Chapter 592
As early as decades ago, when Zhang Ke decided to establish a sect branch, he began to prepare various resources in advance.

The most important thing is the food, clothing, housing and transportation of ordinary people.

Zhang Ke, who has a secret cave, has raised countless resources with the help of the "desert city" and "old castle" in the natal talisman.

Fifty percent of the food, clothing, medicine, canvas, ropes, supporting components, etc. were produced by Zhang Ke.

Sixth A is now considered a qualified craftsman camp.

Following the orders of Chief Jia, groups of three and four set up tents in an orderly manner.

Metal support members set up the skeleton of the tent one by one, and the canvas and hooks and locks were skillfully fixed.

With the efforts of 300 people, in just a few 10 minutes, tents that can accommodate 20 people have been set up.

The 150 tents are neatly arranged like pieces of tofu.

Taking A as the unit, each tent is marked with a number.

After the tents were set up, the young men of Sixth Armor were not free.

As Chief Jia came to the outskirts of the camp, he used the earth, rocks and tree trunks everywhere to build a fence for protection.

The construction of various places in the camp is in full swing.

Large villages were erected one after another, and large tents, camp tents, guards, pharmacies, food workshops, stables, blacksmith workshops, carpentry workshops, hundred workshops, and huts were all built according to fixed locations.

At the same time, more than a dozen disciples of the Southern Sect brought the "oven" pillars to the tents to set them up.

The 'Oven' Pillar was refined by a Southern Sect disciple named Ding Oven.

Ding Xianglu is 41 years old this year. He failed in foundation building more than ten years ago and became an outer disciple.

This time when the sect established a branch, Ding Xianglu, with a hint of reluctance, decided to take a break, trying to gain a chance.

The preparatory disciples who can join the Taoist academy are actually not too bad in qualifications.

The reason why Ding Xianglu failed in building the foundation was that he was addicted to spells. He spent a lot of energy deriving the structure of spells all day long.

On the southbound road, before the weather turned cold, Ding Chenlu realized that traveling southward in winter might be extremely difficult.

So based on his understanding of the structure of spells over the years, he constructed a special spell.


This is an incomplete spell, which gathers the free vitality between the heaven and the earth into a fire pattern, and releases the vitality through the transformation of the pattern.

These converted vitality will emit a trace of heat for a short time due to the influence of the fire pattern.

The area covered by the hot air is not large, only a range of five feet.

This incomplete spell cannot cause damage to the outside world, and it seems to be useless.

But when Ding Yanglu presented this method, it was highly valued by Nanzong.

Xu Qingzhi directly ordered someone to bring Ding Oven to the front, and asked about the whole process of constructing this method in detail.

Afterwards, Baishi Daoist was brought in, and he was asked to perfect the spell together with Ding Ronglu.

After several days of deduction, the two worked together to refine the 'oven' pillar.

The structure of this magic pillar is extremely simple, but its effect is not weak. It can gather the free vitality between the heaven and the earth and use the power of the earth veins to continuously emit weak heat.

After repeated tests by Baishi Zhenren, he was sure that this method would not consume the vitality of the world, but just transform it, so he was relieved.

After a few days of getting along with each other, Baishi could not help admiring the wonderful ideas in Ding Xianglu's mind.

They are all people who are obsessed with spells. Daoist Baishi has a great affection for Ding Xinglu, and after reporting to Xu Qingzhi, he accepts Ding Xinglu as his personal disciple.

Since Ding Oven was the first to construct the [Oven Technique], this special instrument was named the 'Oven' Pillar.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Qingzhi ordered the sect's craftsman to refine a large number of 'oven' pillars.

Xu Qingzhi thought that this 'oven' pillar might have a huge impact on the people's livelihood in the Azure World in the future.

After discussing with Zhenjun Jiuren, they decided to send Baishi and Biluo to Laizhou "Yunxiao Tiangong" to register a patent.

