Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 588 Waste

Chapter 588 Waste
Penglai sea area.


Zhang Ke drove the last talisman pillar into the eye of the [Zhoutian Wuliangtong micro-array].

Floating hundreds of feet upwards, the spiritual sense unfolded, and all 360 [spiritual sense probes] were probed into the formation.

[Zhoutian Wuliangtong micro-array] is a hook-up array.

The formation is not complicated, but the layout is extremely wide, covering a range of nearly two thousand miles under the sea.

Based on the 360 ​​pillars of Dingmai Dingmai in the number of Zhoutian, supplemented by the number of one yuan, the 'Dingmai Talisman' is distributed in every corner of the array.

These two methods are to ensure the absolute stability of the seabed leylines.

Afterwards, "two instrument beads" were placed in the 33 main formation eyes, and the five elements essence liquid was placed in the 99 sub formation eyes, so as to regulate yin and yang and operate the five elements.

The core of the formation is a [Congenital Yuan Magnetic].

Activate the array with this magnetic force to achieve the effect of anti-gravity.

Formation is nothing, a formation master can figure it out at will.

But the materials for laying out the array are not simple.

The Earth Vein Pillar is Zhang Ke's seven-turn [Stacking Talisman Technique] combined with the [Superposition] law to superimpose, fuse, and nest no less than thirty stable formations.

The 'Main Ding Talisman' comes from the Qingkong Realm, and has an extremely powerful effect of suppressing the earth's veins.

As for the 'Liangyizhu' in [Xiantian Yuanci], it is a treasure that only Zhang Ke can have.

So don't look at the simplicity of this set of formations, even if other people can complete it, they will definitely not be able to achieve the same effect.

After seven days, Zhang Ke completed the arrangement of this formation.

After checking several times in a row, some changes were made to some unreasonable parts that affected the formation structure.

Zhang Ke finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The first step of building an island on the reef is completed.

It is still impossible to activate the formation, and it needs to be cultivated on the seabed for three months to completely integrate the formation with the seabed leylines.

Therefore, Zhang Ke needs to stay here for three months. After the formation is activated, the fusion of the formation and the ground will not be afraid of someone's tampering.

So for a while, Zhang Ke can only stay here.

After wandering around the bottom of the sea for a few days, feeling that there was nothing missing, Zhang Ke stomped his feet and shot out from the bottom of the sea with a golden light.

Standing on the sea, Zhang Ke looked out with his divine sense.

As expected, the Yuanshen Zhenjun high in the sky not only did not decrease, but actually increased a lot.

I don't know which Yuanshen Zhenjun sacrificed a palace magic weapon in the sky.

A palace with a size of hundreds of feet is hidden in the clouds, and almost all the primordial gods are resting in the palace.

Zhang Ke thought for a while, flicked his sleeves, and a wave of spiritual light swept across the sea, and the fog that filled the sky immediately dissipated.

Looking around, Zhang Ke felt that he also needed a place to rest.

I can't just show myself in front of everyone for three months.

He took out a few pieces of rune paper, folded them a few times, and took a breath to materialize them.

A two-story bamboo building was placed above the sea by Zhang Ke.

'The craftsmanship doesn't seem to be wasted! '

Zhang Ke smiled complacently. This is a kind of talisman invented by him when he traveled around the world in his early years with the "folding talisman technique".

Just as he was about to turn around and enter the bamboo building to rest, a divine sense suddenly touched him.

'Um? '

Zhang Ke was a little puzzled, and when he looked up, he saw three rainbow lights flashing in the air, and they came close in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Ke's expression darkened suddenly when he saw someone among the three.

The golden magic pattern between the brows flickered, and a trace of killing intent was imminent.

Zhu Shihuang saw it clearly, his heart skipped a beat, and he felt his calf go weak.

Yue Linglong brought Zhu Shihuang and Ke Yingxue to Zhang Ke, and bowed her hands with a smile.

"'Langya Water Pavilion' Yue Linglong has met the head of Ruyi!"

Zhang Ke bowed his hand in return.

"'Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect', if you have given advice to Master Linglong!"

He opened his white eyes and looked at Zhu Shihuang, and said to Yue Linglong:

"Why is the headmaster here?"

Zhang Ke's words were very direct, without even the minimum greetings.

But this further shows that he has a grudge against Zhu Shihuang.

Yue Linglong was not angry either, and said with a smile:
"When chasing True Monarch Blood Mist before, our sect Zhu Shihuang made a big mistake, and this time he came here to make amends!"

Zhang Ke said lightly:

"No need! If there is nothing else to do, I won't leave you guys. I still have things to do."

Yue Linglong gritted her teeth secretly, for so many years, she has never seen such a man who is so ignorant of love and compassion.

Didn't it mean that this person is lustful?

Why is it that the people in front of me are so dismissive when I dress up beautifully.

