Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 553 Requisition

Chapter 553 Requisition
As soon as Hu Zhengyu said this, everyone's discussion stopped immediately.

The Xiantian Yizong is now a sixth-rank sect with rich cultivation resources. Because of the fusion of secret realms, an area the size of two cities has expanded around it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the sect is bound to usher in a period of rapid development.

The branch of the sect established by Zhang Ke only meets the size of the ninth rank sect.

In addition, the newly established sect must go through a long period of struggle. This short period of time must be very difficult and may encounter many dangers.

Practitioners are relatively selfish individuals. Compared with the two, I am afraid that not many people are willing to leave.

Zhang Ke smiled lightly.

"Under the iron law of the sect, there is no reason for self-determination."

Hu Zhengyu said again:
"True Monarch, if a disciple volunteers to go to sea, will he be treated the same as other disciples?"

Hu Zhengyu's temperament is somewhat stubborn, and he attaches great importance to the sect's laws.

Therefore, even though he is of the same generation as Zhang Ke, he has never been sloppy in addressing him.

Zhang Ke glanced at Hu Zhengyu in surprise. He had little contact with him, so he didn't expect him to use this method to help him.

"Of course it's different. For those disciples who are willing to take the initiative to go to sea, I will help them in other areas."

Hu Zhengyu cupped his hands and said nothing.

Zhang Ke's short two sentences explained two things.

First of all, with the great power of the sect's law, the selected people must accept the dispatch unconditionally.

Secondly, if Zhang Ke is willing to take the initiative to apply, Zhang Ke will give additional benefits.

Once tightened and loosened, once hit and rewarded, things are clearly arranged.

All the mountain masters discussed the pros and cons in low voices among themselves, secretly thinking about countermeasures.

Obviously, the establishment of a branch of the sect will definitely draw people from all the mountains and peaks of the sect.

Competent disciples use it smoothly, and no one will let it go easily.

Headmaster Ming Xiao looked at the people who were discussing in low voices.

He turned to Zhang Ke and asked:
"Who do you want?"

Zhang Ke offered a super-large storage space, and Zongmen always wanted to give some performance.

"The sect promised to give 120 disciples from the same sect and [-] million people.

Now that the sect is facing opportunities for development, the disciples are willing to reduce the manpower as appropriate. There are 30 Golden Cores, and only [-] Xiantians.

However, the number of people needs to be increased.

There is a list here, compiled by the disciples, and the ones written in gold letters must be taken away by the disciples.

The rest is up to the teacher to decide. "

Zhang Ke took out a roll of rune paper from himself, on which no less than [-] names were densely written.

Headmaster Ming Xiao took it over and took a closer look, feeling a little relieved.

Zhang Ke still has a sense of propriety. There are three people in the Jinzi circle of real people in the Jindan realm.

Real person Baishi, real person Hongxiao, real person Biluo!
Among the disciples in the Xiantian realm, only a dozen were marked, including Yuan Jinting, Yu Fengtong and others.

The rest of the candidates are basically disciples who are younger than him.

Moreover, Headmaster Ming Xiao discovered that many of the disciples selected by Zhang Ke were ordinary disciples with special skills.

Such as planting, mining, construction, refining, brewing, breeding and so on.

Even if they were all taken away, it wouldn't have any major impact on the sect.

Headmaster Ming Xiao looked at the list, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said:
"There are still some disciples who have made mistakes in the sect and are being imprisoned. Do you want these disciples?"

Zhang Ke was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly said:

"Yes, why not, as much as you want."

He had offered to reduce the number of disciples of the same sect before, and it was also for the sake of the sect.

Hearing the words of the head teacher at this time, he was immediately enlightened.

'That's right, there are still a large number of guilty disciples imprisoned in the sect, which is just for my own use. '

After thinking about it, he continued:
"In addition, the head teacher can make the sect disobey discipline, be lazy, not seek to make progress, and cause trouble.
In short, as long as the sect doesn't want it, it can be handed over to the disciples. "

Master Wang Yang and the others felt their hearts twitch, and they secretly thought about it.

