Chapter 986
August [-]th, Huolongchuan.

Several temporary camps were built and formed.

At this moment, it can be described as a gathering of heroes.

The owner of Beisha Shrine has a special charm, and the shrine is Zhengliujing and Bajiaoluan;

Tie Ci, the owner of Xingtie Shrine, and Xiao Momo, the principal of the shrine;

The owner of Yanyang Shrine is Bibuzuka, and the owner is Banana Leaf and Qingpeng.

It is also reasonable for these three families to come out in full force; but what is surprising is that the Caoye and Asagiri Shrines who did not participate in the war originally thought that Wei Qingyi and Miao Zhizhen would come in person, witnessing that this may carry It is enough to be a major event in history; but today, Kusaoba Shrine is full of feathers, and Asagiri Shrine is red-haired and martial arts fanatic, and they all feel it.

In other words, apart from Beisha Shrine, which left one person at home to guard it, the head of the Honkai Shrine actually appeared here without falling.

Gui Wugui thought about it for a while, and it became clear.

Wei Qingyi and Yu Shuo are naturally attracted by the special charm.

And Miao Zhizhen, who seems to be neutral, brought the two coordinators together, which is also a far-sighted move to prepare for the eventuality.

In such an important duel, no one dared to predict how things would go.Once there are exceptions, it is not a bad thing to prepare sufficient strength in advance; or there will be a very pleasant surprise, and it is unknown to make a decisive move.

From a general perspective, although the camps are divided, the layout is also simple. The ring array is like a fortress, and there is no such arrangement as flags waving, clamoring and shouting.

Miao Zhizhen is not far behind.

The red-haired middle-aged man with strong bones said in a muffled voice, "Who do you like?"

The man next to him said: "If it's just a fight, let alone one against four, five against five, or even six, I'm also optimistic about the victory of the Beisha Society leader. But such a time-limited fight is hard to say."

The person who spoke had a ferocious and ugly face, and his face was full of flesh. He turned into a scaled image, like a monster.It was Wu Kuangfu, another head-level master of Asagiri Shrine.

The red-haired sneered, and said: "Now Xingtie and Yanyang shrines have only five high-level masters in total, one against six... Is there another town guard leader? If so, I am also optimistic about the owner of Beisha .”

Wu Wudi muffled, "You know what I mean."

The red hair said leisurely: "Even with today's competition rules, I would prefer to see the leader of Beisha Society win."

Wu Kuangtu stared, almost the size of a child's fist, and said with a sneer, "Which side are you on?"

There is no doubt that although Asagiri Shrine is neutral, it should be Star Iron and Yanyang Shrine that wins, which is more beneficial to Asagiri Shrine's interests.

The red-haired said happily: "What's the point of friends and enemies for a while? Anyway, Chaowu Shrine is not in danger of being destroyed. Who doesn't yearn for reading ancient books and the stories of Wushengzu on weekdays? Wouldn't it be great to be able to see it with your own eyes now?"

Wu Kuangtu shook his head and said, "I don't think so."


After a while, it's noon.

Special Shen Yun stepped forward slowly.

There are also three people at the same time.

Tie Ci and Bi Buzhong are the most powerful, so they will undoubtedly appear; but there is suspense about the other one, whether it is Xiao Momo, Qing Peng or Banana Leaf, it has not been decided yet.At this time, the truth came out, and it was the seemingly quiet and calm Banana Leaf.

In fact, this was a little unexpected for several people. The previous research and judgment, it seems that Xiao Momo, who seems to be peaceful but has a brave and ruthless spirit inside, has a greater chance.

But this battle is more critical to Yanyang Shrine, and the responsibility is heavier.It seems that it should be right for two people to hold their fate in their own hands.

In front of the Beisha Shrine's camp, Bajiaoluan and Liujing stood in a row with Weiqingyi and Yushuo, and the four of them swept the formation together, which was really powerful.

At a later position, Xuan Lingying and Tong Jia, who were originally extremely relaxed, suddenly became nervous at the same time.Breathe quietly and calm down.

On the contrary, it was blameless, and he stood with his hands behind his back, showing his calmness.

in the battlefield.

Bi Buzhong's skin is ruddy, and Xu Ning has a bearing, but it is quite different from the gloomy and cramped when they met last time.

Looking at Shu Shen Yun, he was secretly surprised, if he didn't know, he would go in, this seemed to be an attitude of seeing through the world and having no intention of winning or losing.

But I heard Bi Buzhong say: "With the current power of the leader of the Beisha Society, it is difficult to successfully resist a breath. Let's decide the victory with one move!"

Ba Jiaoluan heard it from afar, and said loudly: "One breath? Isn't it said that ten breaths will determine the outcome?"

Bi Buzhong smiled faintly and said: "Be safe and don't be impatient. If you can resist one breath, you can resist ten breaths; the reason is actually the same."

As soon as the voice fell, the four people in the game nodded at the same time.

It has a special charm, and it is better than a grave. At the same time, I stretched out my hand and flicked it, and a wisp of fresh air rippling out from the fingertips.

It's just that this group of breaths didn't shoot towards the opposite side, but shot into the sky from a distance, and after seeing three breaths, they were about to converge.

The so-called ten interest points win or lose, the time is very short.To avoid wrangling, this is the established law.When the two qi are excited, it is the beginning of timekeeping.

Moments later, the two airs vibrated, and there was a "wave" sound, like a heavy drum and thunder.

Tie Ci and Bi Buzhong moved at the same time.

The two pushed their palms together, and those who spread around their bodies were not chaotic images, but the most clear golden fire entity.

