Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 407 Tu Shan's Clue

Chapter 407 Tu Shan's Clue
Gan Guo.

Town Demon Guard resident.

After the Reed Plain wiped out many evil cultivators of the 'Red Robe Society' in one fell swoop, Zhang Ke returned to the station ahead of schedule.

Relying on the warrant of the inspection envoy, Zhang Ke entered the Jiage warehouse of the resident to check the information.

After coming to Zhongyu for three years, Zhang Ke went to many subordinate vassal states of Lan Kingdom non-stop.

Others thought he was chasing clues of the 'Red Robe Society'.

In fact, he has been looking for clues about Tu Shan through the treasury of Zhenmoweijia Pavilion in many vassal states of Lan Kingdom.

The vassal states of Lan Country border on the Eastern Region, since he teleported here, he is in Lan Country.

Then there is a high chance that Tu Shan should have stayed here once.

But now that the 'Red Robe Society' has almost been wiped out, Tu Shan has not gotten a single clue.

Zhang Ke was a little discouraged, thinking about whether to go to the Magic Guard headquarters in Languo Town to check.

After all, the intelligence information there will be more accurate and comprehensive.

Zhang Ke was a little hesitant. He had been in Zhongyu for three years, and he didn't just pursue Tu Shan.

Through the collection of various intelligence information, it can be said that no one in the Eastern Territory knows the Central Territory better than Zhang Ke.

1000 years ago, in various boundaries of the Central Territory, for some reason, earthquakes occurred almost at the same time.

Later, some people dug out nine large bronze tripods from the ground one after another.

Using these nine great tripods to suppress luck, countries were successively established in various places.

After that, various new schools of thought such as Confucianism, Law, Bing, and Agriculture popped up like mushrooms after rain.

And the traditional high-level practitioners almost faded out of the world's sight overnight.

At that time, there were actually two big countries in the central region, named 'Yan' and 'Dai', which together with the current seven countries are called nine countries.

These two countries face each other far away from each other in the south and the north, and the strength of any one country is several times stronger than the current strongest 'Xia' country.

However, when these two countries were thriving, they were suddenly disintegrated on a certain day and split into hundreds of small vassal states.

No one knows exactly what happened during that time period, and even the historical records are just passing by.

Through Zhang Ke's intentional or unintentional investigation, he faintly found that there seemed to be an expert in the layout.

After the collapse of the two countries "Yan" and "Dai", the bronze tripod that suppressed the national fortune disappeared.

Without the great bronze tripod to suppress luck, it has also led to the inability of today's Central Territory to establish an eighth power.

Zhang Ke once carefully marked all the abnormalities.

Luck, emerging schools, national fortune techniques, artifacts of the country, and the current situation of a hundred schools of thought contending in the Central Territory.

This somewhat familiar operation is similar to Zhang Ke's behavior of spreading belief in the blue sky world.

At that time, Zhang Ke borrowed a series of measures made by Daodezong in the blue world.

Reversing this line of thought, Zhang Ke felt a little creepy.

Could it be that the current situation in Zhongyu is actually a secret layout plan of Daodezong?
However, the Daodezong has now split into the 'Tiandaozong' and the 'Mingdezong', so what is going on in this middle region?

Thinking about this matter is extremely frightening, and Zhang Ke made up his mind once he gets clues from Tu Shan.

Immediately leave the Central Territory, a place of right and wrong.

The reason why he was hesitant about going to the capital city of Lan Kingdom, 'Yongcheng', was because of another reason.

The major countries in the central region are all protected by the national destiny.

The extravagant mortal qi is extremely unfriendly to the traditional monks who practice the "Qi Xing Method".

Once a realm above the Golden Core Realm enters the capital, its strength will be greatly weakened.

But here, the monarch has the constitution of heaven in his mouth, and the law speaks out from his mouth. In particular, he can mobilize the powerful power of the national destiny.

Even the True Monarch Yuanshen, if he is not careful, he will be killed on the spot!

But this powerful force is limited to the capital.

This is also one of the reasons why the monarchs of all dynasties rarely left the capital.

The reason why Emperor Lan was extremely afraid of Zhang Ke was because of his tracking skills, ability to change, and forbearance in his bones.

Once he offends this person severely, I am afraid that Emperor Lan will never dare to step out of the palace gate for the rest of his life.

To have a king shut up like a prisoner within the walls of his palace is a great disgrace to any king.

It is precisely this reason that Zhang Ke is in trouble at the moment.

Although he kept his identity a secret, he didn't make too much effort.

Therefore, in the process of hunting down the 'Red Robe Club', some extraordinary features will often be revealed.

According to what he thought, Bai Kun might have doubted him for a long time, but it might be because he didn't do anything unfavorable to Lan Country.

And because now is the critical moment to hunt down the 'Red Robe Club', they didn't have a showdown with themselves.

Now that the 'Red Robe Club' is over, it is presumed that Bai Kun will come to him soon.

