Nothing is to blame

Chapter 979 The victory and defeat is only one style, the sixth player in ancient and modern times

Chapter 979

A group of people waited, turning their heads together to look.

Gui Wugui wondered.

Although he has seen the heroic appearance of the fourth of the "Five Prosperous Ancestors" in a series of battles with Shu Shenyun, but in all fairness, when it comes to the grand victories of the fighting style, this one is better than the previous four.

Miao Zhizhen, the owner of Asagiri Shrine, has always hidden gullies, and no one has ever seen her with all her strength.

Just looking at his expression, everyone infers that it should be a graceful, light, fluid and changeable way.

I saw it today, but it was a big mistake.

Behind Miao Zhizhen, a majestic water phenomenon rose.In terms of scale, it far exceeds the level of the analogy "Faxiang Qingyun". It is almost a curtain that falls from the sky and covers half of the sky.

It seems like the Nine Heavens Milky Way, cascading down; it also seems like a huge peacock spreading its tail, crossing one side.

In this huge water phenomenon, light or heavy, fast or slow, water drops as big as chickens, and mist as fine as smoke make up for it, like a bird's feathers, intertwined like a weave.

Just the outermost layer of dense mist naturally formed a barrier of forbidden formations.

Seeing that the method of concealment was broken, Miao Zhizhen suddenly turned his head and took a deep look when he was fighting.

The one who fought against Miao Zhizhen was a middle-aged man.

This person's body and bones are very broad, his facial features are handsome but just right, the black robe and silver hair complement each other; the golden ring on the big sleeves makes him more heroic.As soon as he looked at him, there was a first-class aura of "Hero", rushing toward his face.

But the way to observe this person's movement is a mass of light smoke and dust that is twenty or thirty feet in diameter and not very dense, wrapping around him;

At first glance, it seems that Miao Zhizhen is not as powerful and broad as Miao Zhizhen; but if you look closely at the subtleties, it is full of subtle realms that follow the shape of objects and are seamless.

The style of the two people's supernatural powers is completely opposite to their own appearance.

When you meet your opponent, it's hard to tell the difference.

Gui Wujiu could tell at a glance that the unruly man's "Embracing Motes of Dust" and the "Eight Real Earth Techniques" used by Shu Shenyun belonged to the same origin.

Then the identity of this person will not be known.

The last of the "Five Prosperous Ancestors", Si Caitian, the hero of the first generation who ruled over half the world at Beisha Shrine.

Tie Ci, Bi Buzhong, Wei Qing and the others had twinkling eyes.

Previously, everyone knew that Shu Shen Yun showed his supernatural power and repeatedly defeated powerful enemies.

However, Shu Shen Yun's cultivation base is high, even if she shows her unparalleled combat power, it is only one or two chips higher than the already high expectations.

But the true place of wisdom is not so.

On the bright side, Miao Zhi is only comparable to Tie Ci, Bi Buzhong and others in terms of Taoism and practice; however, the combat power shown today has inflated three or four times in one fell swoop.

In terms of the depth of concealment and the large error, it is far above the special charm.

At this moment, the situation of the battle suddenly changed.

The trace of kindness and dust condensed in Si Caitian became more and more condensed and shrunk; when it shrunk to a radius of twelve feet, it suddenly expanded and turned into a bow and an arrow with a very simple appearance.

Supporting with the right foot, stepping on the ridge of the bow with the left foot, the bow and arrow are drawn, all done in one go.

Miao Zhizhen's movements were also extremely fast, as soon as the water curtain fell, it turned into a triple portal.

This is the reason for the defense to the extreme, and a counterattack naturally emerges.

Just this moment.

Special Shen Yun is here!

She was waiting for this moment.

With a backhand push, the mirror bead turns; the meaning of real earth flows freely.

Looking at its shape at first glance, it seems that it is just like a urchin fighting, throwing a piece of mud; but this irregular "mud" quickly formed and evolved, and suddenly condensed into an "arrow"—not an arrow, but an "arrowhead" ".

All in just one-tenth of an instant.

Si Caitian turned his head and looked.His face was surprised at first, and then... understood.

This attack can be described as extremely fatal, extremely critical, and extremely tricky.

Because the counterattack he used earlier was the "counterattack method" in the "Eight Methods of True Earth".The moment this move is used, all the profound energy in the whole body is empty, and it is all within the counterattack stance, leaving and never returning.

If this is not the case, it is not enough to receive the power to turn the world around.

and so--

Facing Shu Shenyun's sudden attack, he was powerless!
But this cannot be said to be a flaw in the law itself.

Because there are no fixed rules for the accumulation and launch of the "Counterattack Method"; at the moment of launch, the succession and transformation are all completed in an instant, and it is definitely difficult to seize the flaws in advance.

At the moment when the "weakness" is really discovered, the "counterattack method" has already lost momentum.

Unless, the opponent also practices the "Eight Laws of True Land", and his practice is not inferior to his own.

After an instant.

When the blow really hit him, Si Caitian raised his head abruptly, with a truly incredible expression on his face; then his body shattered step by step, and finally turned into a leaf.

There is another mystery in this.

Even in the face of a counterattack from the same sect, if one cannot gather all the profound energy in an instant and enter a state of "fullness without exception", then this loophole is still only theoretically established, and the real power only needs to be a little short, and it is not enough to be fatal.

After a short while, the earth element profound energy changed to fully replenish the damage.

In such a realm, even Si Caitian himself cannot achieve it.

But relying on the help of the mirror beads, Shu Shenyun can be activated seamlessly, which is beyond the reach of others.

