Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 495 Radar Array

Chapter 495 Radar Array
Zhang Ke's divine sense swept over everyone, and continued:
"The disciple feels that his state can be treated as an infectious disease.

I have asked Shi Zhongyu and two people to look for people who have been bitten by Japanese corpses but have not been transformed into Japanese corpses.

Once these people are found, they can try to find out the reason why they are not infected by the Japanese corpse.

Maybe we can find a way to restore the Japanese corpse to normal.

If we really find this way, we can try to set up magic circles like fog to cover the entire secret realm.

In this way, it might be possible to transform the countless Japanese corpses in the secret realm into normal humans again.

Even if only one out of a hundred can be saved, that would be an excellent thing! "

Having said that, Zhang Ke's tone paused, and then said:
"There are two big advantages to doing this, first, we may save millions or more people, which is a great merit.

Secondly, these populations can also be used by our Azure Realm to increase the foundation of our own realm. "

As soon as these words came out, no matter it was Fan Chunlai, Lu Gong, or even Zhenjun Furong and others, everyone was greatly shocked.

Zhang Ke was actually thinking of a way to save the countless Japanese corpses, which was something no one else thought of.

When almost everyone faced the threat of the Japanese corpse, the first thought was how to kill it cleanly.

Lu Gong and Xin Hongcui are disciples of the "Tian Dao Sect", and they felt a kind of compassionate attitude from Zhang Ke's words.

Fan Chunlai waited for a Qizong disciple to feel very complicated.

Zhang Ke's overall image in the sect is actually more evil than good.

This kind of evil does not mean that he is a wicked person or has done evil things, but that he has killed many times in the sect in order to clean up the morale.

His iron-blooded and ruthless image has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even in the sect, most people will admire him and worship him, but few people will like him and get close to him.

In the hearts of all the disciples, Zhang Ke is a pillar that supports the sky and the sea, and he can support the precepts of the sect by himself.

But almost everyone dare not get too close to him, without him, the case of Wanshou Mountain, because of his death too many disciples.

In particular, he did not hesitate to put himself in danger in order to bring Daoist Qingju to justice, and he was beheaded once by the "guillotine".

This is a man that everyone is in awe of from the bottom of their hearts.

Zhang Ke said again:
"The patriarch once said that the fog in the secret realm comes from the ground, and the disciple is going to sneak into the ground to investigate and see if he can find a way to eliminate the fog."

The most important thing to solve a thing is actually the idea. As long as you find the right way, you can find ways to overcome the difficulties you encounter.

After listening to Zhang Ke's words, Lieyan Zhenjun suddenly found that these problems did not seem to be difficult to solve.

After pondering for a moment, he opened the mouth and said:

"Let's follow the wishful method, let Powang organize and arrange how the disciples will contact and communicate with each gathering place, and first slowly establish the relationship.

In addition, the matter of the Japanese corpse cannot only rely on people in the secret realm to come forward on their own initiative.

Shiraishi, you choose people to form a team, and see if you can find a way to restore the Japanese corpse to normal.

Ruyi, you"

As soon as he said this, Zhang Ke, who was smiling gently, suddenly became serious.

'Um? ? ? '

Lieyan Zhenjun was stunned, and couldn't help but stop talking.

Zhang Ke flicked his right hand outward, and a talisman ball flew out of his palm.

[Sumi Sky Eye Formation] unfolded in an instant, with the location of the camp as the core, the scene with a radius of [-] miles was manifested in the nine-foot sand table.

Everyone stared at it, the camp was as calm as before, but from the four directions of east, west, north, south, there were countless small dots gathering towards the camp.

The most conspicuous thing is that there are four dazzling light spots approaching the camp at an extremely fast speed.

Among them, three light spots approached rapidly from the air from the east, south, and west directions.

And the last light spot turned out to be from the underground in the north, and its speed was not inferior to the three light spots flying in the air.

'Is this... has an enemy appeared? '

Through the countless black spots in the sand table, everyone felt a menacing momentum rushing toward them.

Being able to detect people approaching quickly relies on another formation that Zhang Ke derived by himself.

A formation that specializes in detection, inspired by [Sumi Tianyan Formation].

In the 'Niwan Palace', Zhang Ke built a special formation in combination with [Sumi Tianyan Formation].

This formation cannot monitor every specific location at will like an external formation.

The only function is to release a kind of infrasonic shock wave, and cooperate with 360 'sense probes' to monitor some subtle changes in vitality.

The more obvious the change in vitality, the sharper the reaction of the formation.

Because the effect of this array is similar to 'radar', it was named [Radar Array] by Zhang Ke.

The reason why he wants to build it in the 'Niwan Palace' is because he needs a method that can monitor the vitality of the surrounding hundred miles around the clock.

The external array is not convenient enough, and it needs to be supported by mana all the time.

