Chapter 990
Shu Shenyun sighed and said: "It's a pity that although I have seen a lot, I haven't made a breakthrough in the secret of the Ten Yuan Profound Tree."

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, and said: "Master, don't worry. When you are in power, the Ten Yuan Xuanshu will be unified, and there will definitely be a dawn."

Shu Shenyun was startled, and said, "Did you see it?"

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

Shu Shen Yun paused for a moment, and then said, "How long?"

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and said, "It won't be too long. At most... no more than a hundred years. It may be possible to show changes in a few months or a few years, and it may not be impossible."

After thinking about it, I thought that since Shu Shenyun had built the prototype of the Ziwei Great World, I might as well just say it.Gui Wugui said: "Master, in the 'outside world' that you have imagined, there will be a major event in tens to hundreds of years. If this happens, the ten yuan mysterious tree in Mona Benzhou may break Half the limit."

I also have a deeper understanding of the time limit inside and outside of Mana Island, Gui Wugui.

The Ziwei Great World has continued to this day, and there are at least ten epochs with clear evidence of signs.Even if it is calculated as one million years per epoch, it must be at least tens of millions of years old.

And the history of Mana Island is only about ten thousand years.

If time is a fixed ratio of flow rate, then the inside and outside is at least one to one thousand.It has been more than a year since Gui Wugui entered the world, and the outer world has passed the limit of a thousand years.

But Gui Wujiu has a clear mind, the [-]-year agreement is far from approaching.

But it doesn't make sense to talk about the smaller proportion and the length of time.

Gui Wujiu originally thought that it might be within tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years relatively recently in the Ziwei Great World that Mana Continent took shape; but after examining many signs, they still don't match up.

It wasn't until after breaking the ground and society that Gui Wugui came to enlightenment.In fact, the two worlds inside and outside do not necessarily have a fixed time flow rate ratio.

All of this depends on the operation of fate and potential.

If the air mechanism is stagnant, it may be lingering for thousands of years; if it is at the critical moment of some subtle changes, the time movement may be pulled in suddenly.

But no matter what, Muna Continent is the "cause" of the movement, and no matter how slow the flow of time is, it will only be the same as the Ziwei Great World, and it is impossible to reverse it, which is faster than the outside world.

This is also the basis for Gui Wugui to believe that the period of at least a hundred years.

Shu Shenyun thought for a long time, and said: "This time, half of the work was achieved, not through the continental war. It was achieved by one person's force. It is indeed unprecedented. If I borrow your good words, I can really see the transformation of Xuanshu in my lifetime. Then this continental war seems to be postponed, and it cannot be avoided after all.”

Gui Wujiu solemnly said: "When the time comes, the disciple will immediately return to this world to help the master. If you and I join forces, even if we become enemies in the first world, we will not be afraid."

As for Gui Wugui's possible departure, although he didn't mention it, Shu Shenyun has long been tacitly aware of it.

Don't look at everything going smoothly today without any surprises.

But when a certain family can get all forty-nine Profound Dao Fruits, the situation will be completely different.

In terms of today's situation, Beisha Shrine and Caoye Shrine are allies; Asagiri Shrine's interests remain unchanged and they stand on the sidelines; the real opponents are Yanyang Shrine and Hoshitetsu Shrine.

If one family monopolizes it, it will achieve success.Even if it is not permanent, it is absolutely unacceptable for the rest of the companies.

At that time, it may turn into a situation where the Beisha Shrine is the enemy of the whole world.

Shu Shenyun asked, "When will you leave?"

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and said: "Fast is a few days ago, slow is more than a month. Disciple will go back after visiting Mana Island for a week."

Shu Shenyun narrowed her eyes, as if she was thinking about something.

After more than ten breaths, she suddenly stretched out her finger, and nodded at Gui Wu Jiu's eyebrows.

A wave immediately rose between Gui Wugui's eyebrows; there seemed to be a strange pattern flashing past, and then embedded deeply.

Gui Wugui said in surprise, "This is..."

Shu Shenyun smiled indifferently, and said: "If it is an extraordinary time, when life and death are at stake, if you arouse this thought, as a teacher, you can follow this seal to come to the realm you are in."

Gui Wugui was taken aback.

In the contract with Mr. Mood, there are two people, Shen Yun and Mr. Mood, who will temporarily sit and watch success or failure in Mana Island.Before the outside world really decides the winner, don't interfere in the affairs of the outside world.

Shu Shenyun seemed to understand Gui Wugui's thoughts, and said calmly: "The contract is not unbreakable, but there is a price to pay. If the loss to be recovered exceeds the price paid, why should we doubt it immediately?"

Feeling moved in Gui Wujiu's heart, he thought for a while, and said: "Even if I never use it, having this thought to support it will be a great help to my disciple."

Shu Shenyun smiled slightly, and raised her voice by two points: "Before leaving, can I show you your real face? How similar is it to what I expected?"

Gui Wugui said solemnly: "Okay."

With the drawing of his mind, Gui Wugui slowly retreated from the body of "Mo You", and turned into his own description, standing by his side.

His alien body, even if he is an ordinary Shezheng first-level cultivation base, he can't see his appearance at all.

At the end of the world, in this continent, I am afraid that only the special charm, Miao Zhizhen, and Mr. Mood can see the true face.