On the contrary, Zhu Shihuang on the side became even more panicked. Zhang Ke was obviously unwilling to reconcile.

He couldn't help pushing Ke Yingxue beside him with his hand.

Ke Yingxue had already accumulated endless resentment in her heart, but when Zhu Shihuang pulled her away, her anger was instantly ignited.

With a violent shake of his hand, he scolded:

"Do not touch me!"

For a moment, Zhu Shihuang's face turned livid, and then seeing Zhang Ke's slightly surprised expression, boundless humiliation rushed into his heart.

However, he didn't dare to have the slightest attack yet, his blood was surging, and his face seemed to be dyed with paint, constantly changing.

Yue Linglong whispered:

"Sect Master Ruyi, I wonder if I can come in and talk about it?"

Seeing Yue Linglong's posture was so low, Zhang Ke couldn't refuse anymore, so he stretched out his hand to give way.


Lead the way first and lead the three of them into the bamboo building.

Many Yuanshen Zhenjun in the high-altitude palace saw clearly, one by one secretly guessing the relationship between 'Langya Water Pavilion' and Zhang Ke.

A Yuanshen True Monarch said:

"Strange! Zhu Zhenjun has always had his eyes above the top, why do I feel that he seems to be very guilty this time?"

A person next to him stroked his beard with a 'hehe' and said with a smile:
"Fellow Daoists don't know something, some time ago when Zhenjun Ruyi was chasing and killing Zhenjun Bloodmist.

This Zhu Zhenjun wanted to snatch the credit for killing the blood mist Zhenjun, deliberately played a bad role, and released the blood mist Zhenjun who was trapped by Ruyi Zhenjun.

The harmed Zhenjun Ruyi chased thousands of miles away before killing Zhenjun Bloodmist.

You said Zhu Zhenjun can not feel guilty in the face of this Ruyi Zhenjun who can kill the Dongtian Realm? "

"Oh I got it!"

Which of the Yuanshen True Monarchs has not experienced countless hardships before he can achieve it.

Zhu Shihuang's little thought has been thoroughly considered by everyone.

This is also the reason why Yunxiao Tiangong only came forward to reprimand him, but did not really regard him as the accomplice of True Monarch Blood Mist.

"So, Zhu Zhenjun came to make an apology?"

"Well! Eighty-nine are close to ten!"

Everyone opened their mouths to speculate and discuss.

"Headmaster Yue Linglong must have come here as a sect to negotiate with True Monarch Ruyi, but why did he bring Fellow Daoist Ke with him?"

Questions were raised.

A purple-gold-complexioned Yuanshen Zhenjun has blue light in his eyes, and he is looking at the formation on the bottom of the sea with a special pupil technique.

Hearing someone's question, he couldn't help but chuckled.

"Since True Lord Ruyi took the four True Lords of 'Sunset Valley', I think all of you here have asked about this person's experience, right?"

"Cough! No! To be honest, compared with this person's experience, the old man is deeply ashamed and ashamed!"

"That's right, it took only 200 years to come to this point, maybe the Taoist Lord has hope!"

"that is."

All the primordial gods and true monarchs spoke one after another.

The purple-gold-complexioned Zhenjun went on to say:
"Then I don't know if you have noticed that this Ruyi Zhenjun has an ambiguous relationship with many female cultivators."

As he spoke, he first checked his colleagues present, and after confirming that there was no terrifying existence, he said in a low voice:

"It is said that Dingzhou Sword has a close relationship with True Monarch Ruyi."

A Yuanshen Zhenjun next to him doubted:
"You mean that chasing stars"

The purple-gold-faced Primordial Spirit waved his hands and said:
"I didn't say it, you said it."

The Primordial Spirit True Monarch was taken aback, looked around guiltily, and then complained:

"Fellow Daoists don't pay attention, they almost hurt me."

True Monarch Yuanshen with a purple-gold complexion continued:

"In addition, I heard that this Ruyi Zhenjun still has ambiguity with some female cultivators, so it can be seen that this person is very charming.

If you infer this way, then what do you say that 'Langya Waterside Pavilion' brought Ke Zhenjun here? "

"No way? How could someone do such a thing?"

Many Primordial Spirit True Monarchs on the side were dumbfounded.

Even the few female primordial spirits turned their attention, including Jiangyun Zhenjun and Wei Meizi.

On the contrary, Shan Qianhui was not present at this time.

"Yeah! Even if it's an apology, it won't be like this, right?"

"Tsk tsk! If that's the case, I have to say, I really want to look at Zhu Zhenjun with admiration."


They are all thousand-year-old foxes, and they guessed about [-]% of the general things simply.

Wei Meizi asked Zhenjun Jiangyun via voice transmission.

"Sister Yun, do you think this guess is true?"

