Chapter 594
The days passed by.

The huge southward migration team marched towards Laizhou.

One item has been recognized by all during these months of moving south.

In this kind of progress that requires time, the function of 'clocks' is infinitely magnified.

Every day, every hour, every moment, 'clocks' are playing its irreplaceable role.

Marching, camping, eating, and resting, these little things are integrated into everyone's life.

Imagine what it would be like in real life without the 'clock'.

A month later, when the weather gradually warmed up and the cotton-padded clothes on their bodies could no longer be worn, the south-moving brigade finally arrived in Chiba City.

Since this day, more than 30 practitioners from 'Yunzhan Cave' and 'Fengxia Temple' have brought [-] people from secret realms to officially join the 'Southern Sect of Xiantian Yiqi'.

Zhenjun Jiuren assured Xin Baoshan and Suqin that he would absolutely treat the people of the Southern Sect and the people of the secret realm equally.

It is worth mentioning that Shi Zhongyu, Shi Zhongxiu, and An Mo who came here after hearing the news also joined together.

Not seen for a short time, Shi Zhongxiu has advanced to the Golden Core Realm.

It can be seen how much benefit he got in the process of pulling the secret realm.

You must know that Zhang Ke had just established his foundation and successfully entered the Xiantian Yizong Mountain Gate at his age.

With the addition of new people, Xu Qingzhi naturally needs to make more adjustments.

Among them, language is the biggest problem. Failure to communicate is like oil in water. It seems to be integrated, but it is actually centrifugal.

Xu Qingzhi divided the 30 people in the secret realm into groups of 300 people and integrated them into different workshops.

These 300 people can be assembled by the people of the secret realm, it can be a family, or it can be a family, try to dispel the concerns of the people of the secret realm.

After ten days of integration, the south migration brigade headed towards the west coast according to Zhang Ke's predetermined direction.

The great migration of nearly 200 million ordinary people has touched the hearts of countless people.

Since 8000 years ago, there has never been such a large-scale action in the Azure Realm.

Countless sects, casual cultivators, and families from the Eastern Region rushed to Laizhou to witness this miracle.

I want to gain valuable experience from it, maybe my own sect will also carry out this kind of action in the future.

When many practitioners set their sights on this mighty team, they discovered something different.

These people have a unique spirit.

Firm, tenacious, strong!
Compared with ordinary people, it's like having an extra steel skeleton in their bodies, nothing can make them submit, and nothing can stop them from walking.

I feel that each of them has the kind of hard work and tenacity that only practitioners have.

All the practitioners who witnessed this scene were startled by their own thoughts.

Thinking about it carefully, these countless people must have gone through countless hardships and hardships after traveling through mountains and rivers for several months, and it is normal for their spirits to change.

'Is this the benefit of the Great Migration? '

Many practitioners were greatly moved. As disciples of the sect, they naturally understand what such a spirit means.

Many practitioners followed the team all the way, they observed carefully and recorded everything they saw with their eyes in detail.

Watch them march, watch them stop, watch their daily life, and also watch how they deal with and solve the problems they encounter one by one.

Such a great migration has never happened before, and perhaps it will never happen in the future. These are the most valuable materials and experiences.

two months later.

When the hot summer comes, the West Coast has finally arrived.

This is a long and narrow coastline, with many villages and towns gathered nearby.

According to the agreement between Zhang Ke and Zhenjun Jiuren, the southward migration team will settle here temporarily, waiting for news from Zhang Ke.

Through the experience on the southbound road, Xu Qingzhi found that the urban system established by Zhang Ke was not very suitable.

After discussing with Zhenjun Jiuren, it was decided to eliminate the two institutions of the city and the government.

The 180 million people were divided into nine counties, collectively known as Penglai Nine Counties.

Each county basically maintains about 20 people, and the 20 people are divided into six levels: counties, towns, townships, workshops, bao, and A.

In the future, even if the population increases, it will not increase the number of counties, but will only fill the system with people.

Since they will not leave the West Coast for the time being, these 200 million people will naturally not just wait.

The resources consumed by so many people eating and drinking are not a small number.

Xu Qingzhi organized all the common people, built cities, paved roads, dug docks, and managed the nearly 200 million common people as a whole.

And when the countless people were running smoothly like gnashing gears, the many practitioners who were watching were all amazed.

Nearly 200 million people can operate in such a difficult situation like a finger, orderly, and the management ability of the person in charge is undoubtedly demonstrated at this moment.

Xu Qingzhi once again entered everyone's sight,
It's just that this time it's not her looks that get the attention, but her unparalleled coordination ability.

From this day on, the 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong' temporarily resides on the west coast, living silently and waiting.

Summer goes to autumn solstice, autumn goes to winter.

This wait is seven months.

this day.

The Southern Sect disciples on duty hovering over the west coast suddenly noticed that there were several black dots heading towards the west coast far away from the sea.

After using the secret method to investigate, it seems that several large ships are faintly heading in this direction.

The disciple on duty shuddered violently.

Since the establishment of the station here seven months ago, this sea area has been temporarily handed over to Yiqi Nanzong by default.

For this reason, Xu Qingzhi gave a lot of resources to the surrounding sects.

These big ships are obviously coming for Nanzong.

The disciple on duty did not dare to be negligent, and shook his hand to release a communication arrow.

A spirit light snake rose through the air like a snake, and after flying a hundred feet, it exploded instantly.


The huge thunderous sound and the dazzling lights of five colors immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Warning--! There is a big ship approaching at sea, and the reason for it is unknown!"

"Warning--! There is a big ship approaching at sea, and the reason for it is unknown!"

The disciples on duty passed the news to the disciples around them.

