Chapter 545 Return
Haojing Shangyuan Lingjie.

Jinting Mountain.

The Divine Beast Sect, one of the eight hundred sects in the spiritual world, is located here.

This sect is good at controlling beasts, so all disciples of the sect like to subdue strange beasts with powerful bloodlines as war beasts.

After countless years of research on the bloodlines of alien animals, they have become extremely proficient in the power of bloodlines.

The method of bloodline evolution in the Misty Secret Realm came from the masters of the Divine Beast Sect.

But for countless years, with countless cultivators harvesting the heaven and earth's inspirations, the vast world of Haojing Shangyuan Lingjie inevitably fell into weakness.

The vitality of heaven and earth is obscure and thin, so there are fewer and fewer beasts with awakened blood.

Now it is only relying on the many elders of the sect who are practicing outside the boundary to capture some void beasts from time to time to maintain the combat power of the sect.

But Yuanying Zhenjun cultivated himself, not to serve the disciples of the sect.

Therefore, nearly 2000 years later, the Divine Beast Sect has gradually shown a slight decline.

Hall of Stars.

This is where the Divine Beast Sect observes the secrets and monitors the star map.

Entering here is like stepping into the starry sky.

Inside the main hall, there are countless twinkling stars moving according to certain laws.

It is impossible to enter here with the physical body, only the spiritual thoughts can be attached to the mind to enter and investigate.

Also because of this, the requirements for cultivation talent are extremely high, and the disciples of the Divine Beast Sect like to control beasts, and there are very few disciples who are good at astrology and divination.

There are only about a hundred disciples in the entire Star Duty Hall.

Guan Chengzuo, a disciple of the Golden Core of the Hall of Stars.

At this moment, he is cultivating with his mind integrated into the rotating star chart.

Every time he wanders in this complicated and vast star map, he always has a feeling of being in the universe, and this feeling often makes him intoxicated and difficult to extricate himself from.

Sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes tightly in the process of cultivation, he suddenly noticed something wrong.

A faint little star that appeared in the star chart suddenly disappeared in the star chart.

'Um? ? ? '

Guan Chengzuo couldn't help but opened his eyes, and his eyes swept across the star map.

Most of the stars revealed in the star chart are just phantoms reflected by the stars in the void, and not many of them are mastered by the Divine Beast Sect.

So he knows every star in the sect's hands like the back of his hand.

'Strange, how did the fog secret realm disappear? '

Guan Chengzuo investigated again carefully, and finally confirmed that a secret realm controlled by the sect had disappeared.

Immediately panicked, he quickly got up and went to the Tianji Pavilion in the Hall of Stars.

I hurriedly found the records about the Misty Secret Realm, and after looking through it for a while, I came to the gate of the Lord of the Star Duty Hall, Master Mi Ling.

"Hall Master! Disciple Guan Chengzuo asks to see you!"

After a while, a slightly angry voice came out.


Guan Chengzuo walked quickly into the hall, and looked up to see several true kings present, who seemed to be discussing something.

He took a glance and recognized that they were all the masters of the Hall of Duty Stars.

But he also found that the faces of Zhenjun Mi Ling and others were very ugly, so he didn't have time to think about it, and saluted everyone again.

"Cheng Zuo, what's the matter?"

Seeing that he was the most talented disciple in the Star Value Hall, Zhenjun Mi Ling's voice softened a little.

Guan Chengzuo stepped forward and handed over the volumes in his hand.

"When the disciple of Shicai was on duty in the Star Duty Hall, he discovered that a secret realm controlled by the sect suddenly disappeared from the star map."

Several true monarchs present couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

This kind of thing has never happened.

"Which secret place?"

"Revelation to the True Monarch, it is the Mystery of the Mist."

Zhenjun Mi Ling's expression changed, Guan Chengzuo's cultivation base was superficial, and he knew little about the Mysterious Mist Realm.

He is different, as the master of the Star Value Hall, some secrets need to be guarded by him.

He is well aware of the situation in the Misty Secret Realm. It is a scar in the spirit world, where many evil things have been done that cannot be made public.

