Chapter 616
Zhang Ke listened attentively.

"I have seen records about [All Heavens Star Alliance] in the records of the division.

Tens of thousands of years ago, there were three Taoist priests who felt that it was difficult for practitioners in the world to practice after they achieved Yuanshen, so they purposely established such a void trading platform. "

Seeing that Zhang Ke's lips were slightly opened as if he was about to speak, he said directly:
"The name and taboo of Dao Zun cannot be spoken directly. If you never forget it, there will be echoes."

Then he added:

"The three Daoist priests randomly spread 3000 million such certificates to all realms of the universe.

So far, more than half of these certificates are still hidden in some corner of the universe.

This is a place where high-level monks can trade, and the common currency used is 'star coin'.

This kind of currency can be exchanged with special products from various realms, such as 'Spiritual Jade', 'Essence of the Five Elements' and the like.

It is said that you can buy and sell anything here, including treasures, resources, Daoist scriptures, news, and even Xiantian Lingbao.

Of course, any transaction will be deducted a certain fee by the [All Heavens Star Alliance], whether it is a purchase or a sale. "

Zhang Ke secretly took a breath, and immediately understood the weight of the card in his hand.

"Can the talisman be exchanged for 'Star Coins'?"

Qingmei shook her head and said:

"I don't know, Fu Qian was born after the major sects left this world 8000 years ago, and I don't know if anyone in this world has joined [All Heavens Star Alliance]."

Pausing for a while, Qingmei continued:

"This kind of certificate can be snatched, as long as the holder falls, the person who gets the certificate can purify the breath of the original owner, and can also get the items stored in the treasury of [All Heavens Star Alliance].

Therefore, every holder of the [All-heaven Star Alliance] will hide himself very carefully.

This kind of credential is very safe, and it is very easy to enter. You just need to integrate a little energy into the card. "

Zhang Ke turned the card in his hand a few times and asked:
"Green eyebrow."

Before she finished speaking, Qingmei shook her head and said:

"It's a good thing, but it's not something ordinary people can afford.

As long as it is activated, a fee will be provided every 60 years as the price for joining the [Star Alliance of the Heavens]. Do you think I can afford it? "

Zhang Ke couldn't help laughing, he just asked casually, this thing actually has a greater effect on him.

If there is a treasure suitable for Qingmei, I will naturally buy it for her.

It's just that he still has the last sliver of concern, and asked:

"This is left after one of my opponents died. It has his mark on it. Will people who know him recognize it?"

"No, in this [All-Heaven Star Alliance], Yuanshen Zhenjun is the main body, but there are also many Taoist monarchs hiding in it, and there may even be a Daoist.

No one dared to reveal their own information, not to mention that according to the volume, after each voucher is reactivated, a new number will be randomly generated. "

Zhang Ke finally breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time was full of curiosity about the [All-heaven Star Alliance], and couldn't help but feel a little eager to try it.

Qingmei encouraged:
"Go and have a look, maybe everything you need can be found here."

Zhang Ke smiled slightly, he thought so too.

A little white hair flashed between the eyebrows and fell on the fingertips, and then a trace of bright red with a little spiritual light was integrated into the card in Zhang Ke's hand.

[All Heavens Star Alliance] A glint of light flashed on the surface of the card, and the script and serial number on the back of the card changed as if they had been burned.

Originally engraved on it:

[Shangyuan Lingjie in Haojing]: Huang [-]
Now it becomes:
[Azure World]: Huang [-]
Zhang Ke raised his eyebrows, secretly startled, the card actually displayed the words 'Azure World'.

The front of the card is still the rotating galaxy, Zhang Ke thought for a moment, and then penetrated a divine sense into it.

The moment his divine sense penetrated into the card, Zhang Ke felt as if he had entered the void.

There are countless stars twinkling all around, densely scattered all over the void.

Shen Nian carefully touched the star closest to him.

'boom--! '

At this moment, Zhang Ke felt that the divine sense seemed to be shaken by some kind of force, and there was a pressure to shrink the divine sense from all directions.

He instinctively spread his divine thoughts outward, as if breaking through some kind of shackles, the divine thoughts and the card merged into one.

