Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 619 Liqiao

Chapter 619 Baili Bridge

Zhang Ke raised his hand to signal several people to drink tea, and then continued:
"Momen makes good use of all things, using the power of the earth's veins combined with mechanical power to build an array to transport water to every household in the high-rise building.

And use the formation method combined with mechanical power to build a high-rise landing platform between the floors, so that people can easily go up and down the floors.

In addition, there are many related infrastructures that have been helped by Momen disciples.

The big and small Penglai can be built into what it is today in a short period of time, thanks to the Momen puppets. "

Luan Zhixiang smiled and said:
"So that's the case, but I heard that although the Mo Sect does a good job, the asking price is quite high. Presumably the expensive faction spent a lot of money?"

Speaking of this, even Zhang Ke couldn't help grinning, with a look of heartache on his face.

"It's not just the high asking price, it's ridiculously high. I don't dare to calculate how much I spent in the past ten years."

After a short pause, Zhang Ke continued:

"But it's all worth it."

Zhenjun Weiyang looked at the countless busy figures on the big and small Penglai, and sighed:

"Yes! As long as the people can settle down as soon as possible, no matter how much it costs, it will be worth it."

Then he pointed to some stone pillars strangely and asked:
"Fellow Daoist, what is that?"

Zhang Ke smiled slightly and briefly introduced:
"Those are just parasols that will be stretched out to keep out the sun when the sun hangs in the sky."

"Oh~~! That's how it is."

Zhenjun Weiyang agreed, but he didn't believe it in his heart.

However, this stone pillar obviously involves the secrets of the "Yiqi Nanzong", so I don't want to ask more questions.

Luan Zhixiang's spiritual thoughts have been entrenched on the pillars on the sea between Penglai and Penglai.

He had a vague guess in his heart, but this idea was too appalling for him to believe it.

After chatting for a few words, he couldn't help asking:

"Fellow Daoist Ruyi, what are the pillars between the big and small Penglai used for?
If it does not involve the secrets of your sect, can you give me some pointers. "

Penglai and Penglai face each other across the sea, with a distance of hundreds of miles, and the edges are neat sections.

Luan Zhixiang heard people say that Penglai Island was originally one, but because he angered and ruined the Daoist Lord, he was cut into two by one, and became the big and small Penglai today.

The few people were sitting in Xiao Penglai at the moment, and they couldn't see the distant scene with their eyesight alone, they could only observe with their spiritual thoughts.

Hearing Luan Zhixiang's question, several other people also put their spiritual thoughts between Penglai and Penglai.

Zhang Ke turned his head to face the junction of big and small Penglai, chuckled lightly, and said:

"That year, the 'Tian Dao Sect' destroyed the Dao Lord and opened the mountain with one palm, splitting my Penglai Island in two.

Now, we want to connect the big and small Penglai again! "

Luan Zhixiang's heart shook, he held his breath and said in a deep voice:
"Is your faction building a bridge?"

Zhang Ke nodded and said:

"Exactly, we are going to build a bridge across the hundreds of miles of sea, connecting the big and small Penglai into one.

He can cut off Penglai Island, but he will never cut off the spirit of Nanzong. "

Luan Zhixiang looked at the tens of thousands of Southern Sect disciples and common people in the sea between the two islands.

They concentrate and work meticulously.

There is no complaint or dissatisfaction on their faces, and there is firmness and persistence in their exhausted expressions.

This look is not only on one face, but on everyone.

There are tens of thousands of people in the world, but the vast majority of them are just living in a daze.

But Nanzong people are different. They are confident and independent in their bones. It seems that everyone has their own goals and hopes.

They are working hard, fighting hard, and walking unswervingly on the road to hope.

Luan Zhixiang's heart trembled a little.

At this moment, unprecedented, the bridge spanning a hundred miles is nothing, and what makes him care more is the spirit of Nanzong.

There seems to be a power to break through obstacles in them.

They are like sharp knives that can pierce everything, they are like mountains, they are stable, and they are like waves, sweeping the world.

Luan Zhixiang didn't know how to describe the courage of the Nanzong people.

No words could express the shock in his heart.

If he asked Zhang Ke, Zhang Ke would tell him that this was the change he had been expecting.

Man will conquer the sky!

We will never be submissive, we will only work hard!
Everything that doesn't kill us will eventually make us stronger!

This is a kind of spirit, a kind of concept, as long as it is carried out consistently, one day, we will stand at the top of the world.

