Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 457 Choice

Chapter 457 Choice
Zhang Ke nodded. In his cave, there is a lot of cement that has been refined.

At the beginning, there were almost one area of ​​people in Qingkong Realm at his disposal, and the accumulated cement piled up like a mountain.

But these are not easy to take out and use directly.

True Monarch Tianya continued:
"Besides, this is about to approach the sect's promotion, and the disciples also need to carry out various coordination training.

Things like refining cement and building residential buildings may have to be put on hold for the time being.

In addition, it has been determined to establish a branch in the sea area, and by then you will need a large number of ordinary people as the foundation.

Now the residents of the area under the jurisdiction of the sect live in a crowded and distressed life due to the large number of people.

When you establish a branch, you can just take away some people who are dissatisfied with the living environment.

If a residential building is built here now, there will be a comfortable living environment.

The old man is afraid that you will not be able to take away even the basic number of residents. "

Zhang Ke was taken aback for a moment, but somewhat ignored the question.

"Then according to the Patriarch's opinion?"

True Monarch Tianya hesitated for a moment, and said:

"Ruyi! This old man has a selfish idea and wants to discuss it with you."

Zhang Ke is now the True Lord of Yuanshen, and his attitude towards him can no longer be the same as before.

"Oh? Patriarch, please tell me!"

True Monarch Tianya considered his words, and slowly said:

"The sect belongs to many towns, and it is not so easy to demolish and rebuild.

Residential houses, shops, land, various buildings and derived issues must be considered as thoughtfully as possible.

In order not to cause confusion among the people, certain explanations and consultations are required.

In addition, there must be all kinds of strange things happening at that time.

All of this has to be prepared in advance. "

After a short pause, he continued:
"What the old man means is to use a year to conduct a survey of all the residents in the jurisdiction.

All people are registered in the register, and the number of households is allocated according to the families formed.

This will prevent someone from fishing in troubled waters. "

Having said that, he raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Ke before expressing what was in his mind.

"This time the cement formula and the method of constructing French pattern bricks were proposed by you.

The construction method of the civil building is also from your idea. It stands to reason that it is best to teach you how to handle this matter.

However, you are about to go out to establish a branch of the sect, can you leave the establishment of the civil building to Ming Xiao? "

Zhang Ke was taken aback, not quite understanding the meaning of these words.

Tianya Zhenjun continued to explain:
"Ming Xiao's prestige in the sect has dropped a lot because of the incident at Wanshou Mountain.

If the civil building can be done well, it can solve the housing problem of millions of people.

This can help him regain some of his reputation. After all, he is the head teacher of the sect, and a good reputation is very important to him. "

He was afraid that Zhang Ke would be unhappy, so he explained:

"I wouldn't say that if you weren't going to branch out.

Of course, Zongmen can't let you make concessions in vain. Regarding the share of the two patents of "cement" and "fawen brick", Zongmen will refund all of them to you.

I don't know how you feel? "

As a disciple of the Zongmen, generally speaking, the benefits of the patents Zhang Ke applied for are divided into three deals with the Zongmen.

Zhang Ke didn't wait for Zhenjun Tianya to finish speaking, he already understood what he meant.

After the Zongmen is promoted, he will take people away to establish a branch of the Zongmen.

This time, I am afraid it will be difficult to come back in this life.

So his own prestige in the sect is no longer important.

Instead of this, it would be better to give this opportunity to build a huge popularity to Master Ming Xiao.

This will be of great benefit to him controlling the sect in the future.

Understanding is understanding, but Zhang Ke feels a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Make suggestions and solve problems step by step by yourself, and when you are about to harvest, you have nothing to do with yourself.

If it were anyone, I'm afraid I would feel uncomfortable in my heart.

Seeing that Zhang Ke was silent, Tianya Zhenjun knew that he was unhappy.

sighed softly:
"Ruyi! The old man admits that doing this is really unfair to you."

After thinking for a moment, he spoke again.

"That's all! It's up to you to preside over this matter. You came up with this idea, so it's more reassuring to leave it to you."

Zhenjun Tianya thought about it, and decided to hand over this matter to Zhang Ke.

The person with the highest seniority in the sect must first be fair in dealing with things. The incident at Wanshou Mountain is a lesson from the past.

Zhang Ke is actually thinking about this too.

The construction of residential buildings is not a small project, and the reconstruction of hundreds of towns may take a long time.

But the matter of establishing a branch is urgent, and the two things actually conflict here.

After thinking about it again, Zhang Ke decided to go out and set up a branch. Let the Zongmen handle the construction of the folk building.

Moreover, he found that when doing things in the sect, he was always stumbling.

No matter what you want to do, you need to explain it to several patriarchs before you can continue.

But it will be different if you go outside. Wouldn't it be great to be able to do things as you please with no one restraining you?

After thinking about it, Zhang Ke said to Tianya Zhenjun:
"Patriarch! Let the matter of the sect be handled by the head teacher.

