Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 520 6 years

Chapter 520 Six Years
Mystery of fog.

Congenitally united camp.

Six years have passed, and the expansion of the camp has more than doubled, and some strange buildings have appeared here.

Because of the good communication, the Xiantian Qizong and the sects of the secret realm have cooperated well in the past few years.

So some monks in the secret realm built some houses in the camp for the convenience of living.

The sect's high-level officials have no opinion on this, and are even happy to see the two sides come up with a harmonious situation.

But there is only one point that has been specially instructed by several True Monarchs.

Even if you develop a good impression with a monk in the secret realm, it is absolutely forbidden to make too close contact without solving the problem in the blood.

No one can predict what kind of offspring will be born after the combination of the monks of the Azure Realm and the monks of the Secret Realm.

In addition, other aspects of Qizong are still relatively wide-ranging. As long as it does not involve sect secrets, you can communicate with the monks in the secret realm as much as you want.

As the Azure Realm, which has undergone many changes and has a relatively complete inheritance, some cultivation concepts and understandings are still very attractive to monks in the secret realm.

So in the past few years, more and more secret realm practitioners have come to the camp to communicate and trade.

Without Zhang Ke presiding over the formation, Lieyan Zhenjun would not be able to expand the 'fog repelling' formation.

So he also adopted the same method as the practitioners in the secret realm.

Push the fog away with the power of the sun and yin of the sun and moon stone.

In the past six years, the Qizong has actually done a lot of things.

First of all, the positioning of the [Star Track Tractor Array] has been completed.

Although the secret realm is huge, with the help of the people in the secret realm, this step is the easiest.

In addition, numerous Yizong disciples scattered throughout the secret realm, collecting a large amount of intelligence information.

Also obtained a lot of unique resources and treasures of the secret realm.

The most precious of them is a kind of "Heaven and Earth Puree", which is a kind of treasure that can assist in breaking the mirror, and it is only unique in the secret realm.

There are many such treasures, such as 'white heart stone', which can be refined into medicines to enhance physical fitness after being ground into powder.

'Heavenly Blood Fruit' can speed up the speed of body repair and blood replacement.

'Nine Songs Refining Soul Flower', the treasure that condenses the soul.

Because of the barrier of fog, many treasures have not been discovered by practitioners in the secret realm.

These have greatly aroused the passion of the disciples to go out and explore.

In the Azure Realm, it is not so easy to obtain treasures.

Now, the key to the activation of the stuck formation lies in the other two aspects.

Rescue the Japanese corpse, spiritual mist!
The former is being carried out in full swing in the alchemy room hosted by the real Baishi.

The latter item was handed over to Ruyi Zhenjun Zhang Ke. In the past few years, the spiritual fog in the secret realm has undergone several major changes.

The fog of aura sometimes became thicker and thinner at other times. It was obvious that Zhang Ke had made good progress.

Frowning, Yuan Jinting slowly walked out of Baishi's alchemy room. Her request to join the alchemy room was rejected again.

The reason is the same as before, she is not good at healing methods and cannot play a role in the alchemy room.

In the past few years, Yuan Jinting's position in the camp has changed from indispensable to insignificant.

At the beginning, because of her talent [Language Proficiency], she was the only one who could communicate with monks in the secret realm.

Every day, fellow students ask her for advice on the secret language. This is the most attention-grabbing period in her life.

It was also the most satisfying period of time for her. The feeling of being needed was really good, and she could feel the meaning of her existence.

However, when all the fellow students learned the secret language, gradually no one came to her again.

In just a few months, Yuan Jinting felt a great gap in her heart.

She also understands that her classmates are not alienating her, and her relationship with her is still very good, but she always feels that her existence has become meaningless.

Apart from being able to understand human speech, Yuan Jinting doesn't have any outstanding abilities compared to other fellow students.

So when everyone was busy, she was at a loss, not knowing what to do and what to do?
The confusion in her heart was noticed by the high-level sect, so she was sent to complete the positioning of the [Star Trail Tractor Formation] with other fellow sects.

And this walk is three years.

After this task was completed, Yuan Jinting fell into a state of doing nothing again.

After asking her peers for advice, she decided to work in the alchemy room hosted by the real Baishi, hoping to contribute her own strength.

Unexpectedly, this offer was rejected by Master Baishi. Today was the third time she came here, but she got the same answer.

'Humph!It's been a few years, and I haven't found the key point to save the Japanese corpse. If Zhenjun Ruyi is here, he will definitely not give you a good face. '

Yuan Jinting muttered a little dissatisfied.

There was a lot of noise all around, and there were tens of thousands of monks from the secret realm and sects crowded into this small place. One could imagine what kind of situation it was.

"Junior Sister Jin Ting! Junior Sister Jin Ting!"

Yuan Jinting heard the shout and followed the sound.

The handsome Yu Fengtong waved to her from a distance.

Surrounding him were six or seven graceful female cultivators in the secret realm.

Yuan Jinting felt a little sour.

Yu Fengtong is handsome, powerful, and looks like a gentleman when he is not crazy.