At the same time, Xu Qingzhi assured Ding Hanlu that when the head of the Nanzong Master Ruyi returned, he would definitely help him rebuild his foundation before embarking on the road.

And in accordance with the Zongmen reward and punishment system, Ding Yanglu will be rewarded with three thousand gold talismans, one top-grade magic weapon, two top-grade supernatural powers, and various cultivation resources.

Moreover, Xu Qingzhi told Ding Yanglu that once the patent application is successful, he will get a huge amount of wealth in the next 60 years.

In order to protect Ding Yanglu from being coveted by others for hiding treasures, the reward was halved and announced to the outside world.

Even so, Ding Lun's rewards made countless people jealous.

If it weren't for the fact that Ding Xianglu has been worshiped under the sect of Master Baishi, I am afraid that someone would really take the risk.

Stimulated by the huge reward of Ding Shenglu, the enthusiasm of many Southern Sect disciples was mobilized.

The construction of the 'oven' pillar is not complicated, but no one has put their minds on it.

The behavior of Ding Yanglu was like opening a door, and countless people were inspired, and they secretly paid attention to the people's livelihood.

At this moment, Huang Xihuai and other disciples entered the camp carrying the 'oven' pillar one by one.

The 'oven' pillar is only three feet high, cylindrical, with a diameter only as thick as an arm, and the 'oven' pattern is spread all over the body.

As a disciple used mana to drive the pillar into the ground, the magic pattern on the pillar gradually revealed a faint red light.

Soon, there was a continuous accumulation of hot air in the camp.

Waiting for Yan Liangyi to bring the rest of the people to the camp.

Drinking hot bone broth and living in a warm tent, most of the sleepiness and fatigue on my body were eliminated immediately.

After resting for a while, when the body warmed up, the people in the third workshop left the camp to help without any urging.

Under the command of each armor commander, everyone worked together to quickly set up camp.

This is not just relying on self-consciousness, Xu Qingzhi specially formulated a task system in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the people.

And distribute a large number of merit points to each workshop through various tasks every day.

These tasks are extremely cumbersome and meticulous, ranging from building mountains and building bridges to cooking and doing laundry, as long as you do them, you will definitely get merit points.

People can exchange these merit points for various special resources and materials.

Such as sugar, tea, books, Baigong secret arts, copper talisman money, etc., can even be exchanged for personal guidance from disciples of the Southern Sect.

In less than an hour, the third square had established the camp.

Yan Liangyi led the captains of the armors to inspect them carefully, and then ordered all the armors to rest on their own, except for those on duty.

Not long after, smoke rose from the camps, and the aroma of the food wafted around the camp.

The disciple who observes the astrology complicatedly is extremely accurate in his calculations.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the wind and snow came as promised.

The howling cold wind blew the snowflakes all over the sky, and the sky and the earth were white.

Looking down from the sky, countless camps are arranged in an orderly manner on the ground.

Numerous red flags are erected high in the camp, and the aura of the name of the square is shining on the flags, as eye-catching as the lights of thousands of families in the night.

Millions of people traveling south have already rested in warm tents.

'Hoo~~Hoo~~Hoo~~! '

Inside the main account, Yan Liangyi sat cross-legged, with his eyes slightly closed, his five hearts facing the sky, mobilizing his mana to circulate around the sky.

In the incense burner next to it, a incense pill mixed with ambergris was slowly burning, and a faint smoke lingered in the tent.

Following Yan Liangyi exhaling in one breath, he woke up in a state of tranquility.

Yan Liangyi gained a lot from a deep meditation.

Looking at the incense pill that was about to burn out, Yan Liangyi sighed secretly.

Cultivation is really not a simple matter, and the law and wealth are really very important.

These scented pills mixed with ambergris were given to him when he visited Xu Qingzhi last time, and there is a box of twelve pills in total.

It is said that the main ingredient of this incense ball, 'ambergris', was bestowed by Ruyi Zhenjun.

