Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 434 Unyielding and Courage

Chapter 434 Unyielding and Courage

Zhenjun Xinghe's eyelids twitched, feeling that he couldn't keep up with Zhang Ke's thinking.

I was still thinking about where there is a suitable area, but this disciple's eyes jumped out of the land.

sea ​​area!

This is an extremely strange area, why have I never thought of this place before.

This is also considered normal, after all, our sect is a complete inland sect, so it is understandable to think of it unexpectedly.

He secretly made excuses for himself.

It's so embarrassing, several people are thousands of years old together, and after decades of discussions to no avail, they were pointed out by a junior.

"There are many islands in the sea, and most of them are unowned lands.

As long as we can find a suitable island, we can establish a branch of the Innate Air School there.

Of course, don't think about better islands.

However, the disciple adheres to the idea that man can conquer nature, and he is not afraid of difficulties, just solve them.

As for how to establish a branch, the disciple's idea is to conduct a thorough investigation of the entire sect's disciples.

We can ask some different questions for students to answer, and select students who are enterprising and not satisfied with the status quo.

If the number is insufficient, the head teacher can decide which people are not suitable to stay in the sect.

Use these people to establish branches, echo with the sect, and help each other develop. "

Zhenjun Chongxiao turned his head and glanced at the others.

What Zhang Ke meant was very straightforward, and he almost said that the head teacher can eliminate all people and forces that he doesn't like.

But why did Zhang Ke do this, and what was his intention?
Zhang Ke didn't want to be misunderstood by the true monarchs, and then explained:
"From the perspective of my disciples, a sect can only have one core concept, which must be recognized by everyone.

Only in this way can one think in one place and exert energy in one place. This is the core of the continuation of the sect.

'Tao De Zong' is the best example, because the two factions are not in harmony with each other, they will break up.

Similarly, this situation exists in almost all sects. This is not a question of who is right and who is wrong, but a kind of disagreement.

If this kind of disagreement is not contained, it will grow bigger and bigger as it develops, until it becomes out of control. "

Tianya Zhenjun suddenly said:

"Ruyi! Do you have this kind of disagreement with the head teacher?"

Zhang Ke was silent for a moment, nodded and said:
"Yes! But it's not a conflict of ideas between a disciple and a teacher, but a different style of doing things.

The disciples also know that this is actually their own problem, but it is caused by their personality and cannot be changed.

For example, regarding the matter of Wanshou Mountain, there was a conflict between the disciple and the teacher's handling methods.

And the stronger the disciple is, the more obvious this conflict will be.

If this situation continues in the future, I am afraid it will become the same fate as the 'Tao Dezong'. "

True Monarch Xinghe's heart shuddered.

With Zhang Ke's current prestige in the sect, once he advances to Yuanshen, he will naturally form a faction.

And with his stubborn and resolute personality, he might really form a confrontation with Master Ming Xiao.

It seems that this matter really needs to be thought about carefully.

True Monarch Jiuren said:

"Ruyi! Are you going to establish this branch yourself?"

Zhang Ke nodded heavily:

"The disciple is thinking about it!"

Zhenjun Tianya suddenly interjected:
"Is it because there are some things in the sect that don't suit your wishes, but you can't change them, so you want to start anew."

Zhang Ke said seriously:
"The disciples think that the authority of the head teacher is too great, and there is no restriction. Once he acts in a wrong way, it will lead to the current situation.

In addition, there are some other flaws in the sect.

So the disciple wants to make some changes to the Zongmen's system, but this cannot be realized within the Zongmen.

Therefore, the disciple wanted to establish a branch of the Zongmen to see if he could find a way for the Zongmen. "

Zhenjun Chongxiao took a deep breath, Zhang Ke's ambition seems to be not small.

True Monarch Jiuren asked:

"If you establish a branch, what do you need the sect to do for you?"

Zhang Ke had already made up his mind, and said:

"The cash cow has a branch, sufficient resources, a population of at least 30, at least [-] members of the same family, and a high-level combat force that can be assisted at any time.

If there is any other need, feel free to add! "

Zhenjun Tianya is really moved, the situation is not very good for the Xiantian Qizong.

As Zhang Ke said, once the sect is successfully promoted, it will be difficult to escape from the nest surrounded by enemies.

The sect has accumulated too many resources over the years, which can be seen from the waste of the Taoist disciples.

There is food to eat when you open your mouth, which causes the disciples to lose their previous momentum.

If you spread it out, you might be able to bring some surprises.

In addition, Zhang Ke is too strong, and if he stays in the sect, troubles will happen sooner or later.

Instead, as it says, try it.

Even if it fails in the end, it can be regarded as accumulating experience for the sect.

Zhenjun Tianya secretly made a decision in his heart, and this matter needs to be discussed carefully with other Zhenjun.

"Ruyi, this matter still needs to be considered one or two times, so I won't mention it for now.

Now there are two priorities.

First, handle the matter of Wanshou Mountain well, and second, you should go all out to attack the primordial spirit, and if you have any needs, just ask the sect. "

Zhang Ke nodded in agreement.


Seven days later.

The Hall of Haechi in Bell and Drum Mountain.

Disciples in black Taoist robes stood neatly in the hall like straight javelins.

The head of Xiezhi with one horn is embroidered in the middle of the belt, which is extremely eye-catching.

There are 27 Jindan real people and [-] innate monks. This is the full strength of Xiezhi Temple.

