Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 547 2 Realms Fusion

Chapter 547 Fusion of Two Realms
Misty Mystery Territory.

Tremors occur in the secret realm almost every day.

The frequency of this tremor was very slight and dense, and all kinds of creatures in the secret territory were still panicked at first.

But after a long time, I gradually got used to this shock and became indifferent.

The sun always rises and life always goes on.

Everyone in the secret realm can clearly feel the changes in the secret realm.

Some people wake up in the morning and suddenly find that they are sleeping on a tree, and the wooden bed takes root and grows into a giant tree overnight.

Some people also found that there was an extra river in the flat yard of their home.

Even lucky people dig out all kinds of elixir and mineral deposits underground when they reclaim their fields.

There are countless such varieties.

Some regions are expanding, while others are shrinking.

A desert may turn into an oasis overnight, or a place that used to be a lake may turn into a forest.

The mountains, rivers, lakes, deserts, swamps, and vegetation in the secret territory are changing all the time.

Everywhere in the secret realm, mirage-like scenes often appear.

Zhang Ke and others recognized the picture displayed in the scene at a glance.


Only Zhang Ke was familiar with Tuocheng, Bolangcheng, Tieshancheng, Lianyun Mountains, Danxia Mountains and other areas.

These scenes frequently appeared in various parts of the secret realm, and as time passed, these scenes changed from blurred to clear.

Many practitioners are aware of these changes in their hearts.

Perhaps when these scenes really appear in the secret realm, it will be the day when the secret realm and the Azure Realm merge.

The two worlds interact, stimulated by the collision of vitality and laws, and some special treasures of heaven and earth appear in various places in the secret realm.

Since the secret realm is merging with the Azure Realm, the vitality and laws of the two realms are interacting.

Therefore, it is impossible to carry out normal cultivation in today's secret realm.

Like an overturned paint bottle, all laws and qi are confused.

The chaotic laws and violent vitality are frequently revealed, and from time to time, there are auras like aurora appearing everywhere.

For any practitioner, practicing at this time may not only cause a backlash of vitality, but may even cause mana to become impure.

Therefore, we can only do some theoretical research.

Of course, this complex and chaotic situation is not without benefits.

The laws and vitality are revealed, so that practitioners can more intuitively observe the subtle changes in vitality.

Practitioners with outstanding comprehension can comprehend some law power with the help of messy law lines.

This kind of opportunity is once in a lifetime.

In order to prevent many disciples from wasting this opportunity, and to appease the distress of being unable to practice.

Every three days, there will be a real person giving a lecture about the changes in vitality.

Every other month, Zhang Ke and others will give public lectures to clarify doubts.

Yuan Jinting and other disciples almost went crazy with joy.

In the sect, how could there be such an opportunity for the true master of the primordial spirit to teach him hand in hand.

Many disciples threw out all the difficulties they encountered in their practice.

Every question is actually a kind of thinking and a kind of confusion. When Zhang Ke and others answered these questions, they also got a lot of inspiration from them.

Two years have passed, and everyone feels that they have gained a lot.

Many Xiantian realm disciples feel that the realm barriers are loosening, but they dare not advance because of the special environment in the secret realm.

this day.

Zhang Ke sensed the changes in the secret territory in a very strange way.

Because of the inability to practice vitality, even Taoism and supernatural powers have been greatly affected.

In desperation, Zhang Ke could only temper his body, and the body that had been cultivated to the seventh rank of [Jin Chan Nine Revolutions] had complete control over itself.

Changes in the chaotic vitality in the secret territory can be ignored.

But seeing the earth-shaking changes in the secret territory in front of him, Zhang Ke suddenly recalled a special scene.

When wandering in the void, in the ring world, Yuan 47 once guided him to observe the changes of the stars in the universe with his mind.

In that epiphany, Zhang Keming realized how to walk his own path, and thus deduced the supernatural power of [Void Mill].

At this time, seeing the changes in the secret territory, the law of the galaxy's operation emerged from his mind again.

Under the contrast of the two, Zhang Ke suddenly fell into an epiphany.

At this moment, he completely relaxed his mind and body, putting himself in a state of being half asleep, half awake.

No spells were cast, and no self-control was exercised.

But his body was like a feather, fluttering in the air with the wind.

This is an unprecedented experience.

Zhang Ke could feel the wind blowing into his body, but it passed through his body.

Mountain rocks, forest tops, and lake water collided with the body, or slipped, or drifted, or stagnated.

He didn't interfere or control it in the slightest, as if the body didn't exist at all.

In this peculiar state, whether it is light or vitality, any slightest change can be felt by him one by one through the body.

