Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 526 The Oath

Chapter 526 The Oath
Shi Zhongyu couldn't bear Yuan Jinting's death because of this incident, so he opened his mouth to persuade him.

"Master Baishi and the others have tried their best, without them, Zhongxiu might have disappeared long ago.

Zhongxiu told me when he was sane that he did it voluntarily and no one forced him.

Fellow Daoist Jin Ting, you don’t have to”

Yuan Jinting smiled faintly:
"Shi Zhongyu! You can fool others but you can't fool yourself.

I act only from my heart in my life, and have nothing to do with other people.

Now that you are here, be a witness for Me! "

Saying that, he stretched out his hand and took out a dagger.

This sword is one foot long and one inch wide. The blade is straight and the blade is like autumn frost.

"I have refined and polished this sword every day for the past year, and it contains the belief in my heart, which is called 'Oath'!
Today, I use this sword to fulfill my promise. "

As Yuan Jinting said, she turned her right hand, the point of the sword was at the heart, and stabbed with all her strength.

'laugh-! '

The root of the one-foot short sword sank into his chest, and the tip of the sword came out from behind.

"Ah yo—!"

Shi Zhongyu couldn't help but screamed out.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and a figure appeared in the tent following the golden light.

Blue Quinoa and Shi Zhongyu exclaimed in unison:
"Uncle Ruyi!"

"True Ruyi!"

Zhang Ke ignored the two of them and came to Yuan Jinting in one step.

Holding the 'Oath' dagger between the middle fingers of his left hand, he pulled out directly, and a puddle of blood burst out.

At the same time, the five fingers of Zhang Ke's right hand flashed platinum aura, and suddenly a circle of aura patted Yuan Jinting's body.

The circle of platinum-gold aura instantly turned into a gray-white turbid river, and Yuan Jinting's body was directly submerged by the river.

Afterwards, Lan Li saw countless figures of Yuan Jinting appearing in various parts of the river.

Zhang Ke opened his eyes suddenly, and two white glows flashed away from his eyes.

Without the slightest hesitation, he plunged into the river with his right hand and lifted Yuan Jinting up.

The characteristics derived from Zhang Ke's supernatural power [First Attack] can go back to three seconds ago.

But in the past, it was not possible to use this characteristic on other people.

After this epiphany in the 'Scattered Element Array', I have a new understanding of this supernatural power.

It was only then that Yuan Jinting was driven into the long river of time, and Yuan Jinting who was three seconds ago was pulled out.

However, if it wasn't for Yuan Jinting's weak strength and being in a near-death state, without the slightest power to resist, he would not be able to do this.

But it is conceivable that this magical power will shine in the future.

The eyes of Lanqin and Shi Zhongyu couldn't help but widen. They were shocked to find that the sword wound on Yuan Jinting's chest no longer existed.

They guessed that Zhang Ke rescued Yuan Jinting with his supernatural powers.

But why even the damage to the skirt disappeared, as if no sword had ever been pierced from here.

"Send her here!"

Before Zhang Ke had time to speak, his whole body suddenly disintegrated into aura and disappeared.

When the rippling river of time was about to dissipate, the 'Oath' dagger also flew out and fell into Yuan Jinting's hands.

But this sword is in a strange state, it seems to be in reality and nothingness, sometimes blurred, sometimes fully manifested.

Yuan Jinting, who fell into the long river of time, had a sword in her chest, but Yuan Jinting who was three seconds ago had not been hit by the sword.

So here comes the paradox.

Does the 'Oath' Sword Exist?

By chance and coincidence, the "Oath" sword that contained Yuan Jinting's faith turned into a flying sword.

A unique flying sword bearing the 'Oath'.

At the same time, the other side has also reached a critical moment.

In the alchemy room.

Shi Zhongxiu was bound to a stone table, while Bai Shi, Helian Chunfeng and others surrounded the stone table.

Immortal Baishi held a cold short blade in his hand and slowly placed it on Shi Zhongxiu's chest.

The tip of the knife pressed down slightly, and the skin on Shi Zhongxiu's chest was cut open like paper.

Master Baishi took a breath, it was the first time he had attacked a human like this.

After a little hesitation, he stabbed down with his right hand.


A platinum aura flashed across Shi Zhongxiu's body, and the short blade that was about to penetrate directly bounced off.

"Huh?? This is??"

A spiritual light appeared, and then Zhang Ke's figure gathered.

"Ah! True Lord Ruyi??"

Several people were slightly surprised when they saw Zhang Ke, and hurriedly bowed to salute.

Zhang Ke's face sank like water, and he let out a 'hum' in his nose.

With a flick of the middle finger of his left hand, the short blade in Baishi's hand was instantly disintegrated into countless particles.

There was a 'hum' in Baishi's head.

There was a sudden panic in his heart, Zhang Ke's move was obviously extremely dissatisfied with himself.

"True Lord???"

Zhang Ke stared at the people in front of him with white eyes.

Baishi, Helian Chunfeng, Qingyun, Zidonglai, Chimei, Honghong, Jianghongxia, five men and two women, are all outstanding members of this group.

Observing Shi Zhongxiu's condition on the stone case with his spiritual sense, he asked, "Is this Shi Zhongxiu?"

Master Baishi said in a low voice: "Yes!"

