Chapter 563 Danshan
The many primordial gods were breathless, knowing that he would not do anything to himself and others, but they still couldn't help getting nervous.

Zhang Ke turned his head slowly, and grasped the Xuanguang pole suspended in the air with his palm, which was tens of feet in size.

Squat down, with your right shoulder in the middle of the shoulder pole.

With both hands in front and back, respectively grasp the two long Xuanguang cables connected to the Xuanguang basket.

He took a long breath, said 'hey', and straightened his slightly bowed body.

Power rises from the ground, and infinite power erupts from within itself.

Many Yuanshen Zhenjun held their breath and looked at Zhang Ke without blinking.


This scene that can only appear in legends may actually reappear at this moment.


The mysterious light baskets outside the two mountain peaks burst out with dazzling light, and countless rune patterns and rune arrays erupted with aura.

It is not easy to bear the weight of a mountain. If it cannot support the weight of the mountain, the basket will surely disintegrate.

In the endless vibration, the mountain peak in the Xuanguang basket on the right slowly lifted off the ground.

However, half of the mountain peak in the Xuanguang basket on the left was firmly stuck in the aisle at the peak entrance.

Zhang Ke's huge body swayed, and he pulled hard with his left hand, but the mountain peak was firmly embedded, and it was difficult to shake a single bit.

Annoyed, Zhang Ke shook his head, shook his right shoulder twice, and supported the ground with his right leg.

Raise your left leg and kick it violently towards the mountain peak on the left side of the mouth of the two peaks.


There was a loud bang, and the whole mountain trembled under this foot.

Taking advantage of the tremor of the mountain peaks, Zhang Ke exerted force on his shoulders and forcibly pulled up the half of the mountain peaks that were stuck between the two peaks.


The many primordial gods who were watching couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Just now I was really afraid that the mountain would be stuck and could not be dragged out.

As the mountain peaks stuck in the aisle were dragged up, countless broken rocks fell from the mountain peaks on both sides.

Soon, a layer of broken rocks accumulated in the corridor.

For these, Zhang Ke is not going to take care of them. The people who will come later can naturally clean up such trivial matters.

To Zhang Ke's surprise, the two peaks were not as heavy as expected.

Although this is due to the superposition of countless reverse elemental magnetic circles in the basket in the entrance.

But more importantly, after becoming a giant, Zhang Ke gained infinite power.

After shaking his body, Zhang Ke's two-hundred-foot-tall body carried two mountains and strode towards the west.




With every step up and down, the ground trembled like an earthquake.

One step is tens of feet away, and if you take dozens of steps in succession, you are already hundreds of feet away.

Feeling that he had adapted to the weight of the two mountains on his shoulders, Zhang Ke raised his head and let out another long howl.

Raise your left leg and step into the air.


Zhang Ke stepped firmly into the void with one foot, and countless space cracks emerged from under his feet.

Then step with your right foot and continue to step into the air.


In this way, Zhang Ke stepped on the stairs step by step, stepped on the void, and kept walking towards the sky.

The blood power of the Void God Ape is fully displayed at this moment.

The eyes of many Primordial Spirit True Monarchs were straightened.

With such a big body like a mountain, and carrying two mountains, he was able to walk through the air.

This completely subverted everyone's cognition.

The arrogant young Yuanshen Zhenjun stared blankly at Zhang Keyuan's back, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

Turning his head, his eyes were fixed on the two peaks at the mouth of the two peaks.

After a while, the young Zhenjun flashed to the mountain peak on the left, and circled the mountain peak twice.

Only by being close to the two mountains can one know how majestic and majestic the mountains are.

Taking a deep breath, he concentrated all his strength on his right leg and kicked it on the mountain.


There was a sound of broken bones, and the young Zhenjun's right leg was broken inch by inch.

"whispering sound!"

A Yuanshen Zhenjun almost laughed out loud.

There were smiles in the eyes of many other true monarchs.

The young and arrogant Yuanshen Zhenjun felt a little uncomfortable on his face.


With a shake of the body, it dissipated into spiritual light and left the mouth of Liangfeng.

After the excitement was gone, many other True Monarchs also left with complicated expressions.

After a short time, the silence at Liangfengkou was restored.

A few minutes later, a Yuanshen Zhenjun manifested, and came to the mountain on the left side with some fury.

Also gathered all the strength of the whole body on the legs, and kicked towards the mountain suddenly.


The same sound of bones breaking came out clearly, and the Yuanshen Zhenjun grinned, shook his head and left.

After a while, another Yuanshen Zhenjun appeared on the spot again.

He made the same move as the other two.




On this day, many Zhenjun returned to Liangfengkou one after another. They were dissatisfied and wanted to see how far they were from Zhang Ke.

But the sound of bones breaking completely shattered the pride in his heart.

Later, as Zhang Ke's reputation grew, Liangfengkou was also known to more and more Yuanshen Zhenjun.

Ever since, gradually, Yuanshen Zhenjun came here to kick the mountain with a dissatisfied mentality.

Over time, this place has become a check-in place for the True Monarch of the Eastern Realm.

