Zhang Ke shook his head and said:

"No, but I have other ideas, but I don't know if it will work or not. I'll think about it later."

Although Shan Qianhui was curious about his thoughts, she didn't continue to ask.

Instead, he said with a smile:
"We've seen the situation here, so let's go back.

I didn't expect you to have such a big capital. You have to weigh it carefully when you go back. "

Zhang Ke shook his head and said:

"Go back first, I'm still a little interested in this sea eye, and I want to take a good look at it.

It is estimated that I will stay here for a while. If you have any news, please send me a message. "

After finishing speaking, he took out a mother snail and a jade slip from his body and handed them to Shan Qianhui.

"The mother and child snails can be used to communicate with me. The jade slips are the practice method of the supernatural power of 'soaring through the clouds and riding the fog'."

"Well! Well, if there is any good news, I will let you know."

On the highest peak of Crescent Bay.

Zhang Ke watched Shan Qianhui leave as a streamer.

With enough time, he will take a good look at the two sea eyes.

'Crescent Bay' is indeed a good place to stay. Zhang Ke is a little excited, but the first thing to solve is the problem of sea eyes.

In this regard, he has some basic ideas, and he stayed this time just to see if his idea has any hope of success.

In the end, I decided to go to the water to experience the power of sea eyes for myself.


Bixiao Palace.

In the shelf library.

On a six-foot-long stone table, rolls of account books and books were scattered around.

In addition, there are scrolls of maps spread out in disorder.

Shan Qianhui held a scroll of sea charts in her hand, frowned and looked at it for a few times, then threw it on the stone table casually.

Rubbing the center of his brows, he muttered to himself:

"Strange! I didn't find that there are islands in the sea area. Where is this little Taoist going to gain a foothold?"

While thinking about it, a flash of light flashed through the door of Jiageku, and Nie Yin walked in with Bian Yuhong.

Bian Yuhong first glanced at the various materials on the stone table, and then said:
"Third Sister! I heard that a few months ago, that little Taoist priest from back then came again and advanced to Yuanshen?"

Shan Qianhui couldn't help but glared at Nie Yin, this talkative girl.

Nie Yin felt a little wronged and muttered:
"So many people have seen it, I don't say what others will say."

Shan Qianhui's face darkened.

"Are you free now?
The Phantom Pirates robbed and killed a mountain boat two months ago, and the sea area where the accident occurred was only four hundred miles away from our gate.

How is this going? "

Nie Yin cried bitterly:
"Master Uncle doesn't know, and the Phantom Bandit doesn't know what method he used to evade the disciples' detection.

We have checked that sea area and found no abnormality, and we don't know where the ghost thief suddenly appeared. "

Taking a peek at Shan Qianhui's expression, she tentatively said:
"The disciple has an idea, I don't know if I should say it."

Shan Qianhui glanced at her with a half-smile.

"Hey! I've learned how to play tricks, do you want me to ask you to tell me?"

Nie Yin laughed dryly twice, and hurriedly said:
"Phantom robbers appear everywhere to rob ships and kill people, making people panic in the nearby sea area.

This is what the disciple thinks. Isn't Zhang Ke still nearby? The disciple knows this person quite well.

His personal ability is very outstanding, why not ask Zhang Ke to see if he has any good solutions for this. "

Shan Qianhui said in a low voice:

"Nie Yin, I know that you have a good relationship with Zhenjun Ruyi, but he is now the Zhenjun Yuanshen.

I don't care about it in private, but when it's public, you should pay attention to addressing, don't call them by their first names, understand? "

Nie Yin's heart shuddered, and he quickly agreed.

Shan Qianhui continued:
"The matter of the Ghost Thief is not that simple, it suddenly appeared in the South China Sea 40 years ago.

There are actually three True Monarchs among them, which is really unbelievable.

In particular, the three of them couldn't find a trace of their feet at all, and they always felt that there was something strange about them.

I also thought about talking to Master Ruyi about this matter, but in the end I didn't open my mouth. "

Nie Yin wondered, "Why?"

With the relationship between Shan Qianhui and Zhang Ke, she didn't think Zhang Ke would even do this little favor.

Shan Qianhui explained:

"Ruyi Zhenjun is not from Laizhou after all.

Once he really makes a move, it's okay if he can't catch someone, but if he catches it, it's not easy to deal with. "

Before Nie Yin could ask, she continued:
"If he really makes a move to catch someone, wouldn't it appear that my Laizhou sect is incompetent.

Furthermore, he came to South China Sea this time to establish a branch of the sect.

Now I'm looking around for a suitable island to settle down, and I don't have time for other things, and I don't want him to be distracted by it. "

Nie Yin was taken aback. It turned out that Zhang Ke wanted to come to Nanhai to establish a branch of the sect, so no wonder he came to him.

Bian Yuhong on the side interjected:

"Third Sister! Where is that little Taoist priest now, I will also go to him to talk about old times."

Shan Qianhui gave Bian Yuhong a stern look, she was shameless, the disciple was still watching here.

"Second Sister, have you found anything about the Ghost Thief when you went out in the past few months?"

Bian Yuhong shook her head and said:
"I have inquired about several nearby sects, but none of the three True Monarchs of the Phantom Bandit have heard of them.

I suspect they may be from other regions. "

Shan Qianhui said 'hmm', she also had the same suspicion, but she didn't know where they came from.

