Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 598 Ding Xiaoxiao Advances

Chapter 598 Ding Xiaoxiao Advances

After Zhang Ke finished communicating with True Monarch Jiuren, he got up and went outside the bamboo building.

The Yuanshen Zhenjun high in the sky was waiting quietly.

Although Zhang Ke once made a move to take on the mountain, they did not believe that Zhang Ke could move such a large island and reef away.

This is something even Daojun can't do.

Zhang Ke turned his head and glanced at the sky, then walked towards the islands and reefs.

As he strode forward, the whole person kept growing.

When Zhang Ke walked to the islands and reefs, he turned into a giant of two hundred feet tall again. This was the limit of his transformation.

Of the nearly [-]-kilometer-long islands and reefs, only a section of tens of feet high is exposed on the sea surface, and the rest is still in the water.

Zhang Ke stood behind the islands and reefs and took a long breath.

Bend down, put your hands behind the islands and reefs, sink your legs down, and fix them on the bottom of the sea like iron pillars.

The two arms suddenly exerted force and pushed forward slightly.

Although the islands and reefs were separated from the bottom of the sea by the force of [Congenital Yuan Magnetic], they remained motionless under Zhang Ke's great force.

Zhang Ke's heart sank. Without the countless times of leverage, he couldn't shake the islands and reefs at all.

Do I still have to use the lever to move the islands and reefs forward bit by bit?
Unwilling, Zhang Ke decided to try again.

Lean your shoulders on the islands and reefs, push your feet back hard, concentrate your whole body, and push forward desperately.

On his huge body, countless muscles were beating, and this time he used all his strength.


The islands and reefs were motionless at first, and as he tried his best, he continued to exert force on the islands and reefs.

Ten seconds later, the islands and reefs trembled slightly, and faint ripples appeared on the sea.

After continuing for several minutes, the islands and reefs moved forward slightly.

But Zhang Ke had exhausted his strength and slipped against the islands and reefs with a 'plop'.


The two-hundred-foot body fell into the sea, and the waves it stirred up surged several feet high and swung outward round and round.

In the sky, a white jade-faced Yuanshen Zhenjun saw it clearly, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Haha~~! Interesting! Fellow Daoists can see clearly."

He stretched out his left hand, bent his four fingers, raised his little finger, pressed the first joint on the upper end of his little finger with his thumb, and said with a smile:

"The islands and reefs have only moved so far. At this speed, it is impossible to leave this sea area in 1000 years."

The Primordial Spirit True Monarch with green eyes flashing beside him gave a dark smile.

"Fellow daoists are new here, and you don't understand some things, so don't speak indiscriminately, so as not to make you laugh."

The pale-faced Yuanshen Zhenjun glanced at him, and said disdainfully:

"Hmph! I want to see how he makes a fool of himself, hehe, 'Giant Spirit God', what a big tone."

This is Zhang Kexin's title.

'Tiandaozong' Zhenjun Kongxuan and his younger brother Yunfan Zhenjun were also looking down.

Master Yunfan said softly:
"Senior brother, do you think this Ruyi Zhenjun can move this island and reef away?"

Zhenjun Kongxuan shook his head and said:

"It's hard to say, but I hope he can do it."

Master Yunfan was slightly taken aback, and said strangely:
"This True Monarch Ruyi is powerful, if he succeeds in building a reef and building an island, wouldn't it destroy the balance of the world.

This is completely contrary to the philosophy of our sect, why would the senior brother hope that he can succeed? "

Zhenjun Kongxuan smiled dumbly.

"We as practitioners harvest the world's resources to strengthen ourselves, and we are going against the sky.

If we really want to talk about breaking the balance, don't we have to ask ourselves first.

To put it bluntly, the so-called disruption of the balance order is nothing but the behavior of the strong oppressing the weak.

The reason why I hope that Ruyi Zhenjun can build an island successfully is also for the sake of the future catastrophe.

Once this method can be popularized, the overall strength of Azure Realm will probably be improved several times.