Shu Shenyun suddenly laughed and said, "Very good. He is more handsome and sharp than I imagined."

At this moment, there was a sound.

Turning around without blame.

It turned out that "Mo You" suddenly took a step forward, then sat down slowly, cross-legged to do exercises.Looking at his appearance, his profound strength is pure, his aura is pure, it is actually far different from Gui Wujiu's state when he first met him.

It's just that his eyes were closed tightly, and he seemed to be in a deep sleep, and he didn't wake up.

Gui Wujiu nodded repeatedly, roughly understanding the cause and effect.

If, like the Yin-Yang Daoist, or the great power of the previous generation who had tried it, cut off the soul and put it into the world, once it reunites with itself, it will temporarily replace its human face; once it leaves, the host will resurrect, known as "" Wandering Strange Syndrome", without knowing what happened.

This matter is really not a good opportunity for me.

This is not the case here.He escaped with his real body, but he seemed to transform into a virtual body; once they were combined, the Qi Myrtle World and Mana Continent had opposite and complementary auras, which had a wonderful nourishment for the host's physical body and soul.

Mo You was already known as a genius, but now that he has this opportunity, he is even more diligent.Even if it's not as good as Gui Wugui's phantom body, it's almost the same.

And when it wakes up, there will be a thought for everything that happened, mixing the two identities into one.

But when he will step into the realm of society is uncertain, it depends on the destiny.

To put it bluntly, all the community officials in the continent are reflected by the ruthless hearts of the great powers outside the sky, and it depends on which power has moved their minds, and it will be considered as a chance.

Seven days later, Gui Wugui drifted away.

Not long after, news came from the Beisha Shrine, saying that the Xinjin Shrine was at the end of the year. In fact, the breakthrough did not come naturally, but was achieved suddenly by accident.In order to consolidate the foundation of meritorious deeds, it is necessary to retreat for several years.

When the news came out, Yanyang and Xingtie Shrine were all relieved.

Secretly praying for the best Moyou's strength or longevity, so it was greatly damaged.


For [-] days, Gui Wugui traveled to Mana Island.

For the "circle heart" of the Ziwei Great World, the comprehension is also more profound.

This step plays a vital role in going back and forth between inside and outside, or in the practice of a certain path in the future.

On this day, Gui Wujiu was walking in a desert, and saw the light green against the vastness of the hazy yellow.

In the oasis, a voice came from afar:
"Very good. It's the image I saw in my dream. Sure enough, you came from that dream world."

Gui Wujiu's eyes flashed sharply, his face remained unchanged, and he immediately leaned forward.

Dressed in black clothes, with a slim figure, standing by the side of a bush.

At this time, Gui Wujiu had already left Mo You's body and traveled with his own body.The identity of those who can see the true face and drink through the hidden treasures is self-evident.

Gui Wujiu stood still and said: "The leader of Zhizhen Society has been waiting here for a long time, is this a gathering?"

Miao Zhizhen did not answer, but still sighed: "Sure enough...the image in the dream is the same. It seems that there are some inexplicable connections between you and me, but the management is not deep enough, so I lost this important opportunity .”

Gui Wugui had a gleam of light in his mind, and suddenly remembered something.

It's different from Immortal Dao Dao Neng, who is separated from the inside and outside of a world.The way of magic has the ability to connect up and down.Miao Zhizhen even came to this world when he performed sacrifices.Even if it's not the real body, it's still an extremely weighty incarnation.


If Miao Zhizhen also has the ability to implicitly connect the inside and outside, even if it is just a first-line guide, it is a great advantage.

If this is also a hole card, then even if Miao Zhi's true strength is not as good as Shu Shen Yun's, there is not much difference between the two.

At this time, Miao Zhizhen said: "Do you want to know why I don't strive for it, but wait and see the changes, because the special charm has achieved half of the great cause, and there are subtle signs that are very different from the previous ones? A little more negative?"

Gui Wugui nodded and said, "Dare to ask the truth."

Miao Zhizhen said quietly: "Because the power I dealt with in the dream is not under my control, it is difficult to form a situation of 'combination of the inside and the outside'. If you manage successfully here, maybe I will fight for success The work of the Lord."

"Fortunately, although she is the first to reach the top, she may not be able to cut off the opportunities for future generations. It seems that it is not unacceptable to leave behind for the future."

After speaking, Miao Zhizhen opened his mouth and exhaled a cloud of breath.

The aura turned in the air, and immediately turned into a colorful bird, landing on Gui Wujiu's arm.

Then the clear light reflected, on the cuffs of Gui Wugui's white robe, it seemed that the shape of a strange bird with a red crown, black feathers, and a green belly was embroidered.

Gui Wugui didn't feel Miao Zhi's true malice, and after a second thought, he didn't stop him.

After completing this step, Miao Zhizhen drifted away.

Another ten days.

Gui Wugui finally came to this borderland, the pre-calculated "exit".

This star is bright, and it seems to be one-third larger than the rest of the world, and the air is thinner and more transparent.

Gui Wugui waited and watched for a long time, and smiled slightly.

Before leaving, he took out the treasure refined by the qilin descended from the demon tribe, and slowly recited the formula.

After a while, it was firmly covered by a nine-color light that was neither virtual nor real.

Gui Wugui's body rose into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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