Zhenjun Jiangyun hesitated and said:

"I don't think it's possible. How can you say that 'Langya Waterside Pavilion' is also a fifth-rank sect. How could it do such a thing?"

After a short pause, he continued:
"Besides, if Dingzhou Sword really has something to do with True Monarch Ruyi, if he dares to act so recklessly, he is not afraid of being eunuched!"

Wei Meizi gave a 'puchi' smile, looked down and muttered to herself:
"There's a good show to watch now."

in the bamboo building.

Zhang Ke asked Yue Linglong and the other three to sit down, served spiritual tea, and asked:

"I don't know what teaching Master Linglong has to offer?"

Yue Linglong took a sip of the spirit tea and put the tea cup on the table.

"I came here today to bring Senior Brother Zhu to make amends, just to hunt down True Monarch Bloodmist."

Zhang Ke said calmly:
"Well! The head teacher has already said it, so there is no need to mention this matter again."

Yue Linglong and the other three had a heart attack, and Zhang Ke only said not to mention it, but he didn't say he didn't care about it. It seemed that Zhu Shihuang was indeed very angry.

He turned his head to flirt with Zhu Shihuang.

Zhu Shihuang gritted his teeth, held back the humiliation in his heart, and gently pulled La Ke Yingxue's sleeve.

Ever since Ke Yingxue entered the bamboo building, her face had been ashen, her head lowered and she remained silent.

Seeing Zhu Shihuang looking at her pleadingly, for some reason, Ke Yingxue suddenly wanted to laugh out loud.

I treat him wholeheartedly, and I don't even care about his flirting around.

At this time, for his own safety, he really wanted to sacrifice his wife to be humiliated by others.

Ke Yingxue felt that she was a joke, and she was blind to find such a rich and jaded thing.

For a moment, all thoughts were lost, and he simply broke the jar.

Standing up suddenly, he said to Zhang Ke:

"Fellow Daoist Ruyi! I have something I want to ask Fellow Daoist for advice. I wonder if I can find a secluded place."

Zhang Ke was stunned, why did Ke Yingxue feel resentful.

'Could it be that there is another plan waiting for me? '

Zhang Ke raised his vigilance in his heart, and said slowly:
"If you have anything to say, just talk about it here, there is nothing shameful."

These words deeply hurt Ke Yingxue's heart. After practicing for thousands of years, she could hardly control her mood, and her face turned pale.

"Are you really going to do it here?"

Ke Yingxue asked in a condensed voice, and continued:
"Good! That's what you said."

He raised his hands to grab the collar and was about to undress.

Yue Linglong panicked immediately, if she really had to take it off here, she would really be unable to see anyone in the future.

He quickly stood up and grabbed Ke Yingxue's hand, then turned to look at Zhu Shihuang, hoping that he could persuade him.

But Zhu Shihuang lowered his head, as if he didn't see what happened in front of him.

'waste! '

At this moment, even Yue Linglong couldn't help but cursed in her heart.

With such a mind, I really don't know how he achieved the realm of primordial spirit.

Little do they know that some things are like this, once a compromise occurs, it will never be hard again.

Zhang Kebai's eyes flicked back and forth on the faces of the three of them, vaguely guessing something, but then he put this thought behind him.

'No way, how could anyone do that. '

Ke Yingxue looked at Zhu Shihuang who was silent, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Tears burst out of my eyes, everything in front of me became blurred, and the world seemed to become distorted.

'That's all!It's over today, and I will cut off my love in the future. '

Taking a deep breath, he said calmly:
"Fellow Daoist Ruyi, can I talk about it on the second floor?"

Zhang Ke looked at Ke Yingxue, who was pear blossoms and raining in front of him, and turned his head to look at Zhu Shihuang again.

'Interesting! '

He was suddenly curious, wanting to see how things could develop.


"You really want to go up to the second floor, lonely man and widow, you have to think about it?

Once you take this step, even if nothing happens, your reputation will be ruined. "

Ke Yingxue slowly closed her eyes, letting the tears run down her cheeks.

"Reputation? After entering here, do I still have a reputation?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhang Ke to answer, he walked towards the second floor.

Zhang Ke stared at Zhu Shihuang for a moment, and saw that he seemed unaware of his gaze.

Shaking his head, he followed Ke Yingxue upstairs.

Zhu Shihuang gritted his teeth tightly, and clenched his hands tightly. The nails of his ten fingers pierced his palms, and drops of blood dripped on the ground.

When Ke Yingxue and Zhang Ke went upstairs, he couldn't bear it anymore and looked up.

But I saw Ke Yingxue standing inside the door on the second floor, slowly closing the two bamboo doors.

Through the gap between the bamboo doors, Ke Yingxue seemed to be pulled into the darkness.

'Boom~~~! '

A string in Zhu Shihuang's heart broke.

(End of this chapter)

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