Chapter 421
Guanghan Court.

True Monarch Yuegui sat on it, smiling and watching many disciples talking and laughing.

In her life, she likes to support and guide the younger ones. She used to guide the practice in the Taoist monastery all the year round, so she is the most loved by the disciples.

It is also because of this that there are so many disciples who have devoted themselves to her. Over the years, these disciples have gradually grown and emerged one after another.

Up to now, there are hundreds of disciples under her sect, and nine of them have advanced to the Golden Core Realm.

Except for Zhang Ke, the freak who taught 27 golden elixirs "Dharma Guardian Gods" with the "Shoulu Method".

The Golden Core cultivators under True Monarch Yuegui are the most in the sect.

At this moment, Zhang Ke is being entangled by Guan Yu, Bi Luo and others to tell about the various customs of Zhongyu.

Surrounded by a circle of seniors and juniors, they made exclamations from time to time.

But at the same time, True Monarch Yuegui also discovered that even if they are both his disciples, they each have their own circles.

Since Zhang Ke was exiled to the void many years ago, the disciples that Zhenjun Yuegui accepted later had never met him, so they were not very close.

Although many disciples are gathered together at this moment, they are clearly divided, showing their closeness and estrangement.

True Monarch Yuegui frowned a little, it seemed that it would be better for these disciples to get in touch with each other more.

In the blink of an eye, seeing the smiling red silk, True Monarch Yuegui was secretly happy again.

Even though she is Zhang Ke's master, sometimes she admires this disciple's supernatural powers.

Hung Hom is her favorite disciple, who has been trapped in the Golden Wind Cave all these years and refuses to come out.

She had thought of countless ways, and tried to persuade her personally, but none of them had the slightest effect.

However, Zhang Ke easily brought out the red silk. Judging by her condition, it seemed that even the knot in her heart had been opened.

I can't help but wonder secretly, I don't know what tricks Zhang Ke has used, could it be that a beautiful man can't succeed?
Thinking of this, True Monarch Yuegui couldn't help but chuckled a few times.

The news of Zhang Ke's return to the sect quickly spread, and correspondingly was another shocking news.

"Nine Youtian Ghost" Tu Shan was captured and returned to the mountain by Zhang Ke after three years of hunting from Zhongyu.

The news came from Gu Ke and Sun Kang.

The two of them didn't know who Tu Shan was.

When reporting the situation to Zongmen, he told the conversation between Zhang Ke and Hongxiao.

Unexpectedly, one stone would stir up thousands of waves, and the Xiantian Qi School was completely shocked.

Back then, when Yuanshen and Zhenjun fought each other, Tu Shan had no bottom line to attack ordinary people, causing nearly 4000 deaths and injuries.

This incident caused a sensation in the entire Eastern Region at that time.

Because of this, all sects in the Eastern Region still have Tu Shan's bounty on him.

Among them, the most involved are actually the relatives and friends of the disciples of the Xiantian Qi School.

Huai County was originally the territory of the Xiantian Yizong, so countless people were grateful to Zhang Ke and came to express their thanks one after another.

With this incident alone, Zhang Ke's reputation in the sect soared.

Tu Shan is the True Lord of the Yuanshen, and the difficulty of capturing a True Lord of the Yuanshen is even more difficult than killing him.

This public case more than 100 years ago was finally settled in the hands of Zhang Ke.

In the next few days, a group of former colleagues came to the door one after another to reminisce about the old days.

Zhang Ke likes to make friends, no matter inside or outside the sect, he has many friends who are loyal to each other.

After these years of development, these former fellow sects now have a certain influence in the sect.

Especially those in the same class as him, Fan Chunlai, Ding Xiaoxiao, Ye Zhengqing, Helian Chunfeng, Shi Ping'an, Hu Zhengyu, Xu Xun, etc. are in important positions.

Coupled with the many colleagues who have benefited from Zhang Ke over the years, a group with Zhang Ke as the core has gradually formed.

In the past few days when Zhang Ke returned to the sect, there was a constant stream of visitors from Zhuxuan, and all of these were noticed by some caring people.

This evening.

Zhang Ke is looking at dozens of shadow beads and volumes sent by Zhong Hua.

Suddenly, Master Yuegui Zhenjun's voice came from next to his ears.

"Ruyi! Come to Guanghan Garden!"

Zhang Ke's heart skipped a beat, he didn't know why Master had something urgent to call him at night.

With a swipe of his right hand, a space door opened, and Zhang Ke stepped into it.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared in Guanghanyuan Hall.

At this moment, there are still two people in the hall, Master Yuegui Zhenjun and Fengfengtai Chongxiao Zhenjun.

Zhang Ke was slightly taken aback, and stepped forward to salute.

"Zhang Ke pays his respects to Uncle Chongxiao. Uncle Master is now a Yuanshen, and the future can be expected!"

He has always had a close relationship with Zhenjun Chongxiao, and his words are naturally familiar.

Chongxiao Zhenjun laughed "hehe" and said, "It's all thanks to Ruyi's kindness!"

Zhang Ke waved his hands again and again, never acknowledging that this matter had anything to do with him.

Zhenjun Chongxiao guessed the scruples in his heart, so he didn't say anything more.

At this moment, a mass of black mist emerged from the ground in the hall, and Bi Luo pierced through the mist.

Chongxiao Zhenjun said with a smile:

"Junior Sister's restriction here is useless, no one can easily come in."

Zhenjun Yuegui glanced at Zhenjun Chongxiao, and proudly said:

"This further proves that my disciple is extraordinary, and his strength is far beyond his peers."

