Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 539 Awakening

Chapter 539 Awakening
Everyone suddenly realized, and turned their attention to Shi Zhongxiu.

In this way, this person is probably still the key figure in curing the Japanese corpse.

In the next seven days, according to the changes in Shi Zhongxiu's body, he took three more doses of 'Liangyi Lingqi'.

Seeing the changes in Shi Zhongxiu's body, everyone present could not help but smile gradually.

Since Shi Zhongxiu was no longer struggling, the restraints on his body were lifted.

It was also because of the fear that Shi Zhongxiu would be harmed unnecessarily when he recovered due to restraint.

Seven days later, Shi Zhongxiu finally woke up.

Shi Zhongxiu felt as if he had had a very long dream.

I seem to have fallen into a terrible dream where I can't speak, I can't move, and I don't even have a thought.

When his eyelids trembled and opened, it was like a person trapped in a nightmare trying to break free.


Shi Zhongxiu was gasping for breath, barely opened his eyes, but saw the blurred figure in front of him, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

He seemed to hear someone talking to him, but the strong tinnitus made him unable to tell what was being said.

Shaking his head drowsily, he finally regained a trace of sobriety.

The person in front of him looked serious and said:

"who are you?"

"who am I?"

Shi Zhongxiu's mind went blank, she stared blankly at the person in front of her, and murmured questions repeatedly.

After a while, memories flooded into my mind like a flood.

Looking at some familiar people in front of him, he lost his voice and said:

"True Ruyi!"

The voice is hoarse, like the voice of someone who has been thirsty for a long time in the desert.

Zhang Ke heaved a sigh of relief, he couldn't communicate with Shi Zhongxiu for a long time, and thought he had failed the test.

He asked again, "Who are you?"

Shi Zhongxiu turned his head slowly, and found that there were many people around, but he didn't recognize any of them.

'Where is this?How could Zhenjun Ruyi not know himself? '

I couldn't help feeling a little panic in my heart, and said dryly:
"True Monarch! This junior is Shi Zhongxiu!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present couldn't help cheering.

"Oh! It worked!"

"Shi Zhongxiu has been cured!!"

"Great, those Japanese corpses are finally saved."

The hands of Bai Shi and the others kept trembling. This was the moment to witness the miracle. They wanted to record every expression and every word of Shi Zhongxiu.

A smile appeared on Zhang Ke's face.

"Shi Zhongxiu! Congratulations, you are saved."

Shi Zhongxiu was startled, and instantly remembered the scene when he was bitten by a Japanese corpse.

He couldn't help but let out an 'ouch', and touched the back of his neck with trembling hands.

Where the hand touches, the bumps are obviously a scar.

Thinking of the shape of the Japanese corpse, Shi Zhongxiu felt a chill in his heart, and sat up from the stone desk abruptly.

I stretched out my hands and looked at them, and found that my hands hadn't turned into claw-like shapes.

After touching the face twice, the smoothness of the face is the same as in the past.

He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have turned into a Japanese corpse.

"What's going on here?"

He turned his head and searched for a while, but Shi Zhongyu was nowhere to be seen.

He asked again, "Where is Zhongyu?"

Zhang Ke said: "Jin Ting! Go and find Shi Zhongyu. Also, Senior Brother Baishi, please explain the current situation to him."

With Shi Zhongxiu's awakening, it was meaningless to stay here.

With Baishi and others here, they will naturally investigate Shi Zhongxiu's physical condition clearly.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Ke motioned the Zhenjun present to leave the quiet room.

After finding a quiet room again, Zhang Ke said:

"Finally, there is hope. The next step is to use Shi Zhongxiu's blood to heal the millions of people in this secret territory."

For the first time, when Zhang Ke mentioned the Japanese corpse, he referred to it as his own family.

In his heart, the millions of Japanese corpses outside are a group of people suffering from infectious diseases, just like himself.

Zen Master Liaokong clasped his hands together and said solemnly:

"Amitabha Buddha! Countless people have lost their lives in this world for thousands of years since the Japanese corpse raged, and the number of infected people is even more immeasurable.

Today, the Xiantian Qizong actually refined the antidote to cure the Japanese corpse.

Not only can it save countless people who are struggling in the sea of ​​suffering, but it will also make the human race in this world no longer infested by the sun's corpses.

Your good deeds are immeasurable and admirable. It can be said that the merits of the present age will benefit the future!
The old monk immediately spread the order to the world, engraved a stele and passed it down, and all the people in this world will surely remember your kindness forever. "

Lu Gong felt sour in his heart, if this matter was completed under his auspices, the promotion to the True Monarch would be just around the corner.

'Humph!The old monk didn't know how much benefit he had received from the Qi sect, so he boasted so much, and he kept his eyes on him everywhere.

Now only one person has been healed.

There are millions of Japanese corpses in the secret realm, let's see how you treat them one by one. '

Xin Baoshan was delighted, but he also asked this question.

"Fellow Daoist Ruyi, six doses of 'Liangyi Lingqi' are needed to cure only one person.

Can the antidote for curing the Japanese corpse be easily prepared?
Do you need my help in raising resources to allocate the antidote? "

Half of what he said was out of publicity, and he was sincere in saving the Japanese corpse.

But the other half has selfish intentions, he wants to find a way to configure the 'Liangyi Lingqi'.