After blending for a moment, it immediately wove into a big black fireball, and immediately turned into a large black shield, wrapping the three of Tie Ci, Bi Buzhong, and Banana Leaf in it.

At a glance, it seemed that the essence of gold and iron bestowed by Tie had become fuel, fueling the flames of Bibuzuka Black Flame.

The flame was originally a very agile thing, but at this moment, it is very regular when it is bright and dark, and the rhythm of rising and falling; it seems that it is not "like a big shield", but really a big shield made of molten iron, floating in the sky. Above the void!

Miao Zhizhen has been silent all the time, and now she can't help showing surprise.

The supernatural power of these two people working together is more than six or seven times more powerful than the means of using them separately.

No matter how high the special charm is, it is absolutely impossible to break it in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, Yanyang and Xingtie Er Shrines have such a backer!

As soon as it comes up, it's dead.

Tie Ci said dumbly, "Master of Shen Yun Club, please."

The five great shrines are not those who are like Shu Shenyun and the five great ancestors of the past, who have a mind of confusion.In fact, among the various families, every generation is making efforts on the possibility of breaking through the limitation of the Ten Yuan Profound Tree.

Even if the person in charge of this generation is not strong enough, it is not impossible to use it as a preparatory research for the future.

The roads taken are also very different.

The Xingtie and Yanyang shrines of this generation have tried to gain something from the cooperation of the two elephants of gold and fire.Although there is no breakthrough in the main topic, he unexpectedly obtained a method of joint attack, which completely integrates the atmosphere of metal and iron, which is extremely profound.

This style had been planned several years ago, but it was delayed by He Tiebo's birth.The two of them, Bi Buzuo, practiced intensively for the past few months, and finally succeeded half a month ago.

Yang fire Yin gold.

The two firmly believed that this form should be the pinnacle of defensive supernatural powers in this world.

Tie Ci and Bi Buzhong's eyes flashed faintly.Back then, you were too confident, Shen Yun, and never hit the iron when it was hot.Today I will teach you to regret for life!
After observing the five breaths, Shu Shen Yun made a move.

However, she saw that she held her palm, but it was empty, and did not see a trace of real earth.

Almost at the same time, Gui Wujiu suddenly raised his head; Miao Zhizhen seemed to frown.

Gui Wugui was in a trance, as if he saw the border of Mana Island; it seemed that the whole boundary, and the style of Heshu's charm, resonated a little.

With the keenness of Gui Wu Blai Tianwai's heart, this spiritual awareness was just now.

With a leap, Shen Yun's figure is like a leap, graceful and light.

Pushing the palm forward, it seems that there is still no earthy breath; it seems that it is really necessary to use a pair of fleshy palms to break the vajra fire cover!

After a breath, a wonderful thing happened.

There are tens of feet of palms separated by "Yang Huo Yin Jin" wonderful appearance, but the "sphere" that was originally perfect and harmonious suddenly deformed.

The top and bottom ends of the sphere collapsed without warning.

Then converge and converge.

It took only one breath of time to change from a sphere ten feet high and low to a ring with an arm thickness and a diameter of ten feet. It looks like a spinning toy commonly used by children, but the size is much larger.

Recalling his own knowledge about Mana Benzhou, Gui Wujiu felt a throbbing inexplicably in his heart, a faint confidence——

It seems that the mixed work should be done in Shu Shen Yun!

Although the defensive power of "Yang Huo Yin Jin" is still extremely amazing, but how does the ring shape help?Naturally, Shu Shen Yun would not be so stupid as to compete with it head-on.

There is only three breaths left.

But for Shu Shen Yun, it is enough!

Except for a trace of silence and plainness on the surface of the plantain leaf, Bi Buzhong and Tie Ci both had unbelievable expressions on their faces!

Wei Qingyi, Ba Jiaoluan, and even the red hair behind Miao Zhizhen were all in admiration. It was unexpected that Shu Shenyun would use such an incredible method to break the seemingly invulnerable defensive magical power.

The two were in a hurry, and they wanted to use other backup methods to defend, but they were already unable to do what they wanted.

Because of the "Yang Huo Yin Jin" formula, although the power is very powerful, it needs to consume half of the profound strength of the two.

And this half is not evenly divided, "Yang Huo Yin Jin" is mainly based on the fire element, at this time Tie Ci may still have [-] to [-]% of his profound strength, but Bi Buzhong has lost more than half of his strength.

In a hurry, Tie Ci and Bi Buzhong flicked their fingers repeatedly, the color of the fire turned green, and the color of the iron turned dark, forming a series of ghostly iron nets, blocking them in front of them.

As for the distinction between strength and weakness between the two, Shu Shen Yun is naturally aware of the finer points.

Perhaps for a master of the first level of the town guard, the emergency defense method that the two suddenly launched is already very ingenious; but in the eyes of Shu Shenyun, who can see even Mr. Mood's heart, it is not worth mentioning at all.

But seeing Shu Shen Yun's body tremble, he didn't know what kind of miraculous movement technique he used to escape into the iron net.

Suddenly, after the two defensive formulas that had been reluctantly established were dissolved, two fingerprints had been left on the center of the eyebrows.

As far as the point is concerned, the outcome has been determined.

Bi Buzhong's face was slumped, and he was about to admit defeat.But suddenly there was a voice in my ears: "The owner of the society, the owner of the iron society. Use the law of yin, fire, and yang."

In the blink of an eye, Bi Buzhong only felt that his profound strength was back to full!

(End of this chapter)

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