As of today, he has used up all the twelve incense pills.

The benefit brought is that the soul has been condensed a lot, and the foundation that was originally somewhat vain has been greatly stabilized.

Through the cracks in the tent, one could see the wind and snow raging all over the sky, and no one could be seen ten steps away.

Yan Liangyi was a little worried. Under such an environment, once a monster or wild beast broke into the camp, it would probably cause a lot of casualties.

Pulling up the hood on the back, Yan Liangyi stepped out of the tent.

Follow the fence of the camp, check bit by bit, and squat down from time to time to check for signs of animals passing by on the snow.

The wind and snow were very heavy, and he walked with great difficulty against the wind with his hood covered.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a figure shaking in front of him.


"I, Huang Xihuai!"

Yan Liangyi approached slowly, but seeing Huang Xihuai covered in snowflakes, he didn't know how long he had been outside.

"Junior brother, look at your face, it's very cold, go back quickly."

Huang Xihuai rubbed his hands together, let out a 'heh' breath, and said with a smile:
"Just now, I saw many brothers and sisters inspecting the camp. Anyway, I am also the deputy head of the camp. How can I be left behind?"

Yan Liangyi smiled, no longer dissuaded, and the two went forward side by side to inspect.

"By the way, Junior Brother, what do you think of this sect?"

Huang Xihuai bent down and pulled the fence. After confirming that it was strong, he got up and said:

"To be honest, I never imagined that one day I would do something like this.

In the past, in the 'Yunzhan Cave', I only needed to meditate and practice every day, and my life was very carefree.

When you are free, three or five friends gather together, drink wine, listen to music, and at most clean up the day and night ghosts that appear near the village.

But it has never been as hard as it is now, with so many trivial matters to deal with every day. "

After a short pause, he continued:
"In the first few days, many fellow students were full of resentment.

We are high and supreme practitioners, but we have to get along with these ordinary people day and night, and we feel very uncomfortable.

However, these days, I actually like this kind of life.

Helping everyone in need, I feel extra fulfilled every time I hear their thanks. "

Having said that, Huang Xihuai sighed softly.

"This world is really big, and there are more dangers than the secret realm we used to live in.

It is really remarkable that the Southern sect who was congenitally united dared to bring millions of people to move southward. "

Yan Liangyi nodded.

"Yes! There are countless demons and ghosts in this world. Ordinary people have no ability and dare not leave their place.

There are many people who may not even go out of the village in their whole life.

When the head of the sect decided to lead millions of people to the south, it was questioned by many people.

With thousands of practitioners, it is impossible for any sect to take care of more than one million people.

But now we have arrived here safely, by what?
It is the hard work of the disciples of the Southern Sect, and the result of millions of people spontaneously uniting to help and rely on each other.

They have learned to be self-reliant, to struggle, and to solve problems by themselves.

Only by being self-reliant and self-improving can one be self-confident, have self-respect, and be a person, otherwise, what is the difference between being unexamined and walking dead.

This is a conceptual change.

Thinking about it now, this move by the head seems to have a deeper meaning. "

Huang Xi listened to Yan Liangyi's words with fascination, and sighed softly:

"I really don't know what kind of person the head is. I really hope to see him sooner."

Yan Liangyi thought for a moment, then suddenly said:
"Junior Brother, if you have time at night, you can come to my tent at eight o'clock."

Huang Xihuai was startled, then said:
"it is good!"

After that, the two stopped chatting and patrolled the camp carefully against the wind and snow.

During this process, he would occasionally meet other disciples, obviously more than one had the same concerns as the two.

In mid-air, from time to time, disciples of Chafengtai wearing black robes passed by.

In the camp, the people who were resting could faintly see the disciples of Zhongnan Sect patrolling through the gaps in the snowstorm.

An atmosphere of peace of mind, solidity, peace and trust shrouded the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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