Chapter 517
The red-haired man couldn't believe his eyes.

If it wasn't for the thick purple qi and profound light that greatly hindered the speed of Gossamer, I'm afraid I would have been hit by the sword.

I was so terrified that I didn't have time to think about it. With a thought, the purple cloud in the sky retracted and instantly turned into a big bell to cover it.

Numerous dharma patterns manifested on the body of the bell, and the dazzling aura bloomed in a variety of colors.

Zhang Ke secretly admired, this method of mysterious light is really mysterious and infinite, and the thought of coveting it grew more and more in his heart.


Almost at this moment, the hairspring hit the big purple light clock, but was bounced away by the big clock.

Failed to break through the defense of the purple mysterious light bell, this gossamer talisman sword disappeared into the void under Zhang Ke's control.

The sweaty, anxious red-haired man let out a long sigh of relief.

'So it wasn't 'refining swords into silk', it scared me to death! '

He has seen this supernatural power of sword cultivator before. Once it is deployed, any magic weapon or supernatural power is like paper under the sword energy.

It's not something that mere Xuanguang can resist.

But even so, the red-haired man did not dare to disperse the big clock transformed by Xuanguang.

He didn't think he could escape the piercing of a flying sword that surpassed the speed of sound, even if the flying sword was just a fake.

At the same time, he is more and more eager to get Zhang Ke's inheritance.

If I get these many powerful supernatural spells, who can be my opponent after returning to the "spiritual world" in the future.

Zhang Ke was not too surprised. The means of the people in the "spiritual world" were obviously beyond the reach of practitioners in the secret realm.

With a flip of the left hand, the scroll manifested again and unfolded in the air.

The probe took out a seven-turn talisman hammer from the scroll.

It is said to be a talisman hammer, but it is actually more like a talisman ball.

Holding the talisman hammer in his left hand, with a thought, he made it spin rapidly in his hand.


The rotation of the talisman hammer changed from slow to fast, until the fast rotation formed a ball of light, and seven circles of light concentrically manifested.

Countless lines of runes light up from the hammer.

"Gravity", "inertia", "rotation", "blasting" and other seal characters are gathered together under the blessing of the law of [shattering].

In the blink of an eye, the seven-turn talisman hammer spun hundreds of times in Zhang Ke's left hand.

Zhang Ke couldn't control it with such a powerful force, he immediately activated the power of innate magnetism, flicked his left wrist, and threw it into the air.


The Seven-Turn Talisman Hammer drew an arc in the air, like a shooting star with a long white-gold flame, heading straight for the red-haired man.

In terms of the ability to destroy fixed positions, among the methods Zhang Ke is good at, the talisman hammer is undoubtedly the first.

In the past when he was in the Golden Core Realm, he relied on this method to smash the enemy's formation in one fell swoop.

Before the talisman hammer approached, because of the innate magnetic force and the influence of gravity, it was pressed down with a force like a mountain.

The red-haired man instantly felt that he could no longer move an inch.

Gritting his teeth, he drew the [Big Sun Bead] to the top of his head, pouring all his mana into it, and a more blazing and dazzling light bloomed on the top of his head.

The space can no longer withstand such powerful light and heat, the space is faintly burned through, and the scene of another space is vaguely revealed.

At the same time, take out an 'Ant Armor Amulet' from the storage ring and pat it on your body.

The endless vitality turned into tiny particles like countless ants attached to his body.

In the blink of an eye, a black particle armor condensed on his body.

The style is the same as the armor worn by secular generals.

In the heart, there is a cloud seal character 'jia', which is bright and bright.

This is a top-quality talisman, which he obtained by accident when he was adventuring outside the territory in the past, and it can withstand the full blow of Yuanying Zhenjun without injury.

Just after making all the preparations, the Seven-Turn Talisman Hammer smashed down the mountain and pierced the sea.


There was a loud bang.

The red-haired man's [Big Sun Bead] shattered into ashes like glass, and drifted away with the wind.

[Big Sun Bead] is an offensive magic weapon, and it is not good at defense. Naturally, it is difficult to resist the impact force as big as that mountain.

The talisman of life was destroyed, and under the connection of heart and blood, the red-haired man suddenly felt burned inside, and couldn't help but spit out a ball of blood.

He clearly felt that countless cracks had formed in the Dao foundation in his body, and the foundation was irreversibly damaged.

But at this moment, he didn't care about it at all.

After the Seven-Turn Talisman Hammer shattered the [Big Sun Bead], it hit the purple Xuanguang bell without stopping.


After a dull chime, the Xuanguang Great Clock also shattered like a bubble, and the sky filled with purple air burst out like a tide.

After the double resistance of the [Big Sun Bead] and the Purple Qi Xuanguang Great Bell, most of the potential energy of the Seven-Turn Talisman Hammer was eliminated.

The light continued to hit the red-haired man slightly dimly.

At this moment, the 'Ant Armor Amulet' revealed its powerful defense.

Under the impact of the talisman hammer, countless particles of vitality were shattered, but countless particles of vitality were re-condensed into particles to form armor.

