Chapter 392
Two Jindan real people who were waiting outside the door came in.

"What is the order of the governor?"

One of them was talking, but his eyes were scanning around. He was also quite curious about the Central Academy.

The other person looked at Bai Kun, showing a trace of questioning.

Bai Kun shook his head and didn't speak, just watched from the side.

Li Xianzong said:

"Send ten people to Liuzhen, Yuhua Town, Wanzishan and other places to find out what happened there?"

The man under his command was taken aback for a moment, and asked hesitantly, "What is the investigation about?"

Li Xianzong said: "Astronomical phenomenon, geography!"

The man said solemnly: "Understood!"

Turning around to leave after speaking, Bai Kun's subordinates hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to stay or leave.

Bai Kun waved his hand and said, "Go out first and wait for me outside the door."

Li Xianzong turned his gaze to Zhang Ke.

Is what this Wanxiang real person who is less than three feet tall just said is true or false?
Zhang Ke naturally wouldn't tell the truth, after all, there were many special Taoism involved that couldn't be explained.

Xie Shilun should never have mastered these abilities.

This set of formations, which he named 'Eye of the Sky', contains Zhang Ke's new understanding of talismans.

But some words are also true, that is, when he was constructing this set of formations, he really had frequent inspirations.

The basic principle of the 'Eye of the Sky' array is not very complicated.

The first is the construction of the sand table array, which is the simplest, as long as there is sufficient data, it can be easily constructed successfully.

As for why the astronomy, geography and everyone's actions can be synchronized with reality.

This is an extreme test of Zhang Ke's Taoism.

The four special wind chimes at the four corners of the sand table were constructed by Zhang Ke with the combination of 'note technique' and 'infrasound'.

'Infrasound' is a very unique wave, and its waves can cover the entire Azure World if necessary.

Of course, this cycle may take a long time, and it is meaningless.

At least today's Zhang Ke is unable to use this.

But if this range is narrowed, it will only cover the area of ​​Baoguang City.

Then the extended return of this volatility will be shortened.

There are four 'infrasonic' wind chimes vibrating alternately, and the feedback information can be displayed on the sand table.

This is also the reason why it can remain roughly the same as the external astronomical phenomena and geography.

Using this, Zhang Ke can also monitor the behavior of some people.

Then Zhang Ke used [Ruyi], [Superposition], [Sand Painting], [Ziwei Doushu], [Flying Stars from the Heavens], [Zhoutian Calculations] and other Taoist methods to forcibly twist everything together , to form the 'Eye of the Sky' array.

And among them, countless changes were involved. If he hadn't had frequent inspirations when he built it, he would never have been able to build this formation.

At this moment, Zhang Ke felt somewhat complacent, and pointed at the little gravel figure moving in the sand table.

"Commander, you can choose one person at will and try the effect of this set of formations."

Array? ? ?

Bai Kun keenly heard the implication in Zhang Ke's words.

But any array map can definitely be put away, Bai Kun was slightly relieved.

He casually pointed to a villain and said, "Let's go to him, Liu Zhending—four six seven!"

A flash of light flew out from the tip of Zhang Ke's right finger, and hit the little gravel figure representing Liu Zhending—[-].


Among the more than 600 screens around, suddenly one screen slid in front of the three of them by itself.

Li Xianzong was frowning and thinking about how to leave the 'Eye of the Sky' formation, he could hear the implication of Zhang Ke's words.

Seeing a screen appear in front of his eyes, he couldn't help turning his attention.

I saw some handwriting on the screen, and other than that, there were red and green lines.

Li Xianzong watched carefully.

Number: Liu Zhending-[-]
Name: Yan Gongju
Realm: Congenital Divine Photo

Doubts: 43 times aimlessly wandering around Qiaozhen, Liuzhen, and Bagong Peak.

The introduction is very simple, only a few short lines, but it directly points out the special features of Yan Gongju.

In addition, topographic maps of Qiaozhen, Liuzhen, and Bagongfeng also appeared on the screen.

At this time, there is a green line on the map of a villain walking, and there are dozens of thin red lines connecting the three places on the map.

At a glance, Li Xianzong and Bai Kun immediately understood the meaning of this picture.

Li Xianzong pondered for a moment and said:
"From this point of view, the green line represents Yan Gongju's normal range of activities.

And those red lines are probably the special features of this person's actions, right? "

Zhang Ke nodded and said, "Exactly!"

After observing Yan Gongju's course of action, Zhang Ke couldn't help but let out a "huh".

Bai Kun's heart skipped a beat: "What?"

Zhang Ke said strangely:
"At this moment, the location of this Yan Gongju seems to be near the fire point."

Comparing Li Xianzong and Bai Kun, he found that Yan Gongju was really at the location where the fire started in Liuzhen.

The two looked at each other, Li Xianzong asked:
"It's interesting. Commander Bai, would you like to go and investigate with me?"

Bai Kun smiled slightly: "Is this what Bai really intends?"

Just as the two were about to turn around and leave, Zhang Ke suddenly said:
"I'm also a little curious about this, how about going with me?"

Bai Kun asked with some hesitation: "This trip needs speed. Are you good at long-distance travel?"

The corners of Zhang Ke's mouth turned up slightly, and he said with a smile: "It's okay!"