In an instant, nearly a thousand disciples stepped on the clouds and stood up in the air, forming a queue in groups of three or four, waiting in line.

The rest of the disciples organized all the people on the ground to escape in the three big cities built.

'Hoo-hoo-hoo! '

Hundreds of figures flew out of the big city, and rushed to the sky above the west coast waters at high speed.

The three Yuanshen Zhenjun, Jiuren Zhenjun, Xin Baoshan, and Suqin Zhenjun, were in front, followed by Xu Qingzhi, Baishi, Bi Luo and many other real people.

True Monarch Jiuren looked into the distance with a solemn expression.

At this moment, those big ships are still thousands of miles away, and his divine sense power is not enough to see everything on board.

But the number of ships is clear at a glance.

A total of nine large ships were divided into two groups, one from the left and one from the right, and headed towards the west coast quickly.

Thousands of miles away, the shapes of the ships can already be seen, which shows how big these nine big ships are.

True Monarch Jiuren pondered for a moment, then turned his head and said to the crowd:

"I'm going to investigate the purpose of these nine ships, Qing Zhi, you will take over the Southern Sect, and prepare for the battle."

"Follow the order of the Patriarch!"

Xu Qingzhi bowed to accept the order, stomped his feet, a circle of golden light burst out from under his feet, and flew into the main city with a thunderous light.

After a long period of practice, Xu Qingzhi finally grasped some of the essence of [Thunderbolt Golden Light Escape].

Although it is not yet possible to fly for a long distance, it is no problem at all to fly for more than ten miles.

Zhenjun Jiuren ordered Xin Baoshan and Zhenjun Suqin to guard here. With a sway of his shoulders, it turned into a rainbow and flew towards the direction of the nine ships.

At the same time, on the deck of the leading ship of the three mountain ships on the south side, Qingmei frowned slightly and looked towards the west coast.

A golden and red cloak was draped over his shoulders, and his tall body stood like a gun.

Beside her is Lan Ying, who keeps setting up a pergola and watching around.

"Hey! Sister, have you seen the six big ships over there?"

"Hmm! What?"

"Hee hee! Two of the six ships are so big and majestic, why don't we grab them?"

Qingmei turned her head and glanced at the sea on the right, where six large ships were moving fast, and their direction seemed to be the west coast as well.

The first two large ships were nearly half larger than the other four mountain ships. Their black hulls were made of steel, and they moved like a mountain while moving.

The mighty and domineering to the extreme, just looking at it from a distance, there is the pressure of the mountain topple over.

No wonder Lan Ying's heart is moved, even Qingmei's heart can't help but ripple a little.

After taking a few glances at the people on the deck of the first ship, Qingmei turned her head and looked at Lan Ying with a half-smile.

"You seem to recognize who is on that boat, tell me, why did you push me to do it?"

Lan Ying smiled 'hee hee'.

"Oh! I was spotted by my senior sister!
Lan Ying, the leading lady on that ship, knew that she was Shan Qianhui, Jade Guanyin from the 'Bixiao Palace'. "

After explaining a bit, pouted and said unhappily:
"Lan Ying heard that the relationship between that woman and your husband seems to be very dishonest, why not take the opportunity to get rid of her."

Qingmei couldn't help chuckling twice, and teased Lan Ying.

"Oh! It's her! Will I hurt Zhang Ke's heart if I do it, how about Lan Ying doing it for me?"

Lan Ying's crescent-like eyes widened immediately, spinning non-stop.

After thinking for a while, he said:
"Not good! Zhang Ke is so fierce now, I'm afraid he will trouble me, and you will definitely not help me as a family, so let's forget it!"

Qingmei couldn't help laughing with her hands on her hips.

"Then Shan Qianhui should have been invited by Zhang Ke to help, so I won't bother her this time."

After a while, Lan Ying said with a little worry:
"I didn't expect Zongmen to want to fight Zhang Ke in order to keep you. Fortunately, Master woke up in time, otherwise."

A cold light flashed in Qingmei's eyes, and said calmly:
"It's a good thing that we didn't fight. With Zhang Ke's current strength, even Patriarch Changkong might not be Zhang Ke's opponent.

Even if there is a real fight, I have my own decision in my heart, and I won't be led by the nose. "

This incident really made Qingmei dissatisfied, but since they are all elders in the sect, it is really not easy to turn their faces.

At this moment, she suddenly understood why Zhang Ke came here to establish a branch of the sect without much effort.

Lan Ying said with a sad face:

"I'm afraid that Zhang Ke will be angry because of this matter, and will ignore us in the future!"

Qingmei raised her eyebrows and said angrily:

"He dares to hook up with others all day long, and I haven't settled with him yet!"

Lan Ying burst out laughing with a 'puchi'.

"Heck! It turns out that Senior Sister really cares about this too!"

Qingmei hummed.

"Before becoming a Taoist couple, let him mess around. If he dares to mess around in the future, cut off his root of right and wrong with a single sword!"

Thousands of miles away, Zhang Ke, who was trying to shake an island reef on the seabed, couldn't help shivering, feeling a chill all over his body.

Looking around for a few times, he put aside the doubts in his heart and continued to shake the island and reef.

Listening to Qingmei's jealous words, Lan Ying shook her head and said 'tsk tsk'.

"Hey! I don't know who embroiders that Fengguan Xiapei when they have nothing to do, and laugh secretly from time to time."

Qingmei's face flushed slightly, and she glared at Lan Ying.

"As long as you have sharp eyes, do you want Zhang Ke to take you into the room!"

This time it was Lan Ying's turn to quit, her face was blushing as if she was about to bleed, and she kept jumping and yelling.

Suddenly, a dark golden rainbow light flew from the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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