Chapter 437
Zhang Ke explained:
"The so-called 'accompanied beheading' means to accompany the offending disciple to accept the 'guillotine' beheading.

When the switch knife falls, rely on your own merit to judge your fate. "

Guan Yu didn't understand, and asked:

"When the switch knife is cut down, it is naturally cut in two. What's the point of this 'accompanying cut'?"

There were many others who had the same idea as him, and they all looked at Zhang Ke and waited for him to explain.

"This 'guillotine' is derived from the 'South Tianmen' beheading platform in the ancient heaven, which contains a very unique law of punishment.

Among the three gates, the gate in the middle will kill you if you cut it, and the gates on both sides are the gates of "accompanying the cut". Whether you live or die depends on your own fortune.

The golden eyeballs above the beams can judge merits and demerits.

When the merit plate on the balance rises, the knife will not cut off the head, but will only seriously injure the three souls and seven souls.

Afterwards, it only takes a period of time to recover.

But if the sin plate on the balance rises, the knife will directly kill the person who accompanied the beheading.

This process has its own rules to execute, and cannot be interfered with by external forces. "

"Oh~~! That's how it is!!"

It was only then that Guan Yu and the disciples around him suddenly realized, and they became interested in this method of 'accompanied beheading'.

At this time, Master Bi Luo and others also gave a general introduction to the function of "companion chop".

At this moment, all the disciples turned their eyes to the mirror image in the air.

What you see here is more real than what you can see directly from the execution platform.

When Zhang Ke obtained the formation diagram of the 'Nantian Execution Platform' from Guanyu in the past, he felt that the formation diagram was extraordinary.

But this array is incomplete, it is estimated that it was damaged when the ancient heavenly court was broken, which greatly reduced its power.

With the improvement of Zhang Ke's strength, this pattern gradually lost its effect.

For him, opponents under the primordial spirit can be wiped out.

As for opponents above Yuanshen, this formation is not very effective.

Moreover, the display of this array is very demanding, and it needs to be displayed in other arrays.

There is still a long time to adjust the brain, and it is impossible to attack the enemy continuously.

The biggest problem is that it does not distinguish between friend and foe, and it is easy to pose a threat to itself.

But this array is very suitable for punishment, because it is specially designed for execution.

Therefore, as early as many years ago, Zhang Ke dedicated this array to the sect.

Now this map has been completely integrated with the Jiuyou Peak's ground veins, and many functions have been gradually restored.

For example, it can already torture six people at the same time, and it can also increase the sensory stimulation of the tortured person.

And there is no limit to the number of times.

On the execution stage.

Fu Yuewen was lying on his back on the gate in discomfort, with Shi Changzhong and Zhan Jingyuan beside him.

All three of them have the same shape, their bodies are arched by the curved stone platform behind them, and their hands and feet are locked together from behind.

From a distance, the three of them are like three bows that are about to be drawn.

Shi Changzhong and Zhan Jingyuan felt wronged.

Isn't it just taking some benefits and opening a back door? Why is this?

Besides, there are still many people who received much more than themselves, so why didn't they get tied up.

It's not because he found a backer, but he and others became scapegoats.

The two were dissatisfied and wanted to argue, but they were blocked and Ma Tao couldn't speak.

I can only struggle with my body desperately like a dead fish.

In front of the guillotine, like everyone else, Zang Guangchen knelt on the ground with his hands cut behind his back, and his head was pressed to the ground by a bamboo fork.

He turned his head and looked at the few people who were struggling a few meters away, filled with disdain.

A man will die if he dies, so why would he make such an ugly gesture to make him laugh out loud.

At this time, Master Biluo and the other three have each announced the crimes committed by the two groups of offending disciples.

As the commanding officer of the Catch the Wind Terrace, Zhenjun Chongxiao stood up without hesitation.

Headmaster Ming Xiao at the side was shocked, and took back the steps he was about to take.

In the past, this execution law was presided over by himself.

This wind-catching platform seems to be a little different!
Zhenjun Chongxiao stood still before the long table, and first took out a stick of incense and lit it to mark the time.

Then he looked around and shouted in a deep voice:


"Follow the command and decree!"

Master Biluo and the other three bowed to accept the order, and each stepped forward to take out two Zhu Zhuling arrows from the notches on the case table.

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

There was a burst of rapid drumming, crushing the sky like a tide.

The air on Jiuyou Peak suddenly became tense.

Everyone held their breath and looked up at the mirror image in the sky.

Master Bi Luo walked quickly to the guillotine, and inserted the two arrows of Zhu Zhuling into the notches on the 'guillotine' respectively.


With Zhu Zhuling's arrow inserted into the notch, the six guillotines were activated.


Streaks of dark golden aura extended upward from the columns on both sides of the 'guillotine', and soon connected with the balance on the top beam.

The golden eyeballs on the balance immediately released a golden light on the three people at the gate.

Shi Changzhong was struggling constantly, when he suddenly felt a golden light shining on his body.