At this moment, some Chafengtai disciples were looking at the person standing on the opposite step with adoring and eager eyes.

Ruyi real person Zhang Ke!

This deacon of Chafengtai who dared to question the head teacher as soon as he came back.

If it is said that Chongxiao Zhenjun is the person most admired and respected by the disciples of Chufengtai.

Then Zhang Ke is the one everyone admires the most.

Iron head, rigid, powerful, and upright!
This is a prominent figure who can subdue the sect's disciples by virtue of his reputation alone.

Some people in the sect even jokingly said that as long as Daoist Ruyi sits in the mountains, even the ants on the ground will obediently line up to walk.

Standing beside Zhang Ke, Zhenjun Chongxiao could clearly feel the blaze in the eyes of his disciples.

Secretly amazed in my heart, this person does have a unique personality charm that can infect others.

No wonder it wants to establish a branch to go out independently.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers!

Concentrating his thoughts, Zhenjun Chongxiao swept his eyes over the many disciples of Fengfengtai in front of him one by one.

"The sect is currently investigating the crimes committed by the disciples of Wanshou Mountain, and three days later, they will be publicly executed at Jiuyou Peak.

This time, it was the first time in hundreds of years that I, Chafengtai, carried out large-scale executions of my disciples.

It is also the best time to erect the majesty of the wind-catching platform.

Therefore, I ask each of you to be [-]% energetic, and there must be no mistakes, understand? "

"Follow the order!"

All the disciples in the hall responded loudly.

Zhenjun Chongxiao nodded in satisfaction, and then waved his hand at Zhang Ke.

Zhang Ke took a step forward, opened Bai Sensen's eyes and looked at the many disciples under the steps.

"I would like to ask, why the disciples of Wanshou Mountain can act recklessly and disrupt the sect for decades.

Can anyone tell me what is the reason for this? "

The disciples under the steps looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Zhang Ke continued:
"It is the headmaster who is protecting and conniving the disciples of Wanshou Mountain, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Do you think so? "

Many disciples nodded one after another, this is what they thought.

Zhang Ke asked:

"Anyone who thinks like this is just making excuses for his own incompetence. This is evasion and cowardice!"

Some disciples objected:

"The headmaster doesn't agree with us to take care of it, what can we do?"

Zhang Ke said sharply:

"No! The fundamental reason is that you are afraid, afraid of the anger of Zhenjun Yuanshen, so you dare not take care of it."

Without waiting for the disciples to refute, he said again:
"Don't deny it, I'm afraid too, it's normal!"

Then Zhang Ke said in a more emphatic tone:

"But! We are all disciples of Chufengtai, who uphold the sect's laws and regulations.

If we don't even dare to take care of things, who can the ordinary disciples of the sect rely on? "

A disciple said:

"Uncle Ruyi, if the disciple has your strength, the disciple will not be afraid of anyone."

Zhang Ke challenged Zhenjun Furong, although the result was not announced.

However, since Zhenjun Furong was willing to cooperate with the sect to investigate the disciples of Wanshou Mountain, the outcome of the challenge was self-evident.

Zhang Ke raised his eyebrows, stared at the disciple and said:

"The prestige of Chasing Fengtai is not obtained by bullying the weak. Does it mean that if you can beat it, you can control it, and if you can't beat it, you can ignore it?"

Zhang Kening shouted: "Draw out your sword!"

After finishing speaking, he directly pulled out the dharma sword on his waist from its sheath.


The disciple froze for a moment, gritted his teeth, and pulled out his magic sword.


"Clang clang—!"

There was a dense sound of drawing swords, and all the disciples in the hall pulled out their magic swords in unison.

Zhang Ke held the sword in his right hand and held it upright in front of him, and the two fingers of his left hand pushed and wiped the edge of the magic sword.

"This is the Chasing Wind Taifa sword, nine inches long and two inches wide, straight and double-edged, the name of the sword is 'Unyielding', and the inscription is 'Courage'.

We all know that this sword is not for fighting, but a symbol of the disciples of Chufengtai.

So, what does it symbolize? "

Zhang Ke glanced around and said solemnly:
"Don't bend, don't bow your head, and say no to humbleness, that's to be unyielding.

Having gone through hardships, unswervingly determined, not afraid of power, and not afraid of death, this is called courage. "

The clear voice pierced everyone's ears like a needle in the morning, echoing in everyone's heart like a morning bell or an evening drum.

"The Unyielding Sword has a short hilt, straight and double-edged.

You need to be careful before you can hold it. If you hold it, you must hold it tightly, otherwise you will hurt yourself and others.

This is what tells us how to do things at Catching the Wind.

Hold the heart of bravery and diligence, act like walking on thin ice, be fearless and fearless, neither arrogant nor mad. "

After Zhang Ke finished speaking, he looked at the many disciples under the steps.

"Whether a person is strong or not depends first on the strength of the mind, which requires the support of faith.

Think about what is in your heart that you have to protect with all your life, and then remember this feeling.

You will be fearless, fearless, and dare to face any powerful enemy. "

Miao Xiang is an ordinary disciple of Chufengtai, who is born with a cultivation base of one realm.

Joining Fengfengtai is only to protect himself and his family from being bullied by the disciples of Wanshou Mountain.

At this moment, Zhang Ke's firm voice was heard in his ears, and he looked at the magic sword in his hand.

For some reason, a sense of responsibility arises spontaneously.

(End of this chapter)

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