If he enters the capital city of the Lan Kingdom, 'Yong City' without any precautions, he will really fall into a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

If you want to leave easily, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

It is for this reason that Zhang Ke has always been reluctant to enter the capital of Lan Kingdom.

In the following time, Zhang Ke calmed down and looked up the various customs and legends of Gan country word by word.

He didn't believe that Tu Shan came to the Central Territory for no reason, there must be a reason that he didn't know.

These days, one after another practitioners want to get acquainted with Zhang Ke, but he politely declines them all.

After half a month, he has consulted more than half of the historical materials in the shelf library.

On this day, Zhang Ke's operation ended on Sunday, and he came to Jiage Library to check the information again.

It was found that some people in the costumes of Zhenmowei were transporting various bamboo slips and volumes inside.

I found out after stopping a person to ask.

Every three years, the garrisons of the Mowei in Ganguo Town will transport some folk rumors and miscellaneous stories collected to the Mowei headquarters in Ganguo Town for storage.

In the past few days, it happened to be the volume storage time.

Suddenly, Zhang Ke didn't pay much attention to it, and went directly to the Jiage library to continue searching for clues to Tu Shan.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

On this day, Zhang Ke held a volume in his hand and flipped through it page by page.

When he casually turned a page again, the few words recorded in the book immediately made him sit up straight.

In the [-]th year of the Yuan calendar, Shentu, a prominent family in Linghe, and Wuliang, the real king of his family, occasionally obtained the "Nine Nether Scattering Soul Wind" from outside the territory.

Unexpectedly, his son Youshan killed his elder brother Youfeng and fled in order to seduce him.

It's so sad to make brothers fight against each other for profit!What a pity!Alas! '

Looking at the records in the volume, Zhang Ke couldn't help but let out a 'huh'.

Shen Tu has a mountain? ? ?

Tu Shan?

Is there any connection between the two?

Zhang Ke thought about it, and continued to search in the volume, but found nothing new.

This volume is only recorded in it by some people in the past after hearing it unintentionally.

Its intention is to warn the world not to make the same mistakes.

Pinching your fingers and calculating slightly, 600 in the Yuan calendar should be more than [-] years ago.

Zhang Ke quickly recalled some of Tu Shan's experiences in the Eastern Region.

After the Tu Shan incident that year, the Xiantian Yizong once collected some clues about Tu Shan.

It was found that it first appeared in the Eastern Region 400 years ago.

His life experience could not be found in the Eastern Territory, as if he appeared out of nowhere.

According to the calculation of time, this Shentu Youshan is very likely to be the same person as Tu Shan.

After all, the master who is good at using the 'Nine Nether Scattering Soul Wind' has only heard of Tu Shan from the Eastern Region to the Central Region.

Zhang Keruo thought:
Pseudonyms, cross-domain, how similar this is to myself at the moment.

Shen Tu has a mountain? ? ?

hehe!Tu Shan, I finally found you!

With the pertinence, it would be easier to search, but Zhang Ke was taken aback by this search.

Shentu Xiangzhi, the commander of the magic guards in Languo Town, is actually from the same family as Shentu Youshan.

In an instant, Zhang Ke was extremely vigilant.

He had asked many people about Tu Shan's clues, including the 'Red Robe Society', the Demon Guards, and even some friends he knew.

With Zhen Mowei attaching great importance to intelligence information, I am afraid that the news of his search for Tu Shan has been leaked.

He took one last look at the location of the Shentu family's ancestral home.

Xihe Tiger Hill!

Zhang Ke didn't hesitate any longer, and quickly left Jiageku without hesitation.

He didn't make contact with anyone outside, and turned into a bird and flew away.

When he came to the no man's land, he gathered all the objects related to the demon guard on his body, and burned them all.

Then he ran directly towards Xihe Tiger Hill.

Two days later.

Shentu Xiangzhi came to Ganguo town where the magic guards were stationed.

Accompanied by the local governor Pei Yizhi, he entered the Jiage library.

Through the information stored in the Jiage library, Shentu Xiangzhi found every volume that Zhang Ke had searched for.

After careful inspection, he waved his hand to make Pei Yizhi leave.

And he took out a mother and daughter snail to activate it with mana to communicate with Emperor Lan in the capital'Yongcheng'.

"How? How is it going?"

As soon as the connection was made, Lanhuang's impatient voice came from the Luokou.

Shentu Xiangzhi secretly smiled wryly.

"This Zhang Ke is really not to be underestimated, I wanted to hint at Tu Shan's roots in his words.

Unexpectedly, he found Tu Shan's clues accurately in the misty news. "

"Oh? There is such a thing? Does this affect our plan?"

Shentu Xiangzhi smiled slightly and said:

"This is a good thing! In this way, he will not have any doubts about this matter."

"Well! Well, it's a long night and dreams, this matter needs to be done quickly.

In case Zhang Ke found Tu Shan and left in advance, it would be difficult to find a chance to deal with him. "

Shentu Xiangzhi gave an 'um', expressing his understanding, thought for a moment, then turned and left Jiageku.

(End of this chapter)

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