Chapter 988
Bajiaoluan, Liujing and the others originally intended to step forward to inquire about their crimes, but seeing this scene, they couldn't help being stunned.

Immediately his expression returned to plain.

Ask yourself, even if they change places, they will not be able to make this step.

What Banana Leaf used was clearly the legendary "Mysterious Force Ferry Method".

Using this method, seventy percent of one's profound strength can be transferred to others in a very short period of time.But if this is done, the preacher himself will surely collapse and die.

This method was originally established to deal with several extremely rare situations, such as the need for a certain person to take action and use a certain method continuously to resist disasters and catastrophes.Since its inception, it seems that there has never been a record of activation.

When meritorious deeds have reached the level of social justice, it is already the top of the world.Power, reputation, worship, endless enjoyment.If it is said that for the glory of the shrine, it is really slim to give up one's own life.

Even if there is only one Xuandao fruit left, it can still support the cultivation of a high-level master in a shrine and digital society.

Throughout the ages, the main reason why the ancestors of Wusheng have been able to achieve great feats is that their meritorious deeds are outstanding; but it is also because the "continental war" here is different from the life-and-death struggle in the world of Ziwei and the struggle for the survival of orthodoxy.If you can't do anything when you see something, everyone will accept it as soon as it is good.

Otherwise, if the other four families unite with one mind, it will not be so easy to subdue all of them with the strength of one family or one person.

This matter is amazing, but also because the person who tried it himself was not someone else, but a banana leaf.

If the person using the "Mysterious Force Ferry Method" is Xiao Momo, who has an extreme personality, then it seems puzzled, but there is still a one-tenth possibility of being able to justify it; Unbelievable.

Tie Ci's gaze shifted to look at Bi Buzhong's gaze, which was a bit secretive and seemed to have a long meaning.

Bibuzuka said solemnly: "It has nothing to do with me."

He knew that Tie Ci suspected that he had used some secret method to coerce Banana Leaf into doing this.

He said again: "If Brother Tie was unable to cooperate in time and did not make a move in time, then wouldn't my Yanyang Shrine have given away the life of a high-ranking master in vain?"

Tie Ci changed his mind, nodded repeatedly, and said, "That makes sense."

If it is true that Bi Buzhong is behind the scenes, then he must have communicated with Tie Ci in advance.It will never be like just now, where Tieci's reaction is a little slow, and it is almost too late.

Bibuzhong's words were very loud, and at the same time, he was speaking to Bajiaoluan, Liujing, Weiqing and the others.

If it wasn't premeditated, seeing a split-second decision seemed to have a chance to kill Shu Shen Yun and completely reverse the situation in Mana Continent.Although this move is a breach of contract, in all fairness, few people can resist this temptation.

Shu Shenyun also saw this, so she gently uncovered it.

The big picture is set.

As soon as Wei Qing broke the calm, she applauded again and again, and praised: "The vastness of the past and present, the [-]th Continental War until now, finally gave birth to the sixth person who controls half of the mountains and rivers. Congratulations."

The few members of the Beisha Shrine have not spoken yet, but behind Miao Zhizhen, the red hair has come out first, and they also praised: "And the owner of Beisha Shrine has knocked down the relics of the Wusheng ancestors and appeared before him, which is worthy of special mention. See The owner of Beisha Society is worthy of the title of 'No. [-] in ancient and modern times', and his merits surpass the five ancestors."

Bajiaoluan, Liujing, Wu Kuangtu and others were secretly surprised. Seeing his cheerful and dancing appearance, it seemed that he was the monk of Beisha Shrine.

What good does it do for Asagiri Shrine if the special charm achieves great honor?
But Miao Zhizhen didn't seem to think it was disobedient, and said indifferently: "Today is a double blessing for you with special charm. It is a good story that the disciple broke through on the same day as you won the bet... It's a pity."

Hearing the words, the crowd turned around and looked into the camp, thinking of Gui Wujiu's extraordinary talent and successors at Beisha Shrine, their hearts were both shocked and complicated.

Shu Shenyun said indifferently: "This time the breakthrough happened by accident, it probably takes time to harmonize the profound strength."


In camp.

After Gui Wujiu set up a sealing circle, he sat cross-legged quietly, but he couldn't hide his excitement in his burning eyes.

He is not some breath-adjusting profound power, but he is experiencing the mysteries of the Ziwei Great World.

This is his biggest gain after breaking through.

The secret of the two worlds can be seen at a glance.

In a word -

Internal and external differences, etc., reflect mosaic; positive and negative forces, coupling and interlacing.

The situation in Mana Island can actually be divided into three categories.

The first class is called "Hundred Image".It means that the whole Mana Island is unified and unified, and one is the only one.This seems to be untenable, because there is a limit of half of the ten Yuan Xuanshu, which cannot be exceeded.Since ancient times, this has been the goal pursued by the five major shrines.

The second class is called "Liangyi Juran".It means that the whole continent is divided into two, and divided into two major forces.In fact, from ancient times to modern times, the time of the Five Prosperous Ancestors, and the situation of Mana Continent since today, have coincided with it.The person who controls half of the mountains and rivers is one of the two instruments; while the integration of the other forces becomes one, the two are equal.

The third class is called "Five Fang Chaos Order".Needless to say, it has been the "normal state" in Mana Island for tens of thousands of years.

