Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 441 Teaching

Chapter 441 Teaching
early morning.

The sheep road outside Tianzhu Mountain.

In the wind and snow, Zhang Ke was wrapped up tightly and walked slowly on the mountain road.

At the current state, the weather has no effect on him.

It's just because there are a large number of outer disciples and their families living here in Tianzhu Mountain.

And now he is considered a household name, so in order not to cause trouble, he dresses up like everyone else.

The reason why Zhang Ke came here was actually to relieve his depression.

At this time, it has been four months since the revision of the 'Nine Nine Precepts'.

Originally, Zhang Ke thought that he could easily advance to Yuanshen, but he still overestimated himself.

In another year and a half, the sect will be promoted.

He has tried all kinds of methods, such as seclusion, meditation, mind wandering, but he has never found an opportunity to break through the realm of the primordial spirit.

Every time I think of myself talking nonsense in front of several true kings, my words break a mirror like drinking water.

He couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, and laughed at himself for being a little arrogant.

On this day, Zhang Ke was depressed and saw the wind and snow flying all over the sky outside the Tingzhu Pavilion.

A feeling of long absence suddenly rose in his heart, and he wanted to go outside for a walk.

As soon as he said he would leave, Zhang Ke tidied up his attire.

He got up and left Tingzhuxuan, walking silently all the way around the Zongmen.

I don't know why, but as I walked and walked, I came here after turning around and turning around.

The sheep road is still the same sheep road.

In the snowstorm, Zhang Ke saw a student in charge patrolling the mountain path with a mastiff dog.

My mind was slightly in a trance, and I suddenly remembered the scene where I was patrolling here with other disciples in the past.

He vaguely remembered that he had killed a mountain bear here at that time.

The wind and snow were very strong, and the howling north wind rolled up snowflakes the size of a child's palm and flew all over the sky.

In just a quarter of an hour, Zhang Ke, who stood still in the wind and snow, was hung up as a snowman.

One by one, the young disciples walked cautiously along the mountain path.

There is no entanglement or sophistication in their eyes, only the vitality that is so vigorous that it is about to disperse.

At this moment, Zhang Ke's heart suddenly felt a little touched.

He couldn't help but think carefully about what he had done over the years.

One by one, one by one, memories flooded into my mind like a tide.

Little by little, he reflected on whether his actions over the years had violated the yardstick in his heart.

After a long time, Fang lightly breathed a sigh of relief.

I am still myself, maybe the way I act is a bit cruel, but I have never betrayed my belief.

Over the past few months, my impetuous heart gradually calmed down due to not being able to break the mirror.

let it go!
Practicing is also cultivating the mind. I didn't practice for longevity at the beginning.

Even if you can't break through in the future, as long as you can do something meaningful in this life, it will not be in vain.

Unraveling his knot, Zhang Ke felt as if he had been washed from the inside out.

Removes excess impurities and regains clarity and clarity.

With a slight sway of his body, he shook off the heavy snow on his body, turned around and walked in another direction.

Taoist academy!

The place that has the most significance to Zhang Ke.

A year and a half ago, because of Zhang Ke, the entire Taoist academy was completely changed.

All the lecturers and disciples were dismissed and returned home.

After some tests and screenings, among the [-] disciples of the Taoist Academy, less than a hundred of them stepped into the gate of the Taoist Academy again.

Guan Xiaxia was one of them.

This name may be a little unfamiliar, but she was the female disciple who stopped Zhang Ke from going crazy at the entrance of the dining hall that day.

This is the name Zhang Keming found out later by Zhong Hua, the Seventh Rank Sun Tourist God.

Originally, Zhang Ke planned to take her under his sect when she was repatriated by the Taoist monastery.

Unexpectedly, this woman was also upbeat and passed the subsequent test and screening smoothly.

In this way, Zhang Ke had no room to intervene.

After thinking about it again and again, he decided to let it go for the time being.

Everyone has their own life, and forcibly intervening in it may not be a good thing.

As for the favor she showed him that day, and when she has difficulties in the future, she can naturally repay it.

After the monastery was reorganized, [-] disciples were re-enrolled as supplements.

There are 300 people in each courtyard of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, and the lecturers are also rotated by outstanding people from various mountains and peaks.

It's just that Taoist disciples have just been recruited now, and taking care of many young children is not the real person of Jindan Realm who is good at.

As a result, some Taoist lecturers with a good reputation and repeated investigations were recruited back.

They will provide enlightenment education for Taoist disciples.

After a few years, the Taoist disciples will gradually grow, and then the Daoist Daoist will slowly take over and continue to guide and learn.

In a blizzard and snow, Zhang Ke came to the foot of Zuowang Peak.

The gossip-shaped tall building of Dayan Academy Palace still stands.

Here, Zhang Ke once spent the most precious childhood in his life.

The scenes of studying here in the past, now appear in the mind very clearly.

It seems that I can still vaguely hear the neat childish recitation in my ears.

After standing there in a daze for a moment, Zhang Ke secretly shook his head and smiled wryly.

Am I getting old, why is it so easy to be emotional, and suddenly I like to recall the past.

