Chapter 604
A quarter of an hour later, looking at the dozens of mountain boats still in the nearby waters, Zhang Ke was no longer ready to dissuade them.

There is no trickery in pushing this island reef into the waters of Penglai.

Now only Zhang Ke, Vientiane, Faxiang Giant and the three giant dragons can exert their strength.

Zhang Ke gained the ability to walk on water when he first comprehended the supernatural powers of the Void God Ape in his early years.

The '12 Yuanchen Fazhu' in the hands of Vientiane can be big or small, changeable, and can also play a role.

The dharma giant is born with the ability to control the three elements of water, fire, and earth, and water is also its home field.

Qingmei, Jiuren Zhenjun and others don't have the savage power of Zhang Ke, and they are not good at water system Taoism, but they can't get in their hands at this moment.

He could only stand in the air and watch Zhang Ke let go.

Zhang Ke took a big step, stepped on the water and came to the rear of the islands and reefs, standing side by side with the Dharma giant.

Seeing that Zhang Ke was ready, Qingmei turned his mind and pointed at the whirlpool sea area.

The three giant dragons uttered long chants at the same time.


Yinglong spread his wings, and a strong wind suddenly rose up, pulling the chains first and soaring forward.

Clouds and mist billowed under the body of the green dragon, lightning flashed, and heavy rain poured down, rolling and moving forward.

The mirage dragon is the smallest in size, and its ability is mainly based on illusions. At this moment, it is only moving with its huge body.

They were originally transformed by flying swords, and they are extremely powerful in attacking and killing, but this kind of stupid kung fu is not their forte.

Zhang Ke didn't put his expectations on them either, and he was satisfied with being able to play a little role.

Looking at the height of the islands and reefs, Zhang Ke lowered his body by [-] feet and adjusted a suitable force point.

Put your hands behind the reef, and feel the islands and reefs tremble slightly under the pull of the three giant dragons.


In a daze, Vientiane let out an 'oh'. She was originally transformed by the Taoist soldiers summoned by Zhang Ke, and she was connected with Zhang Ke.

Hanging in the air, with a shake of her shoulders, the twelve golden and red tassels on the back of her shoulders were 'swipe' in her hands.

A flash of red light flashed, and a huge red magic pillar piercing the sky and grounded appeared in midair.

The diameter of this pillar is more than three feet, and there are twelve bright fire rings evenly distributed on the body of the pillar, with a length of more than three hundred feet.

Wanxiang's body stood beside the '12th Yuanchen Pillar', like an ant crouching beside a stone pillar.

Wan Xiang put one hand on the pillar, raised his hand slightly, and then stuck the pillar behind the islands and reefs and inserted the pillar obliquely into the sea.


The huge dharma pillar stuck to Zhang Ke's body and was inserted into the sea water, and the splashed water surged up to tens of feet high.

Immediately afterwards, Vientiane pried upwards with one hand.


A corner of the islands and reefs was pried up, and huge waves surged up.

"Wow! Vientiane is amazing!"

Yan Fei'er flew to Wanxiang's side and shouted enviously.

On top of her head was a small blue umbrella, and a young child's head protruded from her shoulders, and the little head was as black as ink.

This large-scale southward migration, ghosts played a big role.

Every night, ghosts will split into countless numbers and roam around the people traveling south.

Once a monster or a large group of wild beasts tried to approach the camp, they would be torn to pieces by ghosts who could travel through space at night.

At the beginning, Zhenjun Jiuren who was sitting in the camp was shocked.

Even though he knew that the ghost was under Yan Fei'er's control when he was in the misty secret realm, he still put on guard in his heart.

After all, once the underworld ghost gets out of control, there may not be many left of the 200 million people in this camp.

Because of the ghosts blocking the danger at night, the southbound road basically did not receive any threats at night.

At this time, Zhang Ke saw Vientiane moving the islands and reefs, and he no longer hesitated. He greeted the giant Dharma Xiang, gritted his teeth, and pushed forward with all his strength.


After a while, the huge group of islands and reefs slowly moved towards the vortex.

two steps
Over the past year, Zhang Ke's strength has grown extremely fast by pulling the islands and reefs every day. Compared with the beginning, his strength has increased by at least [-]%.

But even so, the strength to push the islands and reefs into the vortex is still far from enough.

Zhang Ke had expected it a long time ago, raised his right foot, and stomped down.

A black and white halo spread out like lightning.

Halo: [Balancing Realm of Order]

This time his target was the islands and reefs in front of him.

This is the first time Zhang Ke has applied the power of the halo to an inanimate object. Whether it will work or not, even he himself is not sure.

A circle of black and white brilliance spread out, covering the islands and reefs in front of us.

Now this halo can give Zhang Ke a [-]% increase in feedback, what an ability against the sky.

It's just that there aren't many opponents he meets that can force him to use this method, and he has been in the dust all the time.

At this moment, this halo showed his power.

After just a few seconds, Zhang Ke felt that the halo under his feet was continuously conveying gravity to him.

This gravity was converted into energy by Zhang Ke through the power of the halo.

Just like filling water into a water bag, Zhang Ke's strength continued to increase, and at the same time his size grew again.

In just an instant, the energy as vast as the sea was about to explode him.

Zhang Ke was secretly astonished, not daring to be negligent, and with a thought, he separated the energy into the dharma giant and the three dragons.



Affected by the increase in energy, the size of the dharma giant and the three giant dragons also began to grow.

At the same time, Zhang Ke keenly noticed that the weight of the islands and reefs seemed to be decreasing.

But since his strength is constantly growing at this moment, Zhang Ke is not sure if this is an illusion.

With both hands, I tried to push it, and the islands and reefs trembled and moved forward slightly.