Under heavy impacts, countless vitality particles oscillated to dissipate the damage.

And the aura of the character 'Jia' in cloud script on the chest of the red-haired man quickly dimmed.

The rotating talisman hammer competed with the vibrating 'ant shell', and hundreds of space cracks were produced at the contact parts of the two.

The huge vibration caused the vitality within a hundred feet nearby to be completely chaotic.

The red-haired man desperately poured all his mana into the 'ant armor'.

A few seconds later, the power of the rune hammer was completely worn away and the structure disintegrated.

At the same time, the 'Ant Armor Amulet' also exhausted its last trace of strength, and directly turned into a cloud of fly ash.

The red-haired man breathed a sigh of relief, and finally blocked the blow.

At the moment when the red-haired man'ant armor' collapsed, a light red gossamer flew out of the void.

It passed through the red-haired man's chest at lightning speed.

In order to ensure that the blow would not be missed by the red-haired man, Zhang Ke did not stab his head, but chose to target a larger chest.

The red-haired man realized later, and only reacted after being pierced by the seven-turn red lotus gossamer talisman sword.

With a tremor all over his body, tens of thousands of clones were split off, flying away in all directions.

As long as he doesn't die on the spot, he has plenty of ways to recover from his injuries.


In the next second, countless clones of the red-haired man flying all over the sky let out an extremely shrill scream.

The cry was so miserable, it was like falling into a pan of hell and being fried, and it was also like thousands of long needles were pierced into the whole body at the same time in an instant.

Can you imagine how terrifying it would be if tens of thousands of people screamed at the same time?

Immediately afterwards, all the figures flying in the air turned into a ball of flames in an instant.

This flame is purple on the top and red on the bottom, shaped like a lotus flower.

At this moment, the lotus flames flying all over the sky actually created a strange beauty.

In order to make up for the shortcoming of Gossamer Rune Sword's lack of damage due to lack of sword intent.

Zhang Ke integrated [Red Lotus Fire] into the Talisman Sword.

Seeing the burning red flame lotus in the sky, Zhang Ke had a thought in his heart.

'Isn't it possible that this guy will bear the damage every clone receives by himself? '

Thinking of the horror in it, even Zhang Ke couldn't help but shudder.

"Ah, please, let me go, I have treasures and secrets, and I will tell you everything!"

The flames of the lotus blossoms begged at the same time after the Taoism, and for a while, countless begging voices echoed in the space.

Zhang Ke's heart skipped a beat, just as he still had a lot of secrets that needed to be explained by this person.

'Do you want to let him go first? '

Zhang Ke's mind turned quickly, and after thinking for a few seconds, he decided to take this person captive for interrogation.

But before he had time to take back the [Red Lotus Fire], he saw tens of thousands of lotus flames in the air roaring at the same time.


It was like dry wood being burned to the last ounce of energy.

The red-haired man was burned to ashes by Honglian Yehuo just as Zhang Ke decided to save him.

The karmic fire dissipated, and countless fly ash scattered and fell.

Zhang Ke was speechless.

'How many immoral things this guy has done, how could he be burned to ashes in a few seconds. '

But when he thought of what the 'spirit world' had done in the secret realm, he had some clarity.

A little purple light appeared in the void, and then endless vitality spread from the purple light like a tide.


With a crisp sound, a storage ring fell to the ground, along with a cloak made of white crane feathers.

The red lotus karma burns the body and soul, but it will not cause damage to other items.

With a simple move, two things flew down the palm of his left hand.

At this moment, due to the destruction of the [Big Sun Bead], the magma on the ground gradually cooled due to burning, and the ground in the small space returned to normal again.

Zhang Ke looked around, and in the huge space, he was alone.

He flashed to the place where the red-haired man had set up the formation.

Zhang Ke found that the teleportation disk was still flickering, so he let go of his heart.

After taking out the storage ring and playing with it for a while, 360 'Spiritual Probes' invaded the prohibition of the ring.

Since the red-haired man was dead, the restriction imposed by the storage ring was easily broken.

This is an oversized storage magic weapon.

Its internal space is no less than the size of a basketball court.

The size of the space wrist wheel in the Azure Realm is about three cubic meters.

The nine storage bracelets that Zhang Ke got in the tunnel were roughly the same size.

It can be seen that the identity of this red-haired man must be extraordinary.

The storage ring is fully occupied.

Ninety-nine percent of them are "two instrument beads", and the number is probably more than one million.

After careful inspection, Zhang Ke took out a few things from it.

The first is a black rune belt.

Zhang Ke is very familiar with this item, it is what the wild giant wears.

There are a total of nine sockets on the belt, where different items can be placed.

At this moment, four positions on the belt are vacant.

Zhang Ke understood that these four vacancies should be the positions of the three heads and the copper bell that he destroyed.

On the remaining five positions are a golden soft whip, a phoenix pattern [Forbidden] calligraphy seal, a small mirror, a bamboo flute and a white jade long-necked vial.

What these treasures are for, I will check them one by one when I have time.

(End of this chapter)

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