Chapter 528

Zhang Ke read the volume carefully and put it aside.

Zan said: "You have done a good job, you are very careful, and you are very considerate in every aspect. You have worked hard."

Master Baishi regretfully said:

"It's a pity that we still haven't been able to find a real way to cure the Japanese corpse."

Zhang Ke stretched out his hand and squeezed the space between his eyebrows.

Countless dots and lines are connected in the "Niwan Palace" in the brain, and the '8' shaped gene chain is perfected bit by bit according to the volume.

Zhang Ke thought for a moment and asked:

"Why are there not many test records of Si Jingxuan here?"

Master Baishi smiled wryly and said:
"After all, Si Jingxuan is the True Lord of the Secret Realm Nascent Soul.

In the past seven years, only a dozen physical tests have been done, and the extraction of blood, flesh, and bone marrow has basically not played any role.

If it wasn't for Shi Zhongxiu a year ago, this task would have almost come to a standstill. "

Zhang Ke hummed, feeling a little dissatisfied with the patriarchs.

Baishi and the others were only at the Golden Core level, so it was difficult to restrain Si Jingxuan, but Lieyan Zhenjun and the others could be tougher.

Looking at Yuan Jinting, who was dry, thin and full of white hair, she asked:
"Jin Ting! Why did you commit suicide?"

Yuan Jinting hesitated for a moment, and told about the situation that Shi Zhongyu brought Shi Zhongxiu into the camp a year ago and the decision she made.

Zhang Ke didn't have any expression on his face, he just closed his eyes and listened to Yuan Jinting's words.

After Yuan Jinting finished speaking, Shi Zhongyu said:

"My lord, this is strange."

Zhang Ke moved the tail finger of his left hand casually, and a faint spiritual light flashed across Shi Zhongyu's mouth, sealing his mouth.

"What are you? Do you have a place to speak here?"

Zhang Ke said something lightly, and then made a grabbing motion with the five fingers of his right hand.

A yellow aura shot out from between Shi Zhongyu's eyebrows.

Supernatural powers: [Light of God of Extinction of the Great Five Elements] [Light of Earth Spirit]

Shi Zhongyu was shocked to find that his memory about [Tu Xingshen Light] had become blurred.

'This is my most powerful supernatural spell, how could this be? '

Zhang Ke said calmly:
"This supernatural power was passed on to you by me in the past, and I originally wanted to form a good relationship.

But because of you, my disciples were almost killed. It seems that you and I have nothing to do with each other, so I will take it back today. "

Shi Zhongyu panicked, and wanted to explain something, but unexpectedly he couldn't open his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ke shouted in a low voice:
"go out!"

As soon as the words came out, Shi Zhongyu immediately lost control, stepped forward with both feet, turned and left the alchemy room involuntarily.

"In the future, irrelevant people are not allowed to enter the alchemy room."

When he left the alchemy room, he heard Zhang Ke's instructions to Master Baishi.

Shi Zhongyu was at a loss, he didn't know why Zhang Ke treated him like this.

Alchemy room.

Yuan Jinting looked at Zhang Ke nervously.

From Zhang Ke's attitude towards Shi Zhongyu, she understood Zhang Ke's intentions.

"Jin Ting! If I hadn't come back in time today, you would be a corpse at this moment, do you know that?"

Yuan Jinting whispered: "I know."

"Then let me ask you, why am I dissatisfied with Shi Zhongyu?"

The real Baishi and the others looked at each other a few times, feeling a little confused.

Yuan Jinting replied, "I don't know."

"Hmph! No matter in terms of age or experience, you are many times stronger than Shi Zhongyu.

But you were so easily moved by his words that you were willing to die for him.

If I had known the reason for this, I would not have saved you. "

Yuan Jinting's heart was shocked, and she said:
"Could it be that Shi Zhongyu's words were deceitful?"

She didn't really care about her own death, she had already thought it through in her mind very thoroughly in the past year.

But if Shi Zhongyu deceived herself, it would make her feel uncomfortable.

Zhang Ke turned his head and asked:

"Baishi, how long has Shi Zhongxiu been infected?"

Master Baishi replied: "It should be about three years."

Zhang Ke shouted:

"Did you hear that?
Shi Zhongxiu was infected three years ago.

The infection speed of the Japanese corpse is extremely fast. Once bitten, the result will definitely appear within three days.

Why did Shi Zhongyu come to you a year ago? "

Yuan Jinting was stunned, she had never considered this question.

Muttered: "Why?"

"Because he never trusted you, he only came to you because Shi Zhongxiu's corpse was getting worse and worse.

hey-hey!You are so lucky that you would kill yourself for him. "

Zhang Ke continued:
"It's easy for you to kill yourself, once you die, you can still get a reputation for keeping your promises.

But the sect would get the reputation of killing disciples because of this.

Do you know how much your actions will affect other disciples?
How much damage will it cause to the reputation of the sect?
The sect has trained you for so many years, is this how you repay it? "

Yuan Jinting's body trembled, and her face became extremely pale.

Muttering: "Disciple. Disciple didn't think too much, but felt that Shi Zhongxiu was a bit pitiful."