The sixth floor of the academy is dedicated to the talisman masters, and the two halls of 'Xuanji' and 'Minghui' remain the same.

Thanks to Zhang Ke, all the original Taoist disciples were expelled.

'Xuanji Hall', the place where old disciples study, has only a handful of twenty or so people present.

"Da da-!"

Zhang Ke was looking around when he heard footsteps not far away, and a female crown approached from far away.

Pu Xiao, a companion who had studied here with Zhang Ke in the past, came over.

In the same year as Zhang Ke, she passed the Dao test and entered Bijia Peak, and practiced under the disciple of Feilei, who was still in Jindan state at that time.

It's just that she doesn't like fighting by nature, and she is usually obsessed with the study of talismans, and rarely interacts with others.

50 years ago, Pu Xiao was close to his deadline, and with the help of real person Feilei, he was lucky enough to advance to Jindan.

At that time Zhang Ke was still wandering outside the territory, and when Zhang Ke returned later, he went to the Central Territory to hunt down Tu Shan, so the two rarely met.

Because she was already old when she formed the pill, Pu Xiao's face appeared a little mature.

Appears to be about 30 years old.

When Pu Xiao came to the 'Xuanji Hall', she saw Zhang Ke standing in front of the door.

With a slightly startled expression, he saluted and said:
"Brother Ruyi, why come here when you have time?"

"Well! I just passed by here when I have nothing to do."

After Zhang Ke returned a salute, he looked at the twenty or so disciples in the room, and suddenly said:

"Junior Sister! How about letting me teach today?"

Pu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then she was overjoyed.

At this time, Zhang Ke is the No. 1 talisman recognized in the sect, and even Zhenjun Xinghe publicly admits this.

"That's really great. It just so happens that I have something I don't understand recently and want to ask for advice."


Inside the 'Mystery Hall'.

Guan Xiaxia idly looked at the rune paper on the case table in a daze.

The reform of the monastery a year ago really scared her a lot.

If it weren't for the solid foundation on weekdays, the subsequent test would have been almost stuck.

In the past year, the life of the Taoist disciples has been very difficult.

Perhaps because of the lessons learned from the waste of resources in the past, the Daoist Academy now has extremely strict control over the resources that contain vitality.

Not only the share of spiritual rice in the food hall has been greatly reduced, but also various daily cultivation resources have been greatly reduced.

Take the rune paper on the desk at the moment as an example.

This kind of writing materials that they dismissed in the past, but now they want to obtain it, in addition to completing the corresponding missions.

There must also be a certain amount of copper talisman money to exchange.

As for wanting to take advantage of external families, let's get rid of this idea as soon as possible.

In case that madman is provoked, no one can afford the consequences.

Just as he was bowing his head and thinking about something, two people walked in from the door.

Guan Xiaxia hurriedly stood up with the others.

According to the rules learned by the disciples of the Taoist Academy, salutes are performed in a rigid manner.

"Disciple waits to meet Master Zixiao!"

A tidy greeting sounded.


More than [-] disciples stood upright and sat down meticulously.

Guan Xiaxia looked up at the person who came in with Pu Xiao.

He had a broad face, his eyes were tightly closed, and there was a golden streak flickering between his brows.

His figure is slightly muscular, and his appearance is about the same age as his own, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Could this be a new fellow?
Didn't you hear that the Taoist Academy recently recruited disciples?
While he was wondering, he only heard Pu Xiao on the stage say:

"Dear disciples! We are honored to invite an expert to teach you today.

First of all, let me introduce to you, he is the so-called."

Speaking of this, Pu Xiao smiled mysteriously and continued:
"Ruyi, the number one master of Zongmen Talisman."

Guan Xiaxia said silently in her heart: Ruyi real person. Ruyi
Ruyi real person? ? ?

There was a sudden cry from the bottom of her heart.

In my mind, I thought of a terrifying figure who was like a devil in the hearts of Taoist disciples.


The few disciples beside him also reacted, panicked, and even kicked over the table in fright.


"Why did the big devil come?"

One of the disciples was so frightened that he blurted out what was in his heart.

The air froze for a moment.

The disciple reacted as soon as he spoke, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Seeing the expressionless face of Zhang Ke who turned around at the sound.


The disciple's heart trembled, his eyes closed, and his heart was ashamed.


Looking at the disciples in the hall, they looked like little chicks seeing a big bad wolf with desperate expressions.

Pu Xiao couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Zhang Ke was also a little speechless, how could he still get the title of a big devil.

"Sit down!"

With a low shout, more than twenty disciples sat down together, not even daring to cast their eyes in other directions.

Zhang Ke didn't explain too much. The notoriety has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it can't be solved in a few words.

"What is a talisman?"

Zhang Ke asked the twenty or so disciples in the audience.

Guan Xiaxia and the other disciples didn't dare to show their anger, who dared to speak.

"You! Answer!"

Zhang Ke stretched out his finger and pointed to the person under the stage.

Guan Xiaxia stood up tremblingly, but she didn't recognize Zhang Ke.

When Zhang Ke appeared in the dining hall that day, he changed his appearance with [Phaseless Mask].

Although he also appeared as a blind person, how could Guan Xiaxia think of the two of them together.

(End of this chapter)

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