This 'liangyi aura' is mysterious in the movement of yin and yang, and it forms the rules of Liangyi, which is extraordinary when you look at it.

Zhang Ke smiled faintly, and reached out to take out a 'Liangyi Pearl'.

"In addition to needing Shi Zhongxiu's blood, there is one more thing that is needed to heal these people.

The name of this object is 'Liangyi Bead', which is the key to configure the 'Liangyi Spiritual Qi'.

I am going to use the power of the 'Scattering Element Array' to spread the 'Liangyi Spiritual Qi' between the heaven and the earth, so as to heal all the infected people in the secret realm.

Want to do this, need countless 'two instrument beads' to complete.

So if fellow Taoists have this spiritual object in their hands, I will not hesitate to tell you how to refine the 'Liangyi Lingqi'.

There is no greater merit than saving lives, and right now millions of lives are about to be cured.

It is estimated that there will be a large amount of humanitarian merit to give back to everyone. "

Xin Baoshan looked at Zhenjun Suqin and the others, and saw that their faces were all blank.

After pondering for a moment, he asked:
"What do you mean by the virtue of humanity that Fellow Daoist Ruyi refers to?"

Zhang Ke smiled with a 'hehe'.

"You can regard the merit of humanity as a special kind of power.

This kind of power is similar to the favor of heaven and earth, and has many benefits.

Once you have this kind of merit in your body, it is not impossible for you to go further. "

The hearts of the four Nascent Soul True Monarchs who were present felt that there were such benefits.

Looking at the unsurprised expressions of the Yizong disciples, it is obvious that this is common sense knowledge.

Xin Baoshan secretly sighed, this is the disadvantage of lack of inheritance.

'For the sake of my own future, I can't say that I have to search for it in the secret realm. '

Zhang Ke believes that there must be a large number of 'two instrument beads' left in some places in this secret realm.

Relying on the identity of myself and others from the outer domain, it is impossible to mobilize the power of all human beings in the secret realm.

Instead of this, it is better to lure the practitioners of the secret realm to do this with benefits.

In this way, you can also keep more of the 'two instrument pearls' you got.

Zhang Ke looked around the room with his spiritual sense.


"Now, the preparations for pulling the secret realm are roughly complete.

If all goes well, the [Star Traction Array] will be activated in about three years.

At that time, there may be some turmoil in the secret realm, and please appease the human race to avoid unnecessary trouble.

You can also prepare in advance. "

'Hiss—! '

Xin Baoshan and others were breathless.

"Please rest assured, Fellow Daoist Ruyi, we will definitely go all out to cooperate."

The four Nascent Souls in the secret realm expressed their opinions together, and unconsciously, their postures were slightly lowered.

A smile appeared on the faces of Lieyan Zhenjun and the others.

'This day is finally coming! '

The next two years will be the period of time when the secret realm has undergone the most changes in thousands of years.

First of all, one day a year later, the clouds that had covered the Misty Secret Realm for nearly ten thousand years finally dissipated completely.

Finally... Finally, I can feel the warmth of the sun and the baptism of the moonlight all the time.

On this day, countless people cried bitterly and couldn't help themselves.

There are also countless people cheering, laughing loudly, crying loudly, releasing all the emotions that have been accumulated in their hearts for a long time at this moment.

At this moment, everyone in the secret realm felt infinitely grateful to the person who saw the sun behind the clouds.

And the mist shrouded in the surroundings is also fading away day by day, and there is no obstacle in sight.

The running water does not rot, and the door hinge does not moth!
Since then, the secret realm is no longer closed, villages and villages, towns and towns, have begun to connect with each other.

Secondly, through continuous testing, a year and a half later, the sect's alchemist used the blood extracted from Shi Zhongxiu's body to jointly refine the 'Blood Stabilizing Potion'.

Afterwards, a test was carried out on common Japanese corpses and infected practitioner Japanese corpses of different genders and ages with the combination of 'Liangyi Reiki' and 'Blood Stabilizing Potion'.

One hundred test subjects returned to normal within three months.

The ten-year research has finally come to a perfect end at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the alchemist of the Yiqi sect used Shi Zhongxiu's blood as a guide, and fused hundreds of elixir to refine a thousand and 24 bloodline stabilizing potions.

At the same time, Zhang Ke used the temporary square market to offer a huge reward, and issued the task of finding the "two instrument beads" to the practitioners in the secret realm.

In the past two years, nearly 30 "two instrument beads" have been obtained one after another.

Of course, most of the "two instrument beads" are still from the hands of many secret realm Yuanying Zhenjun.

Zhang Ke really paid a big price for these 'two instrument beads'.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, Si Jingxuan came to the camp many times, hoping to participate in the task of curing the Japanese corpse.

However, Zhang Ke was narrow-minded and always held grudges very much, so he decisively rejected Si Jingxuan's suggestion.

Si Jingxuan left in disappointment. There was once an opportunity to save the human race in the secret realm before his eyes.

And he wants to use this to gain more benefits for his own selfishness.

At this moment, they can only watch the opportunity disappear from under their noses.

And when he saw with his own eyes what happened to the other people who participated in the healing of the Japanese corpse, he even regretted it.

As Zhang Ke completes all the preparations for curing the Japanese corpse, the operation to cure the Japanese corpse in the secret realm is about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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