Zhang Ke took a breath, he never expected the power of this halo to be so powerful.

In an instant, Zhang Ke came up with countless ways to borrow the power of the halo.

But the lesson just now also left a deep memory in his memory. If he was not careful, he would be blown up by this borrowed power.

Putting aside the matter of the halo for the time being, Zhang Ke pushed the islands and reefs forward wholeheartedly.

It is impossible to imagine how much [-]% of the gravity fed back by the islands and reefs is.

At this moment, a steady stream of power is still filling the body, if you want to prevent your body from being broken, you have to release this power.

Zhang Ke cooperated with the Dharma giant to push the islands and reefs into the whirlpool sea together with the three giant dragons.

With every step forward, infinite power is released.

The islands and reefs were pushed to move rapidly towards the constantly tumbling sea area.

The many primordial gods in the sky looked at each other a few times, and they all saw horror in each other's eyes.

In just one year, Zhang Ke's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

I remember that a year ago, Zhang Ke could not push the islands and reefs so easily.

Twenty miles.
Ten miles
one mile.
An hour later, the islands and reefs had been pushed to the side of the swirling sea.

But those 12 vortices are constantly rotating, and there are countless forces colliding with each other, and the huge repulsive force extends outward.

Zhang Ke failed to push the islands and reefs into the whirlpool sea after two consecutive pushes.

He ordered the Dharma giant to continue to push forward, while he stood up and took a few steps back.

With a height of [-] zhang, he retreated [-] zhang in a few steps.

Then Zhang Ke leaned forward, kicked hard in the sea with his feet, and rushed out.


From the left and right sides of his body, big waves turned over in an instant, set off tens of feet high, and swung outward in circles.

The few mountain boats stranded nearby were suddenly affected by the big waves, and some people cried out in surprise.

Zhang Ke didn't care much at this time, and with the power of running, his body rushed forward rapidly.

Carrying infinite strength, one shoulder resists on the reefs behind the islands and reefs.


With an earth-shattering loud noise, the islands and reefs suddenly moved forward, and then they were about to bounce back.

Wanxiang took the opportunity to insert the Yuanchen Pillar to prevent the islands and reefs from moving back.

But the weight fed back from the Yuanchen Pillar was too great, Vientiane felt as if countless mountains were pressing towards him at the same time.

But she never evaded the battle, her heart moved, and she desperately supported the Yuanchen Pillar upwards.

Zhang Ke also knew that the opportunity must not be missed, so he held the islands and reefs with his shoulders to feel the weight changes fed back by them, and cooperated with the dharma giant to push with all his strength during the back and forth turmoil.


The islands and reefs were suddenly pushed into the countless whirlpools.

In an instant, the [Zhoutian Wuliangtong Micro Formation] under the bottom of the vortex and under the islands and reefs was activated by induction.

Tens of millions of rays of light burst out from the two formations, covering everything in a radius of hundreds of miles.

The islands and reefs that had tens of feet of reefs on the sea surface suddenly became turbulent.

Under the traction of the two formations, the islands and reefs were involuntarily drawn into the whirlpool sea bit by bit.

With a thought, Zhang Ke removed the chains from the three dragons, and beckoned the giants to stop pushing and retreat together.

The three giant dragons lost their restraint, raised their heads and let out a dragon cry, and then turned into three sword lights and flew behind Qingmei.

Everyone looked nervously at the whirlpool sea.

Whether the islands and reefs can be lifted from the bottom of the sea depends on this last step.

The array that Zhang Ke had deployed under the Penglai sea area had a range of two thousand miles in all directions.

Although the islands and reefs are already very large, they only occupy a small part of this swirling sea area.

As the islands and reefs were pulled to the center of the whirlpool sea by the power of the two formations, the nearby sea area boiled like a pot.




The entire group of islands and reefs sank downward first, and all the reefs exposed on the sea sank into the sea instantly.

The hearts of hundreds of Yuanshen Zhenjun in the sky also sank, and hundreds of divine thoughts plunged into the sea almost at the same time.

Zhang Ke held his breath, his heart was beating violently, and he was slightly nervous.

Although after his calculations, this swirling sea has enough supporting capacity, but if the derivation and calculation are not implemented, the result will never be predictable.



A moment later, countless bubbles turned up on the surface of the whirlpool sea, the surface of the sea boiled, and countless waves emerged from the sea.

A few minutes later, a bit of reef slowly rose from the swirling sea.

Immediately afterwards, the islands and reefs rose out of the sea bit by bit, and undulating hills rose from the sea.

During this process, the endless sea waves rolled and surged in all directions, and the monstrous waves tens of feet high rushed outwards round after round.

The dozens of huge mountain boats nearby were shaking non-stop with the huge waves, and countless screams came from the mountain boats.

But neither Zhang Ke nor the many primordial gods in the sky helped.

Since you have notified in advance but refused to leave, you have to bear the consequences yourself.

All eyes were fascinated by the islands and reefs rising from the sea.

There is nothing more stunning than seeing islands appear out of thin air.

The process of the islands and reefs rising from the sea lasted for nearly an hour before stopping.

As can be seen from the two distinct colors above and below the reef, the lighter part has obviously been pried from the bottom of the sea.

When the huge island stretching for hundreds of miles was really solid on the sea like a mountain, countless cheers sounded from all over the sea.

Hundreds of large and small ships were rapidly approaching the waters of Penglai, and countless practitioners waved their palms excitedly and shouted loudly.

They witnessed a miracle.

A miracle that has not happened in thousands of years.

Zhang Ke heaved a long sigh of relief, endless exhaustion welled up in his heart.

"Finally. It worked!"

"Penglai Island! Welcome to this world!"


Zhang Ke first laughed a few times, and then couldn't help but burst out laughing out of the joy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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