After the four of them saw the ceremony, Zhang Ke asked, "I don't know why Master sent the message late at night?"

True Monarch Yuegui said, "Senior Brother Chong Xiao is looking for you two for something."

Zhenjun Chongxiao nodded and said:
"That's right, I have some things that I want to ask you to discuss various regulations.

This time you came back just in time, I had some things I wanted to discuss with you when you came to Taiwan.

It's just that you haven't come over these few days, so I had no choice but to come to you specially. "

Zhang Ke's heart shuddered.

Zhenjun Chongxiao actually came late at night, it seemed that the matter was not only urgent but also required a high level of secrecy.

Seriously said: "Uncle Master, please tell me."

Chongxiao Zhenjun pondered for a moment, and asked:

"How much does Ruyi know about the current situation in the sect?"

Zhang Ke's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, there seemed to be something unusual in what Uncle Chong Xiao said.

"Forgive me for speaking bluntly, the current master school gives me the feeling that it is better to abandon it."

Zhenjun Chongxiao took a few glances at Yuegui and Biluo, and asked:

"What does this 'abandoned' mean?"

Zhang Ke said directly: "It means leaving the sect."


The other three took a breath in unison, shocked by Zhang Ke's words.

True Monarch Yuegui said anxiously: "Ruyi! Stop talking nonsense!"

As a disciple of the sect, once he betrays his sect, he will not only be cast aside by others, but will also attract the endless pursuit of his master.

Bi Luo narrowed his eyes, quietly looking at Zhenjun Chongxiao, operating his mana in an extremely concealed manner.

Chongxiao Zhenjun's expression became serious.

"Do you know that with your words, I can take your life?"

Zhang Ke smiled "hehe":
"This is not for me, but for the brothers in the division.

Uncle Master, do you know how many disciples in the master's sect have this thought in their hearts? "

Zhenjun Chongxiao took a look at Bi Luo, as the Zhenjun Yuanshen, he could clearly see Bi Luo's small thoughts.

Because of this, his heart was even heavier.

Obviously, if there is a choice between Zhang Ke and Zongmen, Bi Luo has already expressed his intentions with actions at this moment.

"Isn't it too much for you to say that? Even if some disciples are dissatisfied with the teacher's sect, they will never betray the sect easily.

After all, once the name of defection is hung, it cannot be eliminated in a lifetime. "

Zhang Ke nodded in agreement with Zhenjun Chongxiao.

"What Master Uncle said is right, now in the minds of the disciples of the Master Sect, betraying the Sect may be just a thought.

But this is only because there is no first defector, and the disciples may still have some expectations in their hearts.

But once this continues, this day will never be too far away.

For example, "Tao Dezong", "Shenyimen", etc., are they all lessons from the past? "

At that time, because Zhang Ke revealed the filth inside the "Shenyi Gate", he lost the hearts of the people in the territory.

Over the years, people in the sect have been panicked, and many disciples have defected.


Zhenjun Chongxiao took a slight breath, not knowing what to say for a while,

Zhang Ke couldn't help asking:
"Uncle! Why is the master's door like this now?

Could it be that the true monarchs really can't see the hidden crisis? "

Zhenjun Chongxiao sighed: "How can the things within the master's gate escape the eyes of Zhenjun, it's just..."

After a short pause, he continued:
"This is not the time for the Zongmen to be promoted in three years. The real monarchs are going to wait until they are promoted before dealing with this matter."

Zhang Ke suddenly realized, and finally understood the root cause.

It seems that everyone in the sect knows what the disciples of Wanshou Mountain have done.

It's just because Zhenjun Furong of Wanshou Mountain can be worth two Zhenjuns, and it is an important help for the sect's promotion.

Therefore, the sect turned a blind eye to Wanshou Mountain's various inappropriate actions.

Zhang Ke shook his head and said, "This is a big mistake!"

Even True Monarch Yuegui couldn't bear it anymore, and asked:
"Why does Ruyi say that, although the behavior of Wanshoushan is indeed disgusting, but now the sect's promotion is a big deal.

Other things will be settled one by one in the future, but it is only a matter of time. "

Zhang Ke sneered twice, "Hehe", and asked, "What about people's hearts?"

"Every day of pampering, people's hearts will disappear.

Moreover, if Zhenjun Furong is more important, he indulges and does not restrain him everywhere, and the disciples will be even more disappointed with the sect.

After all, this kind of injustice may fall on him sooner or later. "

True Monarch Yuegui was a little surprised, and thought carefully about what Zhang Ke said.

Thinking about it from the perspective of an ordinary disciple, I suddenly understood what Zhang Ke meant.

Zhang Ke's voice continued to be heard.

"Besides, the sect has not been promoted yet, and Wanshou Mountain is already so arrogant and domineering.

Zhenjun Furong really played a key role when he was promoted in the future.

Doesn't Wanshoushan think that he is a hero even more, how will he do it then?
If you punish, it will be considered as killing a donkey, if you don't punish, hehe"

Zhang Ke didn't continue, but Zhenjun Chongxiao already understood what he meant.

After a moment of silence, he said:

"Actually, I have also told several patriarchs that we should treat every disciple fairly.

However, several patriarchs thought that these were trivial matters, and they didn't want to offend Zhenjun Furong. "

Zhang Ke sneered "hehe".

"The wisdom and experience of every master who has become a true emperor of the Yuanshen is beyond our comparison.

Even the huge hidden dangers that I can see, how can the Patriarch not see it.

Since he is unwilling to intervene in management, there must be huge interests involved. "

Zhenjun Chongxiao stopped breathing, and said in disbelief:


Having said that, even his heart was a little shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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