Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 472 Kunpeng Changes

Chapter 472 Kunpeng Changes



After the three bells rang, Zhenjun Tianya led Lie Yan, Jiu Ren, Fu Rong, Zhang Ke and others to leave the Ganlu Hall.

Followed by the nine hundred disciples with firm eyes, straight body like pine, full of vigor.

Headmaster Ming Xiao and thousands of other disciples followed silently to the outside of the hall.

Outside the Ganlu Hall is a huge platform square, which is as large as a thousand feet.

The blue-gray granite is polished evenly and spliced ​​together tightly.

Every few feet on the edge of the square, there is a long pillar standing upright.

Zhenjun Tianya led the crowd to the edge of the platform square, with nine hundred disciples lined up on both sides.

Turning around, he looked at Headmaster Ming Xiao and many other disciples who were full of expectations.

Tianya Zhenjun smiled slightly:
"Fill up the wine and wait for me to return in triumph!"

Headmaster Ming Xiao led all the disciples to bow down.

"I wish Patriarch and all fellow disciples ride the wind and waves and achieve great success!"

"I wish Patriarch and all fellow disciples ride the wind and waves and achieve great success!"


After some blessings, Headmaster Ming Xiao and everyone's eyes focused on Zhang Ke.

Zhang Kesu came to the edge of the platform, took a deep breath, and his body shook suddenly.

A white golden light bloomed from Zhang Ke's whole body.

This white light radiates outward like sunlight, dazzling the entire platform square.

Faintly, one can see that there seem to be huge and unparalleled creatures born from it bit by bit.

Golden-winged kun head, star-eyed leopard eyes, and wings gathered at the side, resembling a roc.

I saw that the roc's body shook slightly, its wings spread slightly, and a strong wind howled.

Zhenjun Tianya waved his hand, and the nine hundred disciples swayed, and immediately turned into nine hundred birds, fluttering their wings, and flew under the wings of the roc.

The big roc half-spread its wings, and countless platinum rune lines were interlaced and connected to form a net.

And the birds formed by the nine hundred disciples formed nodes to connect each other and echo each other.

Formation: [Kunpeng]

With the assistance of nine hundred disciples, Jin Peng gathered enough strength to fully spread his wings.


There was a dull, concussive sound, and the golden-winged roc rose into the sky.

In an instant, the clouds rolled up and the clouds cleared up high in the sky, a strong wind suddenly picked up, and its body became bigger and bigger until it covered the sky and the sun!


The Jinpeng fluttered away like a mountain, and a high-pitched cry that pierced gold and cracked rocks resounded for thousands of miles.

Headmaster Ming Xiao looked up at Jin Peng leaving, emotionally agitated, and suddenly a word came out of his heart.

'One day the roc rises with the same wind and soars up to ninety thousand miles! '

On this day, a vision appeared in the sky of Dingzhou.

At a certain moment, countless people feel that the sun seems to disappear for a moment, and the day is like night!

There are also countless people who swear that they saw a bird bigger than a mountain flying in the sky.

There is a fish in Beiming, its name is Kun, Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is.

It turns into a bird, its name is Peng, and the back of Peng has no idea how many thousands of miles away it is.

Absolutely cloudless, holding the blue sky, and flying in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky.

Eastern Region.

Zhongzhou Zhengyuan City.

This place was originally a big city under the jurisdiction of "Tao Dezong", with a population of more than 2000 million.

Since the "Tao Dezong" split, the three Taoist monarchs Yinhe, Wufeng and Qingyun went to the East China Sea to establish the "Ming Dezong".

This city will belong to the "Tiandaozong" split from the "Tao Dezong".

Eight hundred miles to the east of Zhengyuan City, there are rolling mountains that are covered by clouds and mist all the year round.

Someone once vaguely saw pavilions and towers among the undulating mountains in the sky.

Bai Yujing!
The mountain gate of Tiandaozong is located.

Bai Yujing in the sky, twelfth floors and five cities, Immortals caress my top, tie hair and receive longevity.

This statement was personally engraved on the boundary monument of the mountain gate by the No. 40 generation head teacher of the former "Tao Dezong" Zhongxing Daojun Banshan.

This is not only the desire for practice, but also the expectation of Banshan Daojun for his own sect.

Bai Yujing, this is supposed to be a place where only gods can live.

The hundred-year promotion assessment for each sect in the nine states of the Eastern Region was held in Baiyujing.

It is now the ninth day of June, and there will be three months until the sect's promotion assessment day.

At this time, most of the trial sects in the Eastern Region have basically arrived.

In order to prevent conflicts between states, Tiandaozong specially set up three buildings as the residence of the Kyushu sect.

Among them, practitioners from the three prefectures of Ji, Ding and Lai live in the "cloud".

Practitioners from Guang, Qing and Yan prefectures live in 'Langfeng'.

Practitioners in Qiong, Hai and Zhongzhou live in 'Xuanpu'.

These buildings are said to be buildings, but they are actually just named to suit the situation. Each of these buildings is a mountain peak, and there are thousands of pavilions on it.

The three peaks stand in a triangular shape, only a few miles apart from each other, and you can even see each other's faces.

Yunzhongfeng Jintai Pavilion.

An attic built on the top of Yunzhong Peak, tower-shaped, thirteen floors, built with Jinhuishi.

A space array is built inside the Jintai Pavilion, so the space is much larger than it looks.

The lower nine floors of the attic are for congenital monks, the middle three floors are the gathering places for Jindan Zhenren, and the top floor is the meeting place for Yuanshen Zhenjun.

The people living on this mountain are practitioners from the three prefectures of Ji, Ding and Lai.

Because the three states are closely connected, the sects also know each other a lot.

