Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 610 Broken Island

Chapter 610 Broken Island

high in the air.

In the midst of the wind and lightning, Zhenjun Kongxuan couldn't help but look back at the Penglai sea area, and then asked puzzledly:
"Patriarch! Then Ruyi Zhenjun is suspected of murdering Senior Brother Yuanrong, why should he spare his life?"

He was slapped in the face by Zhang Ke today, which was a big loss of face, and he wished Zhang Ke would die on the spot to relieve his hatred.

Daoist Disruption turned his head to look at him, and stretched out his right hand.

Zhenjun Kongxuan was shocked to find that there were two bone-piercing scars on the two fingers of Daoist Daoist Shattering, which could not be healed.

"This is this??"

"In order to ease the conflict, I helped Zhenjun Ruyi subdue this knife.

But I didn't expect that this blade is so sharp that even I can't touch its edge. If Zhenjun Ruyi gets this precious sword, he might be even more powerful than a tiger! "

Daoist Disruption paused for a while, and then said:
"As for the matter of Yuan Rong, the suspicion of Zhenjun Ruyi is actually not that great.

According to our investigation, when the Yuan Rong fell in the past, he was indeed still outside the territory.

It was only because Yuan Rong had plotted against him, and this person had a record of killing Yuanshen Zhenjun at the Golden Core Realm, that there was a trace of suspicion.

But the main reason is that his move to build an island with reefs this time has a great impact on the blue world.

That's why they thought of using this excuse to kill them and snatch the right to build islands together.


Daoist Disruption sighed softly:
"Ruyi Zhenjun is powerful, and he has the 'Golden Wheel of Merit' to protect him. I am just transformed by a divine thought. If I really want to fight to the death, I may not be able to kill him.

What's more, there is still the Qingmei Zhenjun watching from the side, this girl has pure sword intent, and she is also a great enemy. "

Hearing these words, Zhenjun Kongxuan felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

Co-authoring himself was not only slapped in the face in public, but also became a treasure-giving boy.

There is nothing worse than this in the world!

"Then how will this sect get along with True Monarch Ruyi in the future?"

Daoist Disruption pondered for a moment, and said:

"There is a gully in this son's chest, and the city is deep, and I can't fully see it through.

Try to improve your relationship with him and form a good relationship! "

Having said that, Daoist Disruption let out a long sigh.

"Today is different from the past. Now our sect is secretly resisted by various sects and factions in the world. You must not act so recklessly in the future."

Zhenjun Kongxuan and Zhenjun Yunfan looked at each other, but they were all silent.

Penglai sea area.

A group of primordial gods and true masters turned back to Zhang Kejin again after Daoist Daojun and others left.

Feng Zhaohai looked Zhang Ke up and down, and said with admiration:
"Feng has seldom been convincing in his life, from today onwards, Fellow Daoist Ruyi will be."

While speaking, there was a sudden shock in the sea area below.


Zhang Ke's heart tightened, and he followed the prestige, but saw that the rolling Penglai Island in the sea below was broken in two from the waist at this moment.

And because it is disconnected from the middle, it is constantly pushing away to the left and right at this time, gradually forming two steep mountains.

Look at the break, which is as smooth as a mirror.

'this? ? '

A group of primordial spirits and true masters stared at the neatly cut face, and after a while, their faces all showed sudden expressions.

Zhang Ke couldn't help but secretly smiled wryly when he recalled the slap that Daoist Disrupted had passed close to his body when he left.

A good group of islands and reefs was cut in half, unexpectedly Daoist Shattered eventually taught himself a lesson.

At this time, Zhang Ke suddenly felt a sense of reincarnation.

How high-spirited he was in the 'Sunset Valley' that day, throwing mountains to block the sun, leaving permanent humiliation to the 'Sunset Valley'.

Feng Shui takes turns, but today it is my turn to bear the same bitter fruit.

Zhang Ke was secretly vigilant in his heart. Today, he dared to show his claws and teeth in front of a Taoist monarch. It was not because of his mental expansion.


Zhang Ke looked at Penglai Island, which was divided into two islands below, and felt a little worried.

Penglai Island has set up the [Zhoutian Wuliangtong Micro Formation], if it is cut open this time, will it affect the formation.

It seems to be stable now, but it still needs to be investigated carefully.

Qingmei flashed forward, looked at the mountain range that had been cut off below, and frowned slightly:

"Do you want to find a way to merge these two mountains?"

Zhang Ke thought for a while, then shook his head and smiled.

"The Taoist scriptures say: Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things!
Left and right can be balanced, maybe this is God's will, let it go.

If the disciples make mistakes in the future, let them come here to face the wall and think about their mistakes. This broken wall is the best warning. "

Zhang Ke's magnanimity once again won him a lot of praise, not everyone can be so magnanimous.

Ding Xiaoxiao has been silent since the arrival of Daojun Daoist.

Today she saw the huge gap in strength between herself and Qingmei.

When the Shattered Taoist fought against Zhang Ke, Qingmei became Zhang Ke's arm, but he could only watch silently from the sidelines.

For her who had been secretly competing with Qingmei, this deeply stimulated her proud heart.

Looking at the green eyebrows standing side by side with Zhang Ke, Ding Xiaoxin felt a little dissatisfied, and secretly made a decision.

Penglai Island has just undergone great changes, and the Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong has many things to deal with, and it is not good for everyone to keep entangled here.