Seeing that Nie Yin was still waiting in a blink of an eye, he said:
"Nie Yin, I've made an appointment with some friends, and I'm afraid they will come over in the next few days. You go to the mountain gate to guard, and when you come, you can directly lead them here."

Nie Yin agreed and left.

Bian Yuhong waited for Nie Yin to leave, and asked impatiently:

"Where is the little Taoist now?"

Shan Qianhui smiled lightly and said:

"What's the matter, you still want to continue the relationship?"

Bian Yuhong smiled and said:
"Don't make fun of it, it was all so many years ago.

Do you still remember Master Miaoyin of the 'Eight Sound Sect'? "

Shan Qianhui nodded and said, "Well, what?"

"A few months ago, I was inquiring about the news at the 'Guanhai Building', and by chance, Master Miaoyin was also a guest there.

During the banquet, Master Miaoyin told a story.

She said that when she was on duty outside the territory, she met a Jindan cultivator who killed an incarnation of Shanshui Zhenjun with just one blow.

This Golden Core cultivator is named Ruyi, a disciple of the Innate Qi Sect. "


Shan Qianhui took a breath and said:

"You mean Zhang Ke, he injured Yuanshen?"

Bian Yuhong nodded and said:
"Well, it's him, so when I got back to the sect and heard that he was coming, I hurried over here.

Third sister, think about it, this little Taoist Primordial Spirit can injure the Primordial Spirit, and now he is promoted to the Primordial Spirit, his strength must be stronger.

Why don't you just ask him for help and see if you can find the ghost thief. "

Shan Qianhui fell into deep thought.

In the past few decades when the ghost bandits have been raging, the sects in the nearby sea area have been greatly affected.

The most intuitive point is that the income of each sect is much less.

After all, sea computing is a major output of the South Sea Sect.

After thinking about it, I felt that it would not be a bad thing to ask Zhang Ke.

The reason why she was unwilling to ask Zhang Ke for help before was because Zhang Ke was not a local, and his reckless actions might cause dissatisfaction.

Secondly, he was afraid of causing trouble to Zhang Ke.

After all, he is also planning to gain a foothold in the sea area now, and once he makes a move, he is afraid that there will be endless troubles.

But if Zhang Ke's strength is strong enough, then these are not a problem.

After making up her mind, Shan Qianhui nodded and said:
"Okay! You can ask Zhang Ke, but it will take a few days."

Bian Yuhong wondered, "Why is that?"

Shan Qianhui told about Zhang Ke's plan to establish a sect branch in the South China Sea.


"Since you are asking for help, you have to show something.

I contacted a few sisters to see if I could find some old mountain boats for him. "

After listening to Shan Qianhui's words, Bian Yuhong fell into deep thought.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"If Zhang Ke really came to South China Sea to establish a branch of the sect, this matter really needs to be discussed in the long run."

Shan Qianhui was slightly taken aback, not quite understanding what Bian Yuhong meant.

"The South China Sea is so big, no matter where Zhang Ke is based, he will definitely seize the resources in the South China Sea in the future.

I'm afraid other sects will be dissatisfied because of this.

We understand our situation, although it is a seventh-rank sect, the strength of the disciples in the palace is far inferior to other seventh-rank sects.

If other sects are eviled because of Zhang Ke's incident, I am afraid that life will not be easy in the future. "

Shan Qianhui has also thought about this problem before, if it was before, she might have to think about it.

But since he knew that Zhang Ke was powerful, it wasn't a problem.

After all, this is the world of practice, and all the right to speak is based on strength.

"I don't think so, I think it's a great opportunity.

The disciples of this sect have been weak for a long time. Not only is their temperament a bit weak, but they also lack a sense of urgency.

They are so well protected by us, like indoor flowers, unable to withstand the slightest wind and rain.

It is a good thing for Zhang Ke to enter the South China Sea. I still have some understanding of this person's methods and temperament.

I wondered whether my sect should form an alliance with it.

He has just arrived and needs a breakthrough to cut into the South China Sea.

And we also need to have a firm and reliable ally, relying on each other for common development. "

This remark made sense, and Bian Yuhong couldn't make up his mind for a while.

"Should I ask my eldest sister to hear her thoughts?"

"Well! Then put this matter on hold for now, and wait for the elder sister to leave the customs.

As for the matter of the ghost thief, let's not discuss it with Zhang Ke for the time being, lest it will be difficult to repay the favor. "

Shan Qianhui also hesitated, and was going to wait until later.

Although Shan Qianhui and Bian Yuhong are very talented, they actually have female nature.

It is inevitable to look forward and backward when doing things, which is why Bixiao Palace has been established for so many years, but its strength has not increased significantly.

Ten days later, Shan Qianhui's sisters arrived one after another.

After a small gathering, Shan Qianhui told about her friend's desire to buy an old mountain boat, and asked a group of sisters to help and inquire about it.

The reason why Zhang Ke came to Shan Qianhui was that she had a better understanding of the South China Sea.

Another reason is for Shan Qianhui's popularity in the South China Sea.

If Shan Qianhui were to do this kind of thing, it might be done with just one sentence.

And if it were him, he might not even have a clue.

After all, he is now the True Lord of the Primordial Spirit, and when he goes to a strange place, everyone will naturally be vigilant.

No matter what he wants to do, he will always be interpreted maliciously.

(End of this chapter)

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