Zhang Ke said sharply:
"This is a secret realm, and everyone around except Shimen is a potential enemy.

Remember the battle when you first came?

When they attacked the camp, did they hold back at all.

If we hadn't won a big victory in that battle, do you think they would honestly assist us to complete the mission?
If we were weak back then, you would be a prisoner now, maybe you are suffering inhumane torture right now.

Now you still die for someone who has nothing to do with you, and feel sorry for others.

Do you have the qualifications to pity others with a condescending and superior mentality?
Do you feel that you are so great that you are even moved. "

Yuan Jinting lowered her head, a trace of pride in her heart was shattered by the blow.

Zhang Ke said again:

"And you, don't you feel fear?
Look at this camp, how many secret realm practitioners are there now?
Tens of thousands of people are mixed with you. Once someone has evil intentions, you will die without a place to die.

Think about whether their attitude towards you has changed in the past six years, whether it has changed from respectful to wanton.

Practitioners in the secret realm are not harmless lambs, they have lived in dire straits for thousands of years.

Fight against the weather, against the fog, against the sun and night ghosts, against fierce beasts, and against the environment.

They don't have magic tools, advanced exercises, or sufficient resources.

But you all have all of these, and they are revealed in front of people every day.

Do you know what you are doing?

You are tempting them all the time to attack you, and they are just patiently waiting.

Once the opportunity comes, they will mercilessly launch a fatal attack on you.

But why didn't they do it?

Because they dare not, because they have concerns, because they are afraid.

What are they afraid of?
They are afraid of me, Patriarch Lieyan, Patriarch Jiuren, and Master Furong.

Do you know why I wanted to kill the other two True Monarchs at that time?
The purpose is to deter, threaten, intimidate!
But this kind of deterrence will be forgotten as time goes by. When the fear in their hearts dissipates, have you ever thought about what will happen to you? "

Immortal Baishi and the others were sweating profusely, trembling unceasingly, and a gust of cold air rose from their backs.

In their view, practitioners in the secret realm are just a group of aborigines raised in captivity by the 'spirit world'.

They never looked down on these people from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially in the battle of Yuanshen at the beginning, when several true monarchs beat the practitioners of the secret realm to pieces, they felt a sense of superiority in their hearts.

In recent years, practitioners in the secret realm have indeed become more and more casual with everyone.

From the residence they built, it can be seen that Xu Qingzhi's tent is surrounded by surrounding areas.

Apparently, the cultivators in the secret realm were testing the bottom line of the Qizong intentionally or unintentionally.

This point may have been discovered long ago, or it may not have been, and Zhang Ke could not be sure without having a meeting with Lieyan Zhenjun.

Bai Shi swallowed his saliva really lively, and asked:

"True Monarch! Then what should we do?"

Zhang Ke said lightly:
"Since I'm back, how can I allow them to be so presumptuous and order them all to evacuate the camp within three days.

Those who are still staying in the camp after three days will be killed! "

Immortal Baishi and the others lifted their spirits, bowed together and said:
"Follow the real law!"

They found that Zhang Ke's acting style was quite different from other patriarchs.

Before you speak the truth, you must first shake your fist.

Of course, only a powerful and supernatural person like Zhang Ke would dare to do this.

Although Zhang Ke was thrown hard, Baishi Zhenren still felt that Zhang Ke's way of doing things was more liked by him.

Glancing at Shi Zhongxiu on the stone table, Master Baishi asked:
"Then what about Shi Zhongxiu?"

Zhang Kedao:
"Since his sanity has been confused today, I will come to check on him tomorrow when he regains his sanity."


Yuan Jinting suddenly remembered something, hesitated for a moment, and said:

"Zhenjun, this disciple remembered something."


"Shi Zhongyu once told his disciples that when he and Shi Zhongxiu escaped from the siege of the Japanese corpse, they received help from others.

The person who helped them was also a Japanese corpse with normal sanity after being infected. "

Immortal Baishi was overjoyed at first, then furious, and said sharply:

"Why don't you say something so important?"

Yuan Jinting's face was pale, and she opened her mouth, but she didn't explain a word.

Zhang Ke waved his hand, stopping the scolding that Immortal Baishi was about to say.

"Jin Ting! You did the right thing. Although it's a bit late, it's not too late.

Remember, we are from the Azure Realm, and they are from the Misty Secret Realm.

In the Azure Realm, different sects can't get along well, let alone here.

No matter in terms of inheritance, culture, customs and habits, there is a gap between us.

They will never trust us, any more than we will trust them. "

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ke said to Yuan Jinting seriously:

"Keeping your promise is a virtue, I hope you can keep it in the future, it is extremely important to your future.

However, I also hope that you will remember today's lesson.

If you promise not to promise lightly, if you promise, you will do it! "

Zhang Ke sensed the sword intent on Yuan Jinting's body, maybe there will be another outstanding sword repairman in the sect in the future.

Zhang Ke continued:
"You go to Shi Zhongyu and order him to bring that sane Japanese corpse to the camp."

Yuan Jinting promised.

 next chapter evening

(End of this chapter)

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