And it seems that there are other sects making arrangements in that secret realm.

But these things can't be told to anyone, he pondered for a while, and said:

"That's the end of this matter, don't say anything, go down!"

Guan Chengzuo was stunned for a moment, why did the Zongmen not care about such important things as the disappearance of the secret realm.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, he said goodbye and left, secretly thinking about the reason.

After he left, another True Monarch asked strangely:

"Brother, why suppress this matter?"

True Monarch Miling didn't like explaining to others, he just found a reason and said:
"Hmph! Don't other branches want to reduce the supply of Star Hall?
Don't you think that the Hall of Stars is useless? This matter should be suppressed first, and the matter will be reported when the time is right.

Also let other branches see if the Value Star Hall is useful. "

Others could hear that some words in his words were not true, but no one cared.

The Star Value Hall is a special place, and there are many secrets involved, so knowing more may not be a good thing.

After Zhenjun Miling explained a few words casually, he secretly deduced the situation of the misty secret realm with the secret method of astrology that he had learned.

But no matter how I deduce it, I always feel like there is a thick fog shrouded in it, and I can't help but fall into deep thought.

'Strange, what is hidden in this foggy secret realm, why does it feel so weird? '

In the vast and boundless void, there are countless space-time gaps.

The Boulevard lasso miraculously catches secret realms and frequently shuttles through some of the space gaps.

Its travel speed is not a straight line.

Just like fishing, a skilled angler will control the rhythm of the fishing rod to achieve the best results with the least effort.

in secret.

Inside the camp.

Zhang Ke sat upright in the tent, the fragrance of ambergris wafting in the tent.

[Wuliang Tongwei Jinwu Xuanguang Baolu] No. 70 failed three times in derivation again.

Zhang Ke frowned slightly, and with a thought, the rune lines manifested in the air in front of him scattered into the sky and the earth.

It has been a year, and the exercises he focused on deriving have been stuck and no progress has been made.

[Infinite Tongwei Jinwu Xuanguang Treasure], [Dunjia Heavenly Book and Earth Scroll], [Taiyi Talisman Treasure] these three exercises are rare and exquisite.

The former was obtained from the storage ring after Zhenjun Kaka's fall, and the latter was obtained from Yu Buping.

According to Zhang Ke's guess, [Dunjia Tianshu Dijuan] should be the secret biography of Yu Buping's sect, and [Taiyi Talisman Collection] may be stolen by him.

Zhang Ke was salivating at Zhenjun Kaka's method of Xuanguang, which perfectly matched his supernatural powers.

As long as you comprehend this set of methods, your own strength can be increased by at least [-]%.

After a year of research and derivation, Zhang Ke has deciphered the ciphertext in [Wuliang Tongwei Jinwu Xuanguang Baolu].

It has to be said that [Spiritual Sense Probe] can only show its powerful auxiliary effect if the realm is high.

But even after analyzing the ciphertext, Zhang Ke found that he was unable to practice.

[Xuanguang] is a unique method of 'Shangyuan Lingjie in Haojing'.

A prerequisite for this method to be used is to have a 'spiritual root'.

Zhang Ke tried to replace the spirit root with the characteristic of 'wishful change', but the simulated effect was very mediocre.

The other two secret arts also have similar restrictions.

In desperation, Zhang Ke had no choice but to shelve these three secret arts, and instead studied and deduced how to construct a special 'maid-fixing column'.

When I return to the sect this time, I will prepare to go to sea to establish a branch of the sect.

And the best place to establish a sect is the Crescent Island Chain that is still fresh in his memory.

As long as the two huge sea eyes are resolved, this area is the best area to build a foundation.

In order to get rid of the two big sea eyes, the 'Pillar of Dingmai Ding' that he deduced at this moment has an absolutely crucial effect.

Therefore, Zhang Ke eliminated all distracting thoughts, and concentrated on deriving how to build this special pillar of Dingmai.

Time passed bit by bit in Zhang Ke's countless deduction.