In the following hundreds of years, countless Yuanshen Zhenjun came here to kick the mountain, and finally kicked the mountain on the left to gradually tilt.

This is probably something that Zhang Ke, the original instigator, never expected.

Also on this day.

Countless people in Dingzhou swore that they saw gods and giants walking in the sky carrying mountains.

It is said that the god giant is a thousand feet tall, with three heads and six arms. When he inhales a strong wind, the clouds move, and when he breathes out thunder, the sky shakes.

Later, this incident was sung and passed down from generation to generation by countless people in the form of story books, biographies, and repertoires.


Sunset Canyon.

At the mountain gate of 'Sunset Valley'.

Within hundreds of miles nearby, there are countless people working hard for their lives at this moment.

All of a sudden, countless people working outside realized that it was suddenly dark.

Looking around, the sky is blue and cloudless, nothing unusual.

"My God, what is that???"

"What is that? Is it a god??"

"Sanqing is above, there are alien creatures invading the mountain gate!"


Countless people looked up at the sky above their heads, trembling and exclaiming.

Panic happened inevitably.

There were cries, noises, and the ground for hundreds of miles was in chaos.

In mid-air, a two-hundred-foot-tall giant walked slowly towards the 'Sunset Valley'.

On his shoulders there are two mountain peaks one behind the other.

The huge and incomparable figure covered the sun tightly, making it impossible for the sun to shine through within a hundred miles nearby.

'Sunset Valley' responded very quickly, and hundreds of Jindan real people rushed out from the mountain gate in the first time.

But when they saw the giant figure in the air, they all gasped.

Someone shouted:

"Activate the mountain protection formation, hurry up and ask Zhenjun to come."


A moment later, the 'Sunset Valley' mountain guard array was activated, and layers of dazzling aura covered the entire 'Sunset Valley'.

Wen Wanyu, Han Shichun, Lou Shenming and Ding Shangao flew out from the 'Sunset Valley'.

Dodge into the sky, standing side by side in a row.

Wen Wanyu shouted in a deep voice:
"Fellow Taoist, please stop immediately, otherwise don't blame me for bullying the few by waiting too much."

Hearing him speak, the giant on the opposite side stopped.

Wen Wanyu and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the sense of oppression brought by the giant is too great.

"Hahaha! What? Can't you recognize who I am?"

Wen Wanyu and the others were stunned, and looked at each other a few times, only seeing doubt and surprise.

After a while, Wen Wanyu said loudly:

"Is there some misunderstanding, the old man and others are strangers to fellow daoists."

Before he could finish speaking, the giant on the opposite side interrupted his words.

"There is only a lucky meeting between practitioners, so there is no misunderstanding.

Pindao's "Congenital Qi Southern Sect" Ruyi, thanks to the noble sect's overwhelming mountain blocking the road, came to pay a visit. "

There was a 'buzz' in Wen Wanyu's mind.

He was completely stunned. The giant in front of him turned out to be Zhang Ke, the Ruyi True Monarch of the Southern Sect.

After a careful look at the two mountains on his shoulders, he found that one of them contained a trace of Sanyang energy.

It was the half of the mountain that was pushed down between the two peaks by himself and others.

Wen Wanyu gasped. At this moment, he understood that he was in serious trouble.

The tone is dry and authentic:

"Fellow Taoist Ruyi, please listen to my explanation."

Zhang Ke's huge figure shook slightly, and said gently:

"Okay, I'm not an unreasonable person, since fellow daoists want to explain, please do so."

A muffled thunderous sound echoed between the heaven and the earth.


Wen Wanyu opened his mouth, but suddenly found that he couldn't open his mouth.

What kind of reason can explain why I push mountains and block roads?
All of a sudden, countless thoughts raced through my mind, but I couldn't find a suitable excuse.

Zhang Ke waited for a while, but Wen Wanyu was speechless.

He opened the mouth and said: "It seems that Fellow Daoist has nothing to say, so you can't blame me."

Turning the head to look at the ground, the divine sense is fixed in one place.

When the last afterglow of the setting sun falls before the mountain, it will be reflected from the west through the gap in the canyon.

At that time, everything in the canyon, including mountains, trees, and rivers, will be dyed in gold.

Under this ray of light, Sunset Valley is like a heavenly court.

Whenever the sun sets, this is the most beautiful landscape of 'Sunset Valley', hence the name of Sunset Canyon.

At this moment, Zhang Ke's idea was on the huge gap on the west side of Sunset Canyon.

Shaking the body left and right, the strength of the whole body was gathered at the waist, and he turned around violently.


The two Xuanguang baskets carried on shoulder poles were lifted up like windmills.

Immediately afterwards, the countless talisman patterns and talisman formations that formed the mysterious light basket disintegrated, turning into auras of aura and emery.

The two mountain peaks were thrown out one after the other.

Can you imagine the scene of two mountains rolling down from the sky?

At this moment, both the disciples of 'Sunset Valley' and the ordinary people on the ground who were looking up, all exclaimed heartbroken.

"Ah!! My God~~!! Run!!"

"Help, who will save us~~!"


Countless people were exclaiming, many of them even fell to their knees and kowtowed like garlic.

(End of this chapter)

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