My mind couldn't help being in a trance, and I recalled some things I had done in a daze.

What impresses him the most is that in order to curry favor with the old disciple of Wanshou Mountain, he cruelly knocked out his own sister and sent her to a disciple of Wanshou Mountain who loves fishing.

Although he planned to murder that old disciple after he emerged, his guilt was always engraved in his heart.

In addition, there are many deeply hidden memories that he has awakened one by one at this moment.

Murder, framing, seeking property, rape and humiliation, dozens of cases all came to mind.

Similarly, he also remembered many things that made him proud.

He has been injured and shed tears for curing illnesses and saving lives, subduing demons and eliminating demons, but he feels that his life is extremely fulfilling.

A sincere thanks and gratitude from others can make him happy for a long time.

well!What a time it was!

Shi Changzhong's expression was complicated, and he was caught in endless memories.

Every person to be tortured on the guillotine was questioned by the golden light.

Countless past events and experiences were recalled in everyone's minds.

At the same time, black and white mist appeared on the black and white balance on the beam.

The balance began to tilt according to the weight of the black and white fog.

After a few seconds, the balance stood still, with fixed numbers for each high and low.

At this moment, the chain on the beam seemed to have received some kind of command, and began to drive and tighten.

In the next second, the extremely tight chains were suddenly loosened, and the switch knife with a layer of white light shining on the blade fell off instantly.


Accompanied by the sound of chain transmission, the switch knife slashed down like lightning.

From the eyes of the disciples watching on Jiuyou Peak at this moment, it took only a split second for the knife to fall.

But in the feelings of Fu Yuewen, Shi Changzhong and others, this moment was stretched without limit.

The three of them looked up and saw clearly that the switch knife was cutting towards their necks.

For some reason, the three of them found that their senses became extremely sensitive at this moment.

The transmission of the chain, the sound of breathing, the vibration of the heartbeat, even the wind can be felt on the skin.

In addition, there is the trembling from the soul when the knife falls.

At this moment, fear surged like a tide, endless and endless.

He wanted to close his eyes, but found that he couldn't do it at all. He wanted to shout to vent his fear, but his mouth was tightly blocked.

The time for the knife to fall was extremely short, just a split second, but Fu Yuewen and the others felt that this process was extremely long.

He could only watch the knife fall towards him, and let the fear continue to grow.

'what--! '

The moment the knife fell to their necks, several people let out a hysterical wail from the bottom of their hearts.


It was like cutting the grass with a guillotine, and several heads were chopped off.

A puff of blood mist sprayed out, and Zang Guangchen and others who were kneeling in front of the guillotine were instantly sprayed all over their faces.

'Gululu-! '

Fu Yuewen's head rolled down in front of Zang Guangchen's eyes, only a few inches away from his eyes.

But Fu Yuewen's extremely ferocious face, which had been transformed by fear, was frozen until the last moment of his life.

At this moment, a chill suddenly rose in Zang Guangchen's heart.

The hairs all over his body stood on end, and endless fear instantly overwhelmed his sanity.

There was an inexplicable 'woo-woo' sound from his mouth, and his body writhed backward like a maggot.

There are quite a few people who have done the same thing with him, and they are all people who have committed heinous crimes.

They were deliberately placed at the forefront of the guillotine in order to make them feel the deepest fear in their hearts.

The speed of the switch knife falling was very fast. It stands to reason that death is only a moment, and there will not be much feeling.

But how could Fu Yuewen and others have such rich expressions before they died.

It's like the expression of a person who has suffered endless torture.

Is it...


All the disciples who were staring at the mirror were frightened, and there were some things that they couldn't think about.

At the same time, everyone also understood why the tortured person should be tortured on his back.

The effect of this is due to the extremely unnatural state of the body.

Instinctively, the body will exert force unconsciously to make itself more comfortable.

The result of this is that when the head is cut off, the body will naturally exert force, and the blood in the body will spurt out instantly.

Another aspect is that you will watch the switch knife cut off your head.

Can't escape, can't resist, can only bear.

It has to be said that this is really an extremely cruel punishment.

Guan Yu's eyelids twitched, and he turned to look at Zhang Ke with a questioning look in his eyes.

Zhang Ke whispered:
"That's right! The beheading platform is originally used for punishment, so at the moment of execution, the victim's feeling time will be prolonged."

Guan Yu took a slight breath and asked:
"How long?"

Zhang Ke shook his head and said:

"I don't know, it's because some of the formations just restored by the guillotine are taking effect.

Only those who have experienced it can know exactly what they felt in that moment. "

Many disciples who heard the conversation between the two turned their eyes to the mirror image in the air.

Zhan Jingyuan's mind was blank, and he watched the door-like nine-foot switch knife raised from his neck with blank eyes.

In the sound of the chain transmission of "crash la la", the switch knife was slowly pulled up, farther and farther away, until it was locked on the crossbeam again.

 Thank you Manic Manday for your monthly pass and recommended support, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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