Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 445 Primordial Spirit Opportunity

Chapter 445 Primordial Spirit Opportunity
At the beginning, the school was built according to the topography, due to various chances and coincidences of the leylines and topography.

'Da Yan Xue Gong' unexpectedly formed a natural formation.

When the teleportation array was first established, it was due to the influence of the weather, earth veins, astrology, and changes in vitality and natural formations.

As a result, the teleportation array was not built, but 360 five teleportation gates were formed instead.

This change puzzled the Yuanshen Zhenjun who established the teleportation array at the beginning.

Zhang Ke now understands that it is due to the interference of the sun, moon and stars on the azure world.

The formation formed by the 'Da Yan Xue Gong' will produce a change due to this interference.

Every four years, this slight change will form a new portal.

This door will only exist for one day, and it doesn't seem to have any special function.

However, this is a redundant variable generated by the operation of the large formation, which cannot be changed or canceled.

Dayan's number is fifty, and its use is nine out of forty!
In Zhang Ke's understanding, this sentence is actually like a puzzle.

In the dream, Zhang Ke played a kind of jigsaw puzzle when he was young.

In the 24 grid puzzle, there will only be 23 pieces, and the remaining space can be used to move the pieces.

And this space is a variable, if this grid is also placed with fragments.

Then the puzzle is dead, and any piece cannot be changed.

However, when this grid is vacated, the puzzle will come to life, and it will produce various changes.

The rest of the pieces can be moved wherever you want.

This is the same as the meaning in the sentence above.

At this moment, the meaning of the formation formed by the 'Da Yan Xue Gong' is very similar to this principle.

It's just that it's not missing a piece, but a little more.

Likewise, this extra point is also extremely important.

This is the difference between 'zero' and 'one'.

Zhang Ke devoted himself to the operation of the formation, and did not notice the passage of time at all.

Night fell, and until midnight, the wind and snow had already dispersed.

At the moment when Zishi arrived, Zhang Ke witnessed the generation of formation variables.

The 29 nodes suddenly released aura on the second floor of the 'Da Yanxue Palace'.

Silently, a space portal was constructed with 29 nodes as anchor points.

At the same time, Zhang Ke's 'Niwan Palace' also has an extra void node at this moment.

A tiny vortex slowly rotates in a clockwise direction.

Under its rotation, changes appear in the 'Niwan Palace'.

If it is said that after Zhang Ke's mana merged with the dragon and the tiger, the three treasures of spirit, energy, and spirit are perfect, and the fusion of evil spirits has reached a balance.

Then, the birth of this node is born to break this balance.

As soon as this node was born, Zhang Ke was awakened from his obsession.

This is……

Zhang Ke never imagined that when he had decided to temporarily give up the promotion of Yuanshen.

Just like that, the chance to advance to the Primordial Spirit, which he had been chasing so hard, quietly appeared.

At this moment, his body became turbulent due to the birth of this special node.

Zhang Ke understood that the time had come for him to advance to the rank of Primordial Spirit.

But what a coincidence that this opportunity came.

If Zhang Ke hadn't wanted to go out on a whim today, he wouldn't have come to the academy out of emotion.

Naturally, if you don't come to the academy, you won't meet Guan Xiaxia, and you won't waste half a day here because of her.

That way, it's even less likely that you'll be in the right place at the right time when you leave.

Not to mention discovering the secret of the 'Da Yan Xue Gong' formation by accident.

It is also impossible to create a node in the body through the perception of the formation, which triggers the opportunity to advance to the primordial spirit.

Maybe this is the chance!
When it comes, you catch it, and it will naturally usher in transformation.

If you can't catch it, it means you have no fate!
At this moment, Zhang Ke suddenly understood a little more about the magic of fate.

Now that the opportunity has arrived, it is natural not to miss it.

Zhang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, took one last look at the 'Da Yan Xue Gong', which was shining with spiritual light, and turned and left resolutely.

Perhaps there is a bigger secret in this formation that fits with the academy.

But at this moment, Zhang Ke has no time to take care of it.

Due to the turmoil in his body, he couldn't even use the ability to teleport into the void.

He could only control the white cloud and quickly fly to Qingyun Peak.

Among the five mountains and twelve peaks of Xiantian Yizong, Qingyun Peak is the only one that disciples are forbidden to enter and leave.

This peak is three hundred feet high and has a cylindrical appearance. There is almost no life on the entire mountain.

Neither birds, beasts nor vegetation can survive here.

Just because this is the only place where the Zongmen's golden elixir is promoted to the primordial spirit.

After thousands of years of wind and thunder, even the top of the peak has been worn away.

Everywhere on the mountain peak is filled with the aura of tribulation and thunder, which will cause great damage to any living body.

Therefore, unless they are preparing to break through the primordial spirit, generally no disciples have ever come here.

Qingyun Peak.

On the ground with a radius of hundreds of feet, there are layers of solidified magic patterns, and these magic patterns can strengthen the strength of the ground.

In the middle there is a fish-dragon stone platform.

The stone platform is three feet tall, and it is refined from a special meteorite collected from outside the territory.

The texture is extremely hard, and it can resist the bombardment of robbery and thunder. The biggest and most useful thing is to prevent the invasion of demons.

The reason why it is called Yulongtai.

Except because of the natural fish-turning-dragon pattern on the stone platform.