Otherwise, do you think that the true kings of all sects are really here to watch a show? "

Master Yunfan also had a certain comprehension about this, he nodded slightly when he heard the words, hesitated for a moment, and continued:
"Then why does the master want you to send that thing to Zhenjun Ruyi?"

Zhenjun Kongxuan was silent, and sighed after a while:
"If True Monarch Ruyi can do this, then he is useless, and keeping him would be a hindrance.

This kind of thing that can have a huge impact on the world should be done by our sect.

Furthermore, there is one thing that the master has always had doubts about Ruyi Zhenjun, so he simply tested him. "

Master Yunfan understood what the senior brother was referring to.

"But what if he is innocent?

If this person grows up, when the catastrophe comes in the future, he will be a powerful help in this realm.

Wouldn't it be a pity to lose it so easily? "

Zhenjun Kongxuan did not immediately answer the question of his junior brother, and after a few seconds, he quietly said:
"So, whether Zhenjun Ruyi can survive the catastrophe this time depends on his good fortune."

Don't mention the discussion of many primordial spirits.

In the sea area below, after resting for half an hour, Zhang Ke regained his strength.

Slowly stood up from the sea, thought for a moment, flipped his right hand, and a dark golden Rubik's Cube appeared from his palm.

Turning the five fingers a few times, a platinum-gold spiritual light flashed, and a doll with three heads and six arms fell out of the Rubik's Cube.

Zhang Ke was standing in the sea at this moment, his palm was a hundred feet high from the sea.

After the little one appeared, he immediately found himself falling in the air.

'Wow' yelled twice, his body shook suddenly, and his whole body quickly grew bigger.

In just a few seconds, the body that was less than three feet high swelled to a height of 230 feet, and then both feet fell heavily into the sea.


The huge waves soared into the sky, setting off tens of feet high.


The Faxiang giant stood in the sea water, Yang Tian let out a long howl, and his six arms beat his chest vigorously.



The dull voice resounded through the sky like depressing thunder.

Seeing the appearance of the Faxiang giant, many primordial gods and true monarchs in the sky were taken aback.

This three-headed and six-armed giant is actually tens of feet taller than Zhang Ke who turned into a giant.

Compared with Zhang Ke, this giant is even bigger.

Numerous hills of muscles condense in the bare upper body.

Hanging around his waist is a big black drum engraved with the heads of four fierce beasts, exuding a fierce aura.

Seeing the Faxiang giant howling non-stop, Zhang Ke frowned and hummed softly.


The Faxiang giant trembled all over, turned his head suddenly, and faced Zhang Ke with that smiling face.

Zhang Ke was suddenly taken aback by his flattering smile, he had never seen such an ability in the past.

After looking at his height, it is obvious that his strength has increased again.

"Come, stand here with me."

The Faxiang giant can't speak, but after a long period of training, he can roughly understand what Zhang Ke is saying.

Trembling, he came to Zhang Ke, seeing that he was much taller than Zhang Ke, so he hurriedly bent his body down.


Zhang Ke put his hands on the islands and reefs and made a pushing motion.

The Faxiang giant looked at the huge underwater islands and reefs, and his three faces showed stunned expressions at the same time.

How could it be possible to push such a big mountain? I couldn't help but waved my hands and shook my head.

Zhang Ke opened his eyes, and Bai Sensen's eyes were fixed on the face of the Faxiang giant.

Shouted loudly: "Push!"

The Faxiang giant shuddered at Zhang Ke's shout, and quickly leaned his body in front of the islands and reefs.

His six arms do not have the joints of a human being, and they can bend in all directions.

Therefore, when he got close to the islands and reefs, his six arms touched the reefs at the same time.

Bend your body, propping up the islands and reefs and pushing forward vigorously.


At this moment, Zhang Ke discovered one thing, his strength was several times weaker than that of the Dharma giant.

This may be due to its rapid growth in strength after obtaining [Jiuli War Drum].

It may also be that he is entering adulthood, and his strength has changed drastically.