When Zhang Ke saw Shi Zhongyu just now, he had a bad guess in his heart.

"How is the mission to save the Japanese corpse going?"

Immortal Baishi glanced at Zhang Ke, and briefly described the formation of the Japanese corpse.

Zhang Ke let out an 'oh' and asked:

"Shiraishi, you mean that you only find the cause of the formation of the sun corpse, but there is no way to cure the sun corpse, right?"

Baishi's heart trembled. In the past, Zhang Ke used to address him as his senior brother, but now he calls him by his name. It feels a little bad.

Cautiously replied:
"There is no way to cure the Japanese corpse yet, but with Shi Zhongxiu, we should be able to have a deeper understanding of the Japanese corpse."

At this moment, three people walked in outside the tent, Shi Zhongyu, Lan Li and Yuan Jinting.

Everyone didn't know that Yuan Jinting committed suicide just now, they just thought they had heard the news.

It's just a little strange, why all three of them look so out of their minds.

The most peculiar thing was that a sword intent emerged from Yuan Jinting's body. This sword intent was not sharp but had an indescribable power.

'When did Yuan Jinting turn into a sword cultivator? '

There was a trace of doubt in the hearts of everyone who observed this scene.

Zhang Ke on the side continued to ask the real Baishi.

"What are you going to do?"

Master Baishi swallowed, feeling a little panicked inexplicably.

Don't look at Zhang Ke who is always gentle like a kitten, but once he puts on a straight face, no one is afraid of him.

"I want to find a way to cure the Japanese corpse from Shi Zhongxiu's body."

Zhang Ke continued: "How to do it specifically?"

Master Baishi gritted his teeth and said:
"Shi Zhongxiu is about to lose his sanity, I want to cut him open while he is still alive."

Shi Zhongyu's heart trembled, and hissed:
"No, don't say it!"

Zhang Ke walked slowly to the real Baishi, and asked calmly:

"Why do this?"

Baishi Zhenren explained:
"Shi Zhongxiu is about to lose his sanity, me."

Zhang Ke shook his head, and continued:
"I mean, why experiment with living people?"

Master Baishi's heart skipped a beat, and he understood why Zhang Ke was angry with him.

Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing the reason would be easy to deal with, and said in a relaxed tone:

"Shi Zhongxiu has basically lost his sanity, he is not a living person now."

Zhang Kening said: "Has Shi Zhongxiu completely lost his sanity?"

Shiraishi's breath stagnates:
"Well, he can only be awake for a few minutes every day now, and he will lose his sanity completely in a few days."

"That means he's still sane now, right?"

Master Baishi hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes!"

Then he turned to look at Shi Zhongyu and said:

"Shi Zhongyu was also there at the time, and Shi Zhongxiu agreed with our approach and made some demands."

Shi Zhongyu said in a low voice: "True Monarch! Zhongxiu"

Zhang Ke waved his hand to stop Shi Zhongyu from speaking.

"Man is a knife, I am a fish, even if Shi Zhongxiu disagrees, will you give up?"

Immediately afterwards, he continued: "Also, why did Jin Ting commit suicide?"

Shi Zhongyu argued:

"Zhenjun, Shi Zhongxiu is hopeless, if we can find a way to cure the Japanese corpse from him, he will be considered a worthy death.

Countless people will be grateful to him in the future. "

He didn't feel that what he did was wrong, and he felt a little bit uneasy.

Although the other people did not speak, they showed the same expression.

Zhang Ke sneered and said:

"Then if we can't find a cure from Shi Zhongxiu?

Who is your next target? "

As Zhang Ke said, he pointed at Immortal Baishi and said:
"If the next target was you, would you be willing to sacrifice yourself?"

Master Baishi's face became serious, and he said seriously:

"If it were me, I would give it all."

Zhang Ke patted his palm lightly and praised:

"Well said, everyone heard it, I didn't force him, he voluntarily."

"I think your idea is good, and I want to try it too."

Immortal Baishi and the others were taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Zhang Ke meant by this.

Just listen to Zhang Ke said:
"Since we need someone who retains his sanity to be the experimenter, let's start with you Shiraishi first.

This matter is not difficult to handle, as long as you let Shi Zhongxiu take a bite. "

Immortal Baishi was taken aback, he was just expressing his opinion, there is no need to take it seriously.


Zhang Ke continued:
"I will cut you alive and try to find a way to heal the Japanese corpse before you die.

If it still doesn't work, aren't there seven people here?
If it doesn't work, when you return to the Azure Realm, try it out with your relatives. If you try a lot, you will find a way. "

Everyone at the scene turned pale with fright, and their hearts were shattered with fright. Immortal Baishi lost his voice and said:
"True Monarch! How can you do this, how is this different from a beast?"

Zhang Ke grabbed Baishi's collar with his right hand and lifted his feet off the ground.

He said sharply: "You also know that this is the work of a beast, but how can you get your hands on other people?"

Baishi real person opened his mouth and defended:

"he he is not"

Zhang Ke opened Bai Sensen's eyes and stared at Baishi Zhenren, saying:
"Are you trying to say that Shi Zhongxiu is not from the Azure Realm, so there is no need to worry?"

Shi Zhongyu was watching from the side, his heart was shocked when he heard this, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Shi Zhongxiu.

Master Baishi tremblingly said: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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