In fact, it also has the meaning of breaking through the boundaries, fading from the mundane into reality, and rising to the top.

There are clusters of lightning rods made of meteoric iron around the peak, which can weaken the power of the thunder.

Zhang Ke rode a cloud and quickly landed on the top of the peak.

With a flip of the right hand, the natal talisman [Ruyi Fulu Rubik's Cube] appeared from the palm.

In the flash of inspiration, the three daughters Yan Feier, Hooking, and Wanxiang walked out of the Rubik's Cube.


Zhang Ke said hurriedly:
"I'm going to be promoted to Yuanshen here, are you all ready?"

Yan Fei'er cheered up and shouted:

"Oh! It's finally this day, it's great!"

Luhun just covered his mouth with a folding fan and smiled, without saying a word.

She and the other three are in a special situation.

One was transformed from a heavenly ghost, the other was reincarnated from an embryo of a congenital spirit treasure, and the last one was born from a talisman soldier step by step.

Since they both have a soul bond with Zhang Ke, they are restricted by the laws of heaven and earth.

Their cultivation realm can never surpass Zhang Ke, so before Zhang Ke breaks through, they can only be restricted to the Golden Core realm.

Only when Zhang Ke's cultivation is improved, can they follow through with the breakthrough.

Therefore, before Zhang Ke broke through, he naturally wanted to release the three women to see if he could take the opportunity to break through the realm together.

Not everyone has the courage to break through the realm of the primordial spirit, this is a life-and-death barrier, if you pass it, you will live, if you cannot pass it, you will die.

Although he didn't know whether Tianjie could cause harm to the body of the ghost, Zhang Ke was still very happy.

He didn't say any more, and walked quickly to the Yulong Stone Platform to sit down.

Yan Feier's three daughters were standing in a triangle around Zhang Ke, guarding.

Zhang Ke flicked his right finger, and a little spiritual light hit a restriction on the stone platform.


The melodious sound of jade exhaustion spread far away.

This is the exhausted bell, and it will only ring when you are ready to break through the primordial spirit.

And this ringtone will also directly notify all Yuanshen Zhenjun in the sect.

The bell had just rang, and the lingering sound had not yet dissipated, when a figure suddenly gathered on the top of the peak.

Lord Tianya!

The person who is best at space Taoism in the sect.

Immediately afterwards, except for Zhenjun Furong who was suppressed by Zhenjun Tianya in the Golden Wind Cave, the rest of the Zhenjun in the sect followed closely to reach the peak.

Tianya, Lieyan, Xinghe, Jiuren, Feilei, Yuegui, Chongxiao, and Rizhao all came here.

Zhang Ke sat on the fish-dragon stone platform, took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying his best to restrain the turbulent breath all over his body.

True Monarch Yuegui was worried about the safety of his disciples, so he took two steps forward, wanting to inquire about the situation.

'brush--! '

The Hooking figure flashed, and blocked in front of True Monarch Yuegui.

She still had that sweet smile, but there was a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

She didn't speak, but just stared at True Monarch Yuegui.

Spread out the [Soul Haunting Fan] in your hand, black and white spiritual light flows from the fan surface and is ready to go.

True Monarch Yuegui couldn't help being startled.

Normally, Zhang Ke did not restrict Yan Fei'er and the others.

They can go in and out freely every day, so they are familiar with True Monarch Yuegui.

But at this moment, it can be seen from the seductive actions that she will prevent anyone from approaching Zhang Ke.

Even if Zhenjun Yuegui is Zhang Ke's master, it is no exception.

Zhenjun Chongxiao took a step forward and said in a low voice:
"Ruyi is at a critical moment right now, don't bother him!"

Zhang Ke felt that the rioting power in his body seemed to be unstable nitroglycerin, which might explode at any time.

At this moment, he finally understood why it was so difficult to advance to the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Every trace of magic power in the body gathers and disperses, and the shocks caused by fluctuations must be regulated in the most subtle way.

Mana can neither be silenced nor activated, but must always remain in a stable fluctuation.

Just like swinging a ball on a wooden board, you need to control absolute balance.

If there is a slight negligence, the mana in the body will be out of balance, and the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit will lose control, and the whole person will be blown up, body and soul.

And this kind of balance needs to be maintained for a long time, which is a kind of torment and test for anyone.

At this time, Zhang Ke can do his best to stop the turbulence of mana and make it silent.

Most of the people who are in the realm of Jindan Consummation choose this method, but in this way, the opportunity to advance to the primordial spirit will disappear.

As for Zhang Ke, he would naturally not make such a choice.

The 'Zhilan Apricot' presented by Zhang Ke has the greatest effect not only in arousing the opportunity to advance to the primordial spirit.

It can also keep the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit in absolute stability.

Of course, because it is too stable, mana is naturally not as spiritual as a normal advanced soul.

At this moment, Zhang Ke showed a profound background.

The vast and majestic power of the soul made him know the slightest changes in his body like the back of his hand.

The cultivation of the seventh floor of the 'Nine Turns of the Golden Cicada' allows him to easily control every part of his body.

Including the flow of blood, the vibration of heartbeat, and every breath of pores.

And the mana full of spirituality revealed a key role at this time.

Zhang Ke felt as if he had merged into the magic power, and he could control the magic power to run at will with just one thought.

(End of this chapter)

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