Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 522 If I Die, Please Don't Blame Me

Chapter 522 If I Die, Please Don't Blame Me
Shi Zhongyu considered for a moment, then said:
"Now, I finally found a person who was infected by the Japanese corpse but retained his sanity."

Yuan Jinting was overjoyed and shouted:

"Where is it? Bring someone here!"

Seeing Shi Zhongyu's lonely expression in a blink of an eye, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Lost his voice: "Isn't Shi Zhongxiu infected?"

Shi Zhongyu's body shook suddenly, as if his muscles and bones had been pulled out instantly, he covered his face with his hands, and did not answer for a long time.

He brought this matter up on his own initiative, but when it was told from someone else, he would still feel heart-piercing pain.

Yuan Jinting took a breath, realizing that her guess might come true.

For a while, she didn't know how to comfort Shi Zhongyu.

There was a deathly silence in the secret room, and the air seemed to have frozen.

After a long while, Shi Zhongyu said in a hoarse voice:
"A few months ago, Zhongxiu and I accidentally visited a gathering place, and heard that some local people had been infected by Japanese corpses but retained their sanity.

Just because people were afraid of the Japanese corpse, they drove the man out of the gathering place and lived in a mountain forest in the mist.

So Zhongxiu and I rushed there. "

Having said that, Shi Zhongyu was silent again, Yuan Jinting sighed secretly, and roughly understood what happened.

After a while, Shi Zhongyu continued:

"I didn't expect that there were a large number of commander-level Japanese corpses in that mountain forest, and the two of us were surrounded as soon as we entered.

Originally both of us were in despair, but we were unexpectedly rescued.

But in the process of fleeing, Zhongxiu was bitten by a Japanese corpse and fell into a coma for three days and three nights.

When he woke up, I realized that Zhongxiu still had a sliver of sanity.

It's just that his state is random, and he can only be awake for at most one hour a day. "

Yuan Jinting secretly regretted that she had a good impression of that lazy boy.

Originally, I wanted to wait for the fusion of the two worlds and try to see if I could introduce it into the sect.

Shaking his head vigorously, he put unnecessary emotions behind him.

"What do you mean now?"

Shi Zhongyu came alone, perhaps for another reason, she wanted to know what Shi Zhongyu was thinking.

Shi Zhongyu said slowly:

"I know you are looking for someone in Zhongxiu's situation, but apart from you and Master Ruyi, I don't trust anyone else.

I'm worried they'll do something bad to Jung Soo. "

Yuan Jinting finally understood what Shi Zhongyu meant.

He wanted to save Shi Zhongxiu, but he didn't trust other people, and hoped that he would come forward and find Zhenjun Ruyi to inform him about it.

However, even the elders in the sect don't know the whereabouts of Zhenjun Ruyi, let alone himself.

Looking at Shi Zhongyu's ragged clothes, he didn't know how much hard work he had put in to bring Shi Zhongxiu back.

After pondering for a moment, Yuan Jinting suddenly said:
"Who saved you?"

Shi Zhongyu hesitated for a moment, but answered truthfully.

"It's the person we originally wanted to find after being infected by the Japanese corpse."

Yuan Jinting's heart skipped a beat.

"You mean to say that there are now two people who are still sane after being infected by the Japanese corpse by your side."

Shi Zhongyu nodded silently.

Yuan Jinting stretched out her hand to cover her temples, secretly thinking about what to do.

Shi Zhongyu's intentions are obvious, he doesn't trust other people in the camp, even if he is himself, he probably doesn't have much trust.

It's just that Shi Zhongxiu's condition is not very good, and may even continue to deteriorate, and he will come to him when he has no other choice.

At this moment, she couldn't help but have an idea.

Since Shi Zhongyu is here, presumably Shi Zhongxiu will not be too far away.

If I report this matter to the Zongmen and mobilize a large number of people to search nearby, I should be able to find Shi Zhongxiu and the other person.

In order to save people, the necessary sacrifice is still understandable, the overall situation is the most important thing, presumably other people can't say anything.

Moreover, since he has made such a great contribution, his future is bound to be bright.

Yuan Jinting sighed, after all, she still couldn't pass the barrier in her heart.

Shi Zhongyu is willing to trust himself, no matter what the reason is, he can't live up to this trust.

After getting rid of distracting thoughts, Yuan Jinting said:

"There is something very troublesome now. True Monarch Ruyi is not in the camp at the moment, what should we do?"

Shi Zhongyu's hanging heart finally let go.

He also knew what his appearance meant, once Yuan Jinting moved his mind.

I am afraid that what I did today will regret for the rest of my life.

What he said to Yuan Jinting was true or false, and the general experience was true.

However, Shi Zhongxiu did not tell the truth when Shi Zhongxiu was infected. This incident did not happen a few months ago, but two years ago.

There is no way to lie about the time.

If other people were infected, he would definitely find a way to bring them to the camp, but when it was his brother's turn, he flinched.

If you think about it with your heels, you can guess that in order to save the Japanese corpse, Shi Zhongxiu will definitely be tested.

He couldn't accept this situation, so he took the two of them to hide in XZ all the time.