Bai Kun said: "That's the case, it's not too late, let's go!"

Saying that, he took the lead to leave the Central Academy.

Zhang Ke turned his right hand in the air, and everything in the 'Eye of the Sky' array turned into a cloud of flying sand and fell into his sleeve.

Seeing this scene, Li Xianzong shook his head secretly, smacked his lips, and followed Bai Kun to leave.

By the time Zhang Ke put away the 'Eye of the Sky' array and arrived outside the central courtyard, Bai Kun and Li Xianzong had long since disappeared.

Zhang Ke twitched the corner of his mouth and murmured: "The two narrow-minded guys seem to be irritated!"

Then a cloud of flying sand was shaken out, and a few random pushes were made to outline a white cloud.

Bai Kun used his body technique, and suddenly appeared a hundred feet away in a blink of an eye.

With a stomp of his foot, his figure disappeared and reappeared hundreds of feet away, as if he was constantly flashing in and out of space.

Beside him, there was a faint blue smoke floating like a wind.

What they saw in the Central Academy made the two feel inexplicably aloof and unfathomable towards Zhang Ke.

This inevitably made him feel that he had lost face, and the two of them were holding their breath at the moment.

As he was flying, a chuckle suddenly came from above his head.

"Commander! Governor Li Zhen! Do you want a ride?"

Bai Kun couldn't help but look up, and saw a white cloud floating tens of feet above the two of them.

Zhang Ke's young body was stretched in the clouds.

Even though it was covered by a mask, Bai Kun could still clearly feel the hideous smile under the mask.

The figure suddenly became fixed, and he looked at Li Xianzong who was also standing beside him.

They smiled wryly at each other, shook their bodies, and jumped onto the white clouds.

With a thought in Zhang Ke's mind, the white cloud suddenly rose up and flew towards Liu Zhen.

Arriving above the clouds, Bai Kun found that the speed of Bai Yun was at least three times faster than his own.

Secretly surprised in his heart, he asked:
"Fellow Daoist Wanxiang, is this white cloud a magic weapon or a spell?"

Zhang Ke said with a smile:
"This is a Taoist method that I just realized recently, and I can bring up to a hundred people with me."

Bai Kun praised: "This method is very good!"

For the town demon guard, a spell that can gather people to run quickly is of strategic significance.

What's more, Zhang Ke's method is the technique of driving the clouds, which not only widens the field of vision, but also eliminates the influence of terrain.

Zhang Ke pretended not to understand Bai Kun's implication, flipped his right hand, and a dark golden scroll melted out of his palm.


The scroll unrolls from left to right, and the three-dimensional image of Baoguang City appears inside the scroll.

Zhang Ke tapped his fingertips, and the three-dimensional image of Liu Zhen broke away from Baoguang City in an instant.

Find the red dot that symbolizes D-[-], and touch it with your fingertips, a little bit of spiritual light penetrates.

In the eyes of Bai Kun and Li Xianzong, the scene of Liuzhen is constantly expanding, just like pulling an object from far to near.

In just a few breaths, the red dot symbolizing Yan Gongju was clearly revealed.

It can be seen that the red dot is moving rapidly towards Liu Town, and its action trajectory is exactly the same as the behavior trajectory diagram on the side of the scroll.

This is incredible.

If the 'Heavenly Eye Array' can be deployed in various parts of Lan Country, wouldn't Zhenmowei be able to easily monitor the world.

Looking at everything in front of him, Bai Kun couldn't hold back after all, and asked the question Li Xianzong wanted to know all along.

"Fellow Daoist Vientiane! Can this 'Sky Eye Formation' be arranged at will?"

Zhang Ke shook his head and sighed:
"No, this method needs my natal magic weapon to perform, it cannot be far away from me, it can only exist around me."

For some reason, although Bai Kun and Li Xianzong felt a little regretful, they were greatly relieved.

Zhang Ke is not false, the 'Heavenly Eye Formation' is a way of Taoism created by him by combining the natal talisman with the 'sand painting'.

This array can only be carried with you, once you leave your side, it will disintegrate into sand.

Even so, where Zhang Ke is, within a thousand miles, any clues are like lines on the palm of his hand.

Zhang Ke also understood what the expressions of Bai Kun and others meant.

After all, no one likes to have a pair of eyes staring at themselves all the time.

What's more, as a monk, it is inevitable to participate in all kinds of secrets and darkness.

No one likes the feeling of being naked in full view.

Bai Kun and Li Xianzong looked at each other, with complicated thoughts in their hearts.

Liuzhen is about [-] miles away from Baoguang City. If you follow the road from the ground, it will take about an hour even for a Jindan real person.

But at this moment, it only took two quarters of an hour above the clouds, and there are many landscapes and buildings below, and Liu Town is already in sight.

Zhang Ke made a slight distinction, and his spiritual sense instantly locked on one person, pointing to the bottom.

"That's Yan Gongju, do you want to take it down?"

Bai Kun looked at the behavior trajectory map on the scroll that fits Yan Gongju's current behavior very well.

I don't want to wait for him to behave abnormally, I will know if there is anything.

He said decisively: "Take it!"

 Thank you book friend 140621142602361 for the reward! !

(End of this chapter)

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