Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 1080 Please apologize

Mr. Ruyi Dao!

This name has not been mentioned in the spiritual world for a hundred years, but its influence has not diminished. Instead, with the war and rapid development of the blue world, it has penetrated into every corner of this realm like mercury.

For nine thousand years, the world has talked about the sects that have brought about earth-shaking changes to the azure world, including the "Daode Sect" and the "Xiantian Yiqi Nan Sect".

But when it comes to individuals, whether they are practitioners, ordinary people, or even monsters, spirits, spirits, and monsters, it is recognized that only Ruyi Taoist Zhang Ke can win this honor.

After the "Taode Sect" was rebuilt, the upper echelons of the sect were all thankful that Ruyi Dao Lord was suppressed in the "Land of Immortal Fall" by Ruyi Dao Lord, who used the magical method of reaching heaven.

Otherwise, there would be no chance for the 'Taode Sect' to be reunited, and it would have been wiped out a hundred years ago.

At this time, Lord Shouzhengdao heard Xu Qingzhi's words, and a flash of light suddenly flashed through his mind.

At this moment, he finally understood why the 'Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect' concealed the existence of Dao Zun from enemies outside the territory.

It is clearly intended to use the huge threat posed by Taoist Master to coerce sects all over the world to help Taoist Ruyi get out of trouble.

As for how the 'Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect' will operate this matter, he has not yet figured it out or thought it through, but there is no doubt that the 13,000 sects of the 'Southern Sect Alliance' are being sent out in full force this time, it must be for the sake of Ruyi Taojun.

Mr. Ruyi Dao!

This name is like a big mountain that has been weighing on the heads of countless people in the Taoist Sect for hundreds of years.

Now that it has finally been suppressed with the help of the law of heaven, no one in the Tao De Sect will allow it another chance to stand up.

The Taoist Shouzheng didn't care that he had handed over the power of the 'stick holder' to the Taoist Shouzheng before. He suddenly stood up from his seat and shouted loudly and fiercely:

"Absolutely not!"

Because it was shouted with extreme urgency in the heart, these four words contain the power of the rules of the Tao practiced by Lord Shou Zhengdao.

A thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the ears and hearts of tens of thousands of people in the palace at the same time.

There was the Yuanshen True Lord with a poor cultivation level who was instantly shouted out and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Xu Qingzhi did not expect Lord Shouzheng Dao's reaction to be so huge. He was caught off guard and did not have time to assist everyone in their protection.

When he discovered that there were three thousand Yuanshen True Monarchs in the hall who had been injured by Shouzheng Daojun's command, he immediately became very angry.

The purple-gold cold light in his eyes flashed away, he raised his right hand, held the [Reincarnation Staff] behind his back in his hand, and then suddenly inserted the purple wooden staff into the ground in front of him.


A circle of purple light extended outward from the wooden staff like ripples of water, extending hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye.

In this purple halo, ferocious and huge figures quickly turned from virtual to real, and one hundred and eight terrifying auras exuding the aura of the ancient world spread outward.

There are earth dragons that lie hundreds of miles across the earth, giant beasts that stir the clouds with their breaths, white dragons with closed eyes that wind around mountains and peaks, and many strange insects such as mantises, cicadas, and snails that rise to the peaks of mountains just by lying down.

The tens of thousands of people in the hall could see clearly that the figures as big as mountains in the halo seemed to be in a state of drowsiness.

But as the purple halo shone on these figures, their eyelids trembled, as if they were about to wake up from their drowsiness.

"Hua La La~ Hua La La~"

At this moment, tens of thousands of True Lords of Yuan Shen could not resist the terrifying coercion emitted by hundreds of Lord-level creatures at the same time, and could not help but stand up for protection.

Among them are not only people from the 'Dao Sect Alliance', but also people from the affiliated sects of the 'Southern Sect Alliance'.

It's not that the people of the 'Southern Sect Alliance' don't trust the 'Xiantian Yiqi South Sect'.

But just like an ordinary person encountering hundreds of ferocious tigers staring down at them, even if they know that they are not malicious, they will inevitably feel fear and tremble in their hearts.

'Thirty-six demon kings and seventy-two zerg leaders! '

How could the Tao Lord Sanxian from the many top-level sects in the hall not recognize those terrifying creatures exuding the Tao Lord level aura in the purple halo.

But I know that before Xu Qingzhi summoned these creatures, most people didn't think she had the ability to control these monsters and insects.

It was not until this moment when he activated the secret space contained in the [Staff of Reincarnation] that everyone was convinced that Zhang Ke had actually handed over the 108 Dao Lord-level subordinates to Xu Qingzhi.

Just as the purple halo rapidly extended and the figures of the creatures within it turned from virtual to real, almost twenty Tao Lords shouted at the same time.

"Master Wushuang, please accept the spiritual treasure. Never awaken these monsters and insects here."

"Master Wushuang, please stop now and say what you have to say."

"Master Wushuang, please be patient!"