In fact, such ideas are not blameless inventions today.

After the great achievements of Shen Yun, or the moment when the "Five Prosperous Patriarchs" of the previous generation achieved great achievements, whether it is long or short, there is a thought to look down on the continent, and the concept of "three equal parts" will also be born, but the expression is not the same. If there is no blame, it is clear.

But that alone is not enough.

Because their consciousness is limited to Mana Island, and they don't know the whole world of Ziwei, so they can't detect the deeper secrets.Because people with great supernatural powers are not allowed to project their sentient hearts on this natural moat, it finally makes this step difficult to overcome.

After Gui Wugui broke through the realm, his cultivation level far surpassed that of ordinary social righteousness, and he jumped to a realm similar to the previous generation's five prosperous ancestors. After comprehending the three realms, he was familiar with both internal and external knowledge, and immediately revealed this shocking secret—— —

In fact, the world of Ziwei can also be divided into three levels.

Confused in the same world, in charge of dominance, coincidentally with the "image of confusion".

Delineate the boundaries, the two sides compete for supremacy, and coincidentally "two instruments are completely different".

A crowd of lords vying for the throne, chaotic and chaotic, coincides with "five directions in disorder".

The beauty is that the Ziwei Great World is equivalent to the main body of Mana Benzhou; Mana Benzhou is equivalent to the leading force of the outline of Ziwei Great World.

If the Mana Continent is in a world of "disorder in the five directions", then even if there are heroes descending from heaven in the Ziwei Great World, it will never be the right time.This restraint in the dark will change the consistent law of ups and downs of luck in the form of ups and downs of karma, like a sudden storm in a calm place, hindering it from becoming a force.

In the end, the situation of Ziwei Great World will return to the state that coincides with that of Mana Continent.

on the other hand.

Although Mana Benzhou has the ability to lead the world of Ziwei, it cannot exceed the limit too much; after all, it can only be limited to "one realm";

Since ancient times, the former sages of the continent have worked tirelessly.Research to break the shackles of controlling at least half of the wall.

It is a dream, how can I monopolize the Ten Yuan Profound Tree.

In fact, what everyone doesn't know is that they don't need to do anything, the only difference is "time".

Because the great achievements of the ancestors of the Five Prosperities ended the "disorder of the five directions" and promoted them to the level of "two appearances are completely clear" in one step.Correspondingly, the world of crape myrtle at this time is bound to be a chaotic world that coincides with Mana Continent.

Calculated based on the time of Mana Continent, within [-] years, the Ziwei World will eventually coincide with Mana Continent, keep up with the pace, and also enter the state of "two appearances".

At this point, the ten yuan Xuanshu in Mana Island can naturally go a step further and achieve the "image of chaos".

After the unification of Mana Continent, Ziwei Great World was merged one after another.

The great achievements of this world fell into the hands of one person.

This level of mystery, apart from today's blameless karma, was proved by a coincidence.The rest of the powerful giants in the heavens, even if they have the great wisdom of Dharma Zhou Wanjie, will still be blinded by the deep cause and effect hidden in the Ziwei Great World, and will not be able to prove it.

In common sense, the failure of those great figures since ancient times and modern times is not because of bad luck, but because they are not able to do what they are capable of.

Such as Mr. Mood, Miao Zhizhen, etc., the strength of mana and the high level of realm have already reached an unimaginable level.However, it is still not enough to rely on one person's strength to seize the wonderful opportunities in the Ziwei Great World.

The characters in Mana Continent are originally unintentional reflections of the supernatural powers.

Although this generation has the means to create and destroy all things, the lifespan is still only two hundred, which actually corresponds to the upper limit of manpower.

It is impossible for one person to wait for [-] years.

Or like the [-]-year-old prosperous age created by He Tiebo, although it is difficult for one person, there are still others. If a certain shrine continues to dominate for [-] years, wouldn't it just happen to be able to pick peaches?However, the one who has achieved success is not just the person corresponding to the "Five Prosperous Patriarchs" who created great achievements.

In fact, this is absolutely impossible.

Yin and Yang are relative and have their own definite numbers.The higher the achievement of one person, the higher the probability that the later strong will join the opposing camp.At most eight hundred years of life, he will be terminated by the strong.Like Tsuru Tiebo, it is an extremely rare miracle that Yanyang Shrine has been in its heyday for seven hundred years by successive successors.

Hiding these enlightened secrets deep in his heart, Gui Wujiu suddenly felt a long-lost agitation in his heart.

Clearly, this era is different.

Where the difference lies, all the great powers of all parties have their own opinions.

But today's blameless, but saw a deeper side.

It stands to reason that in the previous Ziwei Great World, it should be in the "disorder of the five directions".

However, on the eve of Shen Yun's achievement of today's hegemony, the phenomenon of "separation of stars and Han" appeared in the world of Ziwei, and two opposing camps almost quickly formed.

In other words, it is no longer the Mana Continent that drives the Ziwei Great World, but the two are almost in a situation where they are operating almost simultaneously.

In this way, Shu Shenyun does not have to wait [-] years.

As expected, at the final decisive battle of the Five Hundred Years Meeting, the "two appearances" of Ziwei Great World were fully formed under the urging of Xinghan's diversion.

At that time, Mana Continent will have the conditions to form an unprecedented "image of confusion".

(End of this chapter)

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