Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 463 Ghost Thief

Chapter 463 Ghost Thief

on the sea.

Dozens of flat boats criss-crossed and patrolled around, with a radius of hundreds of miles within the scope of the patrol.

This kind of flat boat is unique to Bixiao Palace.

It can only accommodate five people, but the speed is twice as fast as the average boat.

And even though it's just a small boat, it has a strong ability to resist wind and waves, and it can be regarded as a good magic weapon.

Nie Yin stood on the bow of the boat, using his mana to control the boat to the east.

Besides her, Ning Pei'er was on board, responsible for observation.

This time, it was the first time that the inspectors of Bixiao Palace had left so far away from the sea area of ​​their own sect.

At Nie Yin's request, they had already moved more than three thousand miles away from the sect.

Ning Pei'er didn't understand what the senior sister did. It's okay if she doesn't meet the ghost thief, but what if she does?
In fact, Nie Yin also felt a little regretful at this moment. She just wanted to take a casual turn, so why did she come here.

Ning Pei'er turned her head and saw that the boat of the same family on the sea was getting farther and farther away from her.

Can't help but say to Nie Yin:
"Senior Sister! We are already hundreds of miles away from the inspection range, why don't we change direction?"

Nie Yin turned his head and looked around a few times.

"Okay, let's go back... Huh?? Why are there mountain boats there?"

The weather is beautiful today, there is no wind and no waves, and the sea is as calm as a mirror.

Although there are still tens of miles away, the figures of two majestic mountain boats have faintly appeared in sight.

Ning Pei'er was a little anxious.

I have already communicated with the nearby sects, and no one is allowed to go to sea for the time being, so why are there still people who do not obey orders.

"Senior sister, do you want to stop those two ships?"

Nie Yin sneered and said:
"This is to see that no one dares to go to sea and wants to take advantage of the opportunity to seek benefits. They are really not afraid of death."

After a short pause, he continued:
"But I still have to warn them, let's go!"

The mana was slammed under the feet, and the flat boat shot towards the mountain boat like an arrow against the sea.


Less than half of the hundred-foot-high mountain boats are below the surface of the sea. Even so, the huge mountain boats still look like a small mountain floating on the sea.

Dozens of Jindan monks stood on the tall bridge.

The field of vision here is extremely wide, and you can have a panoramic view of the scenery within a hundred miles.

Therefore, when Nie Yin and the others sailed towards the direction where they and the others were, they were immediately spotted by the people on the bridge.

"Uncle! Look, a boat is coming."

A Jindan cultivator with delicate features pointed to the sea in the distance and said to the captain.

These two mountain boats come from the same sect 'Four Seas Sect'.

The 'Four Seas Sect' belongs to the eighth-rank sect in Laizhou. There are two Yuanshen and Zhenjun in the sect, with more than a hundred golden cores, and their strength in the nearby sea area is second only to Bixiao Palace.

Two months ago, the thirteen sects in the nearby sea area agreed that mountain boats would not go out to sea for three years in order to resist the invasion of ghost thieves.

Their idea is to hope that the ghost thieves can leave the nearby sea and go to other places after they can't find their target.

Bixiao Palace and Universal Sect were also one of the sects present at that time.

I don't know if this decision had an effect or for other reasons.

After more than two months, the Ghost Thief really disappeared and never appeared again.

Some sects naturally have other thoughts.

The Four Seas Sect is one of them. After some discussions within the sect, they decided to take advantage of this good opportunity when no one went to sea.

So two mountain ships loaded with countless resources went out to sea.

In their thinking, since nothing happened for two months, it was impossible for them to be so unlucky that they would just meet them.

And for the sake of safety, 'Dinghai Zhenjun', one of the only two true monarchs in the gate, also went out to sea with the boat.

Even if it was really unlucky to collide with the Phantom Thief, with the strong defense of the mountain boat and Zhenjun Dinghai, he would definitely be able to persist for a while.

As long as the signal is sent out in time, the nearby sects will come to help, so I am ready to take a risk.

At this time, seeing a small boat approaching at high speed, the captain Chen Xun looked at it with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Hey! It's those little ladies from Bixiao Palace, don't pay attention to them."


Although it is only an eighth-rank sect, the disciples in the Four Seas Sect don't think highly of Bixiao Palace.

There is no way, it is because the disciples of Bixiao Palace are too hip. Except for the three true masters in the sect, there has not been a single disciple who can do it for hundreds of years.

Nie Yin and Ning Pei'er came to a position two hundred feet away from the mountain boat, but they didn't dare to go too far.

The movement of the huge mountain boat set off a wave that was two feet high.

The waves lined up all around push outward layer upon layer.

If they got too close, they might be sucked into the bottom of the boat and smashed into pieces.

Nie Yin glanced at the Zongmen logo on the mountain boat, raised his head and shouted:

"Which owner of the Four Seas Sect is on board, is it convenient to meet?"

Chen Xun smiled condescendingly and said:
"Oh, it's Master Nie, Chen Xun is being polite here."

Nie Yin said loudly:
"Two months ago, the various sects decided that the mountain boats would not go out to sea for three years. The noble sect also agreed. Why did you go back on your word?"