In an instant, the islands and reefs were pushed into turmoil, slowly moving forward.

A slight smile appeared on Zhang Ke's face.

Then he also bent down, stood side by side with the Faxiang giant, put his hands on the reef and pushed forward vigorously.


The islands and reefs moved forward bit by bit, the undercurrent surged, and a large number of eddies suddenly appeared around.

A group of Yuanshen Zhenjun in the sky looked at the surface of the sea in surprise.

Two giants as tall as mountains pushed an island slowly forward in the sea.

If this scene is seen by ordinary people, they will definitely think that the gods are moving mountains and seas.

This group of islands and reefs is too huge. Even if Zhang Ke and the Faxiang giant tried their best until dark, they could only move forward a few hundred meters.

But by this time, the Fa Xiang giant was exhausted.

A huge body will relatively bring a huge load. When the consumption is too large, he will be more tired than ordinary people.

Seeing that the dharma giant had no strength left, Zhang Ke had no choice but to stop moving forward.

Congenital Qizong.

Qingyun Peak Yulong Terrace.

Ding Xiaoxiao sat on the stage, closed her eyes and held her breath, not paying any attention to what happened outside.

At this moment, her surroundings have become a world of flowers.

Thousands of flowers of various colors bloom around her, including ordinary flowers that can be seen everywhere in the world.

Peonies, tulips, plum blossoms, water lilies, narcissus, morning glory, lilies, etc., regardless of seasons, regardless of the day and night flowers are blooming.

There are also all kinds of exotic flowers that are rare in the practice world, such as Zuixianlingfu, Qingduoluohua, Lingzhilan, Jinboxunhua, Bianhua, Chemazhi, etc.

It seems to be rooted in the void, rootless and leafless, constantly sprouting, blooming, and withering around Ding Xiaoxiao, as if locked in reincarnation, only blooming within this hundred feet.

In the sky above her head, a group of dark clouds hundreds of feet in size gathered together, and countless electromagnetic waves gathered and oscillated among the clouds.

A moment later, a blue-white electric light suddenly flashed in the sky.

The most primitive power between heaven and earth is full of ferocity at this moment.

Ding Xiaoxiao was ignorant, but Fanhua around her seemed to sense the crisis and enveloped her spontaneously.

Let her completely wander in the sea of ​​flowers.

'Boom——! '

Huang Huang Lie Lie, thunderous.

When lightning strikes, everything turns into dust.

Countless flowers around Ding Xiaoxiao turned into dust and disappeared with the wind, but in the next second, countless flowers and seeds were sprouting, growing, and blooming.

During this gap, Ding Xiaoxiao sat upright like a pine, and this catastrophe did not cause any harm to Ding Xiaoxiao.

Thunder Jie in the sky seemed to be enraged.

The dark cloud rolled like a tide, and a purple spherical lightning shot down from the cloud.The sky was suddenly dyed purple.

Countless thunder snakes entangled, fused with each other, trembled, and quickly gathered into a purple thunder ball.

'Boom boom boom—! '

The ball lightning flashed across the sky, and the space was torn into a rag-like shape, which could not be healed for a long time.

Almost instantly, the ball lightning hit Ding Xiaoxiao.

'.! '

Without a sound, Ding Xiaoxiao's entire body was blown into flying ash by the purple thunder.

With this shot down, the power accumulated in the dark clouds in the sky was completely released, and disappeared in an instant.

after a few seconds.

A dark golden spot of light on the Yulongtai was born from the void.


"Dong dong!"

A faint heartbeat sounded from the void, and then a dark golden twelve-pin lotus platform appeared from the void.

But immediately after, the lotus platform of the sixth rank melted by itself, turning into a cloud of dark golden mist and seeping into the lotus platform of the sixth rank.

next second.

The lotus platform rotates slowly, the lotus leaves bloom one after another, and endless rays of light burst out.


With a soft moan, Ding Xiaoxiao slowly opened his eyes and woke up from Lianxin.

"Zhang Ke! Where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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