Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 582 Dinghai Visits

Chapter 582 Dinghai Visits
Bixiao Palace.

Qifeng Palace.

Before several tables, Shan Qianhui, Zhenjun Jiangyun, and Wei Meizi sat opposite Zhang Ke.

The case table is full of rare spiritual fruits, and taking out any of them can make a practitioner in the golden core state smash his head.

But at this moment, Shan Qianhui and the others had no intention of enjoying these things, they were only interested in one thing now.

"Zhang Ke, did you really kill True Monarch Blood Mist?"

Shan Qianhui is used to calling Zhang Ke by his first name directly, and it seems that she is different from other people in this way.

Zhang Ke let out an 'hmm'.

"Killed, didn't you also see the tide of vitality?"

Shan Qianhui felt a little unbelievable, and murmured:

"That's a Dongtian Zhenjun! Why did he fall with such a simple answer?"

Zhang Ke sighed:

"It's not that easy, this True Monarch Blood Mist practiced the [Nine Nether Wheel Turning Sutra], and he was able to separate eight incarnations, Yingjie.

In order to kill him, I also took a lot of effort. "

Zhenjun Jiangyun glanced at Wei Meizi, and saw helplessness in the other's eyes.

Although she knew Zhang Ke didn't mean to show off in what she said, why did she sound so awkward.

In this world, the most powerful should be Daojun.

However, due to the strength of Daojun, it is very difficult for Azure Realm to accommodate their existence.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Taoist rulers all reside in the void.

In addition, the highest combat power revealed in the Azure Realm is Dongtian Zhenjun.

But now a Dongtian Zhenjun was killed by Zhang Ke in just one day.

what does this mean?
It means that Zhang Ke is invincible under the current situation that the Taoist monarch does not show his holiness.

After pondering for a moment, Zhenjun Jiangyun said:

"At that time, Fellow Daoist shouldn't have left early. Although Fellow Daoist killed True Monarch Blood Mist, I'm afraid that Yunxiao Tiangong will not admit it now."

Zhang Ke said indifferently:
"It's okay, I didn't come here for the reward from Yunxiao Tiangong.

It was only because he was annoyed that this person killed innocent people indiscriminately that he decided to remove him. "

This time even Wei Meizi couldn't bear it anymore.

"Didn't Fellow Daoist hope to settle down in the South China Sea?
With the promise of Yunxiao Tiangong, everything will be much smoother. "

Zhang Ke smiled slightly, showing eight neat teeth.

"After this incident, I don't think ordinary people would dare to touch me."

Seeing his smile, Shan Qianhui and the others shuddered for no reason.

Shan Qianhui glanced at the second daughter of Zhenjun Jiangyun, but did not ask out the doubts in her heart.

She remembered that Zhang Ke once told herself that he was very interested in the island in Crescent Bay.

If you have the promise of Yunxiao Tiangong, wouldn't you be able to ask for that piece of island immediately.

But she was worried that it was related to Zhang Ke's plan, so she didn't ask about it in front of Zhenjun Jiangyun and others.

Zhang Ke was casually chatting with the three women, but he was thinking about Blood Mist True Lord in his heart.

After a period of pondering, Zhang Ke roughly guessed why he killed True Monarch Blood Mist with a single stick.

The secret realm of Dongtian is the foundation of Dongtian Zhenjun.

Its growth is closely related to the practitioner himself, that is to say, the faster the cave grows, the more benefits it brings to the practitioner.

Conversely, once the cave is damaged, the damage will be directly fed back to the practitioner.

Blood Mist True Monarch's skills are special, not counting his own three lives, he still has at least two incarnations that can cope with the disaster.

But he chose to fight with the secret of the cave, before he met such a perverted opponent as Zhang Ke.

Relying on the unique power of the cave, it can naturally crush everything.

However, Zhang Ke's cave has long been formed, with yin and yang separated, and the five elements in motion. It is a real world.

Whether it is the degree of perfection or the scale of the cave, Wukongzhu is far behind by a thousand times.

Compared with Wu Kongzhu, the gap is as big as mud and sand being squeezed together, sticks and steel are compared.

Therefore, Wu Kongzhu completely disintegrated under this impact.

With the destruction of the foundation of standing, True Monarch Blood Mist will not be able to survive, even if he still has five lives, he can only be annihilated into ashes.

Zhang Ke couldn't help being startled by the power of the weapon transformed into the cave.

No wonder True Monarch Blood Mist likes to use it as a weapon, it is so powerful.

At the same time, Zhang Ke secretly warned himself.

Don't be lost by the power of the weapons transformed into the secret realm of the cave.

There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky!
Since True Monarch Blood Mist can meet him, then he may not encounter someone stronger than him in the cave.

Although his natal talisman is made of emery, it is an indestructible molecule.

But the lessons learned from the past are vivid.

Nothing is absolute, it can only be said that this method can be used as a trump card but should not be used lightly.

Zhang Ke suddenly remembered something, and with a flick of his right sleeve, hundreds of people flew out of the sleeve.

"This is what I rescued from the dungeon of the 'Yin Mingzong', it looks like a practitioner in this domain.

I am not familiar with Laizhou, so I wonder if I can ask some fellow Taoists to help these people find out their origins. "

Shan Qianhui rolled her eyes around these hundreds of people and clapped her hands lightly.

"Leave the little things to me to deal with."

Ninety percent of these hundreds of people are young female practitioners, but they have been over-harvested by the 'Yinming Sect'. Even if they are rescued, they may not live for a few years.