Shi Zhongxiu's condition has been relatively stable, but it has suddenly deteriorated in recent months.

Coming to Yuan Jinting also made a lot of determination, Zhongxiu's situation really couldn't be delayed any longer.

But what he never expected was that Zhenjun Ruyi was not in the camp at this moment.

After all, Yuan Jinting is just a practitioner of the same realm as herself. Once Shi Zhongxiu's affairs are exposed, there are many things that she may not be able to stop.

Shi Zhongyu couldn't help but feel troubled.

'Leave or gamble again? '

In fact, Shi Zhongyu knew in his heart that he had no choice. Shi Zhongxiu had deteriorated badly recently, and the only ones who could help him were those in front of him.

"Hey~~! I can bring Zhongxiu here, I hope he can be helpful in rescuing the Japanese corpse.


Shi Zhongyu choked up and said:
"If you can't do bad things to him, try not to do well?"

Yuan Jinting was silent. She couldn't influence anyone about this kind of thing, and it was just a deception to agree.

A feeling of helplessness came to my heart, if I was a Jindan real person at this moment, then other people would definitely not ignore my existence.

If you are in the Yuanshen Realm, you can take the lead in this matter and do it according to your own wishes.

At this moment, she had a great desire for cultivation.

Not for anything else, just so that when you decide to do something, others can't say no.

Seeing Shi Zhongyu's expectant eyes, Yuan Jinting let out a deep breath.

Trust is also a burden!

'That's all!Go all out, it's a big deal...'

Yuan Jinting shook her head, dispelling the bad thoughts in her heart.

"Jade in the stone!"

Shi Zhongyu tremblingly said: "Yes!"

Yuan Jinting said slowly:

"Listen, if Zhenjun Ruyi is not here, I can't give you a guarantee, but..."

She said word by word:
"I can only use my life to prevent other people from attacking Shi Zhongxiu.

As long as I am still alive, I can guarantee Shi Zhongxiu's safety.

If I die, please don't blame me! "

Shi Zhongyu's heart was shocked, and he heard a kind of determination to break the boat from Yuan Jinting's words.

Boundless trembling rose from the bottom of my heart, my face was very hot, and my blood was surging, wanting to spurt out from every pore.

The turbulent mood made it difficult for Shi Zhongyu to control his body, he tried hard to open his eyes wide, and held back the swirling tears.

He clenched his teeth tightly, but couldn't speak a word.

After a while, Shi Zhongyu managed to suppress his emotion.

"I believe you!"

The three words "light and fluttering" pressed down on Yuan Jinting's heart like a mountain.

Now that you have made up your mind, you can no longer be half-hearted.

Yuan Jinting pondered for a moment.

"The person who saved you don't show up, I can't protect two people."

Having said that, Yuan Jinting smiled bitterly in her heart.

'I'm afraid I can't even protect one person. '

"You leave now, take Shi Zhongxiu outside the camp and wait."

After thinking for a while, he said:
"I will try my best to fight with the sect and try not to hurt Shi Zhongxiu as much as possible.

In addition, since Shi Zhongxiu still has sanity, let him threaten with death, this is the only thing he can do for himself. "

Shi Zhongyu nodded silently. He and Shi Zhongxiu had also discussed this point, although they didn't know if it would be useful.

Man is a knife, I am a fish!

Practice may be to break free from these shackles!
After the two agreed to leave the secret room, Shi Zhongyu went to pick up Shi Zhongxiu.

Yuan Jinting walked to Baishi's alchemy room.

Thinking about how to say in order to achieve their wishes.


As he was walking with his head down, he suddenly felt the vitality of the heavens and the earth shake violently.

It's like pouring a pot of water into a hot oil pan, and the laws of heaven and earth are out of control.

The endless vitality is rolling, roaring, and unscrupulously rushing to the sky and the earth.

Yuan Jinting was taken aback. A few years ago, when Zhenjun Ruyi and the monks in the secret realm had a life-and-death relationship, there was no such great fluctuation of vitality.

At this moment, all the practitioners in the camp stopped what they were doing.

Qi Qi raised his head and looked around in horror.

Some people were secretly on guard, and gradually, acquaintances spontaneously gathered together.

Immediately there were hundreds of small groups in the camp.

The monks in the secret realm are clearly distinguished from the monks in the blue world.

Despite living together for several years, the two parties still showed signs of mutual distrust when encountering unexpected situations.

In the sky, the leaden gray clouds are violently turbulent and tumbling like the sea encountering a storm.

From time to time, the sun shines through the clouds and shines on the earth.

The mist outside the camp also rolled like a mighty tide, covering everything around it upside down.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at everything in front of them.

In the past few years, there have been occasional turmoil in vitality, but it has never been on such a large scale.

Yuan Jinting stretched her neck and looked around.

Due to her position in the center of the camp, she was blocked by some buildings around her, so she couldn't see the situation outside the camp at all.

Where the heart moved, a trace of mana was mobilized, and a flying bird tattoo on the back suddenly lit up under the skirt.

He flapped his hands a few times like a bird, and his whole body soared into the sky.

The moment she flew up, her body transformed into a red-billed hawk in a flash of spiritual light.


A crisp chirp echoed through the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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