Twelve-story square hall.

This is the highest level where Jindan Realm can gather.

There are no stickers on the windows of Jintai Pavilion, but an isolation formation to block the wind and rain.

Looking out from here, one can clearly see the mountain protection formation formed by clouds and mist outside the Baiyujing Mountain Gate.

At this time, there are hundreds of Jindan real people from various sects in Ji, Ding, and Lai prefectures communicating and trading here.

Usually, there is no such opportunity to gather dozens of sects together.

Interacting with each other, collecting information, these are things that practitioners are almost ingrained in their bones.

Among them are prominent top-rank sect disciples.

For example, Fu Yizong, the third-rank sect of Dingzhou, "Bajing Palace", Luan Changsen, the second-rank sect of Laizhou, "Yunxiao 33 Tiangong", and Ren Xiaoyao, the second-rank sect of Jizhou, "Dazizai Tiangong", etc.

There are also many middle and low-rank sects and dozens of sects that do not enter the rank.

When going out, it is instinctive to hold a group. The disciples of the various sects in the three states formed different circles around the three top-rank sects.

Seen from above the main hall, the circle of practitioners headed by the three sects is like three gears turning slowly.

With a gentle smile on his face, Luan Changsen frequently greeted the real people from various sects around him.

With a golden crown on his head, long eyebrows like willows, and a body like a jade tree, there is a touch of handsomeness in his delicate features.

In terms of demeanor, among the hundreds of real people in the hall, he is also one of the best.

Many female cultivators who thought they were outstanding came up to talk to him on purpose, just to get his attention.

While greeting people, Luan Changsen was secretly thinking about the assessment.

Some cultivators around gathered together, talking about various secrets and news of the practice world.

"Renren Yang, you have always been well informed, what's your experience?"

"Ha ha!"

A slightly sharp laugh came, Luan Changsen turned his eyes, and the one who laughed was a slightly obese practitioner with small eyes.

Luan Changsen knew this person. Among the Yang people of Laizhou's fifth-rank sect 'Hongyan Sect', he had a cultivation base of Tiangang.

The Hongyan Sect is a relatively peculiar sect, good at controlling beasts, and is famous in the practice world for helping people deliver goods and letters.

Although the mountain gate is in Laizhou, the disciples in the gate are all over the states in the Eastern Region, and because of this, the news is extremely well-informed.

Yang Renzhong laughed twice and said:

"Not to mention, there is really a lot of interesting news here, little brother."

"Oh~~? Then don't keep it secret, let's listen to it."

The people around became interested, and they all opened their mouths to urge.

"Hey! Have you ever heard of the Qingmei Daoist of the Star Chasing Sword Sect?"

"Dingzhou Dragon Royalist, how can we not know."

"Yes! There is no opponent in Kyushu, and the No. 1 Hunyuan. I heard that she has been challenging various masters in the Central Region in the past few years, and she has fought hundreds of battles without a single defeat!"

Yang Renzhong smiled "hehe", clapped his hands and said:
"That's right, but everyone knows that this real person with green eyebrows has become a primordial spirit half a year ago, and has been promoted to a real king!"

"Really? This green-browed true...true monarch swept the world at the same level when he was in the Jindan state, and now he is promoted to the primordial spirit. I don't know how strong he is?"

"Tsk tsk! That's amazing, it seems that True Monarch Qingmei has practiced for less than 200 years?"

"Yeah, this speed of practice is really enviable, but her strength is still so terrifying, alas! It's really incomparable!"

"that is……"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Luan Changsen raised his eyebrows slightly, secretly envious in his heart.

His current cultivation base is stuck in the dragon and tiger realm, and he has never been able to meet the dragon and tiger.

This time he asked for the Zongmen assessment, and he just hoped to see if there was any opportunity during the assessment.

Yang Renzhong waited for the discussion to subside for a while, and then said mysteriously:
"This news is nothing, what I want to tell is another person's news."

He paused and asked:
"Does everyone know Ruyi Daoist?"

Luan Changsen's heart skipped a beat, could it be him?

I heard someone say:
"Is the Ruyi real person of the Dingzhou Xiantian Yizong?"

Yang Renzhong nodded and said, "Exactly!"

The man said:
"This person is from Dingzhou, and he is extremely powerful. Decades ago, he worked together with Master Qingmei to kill a True Monarch of Outland."

Someone nearby exclaimed:
"Remember, is it the one who killed the 'Blood Demon' Deng Fengshan?"

Yang Renzhong said:

"That's right, the other news I'm talking about is this person. This real Ruyi also advanced to the rank of Yuanshen Zhenjun a year ago."

"What? It's impossible!"

Luan Changsen was shocked, and said the same sentence in his heart.

He remembered very clearly that Zhang Ke advanced to the Golden Core Realm nearly 30 years later than himself.

Now he still remembers the scene where Zhang Ke was almost beheaded by Shenyimen in Tuocheng.

How could it be possible that he was promoted to the primordial spirit earlier than himself.

But this person among the Yang people has always been well-informed, so how can he talk nonsense about such things.

The smile on Luan Changsen's face disappeared, and it didn't feel very good to be caught up and overtaken by someone whose cultivation level was much worse than his own.

"Hehe, this is actually not what I want to say. What I want to say is that the relationship between Ruyi Zhenjun and Qingmei Zhenjun is very unusual!"

When Yang Renzhong's words reached his ears, Luan Changsen didn't know why, but suddenly felt that this person was really annoying.

Just about to tell him to shut up, someone suddenly exclaimed:
"Look! What is that?"

"Hey, so... is that a monster?"

"Quick! Tell the people of Tiandaozong that a monster is coming."

(End of this chapter)

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