Zhang Ke was a little speechless, obviously confirming the holder's realm with the strength of his spiritual thoughts.

It's just that this method is not too rough.

When the Divine Sense merged with [The Alliance of the Heavens], the rotating galaxy on the card began to rotate rapidly.

In the next second, the entire card disintegrated and turned into countless blue light spots, manifesting a blue light curtain in front of Zhang Ke.

The blue light curtain is only one foot high and two feet long, and looks like the size of a computer screen in a dream.

Looking at the blue light curtain in front of him, Zhang Ke couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

In his heart, [All Heavens Star Alliance] is such a tall trading platform, no matter what, it must have an immersive experience.

Even building a character card and entering a fantasy world like in the game is better than just a lonely light curtain.

After secretly complaining, Zhang Ke looked at Qingmei.

Surprisingly, both Qingmei and Lan Ying stared at him fixedly, as if they didn't see the light curtain.

Zhang Ke's heart moved, and he asked:

"Qingmei, can you see what's here?"

As he spoke, he pointed his finger at the blue light curtain in front of him.

But in the eyes of the Qingmei duo, Zhang Ke was talking to himself by pointing to the void.

The two got up and came to Zhang Ke, and checked back and forth in various ways, but they didn't find any scene here.

Even if you sweep the position of the light curtain with your hand, there is no change, as if the two are in different time and space and cannot contact.

Only then did Zhang Ke become a little interested, and looked at the light curtain.

There are only a few rows of cloud seals in the small light curtain.

The order of characters in seal script is different from that of Azure Realm, it is arranged from top to bottom and from left to right.

This format is more like that world in a dream.

【The Star Alliance】

Owner: Huang [-]
Location: The Azure World of the Whirlpool Starfield
Civilization: Comprehension

Realm: Yuanshen early stage

Membership level: Yellow rank

It is very short, with only a few lines of words, and there is a web like a spider's web underneath.

There are nine nodes distributed on the spider web in a gossip-shaped distribution, and there is a core node in the middle.

Each node has a different pattern and pattern, and you can directly know the meaning it represents just by looking at it.

At this moment, five of the nine nodes are in a gray state, and the remaining four nodes are flashing blue, which is extremely eye-catching.

The three nodes on the outer ring are [Treasure House], [Transaction], and [Task], and the core node is [Gathering Collection].

Zhang Ke clicked on [Treasure House] with his spiritual sense.

[Treasure House] The node flew out of the light curtain and exploded in front of Zhang Ke with a bang, manifesting a three-foot-long light curtain.

Ten horizontal and ten vertical divisions divide one hundred grids, some of which contain items and labels in seal characters.

Zhang Ke's gaze was fixed on one of the grids, and he saw that the label on it was marked with [Two Instruments Beads] in three cloud seal characters, and there was also a number with two thousand written on it.

Spiritual thoughts penetrated into the grid, and instantly saw a row of shelves, on which twenty jade boxes were neatly placed.

Zhang Ke is too familiar with this jade box.

This is clearly the jade box where the [Two Instruments Beads] are stored. He got a lot of this kind of thing after killing Zhenjun Kaka in the misty secret realm.

Then Zhang Ke looked at the other grids. There were a total of eleven grids that displayed [Liangyi Beads], and the quantity of each one was two thousand.

In addition, there are [-] grids where [Five Elements Essence Essence] are placed, and the quantity also shows [-].

'Hiss—! '

Zhang Ke took a deep breath, obviously all of these were stored here by Supreme Master Kaka.

But this number is too much, right?
In addition to these two things, there are also some treasures in other grids.

There are all kinds of elixirs, elixir, spiritual rice, ores, Taoist scriptures, magic weapons, puppets, and spiritual jade.

In addition, there are some special items, such as the feather of the Golden Crow, the egg of an unknown giant, the corpse of a giant, etc.

Zhang Ke found that the maximum number of these grids was two thousand, but he didn't understand some places.

For example [Two Instruments Beads], elixirs, ores, etc. are obviously calculated based on the number of individuals.

But Lingmi, elixir, etc. are calculated by containers.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Ke didn't bother with these anymore, and now he wanted to experiment with one thing.

