Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 197 Conspiracy

Chapter 197 Conspiracy

The door of the inn was slammed open, and Zhang Ke rushed in like a gust of wind.

Without stopping for a moment, he quickly walked into his room.

The shopkeeper was startled by the sudden noise, and looked at Zhang Ke who was rushing upstairs.

He swallowed back the scolding that he was about to export.

Zhang Ke rushed into the room, shutting the doors and windows regardless of getting wet, and ordered the waiter in the shop not to disturb anyone.

Take out the shadow bead, a trace of magic power emanates from the fingertips, and taps into the shadow bead.


The shadow bead emits a faint white light, and then, the white light is reflected in the air, revealing pictures one after another.

As the pictures in the room alternated between light and dark, Zhang Ke's face became more and more ugly.

He clenched his teeth, flaring his nostrils, exhaling heavily, and clenched his hands tightly.

"Gaba Gaba!"

The knuckles burst out from time to time.

With the flickering of the shadow beads, scenes of images were restored.

Zhang Ke stared at the picture with white eyes, and his panting became heavier and heavier until a certain picture appeared.

Zhang Ke couldn't bear it anymore, the anger in his heart seemed to be poured into grease and burned violently.

He stood up and made the loudest sound in his life.

"Situ Qing!"

This is a roar from the bottom of Zhang Ke's heart.

This roar pierced through the chest cavity from the bottom of the heart, then converged from the chest cavity and charged straight up, and spit out from the throat.

This roar resounded through the sky!
This roar shook the sky!
In an instant, it actually aroused the resonance of heaven and earth!

"Situ Qing!"

"Situ Qing!"

Everyone in Tuocheng first heard a loud shout, which then echoed from heaven to earth.

Everyone looked around blankly, not understanding what was going on.

In the inn, the shopkeeper had just heard the voice, and hadn't waited to react.


There was a loud cracking sound of wood.

Following the sound, the shopkeeper found that it was coming from the blind Taoist's room.

Feeling bad in his heart, he called a few mistresses and followed him boldly to the room where the blind Taoist lived.

Just looking at it, I couldn't help being dumbfounded.

I saw a big hole in the wall made of giant wood in the room, and the shape of that hole turned out to be a human figure.

It was as if someone had slammed it out of the wall.




This is the residence of "Shenyimen" in Tuocheng, covering an area of ​​three hundred feet, and it is the largest building in Tuocheng.

A small city in four directions, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and four holy beast statues each guard one side.

Among them, there are countless magic circles nested in a series, which are built together with rune bricks that have been smelted many times.


During the monster invasion a month ago, when they attacked this garrison, there were heavy casualties, and it was impossible to break through.

At this time, in a secret room in the resident, Situ Qing was whispering to a man who was wearing many accessories.

"Hou Can! How is the matter going?"


A shrill voice chuckled.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Situ, I'm always waiting to do things, so why don't you worry about it!"

"I have cleaned up the property of the Bai family through the Loose Cultivation Alliance! Here it is!"

As Hou Can said, he handed over a storage bag to Situ Qing.

Situ Qing took the storage bag, probed into it with his spiritual sense for a moment, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Fellow Daoist Situ! You can't imagine that the Bai family has so many treasures!"

Situ Qing couldn't help but nodded.

"That's right, originally it was just to cover up that matter, but in desperation, so many treasures were copied!"

Hou Can bent forward and said with a flattering smile, "Fellow Situ, why don't we take advantage of this opportunity and find another family to perform surgery on!"

Situ Qing's heart skipped a beat, he thought for a moment, and gave up.

Shaking his head, he said, "The timing is not right now! Let's talk about it later!"

Hou Can responded repeatedly, touched the ring, turned the ring inlaid with shimmering beads on the surface, and flipped it into the palm of his hand as if nothing had happened.

Because he is now wearing a lot of jewelry on his body.

Situ Qing was only focused on checking the treasures in the storage bag, and didn't notice Hou Can's small movements at all.

Situ Qing counted it secretly, and estimated that the value of it was no less than 30 gold talismans.

He couldn't help but beam with joy, and was about to open his mouth to talk to Hou Can.


"Situ Qing!"

A huge voice sounded beside him, and Situ Qing was frightened out of his wits.

Can't help but agree.


Immediately afterwards, there were continuous echoes from heaven and earth.

"Situ Qing!"

"Situ Qing...!!"

Situ Qing barely suppressed the fear in his heart, and faced Hou Can face to face.

From each other's eyes, the two saw their own anxiety.

In the secret room, the two waited quietly for a while, and when they saw that there was no more life, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Situ Qing was a little uneasy, feeling that something was about to happen.

After pondering for a moment, he said to Hou Can: "The sudden voice just now makes me feel that something is wrong. How about this, you leave Tuocheng for now."

"Come back in a few months if you have nothing to do!"

Hou Can scolded Situ Qing for being shameless in his heart, he was going to send himself away.

It doesn't matter, this is a wrong place, or you leave, if you offend me, I won't ruin your reputation, I will take your surname!
Hou Can thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Turning around and leaving, Situ Qing looked at his back with a fierce look in his eyes.

Hou Can knows too many things, it seems that he should find an opportunity to send him on his way.

The two have their own ghosts, thinking about each other.

As soon as Hou Can opened the door of the secret room, he heard a loud "Boom!" in the distance.

He dodged, then backed away, and then closed the secret room door.

Situ Qing also heard the sound, walked to the door of the secret room a few steps, and listened to the movement outside.

Only the roar of spells and loud shouts could be heard from time to time.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what happened.


When Zhang Ke saw the image in the shadow bead, he rushed to the door angrily, ignored everything, and hit the wall with his body.

He directly opened the door to the room, jumped downstairs, and headed straight for Sixiangzhai, the residence of the "Shenyimen" in Tuocheng.

He crossed the street as fast as the wind, and saw the huge building complex of Sixiangzhai from a distance.

Without stopping, he rushed towards the opened small city gate.

Although it was raining heavily and the water vapor was everywhere, there were still practitioners guarding the entrance of Sixiang Zhai without any slack.

A guard saw Zhang Ke pulling out a wave in the rainstorm from a distance, and instinctively felt that the visitor was not good.


Hit the warning gong hanging next to it casually.

Immediately, fellow disciples who heard the noise rushed over quickly.

At this moment Zhang Ke had come close, looking at the disciples of the Shenyi Sect who surrounded him, he felt extreme hatred in his heart, and he snapped his right hand.


A big millstone hand appeared out of thin air, and with the strength of nine oxen and two tigers, it slapped towards the crowd.

Several Shenyimen disciples who were covered by big hands turned pale with fright, and quickly jumped aside.


The big hand slapped the ground directly, splashing countless water splashes.

While the others dodged, Zhang Ke rushed in through the gap.

A Shenyi Sect disciple was furious.

"Activate the Holy Beast Formation!"

(End of this chapter)

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