Disciples need to concentrate on establishing branches, and I'm afraid they don't have the energy to take care of both ends.


Zhang Ke said with a smile:

"Since the disciple has made a concession, can more ordinary people be taken away by the disciple?

Anyway, once the building is built, the Zongmen can quickly add more. "

Zhenjun Tianya breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile:

"I know that you are not a person who likes to suffer, well, I will add another 20% of your population, how about [-] people?"

Zhang Ke was overjoyed and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Before, when he decided to establish a branch, Tianya Zhenjun did not say how many people he would take away.

Listening to Zhenjun Tianya at this moment, it seems that the manpower originally prepared for him is estimated to be around 100 million.

True Monarch Tianya pondered and said:
"Although the main energy is now on the sect's promotion, the basic work can be started.

Let's first conduct a population census of all the towns under the sect's jurisdiction, and leave this to Chi Xiao.

You list your ideas and specific actions in a charter and give it to me.

In addition, the matter of applying for a patent is left to me, just as I have some things to go out to deal with. "

Zhang Ke nodded in agreement, and then the two discussed matters related to the two patents.

About two hours later, Zhang Ke left Yunding Peak on a cloud and returned to his residence Tingzhuxuan.

Standing in front of the bamboo building with his hands behind his back, Zhang Ke was thinking about his next move.

Not long after, 33 disciples of Zhang Ke's sect who had already formed alchemy came to Tingzhuxuan to obey orders.

This is the edict he issued after leaving Yunding Peak.

33 Dharma protectors in golden helmets and armor stood neatly behind Zhang Ke.

Once the 'Guardian God' becomes a golden elixir, the silver armor on his body will automatically turn into a golden armor.

In order to improve the strength of his disciples, Zhang Ke used the [Superposition] law to bless his disciples with a kind of omnipotent talisman weapon ability.

Of course, only Zhang Ke's disciples can enjoy this kind of benefit.

This is true for Zhong Lihong's 'Spiritual Whip' and Lu Xingzhou's 'Invisible Sword'.

And the ability to change the core rules of the "Shoulu Method" and bless special abilities, only Zhang Ke in the entire sect can do it.

Things in the world are like this, only with contrast, can we reflect the difference.

At this moment, 33 Jindan disciples stood silently behind Zhang Ke, all looking at him with admiration.

After a while, Zhang Ke turned around.

Zhong Lihong, Lu Xingzhou and many juniors and juniors folded their hands in front of them and bowed to salute.

"Disciple waits to meet Master!"

"Well! Free!"

Zhang Ke waved his disciples to stand up and speak.

"I called you here today because there is something I need you to do!"

"Master, please give me instructions."

"That's right, the sect is about to conduct a detailed survey of all the population in the secular world.

This matter requires the participation of the 'Dharma Protectors', and all the [-] Dharma Protectors of the sect can be dispatched by you. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Ke was slightly taken aback, as if he understood why the head teacher was afraid of him.

The [-] Dharma protectors in the Zongmen can be dispatched at will because the "Shoulu Method" is constructed by themselves.

But originally this is the authority that only the head teacher has. From this point of view, he has indeed affected the rights and interests of the head teacher.

There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the door!
There are two voices in one sect, which is probably like a thorn in the back of any controller.

Zhang Ke was secretly vigilant, and he had to think more about the authority of the head teacher when doing things in the future.

It seems that I was a little reckless when I suddenly launched an attack in Ziwei Palace that day.

In fact, it is completely possible to communicate with the head teacher first and then deal with it. This may give some people the wrong guidance.

But then he thought of Master Ming Xiao's protection and indulgence of Wanshou Mountain at that time, and immediately threw away this thought.

The head teacher also needs some external pressure, lest he do things without fear.

Putting aside the thoughts in his head, Zhang Ke continued to tell his disciples:

"You use snacks to write down all the talents discovered in this investigation.

Including their family, hobbies, specialties, etc., and describe any outstanding highlights.

In addition, outstanding disciples in the sect should also pay attention, especially those with special skills. "


Lu Xingzhou was a little surprised, he had only been away from him for less than half a month, it seemed that Master already had a plan of action.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked:
"Master! Do you want to avoid the sect in this matter?"

Zhang Ke shook his head and said:
"No, this was decided after I discussed with Patriarch Tianya.

Besides, I'm going to go out for a while, and I can ask you Master Biluo to solve any difficult problems. "

"Yes! Master!"

In fact, it doesn't take much time to complete it.

The Baojia system established by Zhang Ke in the past has been operating perfectly for more than 100 years.

Moreover, it has been perfected through continuous checking and filling of gaps from generation to generation.

It can be said that even if there is one more beggar in the territory, it will be recorded in detail.

The reason why it is necessary to spend a year to do this is nothing more than to pave the way for Master Ming Xiao.


(End of this chapter)

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