It's not that these Dao Lords prefer the upright Dao Lord, but they are worried that once these 108 Dao Lord-level monsters and insects are really awakened, they and others may be on pins and needles and find it difficult to control themselves.

In addition, if these monsters and insects appear, the 'Taode Sect' will not sit still and wait for death. In an instant, this place will turn into a battlefield, and then this conference to fight against enemies from outside the region will be meaningless.

Under the threat of the Taoist from outside the territory, if the Azure Realm is still in such disarray, there will be no need to continue this war.

Therefore, everyone opened their mouths to dissuade him. But Xu Qingzhi was unmoved by everyone's words, and just stared at Lord Shouzhengdao intently.

Bi Luo, Feng Hua, Hong He, Ling Yun, Shan Qian Hui and others beside them were all ready to take action.

Seeing the monsters and insects in the purple halo, their auras became more and more powerful, and they might wake up at any time.

Everyone was anxious and turned to look at the livid-faced Lord Shouzheng Dao.

Taojun Tuohai of the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace in the Clouds glanced at the face of Taoist Youtan of the Netherworld Sect, and suddenly turned his head to Taoist Shouzheng and shouted:

"Fellow Daoist Shouzheng, we are facing a formidable enemy. We must not create discord among ourselves. Friend Daoist, please apologize to Master Wushuang!"



Takumi Do-kun's earth-shattering words shocked everyone present.

'How is this going? '

'How could Lord Takumi speak to Lord Wushuang? Could this be the meaning of 'Thirty-Three Heavens Palace in the Sky'? '

The ''Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace of Yunxiao'' and the ''Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect'' are life-and-death enemies. Why would Lord Tuohai turn towards Lord Wushuang? '

Could it be that ''Yunxiao Thirty-Three Heavens Palace'' switched to the ''Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect''? '

There was a sudden turmoil in the hall, and countless people communicated and discussed with each other using magical powers and secret methods.

Before everyone could discuss it, a sinister and harsh voice sounded in the hall.

"What Taoist Taoist Takumi said makes sense, and I also ask Taoist Taoist Shouzheng to apologize to Master Wushuang."

If it were said that Lord Takumi's words shook everyone's minds like a huge wave.

The echo of Taoist Master Youtan of the Netherworld Sect instantly calmed down the turmoil in everyone's hearts, and a bone-chilling chill came from the hearts of the representatives of the sects of the Taoist Alliance.

Why is it that the Nether Sect also attacks the Tao De Sect? '

'What exactly happened? Did the 'Netherworld Sect' also betray the 'Daode Sect'? '

Just when countless people were panicking, a few more people started to speak.

"Yes, the enemy should focus on the overall situation at the moment. Please ask fellow Daoist Shouzheng to apologize!"

"Yeah, I think so too."

"Please, fellow Daoist Shouzheng, apologize to Master Wushuang!"

One after another, Taoist Lord Yuzhu of 'Yuxu Palace', Taoist Xiaoyao of 'Great Freedom Palace', and Taoist Shuhua of 'Taiyi Xuanmen' spoke to Lord Shouzheng one after another.

Takumi Daojun's heart moved, and he turned to look at Youtan Daojun. He saw a smile in his eyes, and a hint of understanding flowing through his heart.

'It turns out~, Daojun Youtan is not the only one he's trying to win over! '

"This this."

Lord Shouzheng didn't notice at all that the jade in his hand was crushed into a ball of powder. He just stared blankly at the five people in front of him.

Among these five people, 'Yunxiao Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace', 'Netherworld Sect', and 'Great Freedom Heavenly Palace' all had a long-standing feud with the 'Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect', and 'Taiyi Xuanmen' also had a quarrel with the 'Taiyi Xuanmen' in one hundred and twenty years. I blocked the green eyebrows of the 'Sword Immortal' before.

It can be said that among the sects represented by the five people in front of them, only the 'Yuxu Palace' can be called neutral, but it has also joined the 'Dao Sect Alliance'.

Lord Shouzhengdao murmured to himself:

"Did I say something wrong?"

An extreme sense of grievance was revealed.

Xu Qingzhi did not expect that Taojun Tuohai and others would come forward to help, and countless thoughts instantly came to his mind.

After hearing the slightly aggrieved murmur of Lord Shouzhengdao, Xu Qingzhi almost laughed out loud, and a trace of emotion emerged from the bottom of his heart.

'Haha, the world of cultivation is a place that values ​​strength after all! '

Xu Qingzhi is very clear that the situation has developed so far, not because Mr. Shouzhengdao said something wrong, but because the situation is in my favor.


An awkward silence filled the air.

Tens of thousands of people in the hall held their breaths and looked at Lord Shouzhengdao.

Whether Shouzheng Daojun apologizes is not only a loss of face for the Tao Te Sect, but also a sign that the Tao Tao Sect will bow to the Xiantian Yi Qi Nan Sect.

'Will Mr. Shouzhengdao apologize? '(End of this chapter)

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