Outside the star field of the Azure Realm.

Zhenjun Tianya looked a little tired.

Five years of endless operation of the [Star Traction Array] exhausted the 81 Dongtian Zhenjun.

【Innate One Qi School】The selected misty secret realm is too far away from the Azure Realm, other sects can return at most two years.

And it took such a long time for the target pulled by the Qizong to fail to pull it back.

According to Guangmu Zhenjun's calculations, he should have returned two years ago.

Daoist Qingyun gave an explanation for this question.

The size of the secret realm brought back by the Xiantian Qizong this time may exceed everyone's imagination.

In the past two years, in order to appease the dissatisfaction of many Dongtian Zhenjun, Tianya Zhenjun really paid a lot of favors.

this day.

True Monarch Tianya is running the [Star Trail Traction Formation] without distraction, injecting a trace of mana into the formation without reservation.

Others can be lazy, but he can't. He has no choice but to try his best to maintain the operation of the formation.

in the void.

The star orbit array, which is as large as a seismograph, is in operation, and tens of thousands of gas nodes are shining.

The boulevard lasso stretches out from the armillary sphere without stopping.

"Crash! Crash!"

The rattling of the chains was endless.

True Monarch Tianya was running mana, suddenly, he felt a great pressure from the formation.

'Um? ? ? '

True Monarch Tianya's heart skipped a beat, he had a premonition after having experienced similar situations.

Sure enough, Lord Qing Yundao said: "Everyone, use your mana with all your might."

Zhenjun Tianya was overjoyed, knowing that the secret realm might have entered the barrier of the star field of the Azure Realm.

The moment the fish comes out of the water, it will be the last hope for the fish to unhook.

This critical point is the last pass where a space is about to leave the void.

Taking a deep breath, Zhenjun Tianya poured all the mana in his body into the star trail formation in an instant.

The other eighty Dongtian True Monarchs followed him in the same action, and none of them dared to retain their strength at such a critical moment.

A few years ago, there was a True Monarch's hidden power that almost caused a certain secret realm to fail in traction.

For this reason, the Dongtian Zhenjun who made a big mistake was captured on the spot by the law-enforcing Daojun, and he suppressed the Soul Splitting Pass for 300 years, suffering from Soul Splitting day and night.

With the strength of many true monarchs, endless spiritual light burst out, and the entire [Star Traction Array] erupted with light like stars exploding.

Thousands of miles around the void is as bright as day.


In the void, the sound of the chains was much clearer.

In the midst of this radiance, the avenue lasso pulled a secret realm out of the star trail bit by bit.

First, there is the avenue lasso covered with countless knots, and then a spherical array disk is pulled out at the end of it.

The spherical array disk the size of a hundred feet is only the size of a chicken at this moment.

Behind the spherical array, dragged by countless auras, the curved surface of a star is slightly exposed from the star track array.

"Hiss—! What a huge secret realm!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there is a space compression method arranged by the star track array, and this secret realm is so big."

"Hey! Now, I'm afraid the innate qi sect has lost a lot."

"Hey! In the final analysis, the foundation is still insufficient, otherwise, how could such a large secret realm be given up."


At this moment, there are hundreds of Dongtian Zhenjun here, all of them are attracted by the movements of the secret realm.

Seeing such a large secret realm being brought back, it is natural to have some discussion.

Zhenjun Tianya was also taken aback for a moment, but then he put the matter behind him.

Things have come to this point, it is useless to think about other things, what we need to do now is to bring the secret realm back as soon as possible.

'Hey, I don't know how many disciples the sect has hurt this time? '

Zhenjun Tianya was secretly worried that such a large secret realm was enough to produce creatures that could harm Zhenjun.

The avenue lasso was dragged bit by bit, and the fog secret realm was slowly pulled out from the star track array bit by bit.

The other eight Taoist monarchs who were stationed also rushed to the scene, and they all watched closely.

At the same time, everyone is ready to attack, if something goes wrong, everyone will launch a blow that will shatter the world.

(End of this chapter)

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