Qingmei was guarding at the side, and suddenly found a golden feather in Zhang Ke's hand.

Just as soon as it appeared, it felt like endless heat erupted from it.

Then Zhang Ke flipped his hand, and the feather disappeared without a trace.


Zhang Ke couldn't help laughing, he never expected to get such a huge fortune here.

No wonder the members of [All Heavens Star Alliance] will not expose themselves, no one can resist the temptation to get rich overnight.

With a movement of the divine mind, the [Treasure House] node flew back into the light curtain.

Immediately afterwards, he tapped his divine sense on the [Transaction] node.

[Transaction] The node flashed a faint light and flew out from the blue light curtain, turning into a blue light curtain the size of a door panel.

Below the light curtain, there is a Yunzhuan number Yuyu shining brightly.

Star coins: [one thousand 270 five]

This light curtain is horizontal, and it is also divided into many grids, and items are displayed in each grid.

There are four hundred grids in this light curtain alone.

With Zhang Ke's spiritual thought, dozens of light curtains of the same size slid out from both sides of this light curtain, floating in the void around Zhang Ke.

Zhang Ke glanced at a grid at random, and the information of the items in the grid was displayed immediately.

Item: Huangquan River Water

Grade: eighth grade

Quantity: five buckets

Introduction: Water in the Yellow Spring River under Nine Serenities

Efficacy: It can wash away the owner's mark or the imprint left on oneself by others
Price: [-] star coins per bucket

'Good stuff! '

It can purify breath and cut off cause and effect. This is an excellent treasure for killing people or escaping hunting.

Check out the hundreds of light curtains suspended around the body, each of which represents a transaction information.

There are buying information and selling information, all-inclusive.

With Zhang Ke's spiritual thought, all the light curtains were transformed into one, forming a [transaction] node again and flying back to the original light curtain.

Now is the stage of getting to know [All Heavens Star Alliance], and there is no time to check the [Trade] website for the time being.

That's right, in Zhang Ke's view, this [transaction] node is clearly a website that connects all worlds.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ke briefly checked the [Task] node.

It is roughly the same as what he thought, and there are also countless grids in the [mission] website.

Each grid has mission information released by members of [All Heavens Star Alliance].

Some are asking for the coordinates of a certain boundary, some are asking about the weakness of a certain void beast, some are trapped in a certain gap in the void and begging others for help, etc.
Just looking at these strange information, Zhang Ke felt that the level of knowledge had jumped a lot.

Zhang Ke had a vague feeling that this [All Heavens Star Alliance] was actually not much different from the [Runlun Secret Record] he created.

If you have to compare, my [Runlun Secret Record] is like a local area network, which can only be used internally.

And [All Heavens Star Alliance] is like the Internet, it can invite people from all over the universe.

Apart from these three nodes, it was actually the core node that surprised him.

【Elegant Collection】

'Gathering' was originally a name people used to call gatherings.

When Zhang Ke probed into the [Gathering Collection] node with his divine sense, a light curtain also appeared in front of his eyes, with a large number of grids on it.

But this time, the grids are a little different. Some grids are gray, and some grids are shining.

Zhang Ke tried to probe with his divine sense on a gray grid marked with [Voice of the Great Dao].

Sure enough, the divine sense was directly bounced back.

Then Zhang Ke looked at the other grids that were shining with light.

But even these gleaming grids, some have a lock mark that cannot be entered.

Zhang Ke secretly laughed, how similar this was to some computer programs in the dream.

Suddenly, Zhang Ke's heart shook violently.

This may not be impossible!

The members of [All Heavens Star Alliance] come from countless realms in the universe, and it is unknown if some of them have ever come into contact with a world similar to that in the dream.

No wonder I feel that [All Heavens Star Alliance] is like an all-encompassing website.

For a moment, countless thoughts turned in Zhang Ke's mind.

Gathering his mind, Zhang Ke looked for suitable targets among the flashing grids without lock marks.

【Four Seas Alliance】, 【Sky City】, 【Clover】.
Names flashed before Zhang Ke's eyes, until a name with a special name came into view.


 next chapter xia'wu'f
(End of this chapter)

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