Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 509 Thunderbolt Golden Light Escape

Chapter 509 Thunderbolt Golden Light Escape

True Lord Jiuren thought for a moment, then sighed:

"Those big sects must know these secrets, but we still have a little knowledge."

Zhang Ke said with a smile:

"It was once said: It is more meaningful to rely on others to become a big tree than to be a big tree yourself."

True Monarch Jiuren thought about it for a while, and felt that this remark had some meaning.

"Hehe, Ruyi's mind is really different."

True Monarch Jiuren paused for a moment, and said again: "Is Ruyi planning to leave the camp?"

Zhang Ke nodded and said:

"Among the three things in this mission, setting up a large formation is no longer difficult.

Even with the cooperation of Fellow Daoist Si, it will not take a day or two to complete the treatment of the Japanese corpse, and there is no clue yet.

The disciple wants to go down to the center of the earth to see if he can find a way to break through the fog, and maybe it can be helpful to save the Japanese corpse. "

True Monarch Jiuren pondered for a while, then nodded and said:

"That's fine, just"

He looked at Zhang Ke and said:
"The large formation at the center of the earth was laid out by the 'spirit world' in the past, and the methods used by practitioners from all over the world are still unclear to me.

If you encounter difficulties, never try to be brave, remember! "

Zhang Ke responded: "Patriarch, don't worry, the disciple will not make fun of his own life."

True Monarch Jiuren sighed:

"You are far stronger than me now, and I have nothing to tell you. I just hope that you will be careful when you encounter problems!"

Zhang Kegong said: "Disciple remember the teachings of the patriarch."

Early the next morning.

Suddenly there was a thunder in the camp.

'Boom—! '

A golden light shot up into the sky from the camp, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xu Qingzhi watched this scene with fascination, secretly amazed.

'This escape method is so fast, I am afraid that this flight is hundreds of miles away. '

Looking forward to it more and more.


A hundred miles away, a golden light fell like lightning.

'Boom—! '

'Swipe la la-! '

A big tree hugged by two people trembled violently, and Zhang Ke was embedded in the trunk.

"Hiss - whoops...it hurts!"

A few seconds later, Zhang Ke pushed himself out of the tree trunk.

Grinning and rubbing his head, his forehead was slightly swollen.

Zhang Ke muttered to himself:

"Lan Shaocheng must have hidden his hand, and it would have killed him if he had changed someone else."

[Thunderbolt Golden Light Escape] is really powerful, it can escape hundreds of miles in an instant.

Even if Zhang Ke casts the [Time and Space Gate], he is not so fast.

The only disadvantage is that it lacks a positioning method, and the landing point is not easy to control.

He could only rely on sight and divine sense for positioning, but Zhang Ke ended up hitting a tree like this.

I don't know if Lan Shaocheng deliberately concealed this point, or it is just like this.

This point was really guessed by Zhang Ke, and there was really no way to locate this escape method.

This method of escape was not created for the purpose of rushing, but for escape in times of crisis.

Therefore, it is impossible to deduce the astrology in advance and locate it.

Among the practitioners who have practiced this method in the past, there are many people who were killed due to wrong landing.

If Zhang Ke hadn't possessed the seventh-level cultivation of [Golden Cicada Nine Revolutions], and his physical body was extremely strong, this collision would not be easy to please.

He put his divine sense out to observe, and determined his position through the thick fog.

A talisman ball the size of a chicken is spinning in the palm, which is the map of the secret realm constructed by the [Sumi Tianyan Formation].

After comparing the two, Zhang Ke stomped his right foot on the ground, and a circle of golden light burst out from under his feet.

A thunderclap accompanied by a golden light flew up.


"Hey! Why did you hit the tree again?"

If you can see through the clouds in the sky and the mist all over the secret realm, you can clearly see a golden light shining between the mountains, rivers and valleys.

In the beginning, they were running around like headless flies, but gradually the golden light's landing point became more precise.


There was another thunder, and a golden light fell on a thin branch on the top of a big tree.

Zhang Ke stepped steadily on the branch, with a satisfied smile on his face.

This door [Thunderbolt Golden Light Escape] is probably only able to exert the strongest effect by oneself.

With the position of [Sumi Tianyan Formation], Zhang Ke tried it. The limit distance for him to use this method is [-] miles.

No matter how far away, it would be difficult for him to withstand the damage caused by extreme speed with his physical strength.

But this has already satisfied Zhang Ke beyond measure. This is the most powerful escape method he has ever practiced, bar none.

When Nie Yin was in danger in Qinghai Bay in the past, because of the distance of three thousand miles, everyone in Bixiao Palace was helpless.

If Zhang Ke knew this escape method at that time, he would be able to reach Qinghai Bay in just a few breaths.

This shows how fast this escape method is.

'After I go back, I want to remind Xu Qingzhi, don't bump your head to death while practicing. '

Zhang Ke took out the map drawn by Sun Kou and looked at it, and found that his current location was less than three hundred miles away from the canyon that entered the center of the earth.

He raised his foot and stamped on the branch, a thunderclap sounded, and a golden light disappeared without a trace through the mist.


Fissure Canyon.

The mountains that stretched for dozens of miles were separated from the middle to the left and right, revealing a bottomless ravine.

