "collapse", and then faded away like a phantom; the blue sky was as bright as before, except that there was an extra vine leaf in the sky.

In other words, the Wanzhaoming just now was transformed from this "vine leaf".

After Shu Shenyun watched intently for a long time, she suddenly got up and walked forward.

Blame Not Blame follows.

After more than a hundred breaths, he came under a vine tree.

Although the rhizomes are full of branches, the vine leaves are densely covered.But no matter whether it is special charm or no blame, they all caught it at the first time. There is a small break mark at the tip of the seventh branch and fifth branch of this vine tree from bottom to top.

Looking at the section, there is still a hint of crispness and moistness, obviously it has not been broken for a long time.

Special Shen Yun stretched out her hand.

The three-pointed vine leaves fluttered upwards in the palm, and they were "connected" again, everything seemed like a natural process.

Sure enough, it was transformed from "vine leaves".

Shu Shenyun looked up at this vine tree for a long time, and suddenly said: "The outside world is very exciting?"

Gui Wugui was taken aback.

Because of the special charm, he said this sentence in a very confident tone.

When He Tiebo was in the world before, although he vaguely spoke and mysterious.But once it really touches on the vital points, it is still chaotic and unclear. It seems that there is an inexplicable taboo in the time and space of life and death, which prevents people from thinking about it.But Shen Yun is not.

At this moment when she uttered these words, she had a lively air, but she had a solemn and grand atmosphere, which was more than three points.

Gui Wugui realized immediately, and returning the "mirror bead" was probably the most correct and crucial thing he did after he escaped into Mana Island.

Shu Shenyun smiled slightly and said, "What's the relationship between you and me outside?"

Gui Wugui did not expect that what she saw was so profound that it had already reached such a point.After thinking for a while, he said, "It's about the same as here."

Seeing that Gui Wugui was about to open his mouth again, Shu Shen Yun immediately said: "Don't say too much. Otherwise, it seems to hinder my achievement of completing Taoism and leaving the world."

Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and said: "That's fine. If Master has any doubts, feel free to ask; other than that, Mo You doesn't say a word."

Shu Shenyun closed her eyes and pondered for a while, and said, "Don't you know the reason why He Tiebo was born and the Xuandao fruit was stolen?"

Gui Wugui said: "Exactly."

Shu Shenyun pondered for a while, and said, "What kind of thing is it?"

Gui Wugui said: "Borrow the power contained in this fruit to gain some benefits for a person...."

Shu Shenyun was surprised: "What level of people? Similar to He Tiebo, Wan Zhuoming and others?"

Gui Wujiu waved his hands again and again, and said, "It's not that tall. It's about... about the same as me."

After hesitating for a while, Gui Wugui said: "This trip, my disciple, is actually for this thing. That person is my opponent in my generation, he got one Profound Dao fruit, and this disciple can only win if he takes two. "

Saying this sentence, Waitoruo admitted that he is a guest from outside the territory.

However, Gui Wugui was extremely cautious in his words, and did not disclose the names of any characters in his words.Naturally, there is no cause and effect.

But Shen Yun was obviously not surprised, she just nodded slightly.

Frowning and thinking for a while, Shu Shenyun suddenly said: "Is it extremely difficult to travel across the sky and outside the sky? No one else can do it except you?"

Gui Wujiu thought for a while and said: "Exactly. This matter was originally extremely difficult. It was only possible with the help of the master and a wonderful coincidence. If others want to copy it, it will be impossible after all. "

Shu Shenyun nodded, and said slowly, "I understand."

"This is a 'big and small, one child dual-use' strategy."

Gui Wugui's heart was shocked.

He suddenly understood the reason for his wrong judgment.

There is no doubt that at first He Tiebo's sudden resurrection of zombies, stealing and sacrificing the "Xuan Dao Fruit" was Xuanyuan Huai's means to increase his luck.

Although, blameless judgment, whether it is Xuanyuan Huai or Chenyang Jianshan Tianzun.Actually, I don't know anything about the secrets in the ring of Mana Benzhou; it just happened to borrow flowers to present Buddhas, use a certain magical background, or the secret hands arranged by Feisheng's power to achieve this "result".

The fallacy of imputation lies in thinking that what happened afterward—the joint meeting of the five major shrines, the formation of a team to arrest He Tiebo, and even Shen Yun’s two fights with He Tiebo, beheading him, etc. "Aftermath", or "follow-up", has nothing to do with the topic of the previous events.

However, the eight characters of Shu Shen Yun "have both big and small, and use one child for two purposes" have broken the confusion.

Think about it too.Xuanyuan Huai and Chenyang Jianshan's resident Tianzun can know it but don't know why, but it's not necessarily the one who left behind, the one who played chess in the vast universe.Helping Xuanyuan Huai gain an advantage in luck is only one of his goals; the subsequent turmoil is still in his calculations.

If it is not blamed, it is not bad, this continent is "unintentionally mapped"; so the person who made the layout did not know what happened inside; Going out of bounds was obviously the result that person wanted.

This is also the misleading words of "Wan Zhuming".

Only one wave moves, and ten thousand waves follow.After this person got something, the other four also caught some cause and effect.But this method of "borrowing things to bring back the soul" is obviously inferior to He Tiebo's own resurrection method.

At best, it just captured a ghost image.

After realizing it, Gui Wugui said: "Master, it seems that I can go to Zhaowu Shrine to confirm that the remnant of Wanzhaoming is still there. If so, it can be regarded as knowing oneself and knowing the enemy."

Shu Shenyun nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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