He and Xu Qingzhi are the two people most admired by practitioners in the secret realm.

'Humph!flower peacock! '

Yuan Jinting curled her lips slightly, and walked quickly to Yu Fengtong.

"Brother! Why are you calling me?"

"Junior Sister, how is it? Has Master Baishi agreed with you to join the alchemy room?"

Yuan Jinting said angrily:

"I was kicked out anyway, and told me not to go again.

snort!What a contempt. "

Yu Fengtong smiled 'hehe'.

"Right! As I told you, you are not suitable for the alchemy room, what is needed there are people with special talents, you..."

Seeing Yuan Jinting looking at him unkindly, Yu Fengtong felt a little guilty.

"It's better for you to go out with me to search for information, your combat sense is good."

In a battle six years ago, Yuan Jinting's fighting consciousness was awakened, and her temperament changed a lot.

It is also because of this that the sect trained her to develop into a combat monk.

But in the past two years, there is basically no need for monks to fight in the secret realm.

Moreover, the Zongmen ordered that no Japanese corpses should be killed indiscriminately unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, if the treatment is successful, these are all human beings.

Therefore, Yuan Jinting thought about doing something else to pass the time when she had nothing to do.

Yuan Jinting glanced at Yu Fengtong, and looked around him. A few female cultivators in the secret realm were whispering, muttering something in a low voice.

Yu Fengtong secretly blinked at Yuan Jinting, sending a signal for help.

Obviously he couldn't bear to have so many female cultivators around him every day.

Yuan Jinting brushed her hair intentionally or unintentionally, and put her three fingers together on her forehead.

'Three sunstones! '

This is the signal from Yuan Jinting.

Yu Fengtong's eyes widened involuntarily.

'Is this a robbery? '

Blinking his left eye twice, he was bargaining.

'Two! '

Yuan Jinting smiled brightly and said:

"Oh! By the way, I remembered something. When I came here just now, I met Master Qingzhi.

She asked me to call you over when I saw you, saying that she had something to look for you. "

Yu Fengtong breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said:

"Really? Since the real person is calling, there is no delay."

Turning around to the female nuns next to her:

"The real person has something to do with me, so I won't be with you guys. We'll get together when we have time."

The female cultivators had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Yu Fengtong walked towards Xu Qingzhi's tent, pretending even if it was fake.

But seeing Yuan Jinting closely following her, she wondered:

"Is there anything else, Junior Sister?"

Yuan Jinting smiled and said:
"I didn't lie to you, it was really Qingzhi Master who asked me to find you."

Yu Fengtong was stunned, and realized after a while.

He tentatively asked, "Should the two Sunshine Stones be forgotten?"

Yuan Jinting said leisurely:
"Okay, but don't expect me to help you out in the future."

Yu Fengtong gritted his teeth secretly, this loss is settled, and one day I will take revenge.

He said with a dry smile, "Forget it, senior brother, am I a person who doesn't believe what I say?"

It is not easy to obtain solar stone, this kind of thing only appears in some veins.

Over the past six years, he has saved no more than [-] coins in total.

If it wasn't for his love of wandering outside, he wouldn't have gotten so much at all.

One must know that in the stone village where Shi Zhongyu was located in the past, the savings of the entire village over the years were only more than 200 coins.

Sunshine Stone and Yuehua Stone can be regarded as the hard currency in the secret realm, and with this, they can be exchanged for a lot of resources among the monks in the secret realm.

While arguing, the two walked quickly towards Xu Qingzhi's tent.

In the camp, there is a very strange place.

Xu Qingzhi's tent.

Her tent was unremarkable, but around this tent, there were nearly twenty tents of monks in the secret realm.

Surround Xu Qingzhi's tent in the middle like the stars surrounding the moon.

Xu Qingzhi's appearance is unsurpassed in the world, and almost every monk who sees her will be attracted by her.

Under the Golden Core Realm, naturally he didn't dare to have any special thoughts about Xu Qingzhi, a real person.

But the secret realm monks who are also real people are different.

My fair lady, a gentleman is so good!
These more than 20 tents around were built here by many monks in the secret realm in order to be closer to Xu Qingzhi.

It wasn't just these people, but the rest of the practitioners in the secret realm who wanted to build a residence here were all driven away by more than [-] people.

Among these admirers, there are not only many male practitioners, but also three female practitioners.

From this we can see how powerful Xu Qingzhi's appearance is.

Although they are very close, all the practitioners in the secret realm behave very well.

Lan Shaocheng and other Yuanying Zhenjun had already warned everyone.

You can use your own ability to attract the attention of Aoeda, but you must not use any kind of means.

The demise of the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs is a lesson from the past.

It has been six years, but the tide of vitality is still continuously surging vitality to the outside world.

This is the best warning for everyone.

The two came to Xu Qingzhi's tent together, and saluted respectfully:
"Disciples Feng Tong and Jin Ting are asking to see the real person."

"come in!"

A soft and heart-melting sound of nature came from the tent.


(End of this chapter)

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