In the past, the power of the "spiritual world" used the supernatural power to split the mountain.

Entering the center of the earth from here, the "Scattered Yuan Formation" that has affected the secret realm for tens of thousands of years was laid out.

A golden light flashed along with the sound of thunder, and Zhang Ke's figure appeared beside the crack.

This escape method is not good at all, the momentum between the ups and downs is too great.

Zhang Ke looked left and right, and found that the fog here was thicker, and the interference with the divine sense was extremely huge.

With Zhang Ke's soul power far surpassing that of his peers, his divine sense couldn't reach five miles.

At this time, Zhang Ke felt more and more that [Sumitian Eye Formation] is really an extremely useful magical power.

Constructing a 'fog repelling' talisman at will and activating it, the fog within ten feet rolled and retreated.

A crack several feet wide and unfathomably deep was revealed in front of his eyes.

Wisps of mist continuously diffused from the cracks, and at the same time, a fierce wind howled and blew out.

Without hesitation, Zhang Ke rushed headfirst into the crack in a flash.

The 'fog repelling' talisman hangs above Zhang Ke's head, and as Zhang Ke's body falls at a high speed, it breaks through the fog from top to bottom like a sword.

[Earth Dungeon] Zhang Ke is also relatively proficient, and this was stripped from Taoist Tongyou by using the "battle arena" in the past.

Later, as he controlled the power of the five elements, this technique of escaping from the ground also became stronger.

Just because he has so many methods, this groundwork technique seems insignificant.

Zhang Ke also once thought about directly reaching the center of the earth directly from the camp with the method of "earth escape".

After thinking about it for a while, I gave up the idea.

He is not Sun Kou, so he cannot stay in the earth veins for a long time.

Therefore, in the end, I decided to enter according to the location on the map.

After all, this is the place where the "spirit world" heavenly beings entered in the past, and it is estimated that humans should be allowed to pass through.

Sure enough, there are quite a few cushioning points in the cracks.

With the help of these footholds, Zhang Ke followed the clues and flew down quickly.

With Sun Kou's topographic map, Zhang Ke is not afraid to deviate from the main route.

It was less than a hundred feet down, and there was no trace of light in the crack.

Dark, gloomy, and damp!
In the cracks, the cramped space will give people a feeling that the mountain walls on both sides are closing in on themselves.

All kinds of grotesquely shaped rocks stand everywhere, and the sound of the wind makes a shrill sound through countless small spaces and holes.

When Zhang Ke was falling, he heard the sound of crawling reptiles from time to time.

There is also a little bit of green light flickering in and out of the dark holes everywhere.

In a short time, Zhang Ke dropped hundreds of feet, and this place is no longer under the detection of [Sumi Tianyan Formation].

If you want to find out what's going on underground, you need to re-arrange the [Sumi Sky Eye Formation].

Since the underground terrain is too complicated, this process may take no less than ten days.

Zhang Ke didn't want to waste time here. It doesn't matter if he has the Sky Eye to detect and know himself and the enemy.

I have never relied on [Xu Mi Tian Eye Formation] to live until now.

Faintly, there seems to be a beam below, lying between the cracks.

Zhang Ke quietly landed on the beam.

The seven-foot-wide and thirty-foot-long stone beam crosses both ends of the crack, which is the first foothold to enter the center of the earth.

Zhang Ke glanced left and right, then turned and walked towards the left side of the beam.

According to Sun Kou's topographical map, there are some dug tunnels on the left and right sides of the beam.

It doesn't matter which side you enter from, you can keep going.

At first, Sun Kou chose to enter the tunnel from the right, so Zhang Ke chose to enter from the left to see if there were any unexpected surprises.

The tunnel is very narrow, the distance between left and right is about ten feet, and the height is only seven feet.

From the height of the tunnel, it can be guessed that the heights of the "spirit world" heavenly beings and human beings should be similar.

The tunnel twists and turns, not vertically downward, but spirally built, so there is no obvious slope.

The walls of the cave are very smooth, without the slightest trace of chiseling with an axe. It seems that they were excavated by Taoism.

Zhang Ke walked towards the tunnel unhurriedly, and the sound of 'da da' footsteps echoed in the tunnel.

There is no light in the tunnel, it is dark, deep, and has a strong sense of depression.

Out of aversion to darkness, Zhang Ke constructed a 'lighting' talisman and superimposed it on the 'fog repelling' talisman.

The surrounding area is still filled with dense fog, which is at least several times thicker than that above the ground.

As Zhang Ke advanced, the fog in front of him rolled away silently like a sea tide.

And the fog in the rear spread towards him bit by bit.

The tunnel was very long, and Zhang Ke didn't go out after walking for three hours.

During the period, Zhang Ke also found some rooms in the tunnel. These rooms had no doors, and only a gap was level with the tunnel wall.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Ke went into several rooms to check, and the room several feet in size was empty.

Occasionally, some words or pictures can be seen on the wall, but they are just meaningless sentences such as 'so and so came here for a visit'.

After walking for another two hours, a different room appeared in front of me.

This room is obviously much larger than other rooms I have seen, which can be seen from the two feet wide gap.

The important thing is that there is a strange stone shining above the gap.

(End of this chapter)

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