Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 398 3 years

398 Three Years
I saw a gemstone shining on the scabbard of a decorative saber hanging on the wall behind.

Zhang Ke suddenly jumped out of the radiance of the gemstone.

Liu Huaizhong took a deep breath again, he deliberately removed all the mirrors in this secret room today, only kept a teacup on the table.

He wanted to test Zhang Ke's transmission method, but Zhang Ke unexpectedly appeared again in a way he had never heard of.

A golden glow flashed in Zhang Ke's eyes, and he said coldly:

"this is the last time!"

Liu Huaizhong understood that Zhang Ke saw his little thoughts, and nodded silently.

Zhang Ke still circled left and right, and his divine sense burst out suddenly, and a circle of translucent ripples visible to the naked eye shot out.

The 'Spiritual Probe' checked the secret room carefully, but found nothing unusual.

Zhang Ke flipped his right hand, and a black and white folding fan appeared in his hand. He unfolded it with a "snap", and flapped it lightly twice.

He asked, "Has Elder Yinhu left?"

Liu Huaizhong gave an 'hmm' and replied:

"I have already left, and now there are no outsiders in the family, and I am left alone."

Zhang Ke then asked:

"Did Elder Yinhu ever say anything to you?"

A mocking look appeared on Liu Huaizhong's face.

"Hehe! Leave me a hundred gold talismans and talk some nonsense."

Zhang Ke thought for a while, then said:

"Today I tested Elder Yinhu, and I can confirm that Feng Xi should be a member of the 'Red Robe Society'."

Liu Huaizhong was slightly startled, he was the one who raised the doubts about Feng Xi, even so, he was still a little surprised after learning the news.

Zhang Ke continued:
"I asked him to assassinate Feng Xi as a condition to save the hyena dog. According to your judgment, will Elder Yinhu attack Feng Xi?"

Liu Huaizhong thought for a moment, then slowly said:
"Elder Yinhu is an extremely selfish person. If he had no choice, he would probably do it."

Zhang Ke heaved a sigh of relief, what he wanted was this judgment.

"Very good! The time I left for Elder Yinhu is only three months. If we do something, it should be within this time."

Then said:
"Elder Yinhu doesn't know that you still have contact with me now. According to my guess, there is a high probability that he will take you with him when he makes a move."

Then he glanced at Liu Huaizhong, and said:

"He might take this opportunity to kill you, or even blame you for killing Feng Xi.

After all, you know a little too much about him now! "

Liu Huai's head jumped, and he hurriedly said:

"Then...then what should I do?"

Zhang Ke smiled slightly:
"It's very simple. If he has no intention of harming you, then forget it. If it is as expected, you should find a way to inform Feng Xi in advance.

In addition, Elder Sishe had to contact him, saying that Elder Yinhu wanted to attack him. "

Liu Huai's heart shook, and he asked hesitantly:
"There are many connections among them, how can I win people's trust?"

Zhang Ke pointed out:
"You can tell all about Mr. Big.

The most important thing is that in order to save his son, Elder Yinhu decided to attack Feng Xi and he must make it clear about his doubts about Elder Sishe. "

Liu Huai's heart trembled for a while, Zhang Ke's move was to arouse internal conflicts in the 'Red Robe Club'!
Swallowing, Liu Huaizhong said cautiously:
"Then... what about me?"

A golden light flashed in Zhang Ke's eyes:
"I will hand over your family to you. You can find a way to hide it yourself. As for you..."

Zhang Ke slightly paused, and continued:
"I will help you develop step by step. You only need to do one thing, and that is to find out the true identity of the leader of the 'Red Robe Society', 'Wuxiang'."

Liu Huaizhong was a little scared, he didn't know if he could do it, but now he had no choice.

After that, Zhang Ke unfolded the sand painting, let Liu Huaizhong's family members out, and then left through the mirror door.

Returning to the central courtyard again, the folding fan in Zhang Ke's hand suddenly jumped up by itself.

It unfolded with a "wow", and Hook Soul jumped out from the fan.

"Heck! The master has become good and bad now! There is also a beautiful young woman hidden in the painting."

Hookhun covered the lower half of his face with a folding fan, his eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles, and he teased softly.

Zhang Ke said with a smile: "What? Are you jealous?"

Hooking rolled his eyes at him, then asked curiously:
"You called me out this time because you have something to do?"

Zhang Ke nodded and said:

"Well! Watch out for the man I saw just now, don't let him die easily, this man is still useful."

Gouhun nodded to express his understanding, and asked again:

"What is the origin of the 'Red Robe Society' the master mentioned, and why does the master value it so much?"

Zhang Ke roughly explained the origin of the 'Red Robe Club', and then said:
"Actually, I don't care about the strength of the 'Red Robe Society'. The troublesome thing about this organization is that they hide so deeply that it is easy to kill but difficult to find out.

This organization that feeds on people has extremely tenacious vitality, like weeds, it has been wiped out many times, and it has been revived many times.