It will take a few days to wait for the record of building the island on the reef. After some pleasantries, many Yuanshen Zhenjun left.

Today, when Zhenjun Kongxuan used [Bai Lian Shenfeng] to lure himself to make a move, Feng Zhaohai once reminded him.

No matter what his intentions were, Zhang Ke still had to bear this kindness.

"Feng Daoist, thanks to the advice of Daoist, today I was almost plotted against. Thank you Ruyi."

Zhang Ke bowed his hands to Feng Zhaohai to thank him.

Feng Zhaohai smiled slightly, accepting Zhang Ke's thanks.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ke handed a space wrist wheel to Feng Zhaohai.

"This is the original record of the construction of Hejiao Island, and all the contents are contained in it.

Including the required formations, resources, and solutions to various problems encountered.

In addition, there are [-] 'Liangyi Pearls', [-] bottles of 'Five Elements Essence Liquid', and [-] piece of 'Congenital Yuan Magnetic Qi'.

These treasures can be used as a reference by fellow Taoists. If the noble sect has a similar wish to build an island, you can come to me anytime you encounter problems. "

After a short pause, Zhang Ke continued:
"These 'Two Instruments Beads' and 'Five Elements Essence Liquid' have other uses, you will know once you try them."

Feng Zhaohai laughed and said:
"Then I'll be blunt. I'm ashamed to say that, but the elders of the sect specifically told me about this before I woke up. Finally, I have an explanation."

He didn't shy away from it, and directly took out the 'Two Instruments Pearl' and the 'Five Elements Essence Liquid'.

After carefully checking the two treasures with his spiritual sense, he couldn't help frowning secretly.

Treasures that can operate yin and yang on their own are rare, and the 'two instrument beads' are obvious.To condense the five elements essence liquid will consume a lot of five elements essence.

The key point is that a large amount of this kind of resources is needed to build an island on the reef, but there are not so many treasures with similar functions in the division.

Smacking his lips, he regretfully said:
"Treasures that can operate yin and yang are hard to find, especially for the smooth operation of the formation, it is even more difficult to find unity and coordination.

well!It would be great if I could join the 'Star Alliance of the Heavens'. I can buy everything I need. "

Zhang Ke's heart was shocked suddenly, and he asked with a hint of surprise on his face:

"What is the 'Star Alliance of the Heavens'?
Why have I never heard of this name? It sounds like a city in what state is it? "

Feng Zhaohai laughed and said:
"I also inadvertently heard the elders of Shimen talk about such a strange place in the past."

After a pause, he continued:
"There are countless realms in this vast universe, and most realms can only provide cultivation resources under the primordial spirit.

If you want to continue to improve after reaching the Yuanshen realm, you need to find another way to obtain treasures.

So as early as tens of thousands of years ago, a powerful monk established a place to communicate with all worlds with great mana, supernatural power, and great wisdom.

Because it covers the heavens and connects the stars, it is also called the "Star Alliance of the Heavens". "

Zhang Ke let out an 'oh' and asked:

"Then what does the 'Star Alliance of the Heavens' do?"

Feng Zhaohai explained:

"You can think of it as a city, hidden in the endless void.

It is a place where the primordial gods and true kings of all realms of the void universe use to trade.

However, its threshold is very high, and only Yuanshen Zhenjun is eligible to enter, and it is said that a special certificate is required to join. "

Only then did Zhang Ke understand what the card he got was.

My mind turned, and I asked tentatively:

"This 'Star Alliance of the Heavens' can connect ten thousand realms. Aren't those weak realms very dangerous? If the coordinates of the realms are found, then..."

Feng Zhaohai laughed and said:
"At the beginning, I only listened to the occasional mentions by the elders of the division, and I didn't know the specific situation."

Zhang Ke didn't want to arouse Feng Zhaohai's suspicion, so he didn't continue to ask, but showed some fascination and authenticity:

"I don't know what the 'Star Alliance of the Heavens' looks like, I really want to see it!"

Feng Zhaohai smiled 'haha'.

"Don't say it's you, even the Daoist Lord of this sect wants to join it, but it's a pity that I don't have the chance to get in touch."

The two chatted for a while, and found that they had similar temperaments, and they hit it off, so they couldn't help thinking of deepening their understanding.

The friendship between people needs to be contacted and understood bit by bit, so that they can gradually become familiar and close.

Reciprocate courtesy and courtesy!
Feng Zhaohai looked at the treasure in his hand, then turned his head to look down, and said:

"Half a year ago, the secret realm six hundred miles south of this sea area had fully manifested.

Our sect has sent some disciples to make contact with it, fellow daoists might as well send someone to communicate with it, after all, the surrounding sea area is only a sect like your sect. "

Zhang Ke keenly sensed the meaning of Feng Zhaohai's words.

Zhang Ke had already seen the newly manifested island when he came back today.

This is an island with a size of a hundred miles, more than half smaller than Penglai Island.

The location of this island is a bit special. As long as there is a Yuanshen Zhenjun guarding here, any disturbance in Penglai Island will be clearly seen.

According to what Feng Zhaohai said, this island has obviously entered the eyes of Yunxiao Tiangong.

It seems that it is necessary to get in touch with the practitioners on that island.

Afterwards, Feng Zhaohai chatted with Zhang Ke for a few more words, and invited him to visit Yunxiao Tiangong in another three years.

When Zhang Ke asked what happened, Feng Zhaohai just said 'good thing' mysteriously, and didn't say much else.

(End of this chapter)

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