Chen Xun laughed loudly and said:
"The Four Seas Sect has a small family, and even the poor can't get rid of it, so there's no way around it.

However, when I come back from this trip, I will definitely tell the headmaster of my sect and ask him to explain it himself.

Now it is..."

While talking, he found that the mountain boat seemed to vibrate slightly.

Chen Xun's heart tightened and he couldn't help but shut up.

The sudden shock made Chen Xun feel uneasy in his heart.

The three-hundred-foot mountain boat is as stable as the ground, what kind of fluctuations can make such a big boat turbulent.

Silently, a figure suddenly gathered from a spiritual light beside him.

With a burly figure and slightly gray hair and beard, he is the True Monarch Dinghai who came with the boat this time.

"Ah! The disciple waits to meet the Patriarch!"

Many disciples of the Universal Sect on the bridge bowed in unison to salute.


True Monarch Dinghai responded, but his eyes were fixed on the distant sea, motionless.

Chen Xun's heart sank, even the Patriarch was alarmed.

Could it be that he bumped into the Phantom Thief by such a coincidence?

There are shocks even on the mountain boat, not to mention the sea.

Suddenly there was an undercurrent in the sea, and the waves that were raised almost overturned Nie Yin and his boat with the others.

Nie Yin steered the small boat back a hundred feet, and focused his attention on the sea.

Hundreds of feet away, the calm sea surface is like a boiling pot, with tumbling bubbles pouring out.

Look at the range of the bubbles that are several miles in size.


As more and more bubbles are produced, the sea surface begins to ripple in circles, and the vibrations are getting bigger and bigger.

Ning Peier trembled:

"Master... Senior Sister, could this be..."

Nie Yin didn't say a word, and shook her hand to throw a letter into the air.


A stream of light rushed straight into the sky, and a gorgeous firework exploded in the sky hundreds of feet high.

Afterwards, Nie Yin sailed directly to the nearest mountain boat.

The most dangerous time has come, so it is natural to find a safe place to hide.

Unexpectedly, the mountain boat started to spin, which seemed to mean turning around and fleeing.

But the huge hull of the mountain boat suddenly turned rapidly, and waves that were tens of feet high were rolled up all at once.

If it wasn't for Nie Yin's vigilance and timely and flexible boat dodging, he might be hit by the big waves.


Gritting her teeth, Nie Yin burst out two words from between her lips and teeth.

She understood that the Four Seas Sect was unreliable, and she had to rely on herself if she wanted to survive.

With his right hand, he yanked the pendant around his neck, pouring a trace of mana into it.


With a slight sound, the pendant shattered into powder and scattered.

If the pendant is broken, the sect will receive a message, and what we have to do now is to try our best to survive.

Taking a deep breath, he tried his best to inject all the mana into the boat under his feet.

In an instant, the flat boat flew towards the distance like an arrow off the string.

Ning Pei'er doesn't have to be in charge of steering the boat, she only needs to pour mana into the boat formation, so she still has time to look around.

After flying for a while, the sea surface became more and more violent, and the underwater undercurrent even affected the boat's progress.

Ning Pei'er couldn't help looking behind.

It didn't matter, but she was so frightened that she almost fell off the boat.

I saw a huge black and gloomy ship rising slowly from the sea surface hundreds of feet away.

From her vantage point all she could see was a high wall rising from the water.

The dark black hull has a hideous shape, and there is a huge snake-like statue at the bow.

The snake's head protruded forward, and there were actually three pairs of slender red eyes, and there was a blood-red long letter stretching and contracting in its mouth.

The lines of the hull are even more peculiar, almost every turn is a right angle, like countless steel folded and inlaid on the hull.

But this also makes this big ship more rigid, rough and domineering.

Little by little, the huge black ship rose from the water.

First, the front bridge extended obliquely from the water, and the head of the snake at the front was raised high, and then it fell down from the air suddenly.

With the front bridge obliquely piercing out of the sea from underwater, it fell heavily on the water.


A huge black warship four hundred feet long emerged from the water.

It is like a deep-sea giant standing up from the bottom of the sea and crawling on the surface of the sea.

The huge wave emptied out, and a ring-shaped wave with a height of tens of feet extended outward.

Ning Pei'er glanced at the snake head, and her eyes accidentally met those three pairs of strange eyes.

My mind was immediately fascinated, and I was about to step out of the boat in a dazed state.

Fortunately, Nie Yin found out that something was wrong in time, so he stopped him.

In his busy schedule, he sneaked a look back, only to see that the two mountain boats were in a mess.

The noisy shouts came and went on the mountain boat.

A trace of black fog quickly spread in all directions centered on the black ship.

Ghost Thief!
Seeing the black mist and the giant warship, the last trace of luck in Nie Yin's heart was gone.

One after another practitioners in black robes flew up from the ghost ship, each of them was filled with black mist.

It seems that those black mist can make them fly in the air like primordial spirits.

"Hey hey——!"

"Hee hee hee! Good luck, two big boats, this time I can eat my fill."

"Hey, I only want the female cultivators on board, no one is allowed to compete with me!"

"I haven't come out for two months, I didn't expect to encounter beautiful things just after I came out, hahaha~~~"


Screams and stern laughter came from the hundreds of people flying in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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