Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 512 3 Songs

Chapter 512 Three Songs
A humanoid flame raced rapidly down the lava pool.

The magma in the lava pool is different from water. It is the product of melting rocks, so Zhang Ke feels like he is in thick mud.

And the closer it is to the core, the higher the temperature around it, and the greater the pressure transmitted from around it.

As Zhang Ke walked down quickly, some questions arose in his mind.

'Sun Kou, Yu Buping and the others should not have such methods as their own, how did they come into contact with the formation? '

This doubt may never be resolved.

The viscous magma surges in the lava pool, always driving an undercurrent.

The undercurrents in all directions pulled Zhang Ke's body like countless ropes.

Putting aside all his thoughts, Zhang Ke wholeheartedly searched for the 'Five Elements Reversal Formation' mentioned by Sun Kou.

After diving down several hundred feet in a row, nothing abnormal was found.

At this time, the temperature of the surrounding magma had already made him feel a little hot, looking at the earth's core that was as dazzling as the sun below.

Zhang Ke gritted his teeth and continued to rush down.

Just when Zhang Ke was about a hundred feet away from the earth's core, the lava pool below suddenly vibrated violently.

Zhang Ke was not surprised but happy, there was finally a change.



First, there was an incandescent light spot appearing below, and then countless incandescent light spots flickered around it.

Afterwards, these incandescent points of light burst out one after another spells, connecting and pulling each other.

In a blink of an eye, countless magic patterns were connected into a line, and a circular magic circle was constructed under Zhang Ke.

Looking down from Zhang Ke's position, the formation looked like a round spider web shining white.

Although he didn't know what kind of formation it was, he had already guessed the general function of the formation from the layout of the formation patterns and various directions.

The five elements move upside down!
Although from what happened to Sun Kou and Yu Buping, one can guess that there must be danger below.

But Zhang Ke secretly thought that as long as he was not an opponent at the level of Daojun, even if he lost, there should be no problem in escaping for his life.

What Yigao people boldly said was Zhang Ke's mentality at this time.

After becoming the true emperor of Yuanshen, the dangers in the world are not much for him.

Zhang Ke rushed down very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already entered the range of the formation below.

The moment he came into contact with the formation patterns, the countless formation patterns suddenly burst into light, and a ripple flashed through the space.

Zhang Ke's figure disappeared into the ripples of space without a sound.

An unknown space.

A magic circle on the ground that is exactly the same as the center of the secret realm suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Numerous formations of the entire magic circle lit up one after another, bursting out with dazzling light.

next second.
A fiery red figure quietly appeared from the magic circle.

The moment he entered this space, Zhang Ke flew up from the ground, and at the same time fully unfolded his divine sense.

The overwhelming divine sense was like a rolling wave layer by layer, and the waves rushed towards all directions.

In just a moment, Zhang Ke has used various means to check the topography of this space clearly.

This is a confined space, about the size of five football fields.

At this moment, the place where he is standing in the air is right above the very center of this space.

Looking from the top down, there is a magic circle that is exactly the same as the one that took him into here before, operating below.

The only difference is that the direction of movement of this formation is completely opposite to that of the formation in the center of the earth.

Leaning against the edge of the formation, there is a strange tree growing. The trunk is one foot thick and more than five feet high.

This tree is very strange, the trunk is fiery red, but the leaves are as white as moonlight, and there are countless "liangyi beads" on the tree.

'These two ceremonial beads actually grew out of trees? '

Zhang Ke was taken aback by this point, as both the Sunstone and the Moonstone existed independently in the secret realm.

He was very curious about how these two strange stones were smelted together, but he didn't expect this to be the case.

Not far from this strange tree, there are countless Liangyi beads piled up together, like a hill.

Zhang Ke was secretly amazed, there are no wonders in the world!

It seems that the place where Sun Kou arrived was not here, otherwise he should know the secret of the 'Liangyizhu'.

While thinking, suddenly
"Hey hey—!"

"Look! Look! It's been so many years, yet someone has come here again! Hahahaha!!"

An extremely strange voice came from below.

Zhang Ke was slightly startled, and his body returned to its original appearance in a flash.

This is no longer a lava pool, and there is no need to manifest as a body of flame. His strength in this form will be limited to a certain extent.

Looking down with concentration, I saw a huge head protruding slowly from the lower end of the "Liangyizhu" hill tens of feet high.


With the huge head sticking out, countless "two instrument beads" like countless pearls with broken strings sprinkled from the top of the hill.

Zhang Ke's figure flashed, and he came to a hundred feet away from the parallel position of the huge head, facing it across the air.

The head that suddenly appeared was the size of a wheel, gray in color, bald without a single hair and eyebrows.

The nose, mouth, and ears are all the same as humans, the only special thing is that it has only one eye.

And this one eye stands upright and grows on the forehead.