This time, my plan is to use Elder Yinhu to cause chaos inside, so as to force the group of mice to show their tails.

As long as some evil cultivators of the "Red Robe Society" are exposed, they can be followed by the vine, even if they cannot be wiped out.

It should also be damaged as much as possible, so that it cannot recover its vitality within a hundred years. "

Hooking figured out the whole story and the reason of the incident, and understood what he should do.

"Master, don't worry, Guhun will take care of things well, send me away now!"

The central hospital is located at the core of the demon guards' garrison in Baoguang town, and there are countless restrictions inside and out.

Zhang Ke was able to ignore these restrictions because he had the innate spiritual treasure 'Thousand Mirrors close at hand'.

Ecstasy is unable to enter and exit freely here, and naturally needs Zhang Ke's help.

Zhang Ke nodded slightly, opened a mirror door casually, and sent the soul out.

The next time is to wait, and Zhang Ke has an inexplicable expectation for this.


In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

Summer weather is always so hot.

The part close to the ground is refracted by the sunlight to form steam-like ripples.

The reed plain in Gan State.

Hundreds of people are running around on the ground, like pheasants whose nests have been bombed.

Most of these people are minor monks in the Xiantian realm, the number is about 600 people, and the rest are monks in the Golden Core realm, there are about 200 people.

The attire of these hundreds of people is extremely uniform, all in big red robes, with various masks on their faces.

After entering the endless plain, most of the fleeing red-robed monks on the ground let out desperate cries.

This kind of terrain is unobstructed, and for escapees, this is the worst situation.

But in order to survive, after venting for a while, all the people still fled towards the depths of the plain.

Flying to the sky and escaping the ground, they used various means, and red lights burst out, and there were also colorful auras mixed in between.

At this time, few people gathered together, but each chose a direction to escape.

As for whether they can escape, it can only be said that everyone lives in peace.

Not long after these hundreds of people fled into the plain, a large group of dark clouds rolled over the plain far away in the sky.

And among the clouds, there were hundreds of people standing indistinctly.

Black, gray clouds rolled like ocean waves.

From time to time, streaks of blue-and-white lightning flashed through the clouds, and there were muffled thunderclaps one after another.

At this time, hundreds of people standing above the clouds looked down at the red-robed evil cultivator scurrying across the plain, and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha! These red-robed remnants probably don't know that we deliberately forced them to the Reed Plain!"

"Hey! This time, it can be regarded as a big fish. There are more than 200 Jindan real people, and there are many elders of the Earthly Branches among them. What a joy!"

"Hmm! Speaking of which, this 'Divine Eye' Commander Vientiane is really amazing!
In the past few years, the 'Red Robe Society' has lost countless soldiers and generals in its hands! "

"Hehe! In the past three years, the 'Red Robe Society' has lost a total of 460 and eight people in the Jindan Realm, and more than 2000 people in the Xiantian Realm.

Do you know that more than [-]% of the red-robed evil cultivators were wiped out by the leaders of Wanxiang Commander! "

"Hiss—! There are so many, and I don't know how the Vientiane Commander did it. You must know that the 'Red Robe Society' is the best at hiding!"

"Exactly! Commander Wanxiang is the person I admire most in my life!"


Don't mention other people's comments on the cloud, at the forefront of the cloud.

Dozens of officials in various robes crowded around a masked little man who was less than three feet tall.

A middle-aged official wearing a red and purple crown robe said in a deep voice:
"Commander of Vientiane! Now that the remnants of the red robe have been captured, what are you waiting for?"

There was a hint of questioning in his words, but more envy and jealousy.

And this is also the thought of almost all the officials standing aside at this time.

Zhang Ke took two steps forward and looked at the red-robed remnants fleeing in all directions below.

Sighing slightly, he explained:

"I thought it would be possible to draw out that leader' Wuxiang', but I didn't expect this person to be so tolerant.

There are several earthly branch elders down here, so they can't be lured out. "

After a short pause, he continued, "Close the Internet cafe!"

As soon as this remark came out, there were thunderous cheers everywhere.

The four third-rank officials in red and purple crown robes each held a bright yellow imperial edict in their hands, and each bowed in one direction.

Qi Qi shouted loudly:

"Is it the land of the king under the sky, and the land of the land is the king's minister!"

The voice was faintly mixed with the shouts of the people, echoing between the heaven and the earth for a long time.

After drinking, the four officials raised the bright yellow imperial decree in their hands above their heads, and countless dazzling golden lights burst out from the imperial decree.

This golden light even caught the attention of the red-robed evil cultivators who were fleeing below.

In just an instant, the infinite golden light disappeared without a trace.

A moment later, a golden barrier rose from the four directions of the southeast and the northwest, and the golden barrier quickly closed from the middle of the four directions.

Some Jindan-level red-robed evil cultivators who were good at body skills had already escaped very far, but were pushed back by the barrier like a wall.

(End of this chapter)

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