This is a good opportunity, a chance to kick out all those who are not pleasing to the eye or who have conflicts with themselves.

Headmaster Ming Xiao discussed with Zhenjun Chong Xiao for a while, and they both felt that this was a good opportunity to purge the sect.

"Ruyi, just follow your request, I don't limit the number of people, as long as they are willing to go with you, I will let them all go.

But there is one thing, the disciple who made a mistake is also a disciple of the sect, do you understand what I mean? "

Zhang Ke said seriously:
"Teacher, don't worry, the disciples will let them use guards instead of detention, and everything will be done according to the laws of the sect."

Headmaster Ming Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

"Well! That's good! But in this way, you will get a lot more for your fellow disciples.

Can other aspects be less, such as resources, people and the like. "

Zhang Ke pondered for a moment, and said:

"It's not impossible, how about it, the teacher resources can be allocated less, after all, now is the critical moment."

Headmaster Ming Xiao smiled and was about to speak.

Zhang Ke said again:

"The disciples are also thinking about the sect. The common people might as well add another 30 disciples to reduce the burden on the sect."

Master Ming Xiao's smile froze immediately, and he couldn't help saying: "No way!"

Zhang Ke said regretfully:

"Then there is no other way. Since the head teacher is unwilling to regress, there must be no shortage of resources."


Headmaster Ming Xiao was very angry, and said earnestly:

"The Zongmen is your backing, you don't want the development of the Zongmen to be delayed.

Resources are reduced by 5%, giving you an extra [-] people. "

Zhang Ke was moved and said:

"That's right, I've always regarded the sect as my family, no parent would bully their own children.

The resources are halved, give me an extra 10 people. "

"Oh, that's not how it works"

Master Wang Yang and the others looked at each other, watching Master Ming Xiao and Zhang Ke arguing over pennies and quarrels.

'Are these really two True Monarchs? '

Day two.

Zongmen issued a large-scale conquest order.

"Zongmen decree:
In order to continue the development plan of the sect, it was decided to establish a branch of the sect in Nanhai after discussions among the various mountains, ministries, and stations of the sect.

Zhenjun Ruyi will be the head of the branch, and the upper limit of this conquest is [-].

Disciples in the sect can sign up in the affairs hall within seven days.

If there are not enough personnel after the time limit, the Zongmen will forcibly recruit them.

The ninth day of June in the Gengyou Year. "

As soon as this order was issued, the whole sect was in an uproar.

The sect has finally stepped into the middle-rank sect sequence, and has not yet enjoyed the benefits of it.

Most people were not willing to leave the sect at all, but the last sentence of the recruitment order hurt everyone's eyes.

'Compulsory expropriation! '

All of a sudden, countless disciples contacted the door, took contacts, and inquired about the news, for fear that they would be selected.

In addition, some people are keenly aware that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Especially the group of people who followed Zhang Ke to the secret realm to do missions. They knew Zhang Ke's strength and ability too well.

Practitioners in a secret realm who are suppressed by one person dare not show their heads.

However, going overseas to establish a branch this time will be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

They are now enjoying the dividends of the fusion of the two worlds, and their realm is advancing by leaps and bounds, which is the moment when they need to practice quietly.

Could not help but fall into a dilemma.

Four days later, after statistics from the Office of Affairs, it was found that less than a hundred people applied to go to sea voluntarily.

There was no other way, the Zongmen had no choice but to issue a compulsory expropriation decree.

Golden Wind Cave.

Yan Liangyi was lazily lying in the corner of the Golden Wind Hall, the cups and plates in front of him were messed up, and several wine jars were scattered all over the floor.

His father, Yan Shengzhi, was originally an inner disciple, but was unfortunately seriously injured by a monster in a mission to save his fellow disciples and died.