In this state of no thought or feeling, Zhang Ke was like a feather blowing away with the wind.

until this day.Suddenly, there was a loud bang between the sky and the earth.


Zhang Ke was shocked and woke up from this epiphany.

The divine thoughts spread thousands of miles like a wave in an instant, giving a panoramic view of everything around.

After getting out of that state, mana support is needed if you want to hang in the air again.

At this moment, he is hanging in the air, still in the secret realm, but the surrounding scenery is very different.

There is a city below, if he remembers correctly, it should be Licheng.

I remember that he also beheaded Guan Shu, an abandoned disciple of Heshan Road who practiced sorcery with purple river chariots, who killed pregnant women.

Sweeping down with his spiritual sense, he saw familiar disciples from the Nine Curved Sword Sect in costumes. This was normal. This was their territory.

But in addition, Zhang Ke also saw some buildings and humans that belonged exclusively to the secret territory.

At this time, these human races in the secret realm all looked panic-stricken and helpless.

Zhang Ke suddenly realized that the secret realm had merged with the Azure Realm.

Somewhat unexpectedly, he thought that the secret realm would be integrated into the Azure Realm as a whole.

Like a fruit put into a fruit basket with other fruits.

Unexpectedly, the secret realm would be covered with fruit baskets like gravel, sprinkled everywhere.

Then Zhang Ke thought about it for a while, and understood the reason.

If the human race in the secret territory is not separated, out of instinctive repulsion, these people will gather together and form an independent group.

And this kind of groups will increase as secret realms and small thousand worlds are brought back.

In this case, it is not conducive to the integration of the alien race into the Azure Realm.

Only by breaking them up completely can their unity be broken in the shortest possible time, forcing them to be integrated into the big family of the Azure Realm.

Zhang Ke silently stared down.

Seeing many disciples of the Jiuqu Sword Sect and guards in the city, they smiled and contacted them in the secret language.

Apparently, the past few years of blending the two worlds has made all the sects in Dingzhou make various preparations.

Wei Wei breathed a sigh of relief, what he could do has been done.

As for how the human race in the secret realm will survive in the future, it depends on their own abilities.

Perhaps they will be treated unfairly, but this is unavoidable.

Spread the five fingers of the right hand, and a Buddhist bead appeared in the hand, using the method of tracing to trace the source, and determined the direction.

Zhang Ke stomped his feet, a circle of golden light burst out from under his feet, and accompanied by a thunder, a golden light flew away.

Eight hundred miles south of Bolang City.

Mianzhu Mountain.

It was originally just an ordinary mountain forest, so it got its name because of the Mianzhu growing everywhere.

A few months ago, phantoms of secret realms appeared here from time to time, and this vision was discovered by a nearby low-level sect, 'Huayin Pavilion'.

According to the rules established by the Tianxia Zongmen in the Azure World.

Where secret realms and small thousand worlds appear, as long as there are sects sitting within a hundred miles around them.

Then this area can be contacted and communicated by this sect, and other sects are not allowed to cross the border to intervene.

The owner of the 'Huayin Pavilion', Gong Hairong, is only a Jindan dragon and tiger practitioner, and there are less than a hundred monks in the whole sect.

After discovering that there will be a fusion of secret realms here, Gong Hairong is both happy and nervous.

Grasp it well, this is a huge opportunity for the development of the sect.

But the strength of his own sect is weak, if the secret realm practitioners appearing in this area are not easy to get along with, it will be a disaster rather than a blessing for his sect.

Through careful observation, Gong Hairong found that the building complex that was about to appear seemed to be a Zen forest, and he felt a lot more at ease.

Relatively speaking, the behavior style of Buddhist disciples is relatively peaceful.

However, no matter how customized the rules are, there are always loopholes that can be exploited.

So on a certain night, Zhenjun Shaohua of 'Shenyimen' appeared in the residence of 'Huayin Pavilion'.

With a tough stance, 'Huayin Pavilion' became a subsidiary sect of 'Shenyimen'.

In this way, the 'Shenyi Gate' can intervene in the communication with the practitioners in the secret realm.

Even though he was extremely sad, angry and annoyed, Gong Hairong still gave in.

A contract was signed to merge the 'Huayin Pavilion' into the 'Shenyi Gate'.

In order to make the appearance of eating less ugly, Zhenjun Shaohua changed the time when the contract was signed to 30 years ago.

At that time, the sect's promotion task had not yet officially started.

Therefore, when the secret realm was completely integrated with the Azure Realm today, Zhenjun Shaohua came to Mianzhu Mountain on behalf of the "Shenyimen" to contact and talk with the practitioners of the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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