Chapter 410
The distance between Xifeng River Valley and Xihe Mingguang Private School is not far.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a bird flew quietly over the valley.

Zhang Ke had been here several times before to find out about Tu Shan's whereabouts.

There are two adjacent mountains intertwined together, and a canyon is twisted out of the interlaced gap with nine twists and eighteen turns.

Every day at two o'clock in the afternoon, there will be endless wind gushing out of the canyon here like water.

More than 1000 years ago, this place was originally integrated. Later, Shentu Wuliang practiced supernatural powers for the convenience of Shentu Youfeng.

Find a weak spot in the void, and use magical powers to split the mountain peak, creating a gap in the void.

Then the place was sealed off with a formation, as long as the 'Nine Nether Scattering Soul Wind' was buried here.

Every once in a while, a trace of Nine Nether Scattering Soul Wind can be condensed.

This move actually caused great damage to this world.

Through this channel, external evils will invade, bit by bit infecting and destroying the earth veins and geomantic omen of this place.

But at that time Shentu Wuliang did it extremely secretly.

Use natural and earthly treasures such as purple marrow, black gold, lapis lazuli, lava stone, and star steel to seal off the vicinity of the void gap.

According to Shentu Wuliang's estimate, it only takes Shentu Youfeng a hundred years to completely refine the 'Nine Nether Scattering Soul Wind'.

At that time, the closed place here will be restored, and with the ability of the earth's veins to automatically restore, it will be restored in a few hundred years.

But he did not expect such an accident as Shentu Youshan.

Later, Shentu Wuliang searched for Shentu Youshan but failed, so he also forgot about this place.

After he later fell, this place was completely forgotten.

After Tu Shan came here again to live in seclusion, he suddenly found that the gap left by that year had not been healed.

On the contrary, for some reason, a stable void entrance was formed.

Although the entrance is not big, and no living body can pass through it, there is a steady stream of void energy emerging from the entrance.

The location here is extremely secretive. Zhang Ke came here to investigate many times, but he didn't notice it at all.

Tu Shan has been recovering from his injuries with Yuan Gang here all these years.

At the same time, it also refines and refines the 'Nine Nether Scattering Soul Wind' with the help of endless wind.

Following Tu Shan's aura, Zhang Ke flew to a cliff in the West Wind Valley.

A faint to imperceptible light flashed, and the bird turned into a grass without sound.

I can't see a clue in the few strands of grass around me.

And where he didn't notice, a group of people on the south and north sides hid quietly for one night.

To the south of the West Wind River Valley, Shentu Xiangzhi led hundreds of people to hide in a hidden formation.

At this moment, a 'clairvoyance' is placed in front of the eyes to check the surroundings.

'Clairvoyance' was created decades ago by a member of the Mo family in Lan Country.

The shape is similar to that of a cyclope, and it can observe things within a few miles of the outside world through the telescopic tube body.

The key is that there is a special magic circle on this thing, which can observe the outside world without being noticed.

This treasure is rare nowadays, it is regarded as a secret weapon of Lan Country.

Shentu Xiangzhi looked at the scenery in front of him within ten miles through his 'clairvoyance', and secretly admired it in his heart.

'Good baby!This thing can definitely play a powerful role in war. '

He had clearly captured Tu Shan's figure just now.

With Tu Shan's Yuanshen stage cultivation base, he didn't notice this kind of prying, which shows how powerful it is.

Immediately afterwards, Shentu Xiangzhi kept moving, trying to find Zhang Ke's trace.

He has already learned from Bai Kun that Zhang Ke is good at changing.

Focus on observing the birds flying in the air and the beasts passing through the mountains.

But after looking at it for a long time, I didn't find anything unusual.

Today, he learned of what happened by the West River as quickly as possible.

After all, this is Xihe Tiger Hill, his home field.

Shentu Xiangzhi's first reaction when he got the news was:

Zhang Ke made a move!
Besides, how could such a coincidence happen in such a time period.

When almost half of the people in Huqiu Town rushed towards the West River, Shentu Xiangzhi was even more sure of this.

This was obviously a sign that Zhang Ke was going to do something, luring the people out of Huqiu Town in advance.

At that time, Shentu Xiangzhi also had a difficult time deciding whether to set up an ambush on West Street or West Wind River Valley.

But in the end he still chose Westwind Valley, and it was always a gamble to choose one of the two options.

When he saw Tu Shan's figure, Shentu Xiangzhi knew that he had made the right bet.

But on the contrary, Zhang Ke didn't follow him, which made Shentu Xiangzhi feel a little puzzled.

"Didn't Zhang Ke design the shipwreck by the West River? Hasn't he found Tu Shan's whereabouts yet?"
Or has he already arrived here, but he has not found his trace? '

If it's the former, that's fine.

In just a few days, a town of tens of thousands of people.

It is basically impossible to find a hidden Yuanshen Zhenjun quietly.

But if what happened by the West River was really done by Zhang Ke, then this person is a bit scary.

This indicates that Zhang Ke not only found Tu Shan secretly, but also took action.

But at this moment, I am not able to find this person even though I am lurking secretly and making targeted observations.

This further illustrates this person's terrifying ability to hide and disappear.

If the action against Zhang Ke fails this time, there will be such a person hidden in the dark waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

What a terrible thing this will be.

Thinking of this, Shentu Xiangzhi felt a chill rushing towards the top door.

