Chapter 490 Teaching the Law
Shi Zhongyu and Shi Zhongxiu were ecstatic, these harvests took care of almost every aspect of the two people's outing experience.

Obviously, this Ruyi Zhenjun is really thinking about the two of them.

Zhang Ke thought for a while, and then constructed a special rune pillar using the talisman method.

'This thing is the 'Green Rain Totem', which can detoxify and heal injuries, so it must be useful.

However, the mana I stay in it is limited, and I can only use it about ten times at most. '

He could accumulate more power inside, but in order to avoid the dependence of the two, he only kept a little bit.

Seeing the smiling faces of the two, Zhang Ke couldn't help but love talents.

Stretch out your hand and write two words on the stone case:

'Don't move! '

Seeing the handwriting revealed on the stone table, Shi Zhongyu and the two were slightly taken aback.

'What does this mean? ? '

Zhang Ke raised the middle and middle fingers of his right hand together, and a dazzling aura burst out from his fingertips.

Between the eyebrows of Shi Zhongyu and Shi Zhongxiu each planted a method.

The practice method of the wood-type god-ray and the earth-type god-ray in [Big Five Elements Extinct God Rays].

After Shi Zhongyu's eyebrows were hit by Zhang Ke, he immediately felt countless subtle auras condensed into balls and exploded in the 'Niwan Palace'.

这 是
Shi Zhongyu found that there was an extra powerful method of supernatural cultivation in his mind.

Slightly stunned, he felt that the two of them had gotten too much.

Can't help but feel a trace of panic in my heart.

Zhang Ke continued to write in Shi's case:
'Teach you two a spell, so that you can practice well, don't disappoint my intentions. '

The congenital qi sect's spells cannot be passed on, so Zhang Ke passed on a magical power to each of them.

Yuan Jinting watched enviously, she had heard many legends about Zhang Ke.

In addition to his ferocious name, he is also the one who supports the younger generation in the sect. With 120 disciples, Zhang Ke's number of disciples is the highest in the sect.

Obviously Shi Zhongyu and Shi Zhongxiu were taken by Zhang Ke, and I don't know when I will have this opportunity.

Shi Zhongyu said nervously:
"Senior, don't you give too much to this junior?"

Zhang Ke smiled mysteriously, and a line of writing appeared on the stone case.

'No need to think too much, if there is a destiny in the future, the two of you will understand. '

Lu Gong's heart twitched, it seemed that this Ruyi Zhenjun seemed to have the intention of accepting disciples.

The secret realm is almost understood, and there are many things that Zhang Ke needs to think about.

Instruct Yuan Jinting to take Shi Zhongyu and two people away.

Knowing the characteristics of the day corpse and night ghost, Zhang Ke re-arranged the isolation formation in the camp.

Since then, there have been no day and night ghosts to invade.

In the next month, Shi Zhongyu and his wife were asked by Yuan Jinting to learn the language and characters of the secret realm.

In this regard, many disciples of the Qizong were very interested, so some disciples came to ask for advice and study on their own initiative.

For this reason, Shi Zhongyu and the two were shocked to find that there were hundreds of Golden Core Realm monks in this camp.

And from their respectful attitude towards Zhang Ke, the two roughly guessed what level of cultivation Zhang Ke was.

A month later, Shi Zhongyu and Shi Zhongxiu left the camp with mixed feelings of reluctance.

Although they also wanted to stay here, in order to fulfill their wishes, they finally left.

At the same time, when the two left, Zhang Ke specifically entrusted one thing.

'If you meet a human who has been bitten by a Japanese corpse, but persists and has not been transformed into a Japanese corpse, you can invite him to come here as a guest. '

Of course, in this world where going out is extremely dangerous, no one will come to things that are not beneficial.

So Zhang Ke offered an irresistible reward for this.

'Two thousand sunbursts! '

Interest is the lever that can move everything.


In the camp.

Zhang Ke built hundreds of quiet rooms with natal talismans as places for his disciples to experiment, deduce, practice spells and do research.

At this moment, in one of the quiet rooms, Zhang Ke is observing the scene in the [Sumi Tianyan Formation].

As early as a few days ago, he found that the scene in the formation was not changing, and estimated that the entire secret realm might have been explored.

But in order to be safe, Zhang Ke waited for a few more days, and finally confirmed his conjecture.

Looking at the geography of mountains and rivers in the sand table, Zhang Ke calculated the size of this secret place.

To his surprise, this secret place is really not small. According to measurements and calculations, this secret place is as big as Dingzhou.

Zhang Ke couldn't help sighing secretly.

Perhaps it was influenced by the obsession with ascending the rank of the middle-rank sect, the sect was really careless and anxious this time.

well!I really should come here to investigate first before making a decision.

Such a large secret realm, as long as it is well developed, can become the foundation of the sect.

It's too late to say anything now, Zhang Ke put aside his thoughts, thinking about how to carry out the next task.

It has been more than two months since I came to the Misty Secret Realm, and all the disciples are restricted in the camp and are not allowed to go out, which has caused dissatisfaction among the disciples.

But for their safety, Zhang Ke still decided to wait for Lieyan Patriarch and others to come back before deciding what to do.

Thinking about whether to go to Baishi to ask how far his research on fog has progressed.