At this time, the vertical pupil was turning up and down to look at Zhang Ke, with greed and covetousness in his eyes.


The one-eyed head flared its nostrils and took a deep breath.

"It smells so fragrant, the bones and flesh are well-proportioned, the vitality is abundant, and the texture is fine and dense, it must be very chewy."

"Hey hey hey! Brothers, if you don't come out again, I will have it all to myself!"

Before the one-eyed head finished speaking, another head protruded from its left and right sides.

These two heads look basically indistinguishable from humans.

It's just that the nose of the skull on the left is red, while the mouth of the skull on the right has no lips, revealing white teeth.

Three heads and five eyes stared at Zhang Ke.

The skull on the left said in a low voice:
"It's such a strong blood, just smelling it makes me hungry, his blood is mine, no one is allowed to snatch it from me."

The right side of the skull, lips and teeth leaked air, and said urgently:

"Then all his bones belong to me!"

"Suck -!"

The slender tongue licked around the exposed press bed like a snake, and drops of saliva left from the corner of his mouth.

The one-eyed head shrieked.

"Since that's the case, this whole body is mine, hehehe!"

Zhang Ke didn't take these creepy words seriously.

Looking carefully at the three heads, he secretly guessed the height and size of the three.

'Look at this head, these three guys are probably about three feet tall. '

With a few words from the three heads, Zhang Ke's whole person was allocated.

Immediately afterwards, the one-eyed eye on the one-eyed head suddenly closed, and opened suddenly after a while.


A fist-thick dark white death light shot out from the one eye as fast as lightning.

Looking at the dark white light as thick as a fist, Zhang Ke's heart skipped a beat.

'Could it be that Yu Buping was severely injured by this light? '

Zhang Ke didn't dare to neglect, and with a shake of his right hand, the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' was already in his hand, and it seemed to be spreading slowly and quickly on top of his head.


The dark white light directly hit the white-gold hanging curtain of the 'Hunyuan Umbrella', and the white jade-colored umbrella handle turned red in two sections.

Zhang Ke was secretly surprised, the devastating thunder bombardment of Xinbao Mountain only made two handles of the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' red.

This one-eyed head was just an ordinary attack, and its damage was as powerful as that of the thunder.

As everyone knows, the most powerful one-eyed head is this 'death ray'.

Seeing this, the heads on both sides took a breath.

'What a powerful magic weapon! '

The head on the left side shook the huge head, and said in a loud voice:
"Look at me!"

Nostrils flared twice, and he sneezed violently.


Two gusts of wind spewed out from the nose, their color was black and yellow, as soon as they appeared, they turned into a cloud of yellow clouds and swirled towards Zhang Ke.

"Erosion Wind", one of the Nine Great Divine Winds, erodes essence, bones, and qi, and is best at wearing down the body.

Zhang Ke stood in the air, letting the wind blow on the 'Hunyuan Umbrella'.


Another three-section umbrella handle turns red, but that's all.

The head on the right side sensed something was wrong, and suddenly raised its head and opened its mouth to spit out a white light.


This is the fastest ray of light Zhang Ke has ever encountered.

The distance of hundreds of feet seems to be non-existent, and the white light hit the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' before the sound was heard.


The 'Hunyuan Umbrella' trembled slightly, and the red color of the umbrella handle instantly rose by five knots.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Ke smiled slightly, and had a general understanding of the strength of these three people.


The 'Hunyuan Umbrella' was closed by him, and it instantly turned into a white-gold bamboo whip with twelve knots on all sides and sharp edges and corners.

With a slight stomp on his feet, a circle of golden light shot out from under his feet.


There was a thunder, and Zhang Ke's figure appeared in front of the one-eyed head.

He raised his right hand and whipped down with a whip.


The one-eyed head shattered like a bubble.

The head on the left side trembled in fright, and hurriedly shouted:

"Master Kaka! Master Kaka! There are villains coming!"

Zhang Ke ignored its yelling, and raised his right hand 'Magic Whip' again, intending to kill it.

Seeing that the three of them have been hiding in the stacked 'two instrument beads' hill without revealing their bodies.

Zhang Ke suspected that the three of them might be trapped here and could not move.

Otherwise it wouldn't be just yelling and not being able to escape.

"Whirring whirring--!"

A huge inhalation sound came from under the tens of feet high 'Liangyi Pearl'.

A gust of wind blows from bottom to top.

Zhang Ke's heart trembled, and he stomped his right foot in the air, and his whole body was already hundreds of feet away in the burst of golden light.

[Thunderbolt Golden Light Escape] The more you use this escape method, Zhang Ke feels that it is more useful.

Although the supernatural power [Gate of Time and Space] can also achieve short-distance instant teleportation, it is not as free as this escape method.

After a while, the hill piled up by the 'two instrument pearls' in front of me began to tremble.

Standing in the air, Zhang Ke looked down in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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