On the contrary, it is built in the 'Niwan Palace', which can easily achieve this effect only by cooperating with the power of the soul and the 'Spiritual Sense Probe'.

But it is very difficult to construct this method in the 'Niwan Palace'.

The main difficulty lies in the 'infrasound golden bell', and Zhang Ke only completed this method with the help of [note technique] after repeated derivations.

The infrasound waves released by the 'Infrasonic Golden Bell' have certain damage to the body, after all, it is necessary to release waves all the time.

If it weren't for him being promoted to Yuanshen now, his body gathers and disperses freely.

Moreover, emery has the property of being indestructible, so he really didn't dare to construct this method in his body.

Zhang Ke controlled the monitoring range of the [Radar Array] within a hundred miles.

In his opinion, this warning range is enough for him to make any response.

Just now he just felt a slight shock in the formation in the 'Niwan Palace', so he immediately unfolded the [Xu Mi Tian Eye Formation] for inspection.

"Four Nascent Soul True Monarchs are approaching the camp, and they are expected to arrive in about 3 minutes."

The distance of one hundred miles only takes 3 minutes, which is already equivalent to the speed of sound.

Except for Yuanshen Zhenjun, other practitioners absolutely cannot achieve this speed.

And the one who can appear here can only be the Nascent Soul True Monarch in the secret realm.

With the divine sense of Zhang Ke and others, it is possible to detect within a hundred miles, but it is impossible for even the true king to maintain this state forever.

That's why Zhang Ke's [Radar Array] discovered the invasion of foreign enemies immediately.

Looking at the densely packed figures in the sand table, Lieyan Zhenjun's expression became serious, it's not kind!
Shen said:
"Break delusion, integrate disciples and prepare."

Fan Chunlai stood up suddenly, and said loudly: "Yes!"

At the same time, hundreds of Jindan real people in the tent also got up together, and quickly left the big tent with Fan Chunlai.

For the various troubles that may be encountered in this mission, the sect has long anticipated.

This time is no longer the time when he first arrived, and the people in front of him are all real people who have achieved Jindan, so naturally they will not panic as before.

Lord Lie Yan took a look at the people around him.

"Ruyi guards the camp, Junior Brother Jiuren, Fu Rong and I will come together.

hey-hey!Originally, I was thinking about where to find these Yuanying Zhenjun, but I didn't want to send them to my door. "

Zhang Ke opened his mouth and was about to speak.

True Monarch Lie Yan said:

"Ruyi, I'm not good at defense and protection, so the safety of the disciples in the camp will be entrusted to you."

Having said all this, Zhang Ke could only say helplessly: "Okay!"

The bodies of Lieyan Zhenjun, Jiuren Zhenjun, and Furong Zhenjun disappeared without a trace.

The next second, in the sky above the camp, the three of them appeared again.

Zhenjun Furong inserted his hands into the void, left and right, and a huge space crack appeared.

'Bai Dou' jumped out of the crack with fire shining all over his body.


The defensive magic circle deployed in the camp was activated, the aura gathered, shuttled and connected, and 360 formation flags flashed light in the nodes of the earth veins.

A dark golden mask-shaped light curtain appeared, completely protecting the camp.

Some Jindan real people commanded eight hundred innate disciples to stand guard at the positions of the banners in various places.

At the same time, 36 'Lightning Strike Towers' in the camp were also activated, and each 'Lightning Strike Tower' was composed of nine lightning strike pillars.

Endless power of thunder snaked between the pillars, and the azure blue light gradually condensed.

36 Jindan Daoist people stood beside the Lightning Strike Pillar, ready to attack at any time.

The process took less than 2 minutes to complete.

Outside the camp is still boundless fog, and there is no sound other than that.

If Zhang Ke hadn't noticed something was wrong through the [Radar Array], he would have made the camp respond in advance.

When the four Nascent Soul True Monarchs suddenly attacked, once they broke through the camp, it would probably be a disaster.

Lieyan Zhenjun's divine sense suddenly spread out, and ripples appeared in the air.

This is the signal sent by Lieyan Zhenjun. He wants to tell the person on the other side that I have found you.

Zhang Ke raised his eyebrows sharply and smacked his lips. What a great opportunity, what a pity!

In order to keep the secrecy of the attacking Yuanying Zhenjun, he did not completely release his divine thoughts.

In the [Sumitian Eye Formation], Zhang Ke could clearly see the position of Zhenjun Nascent Soul on the opposite side.

He believed that as long as he made a move at this moment, it would be absolutely no problem to kill someone easily.

However, Lieyan Zhenjun's actions made this best opportunity to attack disappear.

Sure enough, the violent vibration of vitality immediately alarmed the few people who were secretly lurking.

'brush-!brush-!brush-! '

The three figures changed positions with lightning speed, each flying into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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