And in the north of the West Wind River Valley, Wuxiang, the leader of the "Red Robe Society" with the face of Liu Huaizhong, is also hiding here.

Beside him are the only remaining members of the 'Red Robe Society'.

Impermanence Left Envoy Hei Wuchang, the only remaining four members of the Twelve Earthly Branches are Zishu, Wuma, Weiyang, and Xugou.

And the remaining 360 seven golden core realm evil cultivators.

As for the evil cultivators on the periphery of the Xiantian Realm, they were wiped out under Wuxiang's order before that.

This time, Wu Xiang is going to put all his eggs in one basket and make a big one.

On that day at the Golden Luan Palace, he had already replaced Yan Gongju.

Above the main hall, Bai Kun analyzed Zhang Ke.

Wuxiang couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. From then on, he decided to replace Zhang Ke's identity and go to the Eastern Region for further development.

The name "Red Robe Club" has always been a synonym for the head of the club.

It comes from a fourth-grade Houtian Lingbao [Phaseless Mask].

Its function is very simple, as long as enough blood breath can be obtained.

Then you can change into anyone through the mask.

Moreover, it is also possible to display all the abilities of this person, including spells and supernatural powers.

It is not so much an imitation as a copy.

Its ability is practical, even surpassing some innate spirit treasures.

But this treasure also has some flaws, perhaps due to the restriction of its rank, the upper limit of its reproduction can only be the Yuanshen realm.

And it can only copy humanoid creatures, both male and female.

Why did Wuxianghui spy on Zhang Ke all the time, because Bai Kun once said that Zhang Ke was good at changing.

When there was no match, he decided to kill Zhang Ke and become his replica.

If Zhang Ke can be copied perfectly, with this person's transformation technique, plus he can transform any humanoid creature.

In this world, who can restrain himself.

Even those big figures who have been secretly controlling the 'Red Robe Society' are not allowed.

This time he cleaned up the inside of the 'Red Robe Club' and brought all his subordinates here.

I just want to consume all the survivors of the 'Red Robe Society' here.

After all, there are some people's eyeliner in it.

He wants to take this opportunity to escape the golden cicada, Li Daitao is stiff, and uses the corpse to return to life.

As for the 'Red Robe Club', just let it disappear.

It just so happened that I could take the opportunity to break away from the control of some people and live in the Eastern Region again under the name of Zhang Ke.
This is a rare opportunity in thousands of years.

If the 'Red Robe Club' hadn't been suppressed by Zhang Ke, the pawns and eyeliner of some big shots would have been too damaged.

He didn't dare to give birth to such a rebellious act.

When Zhang Ke is killed by himself, he can enjoy everything about him on his behalf.

This can be regarded as my thanks for using him to escape the shackles, I hope he won't mind under Jiuquan.

As for the restrictions set by some big figures on his body, Wu Xiang already has a way to get rid of them, but he has never dared to act.

Thinking of his pride, Wuxiang couldn't help but laugh out loud with a 'hehe'.

Beside him, some red-robed monks were secretly making eye contact.

They were all forced to come here, but they just heard that Wuxiang said that they wanted to encircle and suppress the person who caused great harm to the 'Red Robe Society'.

I don't know the rest of the details, and I can't help but secretly feel uneasy.

Wu Xiang previously ordered Liu Huaizhong to communicate with Zhang Ke.

The so-called Zhenmowei's plan to attack Zhang Ke is just one of his strategies.

He wanted to take the opportunity of that phone call to locate Zhang Ke's position with the compass of "leading by a thread".

Unexpectedly, the word came true, he didn't know that on the opposite side of him, hundreds of people from Zhenmowei were hiding and waiting for the opportunity.

The reason why Wuxiang is hiding here and setting up an ambush at this moment is only because the compass of "One Line Leads" shows that Zhang Ke has stayed here many times.

'A thread of support' is a magic weapon with powerful tracking ability, but it can't locate the position extremely accurately.

It can only determine the approximate position within a hundred miles, but even so, this magic weapon is extremely rare.

Maybe it's God's will in the dark.

On this day, Tu Shan, Zhang Ke, Zhenmowei, and the Red Robe Society were all people and groups with complicated relationships.

They all came together by chance and coincidence.

The environment in Westwind Valley is complex.

For more than 1000 years, due to the endless wind blowing, countless holes have been formed here.

These holes extend in all directions like a honeycomb, intersecting and intertwining.

People with lower cultivation levels may never find a way out as long as they go in.

This is also the main reason why Zhang Ke failed to find the gap in the void when he came here several times.

At this time Zhang Ke was transforming into a weed waiting for Tu Shan to appear.

And at this moment, his heart was full of amazement.

In the Eastern Region back then, Zhang Ke had spent all his meritorious deeds to figure out Tu Shan's whereabouts.

The hexagram image just gives a word 'Xi'.

He thought it was in the west of the Eastern Territory, so he explored all the way to the "Thousand Seal City" in the extreme west of the Eastern Territory.

It was also there that Zhang Ke received the news that Tu Shan was in Zhongyu for the first time.

Entering the Central Territory from here, after three years of hard work, they finally blocked Tu Shan in the West Wind Valley.

Xihe Tiger Hill, Daxi Street, Xihe Mingguang Private School, Xifeng Valley!
Looking at it now, how accurate this hexagram is.

(End of this chapter)

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