As Yan Shengzhi's only son, Yan Liangyi was specially recruited.

With a large amount of resources accumulated in the sect, after barely building a foundation, he no longer wants to practice.

Drunk all day long and don't want to do anything.

Whenever someone questioned, he would roll and yell loudly.

'My father has shed blood for the sect and fought his life for the sect. You can't treat a poor child like this. '

His unscrupulous temper makes others have nothing to do with him.

He intends to drive him out of the teacher's school, but he is afraid that it will hurt people's hearts.

In the end, he was simply out of sight and out of sight, and sent him to the Golden Wind Cave to be on duty.

Yan Liangyi leaned against the stone pillar, raised his head and opened his mouth, the wine jar he held high in his hand was empty.

Throwing the wine jar aside casually, muttering and muttering to himself.

"This wine is getting worse and worse, uh~~! You must trouble him."

While muttering, a mural on the wall in the hall suddenly lit up.

'Huh, this is it? ? '

A figure on the mural jumped out of the painting.

Eight feet high, a copper helmet with a layer of gold powder on its face, and a triangular flag on its back.

"Haha, ear reward God? What's the purpose of this?"

Yan Liangyi asked lazily without getting up.

The Bronze Armor will be the lowest-ranked Ninth-Rank Ear Rewarding God in the Ninth-Rank Dharma Protector God System of Yiqi Sect.

The God of Ear Report took out a talisman and declared it.

"Zongmen decree: Yan Liangyi, in three days, go to Danxia Mountain Ganlu Hall to stand by."

After finishing speaking, he handed the amulet in his hand to Yan Liangyi.

Yan Liangyi laughed "hehe" twice, and lazily said:
"I want to serve here, but I don't have time to go out, so you can help me back."

Ear Baoshen said expressionlessly: "Yan Liangyi, are you refusing to accept the imperial edict?"

"Hehehe! If you didn't say that, it would be fine."

Ear Reporting God nodded and said: "Okay, I will report this matter to Master Ruyi."

After finishing speaking, he put away the talisman, turned around and walked quickly towards the wall.

"Uh~~! True Monarch Ruyi???"

Yan Liangyi shuddered suddenly, got up from the ground, and shouted:

"Hey! Slow down, slow down! You made it clear!"

He hadn't left the Golden Wind Cave for many days, and he didn't know anything about the outside world.

But one thing, he understands.

As long as True Monarch Ruyi is involved, no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

Seeing that the God of the Ear Report ignored it, he felt very anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "I will accept it, and I will accept the amulet!"

Ear Baoshen paused, turned around and threw the imperial edict on Yan Liangyi.

"The edict has been passed on, Yan Liangyi, please do it yourself."

Then before coming to the wall, he jumped into the mural and disappeared.

Yan Liangyi opened the talisman with a bitter face, and his short sentence was exactly the same as what the Ear God said.

'What's the meaning of this talisman? ? '

At the same time, one after another talisman was delivered to the disciples in the sect by the God of Ear Reporting.

Basically, these are people like Yan Liangyi.

"Zongmen decree: Mei Shuhong, you have been forcibly expropriated."

"Zongmen decree: An Muji, you have been forcibly expropriated."

"Zongmen decree: Yu Maonan, you have been forcibly expropriated."


The Xiantian Qizong will go to sea to establish a branch, and Zhang Ke will be the head of the branch.

The news quickly spread throughout Dingzhou as fast as the wind.

Countless people were astonished by this, and they didn't understand what the Qizong was doing.

Isn't the lesson of the old "Tao Dezong" split not profound enough?
Some people think that it must be the conflict between Zhang Ke and Zhang Ke, which led to the internal strife in the sect.

Some calm-headed people finally understood why Zhang Ke was always supported by the Ming Xiao Zhang Church to show up in front of people.

Numerous speculations ensued.

(End of this chapter)

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