At the same time, Miao Zhi really had to run the three water gates with all his strength to resist the counterattack, so he could only watch this happen, and was powerless to stop it!
After three breaths.

Miao Zhizhen said quietly: "The things in the world don't worry about scarcity but unevenness... You are too much."

Shu Shenyun shook her head calmly, and said, "You two have been fighting for a long time? If you can solve it in advance, how can I have a chance to cut it off? In the final analysis, you are still not strong enough."

She closed her eyes and meditated for a few breaths, then Shu Shenyun suddenly turned her head, nodded to Gui Wujiu, and then smiled.

At this moment, there seems to be a special aura emanating from Shu Shenyun.

Miao Zhizhen's complexion changed slightly, and a vertical line appeared on his forehead.

As for Tie Ci, Bi Buzhong and others, they were completely unaware of what had happened.

Gui Wugui is determined.

As far as Gui Wujiu's original purpose of coming to Mana Island is concerned, this trip can really be declared complete.With the help of the mirror beads, Gui Wugui and Shu Shenyun entered a special level of tacit understanding.Even if there is no reason, it is not a problem to say that two Profound Dao Fruits are used.

But Gui Wujiu felt vaguely in his heart that only by helping Shu Shenyun climb to an unprecedented level in this world, this trip would be considered complete.

A few days ago, according to Shu Shenyun's words, if Gui Wugui breaks through the situation in one step and has one more new force, he will surely succeed.

No blame for induction timing, dare not promise.

There is a reason for this.

It stands to reason that Gui Wujiu can freely break through the border with a single move of his mind; but in recent days he has felt more and more strongly that if his actions go against the underlying laws of Mana Continent, he is afraid that there will be some unexpected consequences.

The previous two times when they broke through the border, the Golden Guards and the Guards Leaders, both conformed to the general trend to the greatest extent and did not force them.

Cultivate the mind, search for the fate, and through the effort of rushing halfway, Gui Wugui is finally considerate and thorough.

This last step of the society leader level cultivation base is unusual, it stands to reason that it should be reflected by the unintentional intention of the supernatural power, if I want to step forward gradually, it will take longer than imagined.

Corresponding to the big world of Ziwei, even if you don't miss the meeting of five hundred years, I'm afraid there will be almost the same difference.

Of course not.

However, there is a way to make progress in the dark, if it does not lead to this, it will lead to that.

After watching Shu Shenyun's two battles with He Tiebo and Wan Zhuoming, Gui Wujiu had a vague idea in his mind.If one can defeat the "Five Prosperity Patriarchs" in this world one by one, even if it can't completely replace the general trend of "half the merits", but I'm afraid it will also achieve a special benefit, and make the special charm and Taoism a step further.

If the conjecture is true, even if there is no help, you can still help Shen Yun achieve great things before leaving.

Now, the plan has been accomplished.


After a lapse of a year, the owners of the five major shrines met again.

It's just that Shu's charm is subtle, Miao Zhi is really depressed and silent, Bi Buzhong and the other three feel that it's hard to speak.

Finally, Shu Shenyun broke the calm.

"How is my achievement compared to the previous sages?"

Except for Miao Zhizhen who still closed his eyes and said nothing, the other four were startled.

This sentence is obviously a little boastful, and it seems to be inconsistent with Shu Shenyun's temperament.

Wei Qing pondered for a while, and said: "The owner of the Shen Yun club has won the "Five Prosperous Ancestors" heroic souls from the past in one day.

Tie Ci and Bi Buzhong's face twitched for a while, but they didn't say anything to object.

The Five Prosperous Ancestor came to the world inexplicably, and the reason is aside, but the level of his profound strength cultivation is not inferior to that of his real body, there is no doubt about it.

The five battles of Shu Shenyun, the two battles with He Tiebo and Wan Zhuoming, are not known to outsiders; the next two battles were aided midway, and it seems that they are not invulnerable when they fight the enemy when the front is already setback.

But in this battle just now... the people present are all knowledgeable.

Although it was only one blow, although it was still a half-way rush to intervene, it was not a one-on-one fight, but it was very convincing.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Si Caitian's vitality has not fallen and is at its peak.

And the method of counterattack hides the flaw in a place where it is impossible to be caught, just like a mirage.

Even if there is an enemy whose merit is not inferior to that of a two-person opponent who tries to make a surprise attack, he will definitely not succeed.

The ability of special charm to do it can only show that her Taoism is already above the field of thinking.

Seeing no objection, Shu Shenyun continued: "In that case—"

"It was established by the predecessors, and I am imitating Shen Yun, so I am probably not overthinking it?"

Wei Qing's eyes twitched, obviously realizing what Shu Shen Yun's so-called "imitation" refers to.

It's just that as an ally of Beisha Shrine, the news came too suddenly.

What Shu Shen Yun said next, there is a taste of not being astonishing and endless:
"I take half of the wall of Beisha Shrine. Grass Leaf Shrine keeps the number six unchanged. How to distribute the remaining [-] Profound Dao Fruits among your three families is up to you, and I will not interfere."

Surprisingly, after hearing this remark, Bi Buzhong and Tie Ci didn't get angry and protested.With just a tremor of the body, he maintained his calm.

There was a flash of lightning in the minds of the two of them, and each thought of something.

Bi Buzhong thought of it, it was the knot in his heart that he couldn't figure out before - Shu Shenyun clearly could sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, but why did he kindly lend a helping hand?
What Tie Ci thought of was the peculiar mental outlook of Shu Shen Yun that seemed to be "disregarded" and plausible when they met just now.

At this moment, both of them suddenly realized.

This is……

Absolute confidence in your own strength!

(End of this chapter)

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