Not long after, Nie Yin, who received the order, brought several disciples into the Qifeng Palace and took away the hundreds of practitioners.

Zhang Ke chatted with the three girls for a while, and saw that Shan Qianhui and the others never mentioned one thing.

Can't help but ask:
"Qianhui! What happened to the thing I asked you to do last time?"

Shan Qianhui and Zhenjun Jiangyun looked at each other, and couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing lowly.

"I thought you could hold your breath, but you are also impatient if you don't want to!"

After Shan Qianhui made a teasing joke, she stretched out her hand and raised four fingers.

"Four mountain boats, a total of 600 million gold runes!"

Zhang Ke was overjoyed and thanked Shan Qianhui again and again.

Shan Qianhui smiled and said:
"The person who contributed the most to this matter is Meizi. She was born in Guanhai Building, and the sect has collected a lot of dilapidated mountain boats."

Wei Meizi smiled slightly.

"These mountain boats have been used for a long time, and although they have been repaired, there are many defects, large and small.

If it wasn't for fellow Taoist once saying that as long as you can drive, I really wouldn't dare to take out this kind of thing. "

Zhang Ke cupped his hands to express his gratitude to Wei Meizi.

"To tell the truth to fellow daoists, these mountain boats are not just for transportation, but also for other purposes.

It's just that I don't have any clues yet, so it's hard to explain it to a few fellow Taoists, and I'll talk about it later when I have a clue. "

Zhang Ke went south this time to establish a branch of the sect, and the property was kept by him.

Although 600 million gold runes is not a small amount, he still settled it all at once.

Then Shan Qianhui and Wei Meizi were given 20 gold talismans each as a benefit.

Shan Qianhui took the money bag from Zhang Ke's hand with a smile.

"I've already cleared that ghost ship, are you going to take it away this time?"

Zhang Ke nodded and said:

"Yes! Also ask Qianhui to send someone to drive the ghost ship to the west coast, and my disciples will start from the west coast and transfer to the South China Sea."

Shan Qianhui agreed casually.

"Okay, then I will help you drive to the west coast together with those four mountain boats. By the way, do you have enough manpower?"

"There are two sects in the secret realm who came to vote, and they brought a lot of disciples, and the staff is quite sufficient."

A few people were chatting, and Nie Yin entered Qifeng Palace again.

"Report to Master Uncle, Zhenjun Dinghai of the 'Four Seas Sect' is here to visit!"

Several people were startled, not understanding why Zhenjun Dinghai came here.



Not long after, Zhenjun Dinghai brought two Jindan real people into Qifeng Palace.

All three of them were dressed in the same attire, a linen white robe, black gauze wrapped around their foreheads, and sorrowful expressions on their faces.

Seeing the behavior of the three of them, Shan Qianhui frowned secretly.

This way of mourning is common among ordinary people, but rarely among practitioners.

After all, for practitioners, death is a very common thing. If you really want to do this, don't all sects hold funerals every day.

However, this time the 'Sihaizong' was almost wiped out, and the casualties of tens of thousands of people seemed worthwhile.

In any case, it is unavoidable that you come to visit and put on such an attitude.

Dinghai Zhenjun has a refined appearance, exuding a bookish air all over his body, like a gentle gentleman.

But Zhang Ke's "ghost ship" was dragged away by him at that time, so Zhang Ke didn't like this person very much.

As soon as True Monarch Dinghai entered the hall, he bowed halfway to salute.

"'Sihaizong' Dinghai has met several fellow Taoists!"

Zhang Ke and the others had no choice but to return the gift together.

Everyone was more careful in their hearts, Zhenjun Dinghai's posture was so low, he must have something to ask for.

After taking his seat, Zhenjun Dinghai pointed to the two Jindan real people standing behind him.

"Our sect has encountered a catastrophe, and the disciples of our sect have suffered serious losses. These two are the only Jindan Daoist left in our sect."

Shan Qianhui didn't understand the purpose of True Monarch Dinghai's sudden utterance.

"The Four Seas Sect was robbed, and we are also very sad in our hearts, and we ask fellow Taoists to express our condolences."

After a short pause, he continued:
"We are fellow Laizhou fellows, and it is our duty to watch and help each other. If you come here this time, if you have something to do, feel free to speak up."

Zhenjun Dinghai bowed his hands and thanked him, and asked:

"I heard that True Monarch Blood Mist has been killed by Fellow Daoist Ruyi. I don't know if this is true or not?"

Shan Qianhui and the others turned their attention to Zhang Ke.

Zhang Ke cupped his hands and said:
"The True Monarch Blood Mist has indeed been killed by me, and the location is near the deep sea at the southern end of the South China Sea."

Zhenjun Dinghai stood up, and bowed to thank Zhang Ke together with the two Jindan real people behind him.

"Fellow Daoist, you have helped our sect to avenge this bloody sea of ​​blood. I dare not thank you for your great kindness. Please accept my worship!"

With that said, the three saluted Zhang Ke again.

After sitting down again, Zhenjun Dinghai said to Zhang Ke:

"The mountain gate of our school, Hudao, has more than three hundred islands, large and small.

In this catastrophe, many people on the island were slaughtered by True Monarch Blood Mist.

I heard that fellow Taoists are planning to establish a sect branch in the South China Sea but have not yet found a suitable place to stay.

In order to thank fellow daoists for avenging our sect, our faction would like to divide one hundred islands for fellow daoist sects to live temporarily as a token of gratitude. "

(End of this chapter)

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