Without mentioning the shock in Luan Zhixiang's heart, Zhenjun Weiyang said:

"Fellow Daoist Ruyi, I don't understand something and I want to ask for advice."


Zhenjun Weiyang considered his words and asked:

"We are all practitioners, and the ultimate goal of practice is to transcend ourselves.

I see that the sect of fellow daoists seems to be deeply involved with ordinary people. Will such a deep entanglement of cause and effect affect the ascension of fellow daoists in the future? "

Zhenjun Tianya and Luan Zhixiang couldn't help turning their eyes to Zhang Ke.

The two of them also had similar doubts.

In the Azure Realm, there are many sects where practitioners and ordinary people live together.

But they have always maintained a state of inseparability from ordinary people.

When there are dangers and difficulties, practitioners will naturally help ordinary people, but this is a passive behavior.

Its purpose is only for the luck gathered by the beliefs of all beings.

The more advanced your cultivation is, the less you want to be too deeply involved with the world. Karma is like a thread. When you want to escape from the world and ascend, endless karma will entangle you and make you unable to escape.

Therefore, practitioners all over the world have a deep-rooted idea, that is, don't be too dry and worldly, which is extremely detrimental to practice.

But Zhenjun Weiyang discovered that the 'innate qi of the Southern Sect' was different.

The disciples of this sect seem to wish they could crush themselves into ordinary people and actively participate in the lives of ordinary people.

Although he didn't go deep into the big and small Penglai for a detailed understanding, Zhenjun Weiyang still faintly felt that there was a strange change taking place.

It's just that this kind of change can't be seen clearly like looking at flowers through fog, which makes him feel deeply curious.

'What exactly is Zhang Ke doing, and what is his ultimate goal? '

Zhang Ke laughed a couple of times with a 'hehe', and was about to answer when his expression changed suddenly.

"Looks like I've been found sneaking around here!"

Several people nearby also noticed the abnormality, and Qi Qi looked into the distance.

Two figures came through the air from a distance, one with metallic luster as the wings fluttered on the back of one, and countless gears meshing and rotating on the side of the other.

Suddenly, the two of them flew into the roof.

Zhang Ke got up and said with a smile:

"Let me introduce to you, these two fellow Taoists are Momen Lingyun and Fenghua fellow Taoists."

Then Luan Zhixiang and Zhenjun Weiyang were introduced to everyone.

After greeting each other, several people sat down.

Lingyun Zhenjun is impatient, so he said directly:

"Fellow Daoist Ruyi, this 'Baili Bridge' is still waiting for you to calculate its position. It's better for you to hide here and be lazy."

Zhang Ke smiled wryly and waved his hands again and again.

"The approximate calculation has been completed, judging from the current progress, I don't need to intervene for the time being.

It happened that a fellow Taoist came to visit, and I also had a rest. "

Zhenjun Lingyun was still waiting to speak, but Zhenjun Fenghua said:
"Fellow Taoist Ruyi has really worked hard recently, and it's worth taking an hour's rest."

Everyone couldn't help but smile, Fenghua Zhenjun seemed to be speaking for Zhang Ke, but he was actually urging Zhang Ke to work.

Luan Zhixiang was a little surprised.

Momen is a unique sect, and their practice is different from ordinary practitioners.

After embarking on the road of practice, the more thorough the understanding of things, the faster the speed of practice.

Even if it is a stone, the people of Momen can research a flower.

What they pursue is the essence of things!
In the eyes of Momen, practitioners in the world only rely on the vitality of the world to support their practice. Once the inspiration in the world fades, there may be no more practitioners in the world.

On the contrary, Momen relies on the analysis of the origin of things, even if the vitality of heaven and earth disappears, Momen will not decline.

Therefore, people in the Mohist sect have a dismissive attitude towards most practitioners.

This also led to the rejection of Momen by practitioners all over the world.

According to Zhang Ke's understanding, the people of Momen are like science students.

He has a high IQ, is good at technology, and has a slightly low EQ, otherwise he would never have said such a thing at this moment.

Luan Zhixiang had also been despised by members of the Mo Sect, so he understood the pride of the Mo Sect disciples.

That's why I was surprised by Lingyun and Fenghua Zhenjun's attitude towards Zhang Ke.

Being able to get the two True Monarchs to come and accuse him just shows his recognition of Zhang Ke.

Fenghua Zhenjun urged, and then asked curiously:

"What are you guys talking about?"

Zhenjun Weiyang stated his question again.

Ling Yun and Feng Hua couldn't help being interested.