Suddenly, Zhang Ke keenly noticed a slight fluctuation of vitality coming from a distance.

'Um? ? '

The familiar vitality fluctuated from far to near, Zhang Ke got up and waited outside the quiet room.

A moment later, a huge figure fell into the camp from the sky with a 'huh'.

The disciples in front hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Disciple waits to pay homage to True Monarch Furong!"

'Huo Dou' wagged his tail and escaped into the void, and Zhenjun Furong waved his hands and came to Zhang Ke's side.

With a display of divine sense, he questioned:
"Where are the ancestors?"

Zhang Ke cupped his hands and said:
"Master uncle is very polite. The two patriarchs went out to investigate the news of the secret realm a month ago."

Saying this in his mouth, his spiritual thoughts couldn't help but focus on Zhenjun Furong's hands.

A ferocious human head was being held in her hands.

The strange thing is that this head is still alive, its eyes are rolling around, and it grins its teeth and makes a "ho ho" sound.

'this is? ? ? '

Zhang Ke secretly guessed the origin of this head, since it was brought back by True Monarch Furong, there must be something special about it.

Zhenjun Furong disliked Zhang Ke very much. Seeing that Zhenjun Lieyan and others were not there, he didn't want to explain to Zhang Ke.

Without further ado, he turned around and returned to the largest tent in the camp, which was built just for her from the beginning.

A hint of annoyance flashed across Zhang Ke's expression. If it wasn't for the fact that she was an elder of his own sect, he would have given her some flair.

Two people who have gaps with each other are in the same place, and the atmosphere is naturally not much better.

Many disciples felt very depressed in the camp, and they came to Zhang Ke many times and asked to go out to collect information, but Zhang Ke refused.

Five days later.

A golden red streamer suddenly flashed in the air, and the figure of Lieyan Zhenjun flew down from the air.

At this moment, everyone in the camp could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Coincidentally, Zhenjun Lie Yan had just returned to the camp, and Zhen Jun Jiuren also returned afterward.

No need to greet, a group of Jindan disciples, Zhang Ke and others came to the tent where Lieyan Zhenjun lived.

Nearly a hundred real people sat cross-legged and listened to Lieyan Zhenjun and others introduce all kinds of information they found.

Zhang Ke listened carefully, he already understood most of the things, and there were not many things to pay attention to.

This time Lieyan Zhenjun and the others actually did not complete the exploration of the secret realm, but just circled within a thousand miles around.

After roughly talking about the situation in the secret realm, Lieyan Zhenjun finally concluded:
"...According to my inference, there should be Nascent Soul masters who are equivalent to the strength of the Nascent Soul in the secret realm, but they never show up easily for some reason."

True Monarch Jiuren said:
"This secret realm is really not small, I have been walking for a month and have not found its size.

To be honest, it is a bit hasty for our sect to dedicate this secret realm for sect promotion this time. "

After a short pause, he continued:
"According to my observations, this secret realm has three structures of cities, towns, and villages to form different gathering places.

Human settlements at the village level range from hundreds to thousands of people.

The town is several times larger, with about 3 to 10 people, and the city is the largest gathering place, with as many as [-] people.

There are four cities that I have discovered these days. Although there are no existences at the same level as Yuanshen, there are quite a few practitioners in the Golden Core Realm.

In addition, the human beings in this secret realm are under the pressure of the fog and the ghosts of the day and night, and everyone has to practice since childhood.

Therefore, there are a large number of practitioners, and although most of them only have the foundation-building stage, they should not be underestimated.

Moreover, I also found a large number of ordinary creatures in some mountains, rivers, and forests.

They rely on the treasures or natural formations derived from the power of these regions and veins to resist the invasion of the day and night ghosts. "

Turning to look at Zhang Ke, he continued:
"I have gone to the sky to investigate, and I can't see anything unusual.

However, the secret of the mist was discovered by me. "

Everyone in the tent is refreshed, this is the most critical issue.

Lu Gong and Xin Hongcui also sat silently by the side and recorded the information they got.

True Monarch Jiuren said:

"The source of the mist should be underground. I spent seven days observing the dissipation and aggregation of the mist at noon every day.

It was found that when the fog dissipated, it would disperse in the air, but when it gathered, it first started from the ground.

After careful inspection, the mist seeped out from the plants on the ground.

Just wondering why all the different plants are spreading mist? "

Zhang Ke was a little disappointed, and he had already discovered this. He was arranging for Baishi to test different plants these days.

Seeing that Zhenjun Jiuren was not talking, Zhenjun Furong continued:
"During this period of time, I have discovered something."

As he spoke, he glanced at Zhang Ke sideways, and put the head that he had been carrying in his hand on the case table.

A few days later, this head is still full of energy, standing on the desk, rolling its eyes, with a ferocious expression, and making 'ho ho' sounds from time to time.

"This is an extremely weird sun corpse, different from ordinary sun corpses, it has mind and can control other sun corpses.

When it was discovered, it was controlling tens of thousands of Japanese corpses to attack a small town.

I managed to catch it too, do you know what level of Japanese corpse this is? "

True Monarch Furong gave Zhang Ke a provocative look.

Zhang Ke replied blankly: "The king!"

 The next chapter will be posted in the afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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