It is indeed a little different for the 'Congenital Southern Sect' to fully integrate itself into the secular world.

Ling Yun and Feng Hua also discussed this matter secretly.

In the past, among the practice sects in the world, only the Mo sect had frequent contact with the secular world.

Therefore, the two of them were also a little curious about why Zhang Ke did this.

Zhang Ke smiled, served tea for everyone, and spoke slowly.

"Fellow Daoist Weiyang mentioned one thing just now, that is, once the causal relationship with the secular world is too deep, it may be detrimental to Ascension in the future, but does this mean?"

Zhenjun Weiyang nodded and said:
"Cause and effect are like threads, the deeper they are involved, the more entangled they are, the harder it is to break free. This is a common theory."

Zhenjun Tianya also said:

"That's right. We are practitioners. What we pursue is to transcend ourselves and be at ease. It's not my intention to be in a cage."

Zhang Ke is an outstanding disciple who is rare in the sect for a thousand years. He didn't want Zhang Ke's path to be implicated by the world, so he gave a word of advice.

The others did not speak, but waited for Zhang Ke's answer with burning eyes.

Zhang Ke pondered for a moment and asked a question.

"Fellow daoists, I have been practicing for a short period of time, and there is one thing that I still haven't figured out."

He paused for a while, then continued:
"Fellow Weiyang mentioned ascension, so I would like to ask everyone, why do we have to ascend to other realms?"

Zhenjun Weiyang was stunned, and then explained:
"The end point of the practice in this world is the Taoist Lord, and there is no way to go up.

Only by ascending to the Great Thousand World can we continue to practice!
Although we may not be able to reach the realm of Daojun in this life, ascension is our hope! "

Zhang Ke looked up at the few people, and everyone took it for granted.

Obviously, for practitioners, ascension is the motivation for their practice.

Zhang Ke was silent. This was a conflict of ideas, almost irreconcilable.

He took a deep breath, and he decided to change everyone's deep-rooted thoughts, starting today.

"Everyone, I admit that the azure world is just a middle-thousand world, and Daojun is the end point of practice.


He turned his head to look at everyone present, and said word by word:
"But why don't we elevate this world to the Great Thousand Worlds?
In this way, we can continue to practice without leaving the place where we were born and raised! "

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of all five people present were shocked.

Zhenjun Weiyang lost his voice and said:
"How is this possible?

We are only in the middle thousand world, how can we be promoted to the great thousand world? "

Zhang Ke said slowly:
"We are practitioners, and cultivation is an act against the heavens.

We pursue longevity and immortality!
From the day we set foot on the road of practice, we have been fighting against our fate.

Building foundation, congenital, golden elixir, primordial spirit, daojun, daozun, tianzun!
Our cultivation level can be improved, so why can't this world be improved? "

'Boom——! '

Zhang Ke's words shook the hearts of the five like thunder.

'Can the Middle Thousand World be promoted to the Great Thousand World? '

They never thought about it.

From the beginning of practice, the teachings of the sect, the inheritance of the volumes, and the narrations of the fellows, have accumulated over time, and have been infected and influenced for a long time, making them imprison their thoughts.

Can the Middle Thousand World be promoted to the Great Thousand World?

Of course, there are people in Azure Realm who have been working hard for this.

Is the promotion of the sect to attract the secret realm from outside the territory, is it just to increase the size of the region?


It is to absorb the laws of different worlds and increase the background of the blue world, so that one day the blue world can be promoted to the Great Thousand World.

But this point has been ignored intentionally or unintentionally by most practitioners.

In essence, practitioners are an absolutely selfish group. For them, it would take an unknown number of years to promote the Azure Realm.

100 years, 1000 years or 1 years!

Waiting too long without hope is hopeless.

Therefore, they retreated and closed themselves invisibly.

They would rather pursue the illusory ascension than face this problem head-on.

But at this moment, Zhang Ke put this issue directly on the table.

Zhenjun Weiyang and the others were silent, they slowly chewed on Zhang Ke's question in their hearts.

'Since the realm can be improved, can the world be improved? '

Zhang Ke and the others thought for a while before opening their mouths again:

"The Great Thousand World is not as good as you imagined.

Everyone should know that during the sect's promotion mission, our sect brought a secret realm back to the Azure Realm.

Now, let me tell you some things that happened in that 'Mist Secret Realm'.

So that everyone can understand, what exactly is ascension?

And what is the truth about Ascension? "

(End of this chapter)

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